What's your favorite spaceship from television or film?

What's your favorite spaceship from television or film?

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95% of the ships in that image look fucking stupid, what's up with that?

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for me it's the space baguette

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when you're in space aerodynamics don't matter and your ship can look like whatever you want it to be

The Enterprise and Slave I, TIE Fighter because I love the noise. Boring yeah.

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Wouldve been cool to see vader commanding this behemoth in revenge of the sith

mandator republic dreadnought

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>no High Charity
>no Mantles Approach
How are they gonna include Halo but not the biggest spess ships or even the rings?

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I think it's fucking neat that mon calamari spaceships were disguised as underwater skyscrapers to fool the Empire

imagine being so much of a freakin soiboi that this is how you spend your time, discussing fictional spacecraft in order of their size lol like wtf is wrong with you??? get some perspective... and preferably a job

what about you?

I mean it's either the X-Wing or the Millennium Falcon that wins, literally nothing else even compete with that.
I'd say Falcon, what were you expecting to be the choice.

>all that phallic symbolism
lol... boys....

I was talking about them purely aestheticly.

Also if you think that in real life that shape doesnt matter you are a retard, it has a massive effect especially on a warship.

I like the Ha'tak from Stargate. The pyramid theme is both goofy and actually cool at the same time.

How do you know the ships in OP's pic haven't been designed for maximum combat capability at the cost of aesthetics?

Starbug. It's made out of the same stuff as black box flight recorders.

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Who gives a fuck what that reddit nigger thinks?

Both of those would dwarf everything on the image. Even a CSO supercarrier would be retardly big to put on.

Doesn't stop people from doing just that.
Not only does this dwarf every ship on that image, it could destroy every ship pictured at the same time.

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Long and narrow is the optimal shape for a spaceship, prove me wrong.

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Warhammer 40k wins everything

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Especially at being the gayest series made for manchildren who have no taste or sense of perspective.

Wins at being an unoriginal series for manchildren that lifted a shit ton of its basic setting ideas from Dune, yeah.

Red Dwarf mate

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The Kelvin Timeline ships, Enterprise, Narada, Vengeance. Say what you want about the movies but the ships look amazing.
And then I'd say the OT Millennium Falcon.

intrepid class starship (ie. voyager)
advanced as fuck innit
warp speed
space torpedos
little scout ship things
all sorts

White retards designed them

almost fell asleep reading the first culture book. thought it was annoying as fuck with its needlessly long ass segments like
>30 pages of running through a maze
>30 pages of trying to land on a boat
>30 pages of running away from a nuke
>30 pages of a guy's thoughts while he's tied to a log
>30 pages of a stupid retarded card game and what the audience is doing during it

absolutely fucking boring and pointless. the actual worldbuilding and dialogue related to the culture-idrian war was pretty interesting sci-fi but i couldn't handle all the pulpy adventure novel tier elements. is the series different in subsequent books or is it pretty much the same way? i've stopped reading it for now but i'd pick it up again if it gets better

The Destiny from SGU. It's a rusty bucket but I love the way it's been wondering around space alone for thousands of years and refuels into the stars. It's poetic.

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...also the observation deck is the comfiest place on the ship.

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Always liked the design and concept of Lexx

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Bring Sajuuk to bear
Bring Sajuuk to bear
Bring Sajuuk to bear

I remember when I looked into it, they had an upper limit on size. Otherwise there are some ships that are like the size of galaxies in fiction, you have to cut it off somewhere.

>ships that are like the size of galaxies in fiction
like what?

The Event Horizon.

I can't get into sci-fi, closest thing I enjoy is cyberpunk. Any help?

diamond age by neal stephenson

It's shit, don't bother

That's a yikes from me, dude.

The aesthetic of the classic Imperial Star Destroyer is hard to beat.

Have sex.

While I'm flattered by the suggestion I'm not into orgies, desu

Gloriana Class Battleship

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Hate that shaky-cam bullshit tho.