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Other urls found in this thread:


>No more fungus.

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Oh man, I love catfights.

>Larson is supposed to star in a total of seven movies and be the new face of the MCU, which is something to be seriously concerned about if the movie fails.

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Liz might actually be the perfect woman

I hope Thanos wins

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Larson shouldn't have Elizabeth on her bad side.
It wouldn't be the first time her sisters take care of another celebrity.

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>as one of the more powerful characters in the MCU

English isn't my first language, but isn't it "one of the most"?

I hate that the most entertaining parts of movies aren't the actual movies anymore but this is kind of fun.

>Believing any of this shit

How desperate do you have to be?

Who would win in a titfight?

>Captain Noass vs this
Oh no no no.

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Desperate for what though?

Why are they pushing for Brie anyway? She's boring as fuck. At least they should push fuccboi Holland as next face MCU as RDJ Jr errr RDJ the 3rd or shit like that.


Based and red pilled, trully the best olsen


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"as one of the more powerful" means that it c compares 2 parts less powerful and more powerful, which is more general

"one of the most" means that it could be 3 more more as in less powerful, powerful, very powerful, which is more specific

However to properly state where Scarlet Witch is in the Marvel-verse would be to give a precise numbered ranking.

From the article it reads "Regarding Elizabeth Olsen potentially being upset may also have some merit as her character was arguably being built up as one of the more powerful characters in the MCU, as Scarlet Witch's powers are derived from an Infinity Stone."

Having not seen Endgame there could be some plot point that could be greater than an infinity stone such as Ant-Man

It all depends on how the author decided to phrase his or her perspective on what the shape of the marvel-verse is.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


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It can't be, can it?

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While I wish for this to be true by all rights since liz is a cutie and larson can't act

Since when is 'a youtuber said' a valid source of news?

Why does he look like his buttplug is a taser in every photo?

Both are grammatically correct. "one of the most" is just more decisive language.

>unsourced rumour
into the trash it goes

I either want liz to take over, or much to burn.
Either is fine by me.


>Kevin and Brie
Which one’s which?

How does a titfight work?

she also hates Twin Peaks


Scarlet Witch is an unlikeable character


shit taste then

Truly patrician.



Based. Twin peaks is for autists.

Imagine being Scarlett Johansson
>been in the franchise since the beginning
>always been the female badass so badass doesn't even need powers to hold her own
>irl a vocal woman's rights advocate
>a decade building up to this supreme battle
>new ugly girl shows up to save the day with powers more powers than anyone and immediately gets bumped to leader status
>can't keep her political bullshit AWAY from movie bullshit turning hardcore fans against the franchise
>doesn't even care because it's new to her and just a paycheck
Probably stings

fucking based liz

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You put your dick inside the two tits, and they shake and jerk the dick.
First tit to cum win.

>I'm pretty much done with MCU after Endgame. I've gotten rid of my MCU collection already because I know the game is rigged. Infinity war should have won at least 2 Oscars. Instead, we got proper participation trophies for Black Panther at the Oscars. No way is that movie better than IW. IW was one of a kind. Years in the making and it was snubbed to pander to the "woke" community. This kind of favoritism and critic bias is poisonous and I'm done with their bullshit. Going forward I will support Legendary's Monsterverse instead. That's my new MCU.

lmao this reads like those faggots paying twitch thots and getting upset when they find out she has a bf

Olsen's are real, so clearly she wins.

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What language even is this? I feel like I had a stroke.

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based, fuck lynchfags. she is truly /our girl/

What's their power level?

these anons do not know what a titfight is


I unironically like this outfit for her better. It's simple and looks like it wouldn't take 2 hours getting into.

I like her twin peaks, if you know what I mean

>wouldn't be the first time her sisters take care of another celebrity
spoonfeed me plz

Over 90lbs (combined)

They are the ones who provided Heath Ledger with drugs, killing him indirectly.

What a bitch.

Cute. Wished she got her own solo movie instead of cheese fungus

Serbian I think, or something else from the Balkans

Wait I didn't know this. They really think she can replace Downie "Syndrome" Jr.?

It's fucking Star Wars all over again

She's canonically more powerful than Captain Marvel too.

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RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth and probably Jeremy Renner are all retiring.

I knew that the old cast had to go, I just didn't know they went all in on some literal nobody before even seeing how well received she is.

It's not like RDJ came into Iron Man expecting to be fronting a billion dollar franchise.

>Jeremy Renner
Yeah, I don't think anyone would even notice if he wasn't there anymore

Why is Brie Larson so fucking loud and unbearable? I already knew Endgame was the last capeshit I'd watch but I might drop out earlier


No bully Ren Ren

Just like SW they thought the PC card would work and everyone would like Rey more than the old cast. Should have went for Benedict Cumbersome, at least he's popular enough with everyone.

People didn't even notice that he literally wasn't there anymore in A3.

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This is my new favorite film site

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It says Sloboda, could be a location or a surname

Individually, they have about 9/10 the power of your average mortal human

However the closer they are to each other the more powerful they become. They are very likely equivalent to Merlin-levels with brief bouts of reality-warping when things get serious.

Twin Leaks is just an excuse for Lynch to film surreal bullshit, that absolute hack.

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Bull crap
They are pharmacologists and his drugs were all prescriptions

Same lol
Fuck Kevin Fag, I thought he had his head screwed on tight. He's probably an incel and got easily manipulated by Brie

I could see Cucumber pulling it off, just introduce an apprentice wizard for him played by Martin Freeman

People shit on Brie but the character she plays is even more stiff with the charisma of a potato. Prove me wrong

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You'd think Disney would have learned something after the backlash to nu-wars

They don't own Spidey though.

wait what? he wasn't in the movie? fuck i'm gonna have to watch it again

>an article full of theory, rumour and hyperbolic statements
go do a sex with a woman (female)

>one of the more powerful characters in the MCU, as Scarlet Witch's powers are derived from an Infinity Stone

Cap'n Marvel's powers come from the same Infinity Stone.

yes they do. Sony just has rights to the character for movies but Marvel retains ownership. part of their new deal with Sony allows Marvel to use the character but they probably have to suck some Jap cock every time they want to use him

I don't know why but I keep laughing at your comment. Cheers dude!

Based as fuck Scarlet Witch going all house of M on that bitch

Redpilled as fuck. I bet she also hate niggers.

So, you're saying they don't own the movie rights to Spidey. Thanks, you pedantic ass.


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>drugs were all prescriptions
Just because they are legal doesn't mean they can't kill you.
More people die from prescription drugs than from street drugs.

I'm team Olsen.

Just recast Captain Marvel like they did with /our guy/ Terrence Howard.

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Well, Scarlet Witch has caused two terrorist incidents in Africa already.
First when she let Hulk loose in Avengers 2, and then when she just blew up an entire building full of Africans in Civil War.

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>Iger is said to be "unhappy with the direction of Captain Marvel," and also "there is now an uncertainty about Captain Marvel's future in the MCU."

wtf I love CEO jews now

It's an ad for the Slobodan Milosevic world tour.

Only way they can save this is if:

>> Avengers Endgame Opens up
>> You see Captain Marvel say "Avengers! Assemble!"
>> You slowly see her disintegrate, mid sentence, look confused and start flailing wildly and screaming like a child
>> She gets dusted, but she leaves behind 10 weirdly shaped rocks
>> Avengers wonder why these 10 rocks were left behind
>> New plot line begins where they research these mysterious artifacts
>> Turns out they're 10 fungus infected toe-nails that Thanos couldn't even fucking get rid of
>> Movie goes on without mentioning her ever again

wtf #ImWithLiz

Kek. Fiege smiles like a psychopath. The Mouse did terrible things to him no doubt.

Sex scene with Audrey Plaza fucking when?

She looks like she fucks straight, white males.

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>yfw they change the ending of EndGame by CGI-ing Captain Marvel doing a kamikaze attack with Thanos throwing themselves inside some Star and blowing away

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Oh no.

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>The rumor claims that the Avengers cast, or certain members of the Avengers cast, is unhappy with Brie Larson being the face of the MCU going forward.

ARE unhappy. Terrible grammar = unreliable source.

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Yea it was written by a retard.

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>cm beats thanos
>takes the stones
>un-dusts the universe
>dusts herself in the progress
The hero we needed.

>First when she let Hulk loose in Avengers 2, and then when she just blew up an entire building full of Africans in Civil War.

Only casualties were black. I'd say she was already a hero!!!FACT!!!


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you just know that Liz jilled to Aubrey's masturbation vid
that was what the ass slap was all about

Now that I have learned thay Lesbians are an extremely unhappy demographic, I love them as a concept.
I always liked to idea of how loving and supportive two females must be, so it made me bitter because I can't even have that from one woman.
But to know that they're actually as miseable as me, regardless of that, makes me less bitter

>me on the left

You just know


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I know Feige gets mk-ultra'd in Room 101 at Disney HQ. Just look at those eyes.

She's not actually lesbian.
She had a boyfriend a few years ago.

I had gfs over the years and that doesn't make me straight.

She's robosexual.

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>Lesbian relationships have a greater propensity for incidents of domestic violence

>That's right.

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No you thick fuck Marvek owns ALL rights to the character but some of those rights have been leased out. There’s a big difference you fucking ignorant child

Her head has such a weird shape.

What a pleb.

>those feet
There goes no fap

>Brie Larson will be starring in seven Marvel movies and will be the face of the MCU


It's ovah for Mahvel!

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Fuck mutants and fuck mutant feet.

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>dat peach fuzz on the thighs

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but she's a mutant

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she wish he still had nose like this

rip in peace heat

hopefully the movie tanks and endgame takes a big enough hit that they rogue her non-ass in avengers 4 and she is left in a coma for her other movie appearances. rogue can milk some decent character development off ms. cheese

No in the MCU.

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What the fuck did (((they))) do to him?

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Vision referred to a "sufficient power source", implying something, or someone else. Not the mind stone.

The Disney Plus series, according to leaks, features an "evil spirit" summoned by Wanda.

Vision is emotionless when he comes back. Only way that can be fixed is Chthon, and you cannot have Vision emotionless throughout a series.

We see what may be Chthon's avatar The Other controing the scepter in the first Avengers movie.

If Agamotto and Oshtur had the Time Stone, Chthon, who is cleverer and more powerful than Agamotto and Oshtur, being a previous user of the Mind Stone is entirely feasible.

They should adapt part of that Doctor Strange story, with Wanda journeying into Chthon's dimension instead.

Pure. Fucking. Kino.

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not yet* but once disney has fox and xmen then they will have muties

Attached: Liz Olsen tits Captain Maerica Civil War.webm (1920x808, 1.05M)

The “is” in that sentence is referring to “the cast” which is singlular, making the sentence grammatically correct [spoilers]you retard[/spoilers]

I love aubrey, she is so cute. I hope she has a long and happy life

>[spoilers]you retard[/spoilers]

whats the source of that gif? that big fox is really funny haha


Attached: anon takes aubrey home.webm (1000x418, 1001K)

ellen paige forehead

That's Crash Bandicoot you degenerate furry retard

sweet milkies

She's a naughty girl.

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Oh god.

S-stop, user!
Trans people have feeling too, you know!?

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aubrey and liz need to do a buddy cop style movie in the mcu

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>To add to Olsen's possible frustration with Marvel, while Brie Larson will be starring in seven Marvel movies and will be the face of the MCU, Olsen is being relegated to a lower budget Disney Plus six to eight-episode streaming series along with Paul Bettany.

What an odd and poorly thought out decision

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I can feel his pain.


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so that's why they were those parachute dresses

This makes her even better

>A new rumor...


If she and Paul Bettany are actually being dumped into disney's online streaming shit then I'd be pissed too

>being this retarded

You are describing women in general user, not only lesbians. Why do you think domestic assault and unhappiness is so prevalent? With no men in there to force some sense into them, the animal woman completely and constantly looses it.

t, the most boring actor and hero in MCU

Widow leading the Avengers would be dope. I'd love more of a big sister/little sister dynamic with her and Wanda. Wanda was cute with Hawkeye, and I hope Renner stays on and gets a bigger role in the movies.

>With no men in there to force some sense into them
Of course there aren't, modern men are all a bunch of betas who, at most, pretend to be manly on the internet.

Hawkeye already tried to retire once. If his family gets undusted he's out for sure


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>Widow leading the Avengers would be dope.
Girl karate isnt a fucking super power

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A leader able to take a step back and be strategic whilst working in the shadows, only getting physically involved when absolutely necessary, would be a nice change of pace. Cap and Iron Man leading from the front by punching stuff is tiresome

>leader able to take a step back and be strategic whilst working in the shadows, only getting physically involved when absolutely necessary, would be a nice change of pace
So Batman?? Widow is more for espionage stuff not a tactical mastermind.

i dont remember her zipper pull down that far in the movie

based user on the left

>A leader able to take a step back and be strategic whilst working in the shadows, only getting physically involved when absolutely necessary, would be a nice change of pace.
But she's just some dumb bitch spy who does girl karate. You're talking about a fucking super genius who's father was a super genius, and a guy who lead a world war against super-AlexJones-nazis. See the different, cunt?

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Just here to remind everyone that cosmicbook.news is biased right wing clickbait. I'm on the right, but I hate circlejerking.

But she has spent years working alongside Cap, who is, and her role in the Avengers has been as more of a black ops soldier than a spy. Tactical thinking isn't outside her wheelhouse, and she's capable of big picture thinking as shown in The Winter Soldier. Nat is a natural to lead.

The usual routine: Eating dead babies and dick in the bum during the Black Mass.

See the helicopter scene at the end of Winter Soldier. Widow was unzipped pretty low.

>operator, yes I'd like to make a call

Perhaps.Natasha taking over makes more sense than Cap fungus barging in does

>she's capable of big picture thinking
>she's capable!

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High IQ Chadlord

Yea Forums on the left.

The post credits scene of Captain Marvel makes me feel all of these rumors are true.

The remaining Avengers are all sitting around messing with Fury’s Captain Marvel pager. It’s like they’re all just waiting for her to save them. And then she just shows up in their fortress and demands to know where Fury is.

It really does seem like they’re pushing aside the main characters just to cater to Captain Marvel.

The worst part and most insulting part of the whole thing was retconning Captain Marvel as the inspiration for the Avengers. No longer is Captain America the first. The movie takes a giant dump on him.

Oh no

It was a joke thread 2 days ago

It's not just Captain America. This is set in 1995, meaning Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne had already been fighting as superheros for SHIELD too.

Based as fuck, David Lynch is the Kojima of cinema.

> Feige is the only who has been backing Brie Larson
Her BJs must be great.

RIP noass

Why would you believe anything posted by Cosmic Book News? They've had an axe to grind over this movie for months.

Plus this article doesn't even quote Elizabeth Olsen. It just says MIGHT be upset because Captain Marvel has stronger powers than Scarlet Witch (I HIGHLY doubt she gives a shit) and she MIGHT be upset that Witch and Vision are going to be a Disney+ TV show, and presumably in less movies (which is possible). Either way, it's all just hearsay that Cosmic Book News probably pulled out of their ass.

>white male
Um... No, sweetie.

I think this is just BPD. The rest just comes from working at Disney. Hopefully a woke migrant from a 3rd world degree mill replaces him.

Look at Feige's eyes. He's completely damaged, a decade of capeshit destroyed him.

Just because the actress is a whore doesn't diminish the character. And arguably, her sex appeal helped bring Stark on board.

I always thought she was referred to as Fungus Larson because Brie is a cheese

Next up: Captain Marvel Cheese, ripened with Brie Larson's foot fungus.

Did they seriously expect that cardboard cutout to carry 7 movies
This should be called "doing a Roman Reigns"

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Killing your franchise with no survivors

I highly doubt Iger gives any fucks before he sees actual numbers



It seemed to me that they were really pushing Dr Strange and Black Panther as lead figures, who are much better choices really.

Imagine dedicating several years of your live to a cinematic universe arc, coming to view your castmates as a family almost to the level your characters do, only for a last-minute newcomer edgy brat to push you out of the limelight. I bet no one on set lkes her.

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As Cap would say, I could do her all day.

>She got the contract?
>Seven movies and she's the new face?
>Very well. Activate it.

>Pain and Panic

And Wasp will, along with Wanda, be relegated to a pointless cameo.

I think Endgame will be the last MCU movie we see with Wanda and Vision.

I'd love to see Wanda team up with Strange, but I have a bad feeling.

I think the characters going to Disney Plus is a one way street. You don't go back to the movies after that demotion.


She’s such an affectionate person


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I agree with their sentiment. These guys spend a dozen movies setting up the backstory and characters for a meaningful finale with characters people care about and then Captain Marvel is parachuted onto the whole franchise and steamrollers the story just because some executive wanted to push his feminist credentials in the wake of the Weinstein scandal.

Best part is, that after End Game it's over. I drop this shit then. It's end for all the great characters and beginning for Captain Meh and some other shit characters. And it's a good thing.

brainlet here
what the fuck is Disney Plus?

Disney's own Netflix.

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cringe and plebpilled

Well yeah, same goes for everything else he's ever made, user.
It's fun.

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hola reddito

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Never knew ducks have barbed tongues.


I want Lizzie-hugs cos they're the best hugs.

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Wew lads

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Trying so hard to seal the wetness musk between her thighs

I would put a bullet in between Kevin's eyes if I was her honestly, fucking bullshit
Hell if they made her the lead I'd be cool with it, fuck it give her a suit too just not fucking Brie "I can't act" Larson

It's better than some nobody coming out of nowhere that has absolutely no attachment to any of the characters so far and that no one who enjoys these movies has any emotional investment in and also adds no catharsis or weight to the climax suddenly becoming the entire face of the MCU
Literally ANY other character we've seen so far would've worked and if it HAD to be a woman for whatever reason that Black Widow is far from the worst choice

She and Bettany talked about a "deep-dive" Netflix style show while filming Infinity War.

I think it's Endgame, and movies after that, where she has got shafted.

The Scarlet Witch and Vision series writers room is apparently up and running btw.

Imagine how Bettany feels seeing Larson get to fly around and punch and blow shit up, while the Russo's nerfed Vision into the ground. T-thanks, guys.




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So uh... You think the twins... you know?
And you think they invited Elizabeth some times?

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Yes, multiple times.
And Liz probably cried every time.

brie cheese has mould on it

They look like earthbound enemies

>retconning Captain Marvel as the inspiration for the Avengers
tell me thats a fucking lie to bait unsuspecting anons. There's no fucking way they actually did that

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The Avenger initiative is what is in the background of the MCU from the very start in the post credit scene in Iron Man. In Captain Marvel Fury and Coulson literally lay the foundation of it after she fucks off, saying they will need "people like her" to fight off alien invasions and stuff like that, making the awful response to the invasion of New York their mistake. Generally the film is an absolute clusterfuck when one tries to fit it into the overarching MCU narrative. First alien contact? Captain Marvel. Aliens walking among us? Captain Marvel. I'm building a team: Captain Marvel. I'll have her on call: Captain Marvel.
Where was she when they launched nukes onto their biggest city to fight of the alien invaders?

>Yea Forums creates a rumor
>literal who site reports on that rumor
>gets reposted on Yea Forums as real news

yep, they're touting this unpopular character nobody likes as the inspiration for a that's been around since the 60's (at least in the comics).

Formaggio e funghi