Attached: trannyrising.jpg (1500x999, 157K)

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wtf they casted the church shooter guy?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what I’m looking at here? Is this an advert for some mid budget telanovela

they broke dylan out of prison because they needed an experienced killer

Have sex


they keep saying how bad de-aging CGI is
dolf lundgren there looks fucking fine. i dont see what the fuss is about.

This the new tranny tactic?

Gentlemen, next target acquired

It's impossible to not laugh until you're out of breath in these threads

Get high

>>Sarah Conner
Wow, they are going all out in trying to destroy one of the greatest female characters ever.
I hate they are dragging her through this SJW filth.

Attached: 4361F93B-68FB-4347-A5D3-FB33CF575857.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

absolute UNIT

she was always an sjw character. cameron is the definition of a bleeding heart liberal.

Attached: herminator6.jpg (800x765, 249K)

>men in film
>women: wah we do not feel represented
>everything is okay
>women in film
>men: eh im not watching this. i dont feel represented
>Why Straight White Males Are The Reason For The Downfall of The Seventh Art

Not the problem here. This whole project looks like straight up trash.

kek i thought i was the only one

>Have sex
this meme is lame. try harder.

>sticking my pristine virgin penor inside a whore's diseased rotting demon cunt
no fucking thanks

This meme is so funny but so stale. What a unique trait.

why James Cameron is obsessed with lead female character? Ripley, Sarah, Neytiri, etc.

It's a sci-fi trope, honey.

or maybe he's an incel

I cant not see the middle one as a white kpop guy that someone shopped tits on

Already have though. Why do I keep seeing this retarded meme everywhere?

discord trannies are mad their feminist horseshit movie is trash


Attached: wot.jpg (460x922, 117K)

A cute guy or an ugly woman, aka schrödingers trap

The sequel for Terminator 2
Ignores T3, Salvation and Genysis

You fuckers told me David Bowie was dead

They kill John Connor off and call it the actual official sequel to T2. That’s a good way to piss off what’s remaining of your fan base.

Captain marvel gets lots of hate and so will make a billion dollars, these fags are trying to replicate that lolol

Yeah, no

keked heartily

funny how secrets travel

new Twilight movie looks kinda interesting

Who’s the guy in the middle?

masculinity bad
being weak is powerful

>it's real

Attached: 1548745335347.png (545x753, 1.07M)



Reminder that the only way to enjoy the Terminator franchise is to watch T1 and T2 with the alternate ending where Judgement Day never happens

The fuck you gonna do with a rebar, shotgun and, what, fucking smoke or flash grenades?
Are they suppressing civilian rebellions?

Well since it's a terminator, I assume a lot of damage.

>Cambodian maid
>Cool wine aunt

So I take it John Connor is dead, just like the franchise

Attached: MV5BMmM4MDYzZjktYTYxMC00MWUwLThjOTUtNWQ4NWM1M2UxZmZjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x739, 77K)

Another future feminist flop.

Doesn't it look exactly like a TV movie poster?

>>Cambodian maid
that's not something you want
they're not only thieves, but more stupid than you could possibly imagine
t. thai looking for reliable servants

I guess the rumors were true, Bee Armitage stopped taking HRT and went back to being a dude.

Attached: bee armitage.jpg (320x480, 23K)

Attached: cool wine aunt.png (598x288, 205K)

Why not just use your hands then

>timeline changed john conner becomes Joan Conner.

Tomboys are scientifically proven to be best girls.

Who's the specimen in the middle?

It can't be

You'd think so, but when my old crush cut her hair short, curled it like a man's and bulked up her arms it looked like her boyfriend was on the receiving end of a gay relationship.

Attached: 1532404805122.jpg (363x463, 38K)

it's 6th terminator movie, Terminator 3 (2)

:ooks like some shitty Walking Dead promo image

God it's going to be so fucking bad

>Why are there female protagonists in a James Cameron/Terminator film?
Big think.

please someone put the boomer face on that sarah connor

Terminator has always been about strong women.

Attached: 1533290595536.png (243x218, 81K)

This but unironically

I wasn't being ironic.

They could've just had Linda Hamilton on the poster and no one would've said anything bcuz she's an established character.