What the fuck is wrong with "critics"?

what the fuck is wrong with "critics"?

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Other urls found in this thread:


be fair, not all critics are weeb

Nothing, they get paid to do a job, which is to rate Disney products highly

fpbp OP btfo time to make a new thread about Rotten Tomatoes amirite sneeed


well, yeah

How much did I miss out by not seeing Alita in imax?

The chance of a lifetime

Yep, it was a cinematic event on the scale of Avatar and now you'll never get to experience it.

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that's the reason only critics matter.

These review bombed and upvoted bot reviews sure seem legit to me

They're good at their job, most at least, that's what's "wrong."

i think it's wise to NEVER trust critic scores when it comes to blockbuster movies or ones with SJW agendas busting at the seams.

You REALLY fucked up.



Never trust a critic

>23k mostly positive votes in four weeks of release
>58k mostly negatives votes hours after it's been released

checks out man, what's to doubt

They objectively analyze movies instead of using their own insecurities and gut drive their opinions.

For as much as you guys claim to hate this bitch and her movie you sure do make a point of keeping her on the front page at all times for everyone to see. I'm sure that's not the intention, but I've seen more free advertising for this film than anywhere else on the internet and tv combined. Is this what they call "rent free"?

Bullshit. They don't give a fuck about objectivity, just their next paycheck.


Tranny talking about the plight of women. What?

Stop reading the Tomatometer you fucking brainlet, it doesn't mean shit.

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Critics are for the most part marketers. They're paid to hype up certain movies and give them favorable, or sometimes unfavorable reciews id they're from a rival.


While true, they do accept free review copies, behind the stage access, luncheons, and other perks that goes away if they piss Them off.

>the captain marvel audience score is legit we're not brigading it honest who would do that
>already has more votes than infinity war


How long till they pull a "Next Time Baby" on Brie Larson?

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A lot of Youtubers who I would have thought would be shills actually panned the movie. Which either means they’re honest or the movie was so bad they can’t lie to their audience.


Sony, Japan, & DC win again. How does it feel being humiliated again MCU faggots. Hahahaah

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It's almost as if critics judge a movie by it's actual merits and quality, while incels spam audience reviews with a console war mentality.

Alita is dogshit too
This just in audiences and critics don't mean anything

You are all constantly talking about capeshit
fuck you all to hell

Apparently the OG avengers cast fucking hate her and are pissed she's about to be RDJ2.
Audiences hate her because of her obnoxious political grandstanding.
I really really hope she tanks the whole MCU so we can have normal movies to watch again.

>average rating is 5.94
>meter is 59%
this makes sense

>average rating is 6.89
>meter is 81%
this does not make sense

this is brilliant, lets get this rolling out on the front page of the papers tomorrow. We'll get big bucks from the mouse, positive ratings from our usual readership demographic, AND clicks on our website from the other side getting outraged about it while sharing the article around.

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>people paid to prop up films are right
>consumers are wrong
just like they review bombed last jedi amirite?
Maybe, just maybe, the people are right and your movies fucking suck dick.

And get moved up in the search engines if they play ball... for YouTubers, as good as handing them money.

Everyone? Even ScarJo?

Problem with rotten tomatoes is the binary option instead of just averaging the damn score and displaying it.

Top kek

blame /pol/incels trying to turn children's movies and games into le cultural war

I'm not sure about the details, but yeah, nobody can fucking stand her.
Can you blame them? You build up this billion dollar franchise, and some random holier-than-thou literalwho takes it over and starts spewing political crap people can't stand anymore.
It's bad PR and people are tired of being called evil and wasteful and sexist and racist by hypocrite millionaires who don't practice what they preach.


Its fun to shit post faggot

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>thinking ronan, yon, and their crews were going to go toe to toe with Ms. Marvel
>a change in pace to the typical "villian with the same shit the hero has but he evil"
>Ronan pissing his pants fleeing while Yon getting fucked silly instead
At this rate Shazam will be CM
How does this make you feel?
I'm starting to look forward to that movie, bravo

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stop blaming /pol/ for your films being trash.
It's fucking sad.
>shitty video game releases
>shitty movie releases

grow the fuck up and stop vehemently defending garbage media with no substance


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you forgot aquaman, you faggot

I searched up on Twitter "Captain Marvel Rotten Tomatoes" this comes up.

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You live in a fucking bubble, everyone in hollywood is liberal faggot.
They don't give one shit

No one said anything about trash films/vidya, weak deflection

It's their job. You can literally pay them.

A 6/10 gives you a fresh, anything below gives you a rotten. If you get 10 6/10 and 10 0/10, you will have a 50% fresh meter even though you have a 3/10 average rating.

capeshit is trash, this still is literally being brigaded though, it's not even out worldwide and already has more ratings than infinity war. they're obsessed with this movie.

You on the other hand do it for free


oh no no no


Even r*ddit admits this is a meh film putting politics aside. Like just standalone it's really fucking boring.

it really isn't. It's just fucking shit.

When you have THAT much of a disconnect between """critics""", and the audience, and it happens so consistently, all it does is highlight the entire charade. Whats the point? Just....just stop.

It is being brigaded. It's all over youtube

But reddit is the reason theres been 30 of these shit movies made user, they praise them always
most are complete and utter shit

That isn't how it actually works a 3/5 review doesn't count as positive on RT
idk how any of you don't know this but they only count 3.5/5 star reviews or above as positive

More people saw Captain Marvel.
Just accept that your movie isn’t loved.

>and the audience

it's a concocted narrative spun as a marketing tactic
literally how /pol/ chooses their media. You really are no better.



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critics don't matter. Audiences do.
If it's all le nazis fault, how come the theaters are fucking empty too?
Did right wing death squads clear them out?

>just accept it
No thanks, I'll stick to believing in the facts.

stay mad, incel
critics are qualified to talk about movies. you're just some frustrated retard in a taiwanese pig roasting board.
also: everyone knows you faggots are spamming reviews without having even seen the movie lmao

I just got out of seeing Captain Marvel. I saw it in a brand new theater on a Friday night in Seoul.
Bear in mind, Koreans love Marvel movies. And yet, here's a pic of the audience. As you can see, the theater is quite empty...
I hope Disney isn't expecting a giant global hit with this film. The rest of the world outside of America doesn't care about "feminism empowerment". They don't wanna see frumpy Carol Danvers, they wanna see buff shirtless Steve Rogers and Thor.

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>critics don't matter. Audiences do.
Hahaha I can smell the capeshit on you
No one cares about plebeian mongrels

I have a wife dude. Your movie is simply shit, and Yea Forums hasn't done real raids in forever.
You're a third rate propagandist who shifts blame towards innocent people and you really should feel bad about yourself.

>Yea Forums hasn't done real raids in forever.
No one said it was Yea Forums doing it. Are you illiterate?

>selected opinions on a website are facts

The fact RT only choose english-spoking critics just show they don't give a fuck about foreign markets, where movies like Alita or Pacific Rim are liked

so, why are you mad that "plebeian mongrels" don't want to watch your film, they don't matter either way, right?
Take the L and move on, you sap.

As expected from based asia, marvel won't care unless its feminist propaganda does well in america and MAYBE some damage in china, everywhere else including my shithole isn't important

>so, why are you mad that "plebeian mongrels" don't want to watch your film
I'm not, fuck all capeshit
Your side makes all these threads, you need to fuck off

yeah, but some decentralized group of 'alt-right incels who hate wahmen' sure is.
get a clue you fucking moron

They are owned by the mouse so they have to rate it fresh. Even when you read a lot of the fresh reviews they are saying it's boring, but they had to give it a decent score because they don't want to make any waves.


They're paid shills. What do you expect?

we're not talking about capeshit per se, but the omnipresent problem of useless critics who view themselves above the audience.
Keep your arguments consistent or fuck off mousefag. You're an amateur who gets paid to bicker online but I do it for free due to autism.
I can go all day fren

No, just edgy teens who do what their e-celeb tell them to. You know, these people with six-to-seven figure subscriber counts?

>'alt-right incels who hate wahmen'
Who are you quoting?

>That isn't how it actually works a 3/5 review doesn't count as positive on RT
>idk how any of you don't know this but they only count 3.5/5 star reviews or above as positive
I'm pretty sure that's only for audience reviews.
Pro reviews start positive at 3/5.

I don't give a fuck what you're talking about you retarded mongrel, I care about this shit >be capeshitter
>gets called out
>"no no no you're the capeshitter! you're the capeshitter! mousefag"
Just kill yourself and get it over with.

how come they didn't reviewbomb other movies with similar thematics?
Right because you're a paid shill spinning a marketing tactic dependant on controversy.
Fuck off loser.

Hey guys, I hate SJWs as much as anybody, but maybe /pol/ has gone too far. Think about it, they gave this movie bad reviews for no reason, and now SJWs are just like 'ya ok, whatever, we enjoy our lives and are level headed' and /pol/ is like 'REEEEE' when you think about it, /pol/ is the bad guy.

Why should they? What a pathetic attempt at deflection. So which youtuber sent you here, zoomer? Are you donating to his patreon?

81% is already pretty low for a MCU film.

If it drops below 80% it's gonna be closer to iron man 2 than black panther or wonder woman.

/pol/ here.
holy shit you people truly are basket cases.

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>free advertising
The mouse pays me $5 per shitpost

That's rich coming from /pol/

it's okay user, the reviewbombing incels definitively exist and I'm sure Chris Zuckmann or whoever the fuck sent them.
there there.

>I'm pretty sure that's only for audience reviews.
And that's what everyone was aping about for years now
The Last Jedi audience score doesn't count a 3/5 as being positive
and neither does any movie's audience score
Doesn't that just seem fucking stupid?
Fuck this entire website an all movie aggregate sites

Yeah you are probably right, we should all go see Disney's Captain Marvel, in theaters now


It's okay user, I'm sure the critics are being paid by Soros and le (((Deep State)))
t. mouse shill 'spinning a marketing tactic dependant on controversy'

yeah it is when even fucking Nazis think you're crazy

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Movies that used to be great would get 81% That's a high score. The problem is all the trash movies the last 10 years that have gotten in the 80s or 90s have made zoomers think every movie needs to get above an 80 or it's shit.

Freshly made oc.

Attached: captain marvel rt score.png (630x427, 271K)

/pol/ aren't just nazis and with that filename, you're not /pol/

jesus fucking christ dude

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Pic related: two /pol/ users attempting to give this movie a bad review to fit their evil agenda

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>he's a slavnigger
gg no re

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I source my image macros off google, you autist, and /pol/ generally tends to favor a National Socialist sentiment.
fuck off to t_d or /ptg/ MIGApede

Remember you need to remove 20% from the critics score to get the appropriate score for MCU movies.


Then just hope that the score drops 2% more and the film will be doomed amongst zoomers.

Then we won't have to witness Thanos getting yas kween'd and marvel shoving it down our throats.

I hope at least.

top critic reviews (the ones paid by Disney) are worth more to the score than regular reviewers

I think it's more likely that the critics on a Disney owned website are biased than the audience.
You're fucking crazy, man.

/pol/incels will deny this but it's the truth
pages and pages of nothing but videos crying about captain marvel
inceltubers crying about disney an entire industry at this point

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They have an agenda.

>critics are qualified to talk about movies

Who, the clickbait peddlers that blame misogynist trolls for everything? The blue checkmark retards on twitter that think a CGI fest is going to unshackle the enslaved women from The Drumpf Regime? Some faggot who got an arts degree and gets hired out by various blog sites to dribble shit about movies? Movie critics dont have any value you faggot. Go hire a Cereal Critic to tell you what to eat for breakfast and a Toilet Paper Critic to tell you how to wipe your ass

>you're just some frustrated retard in a taiwanese pig roasting board

And you're just some frustrated retard defending Giant Corportate Money Printing Venture #003279 on a taiwanese pig roasting board


Whatever happened to calling people Russian Bots, at least that was funny

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If you're doing anything but laughing at stinky Brie Larson right now you don't belong on Yea Forums. I sincerely think you would have more fun on Reddit.

RT is owned by Warner Bros., not Disney. Get your facts straight, slav.

>be the 1st female avenger whose been here since phase 1
>never get your own movie
>some stuck up bitch comes in and gets her own movie
>shes also the most powerful and bestest hero ever and you have to do what she says now
Id be fucking pissed too.

maybe disney should make better films then

Oh no no no no no...

>2/4 review gives a rotten score
>2/4 review gives a fresh score
this does not make sense

That's a nice speech but I'll stick a critic's opinion over some random capeshitter's tbqhwu

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sure thing sweetie

What the FUCK

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Things are so fucked up movies that get in the 50s-70s are usually better than the 80s and 90s nowadays

I mean I enjoy shitting on CM as much as the next incel but thats some next level obsession right there.

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>trumpkek calling other NPCs
lmao fucking loser

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But that's wrong, nigger.
Fresh and Rotten are independent from the numerical score, both are decided by the critic in question.

Look it up if you don't believe me. The truth hurts doesn't it?

Are there really pro nu-feminism boys on this board right now? Are you the ones that always post blacked.com threads and hate Sneed?

They went to college in a non-stem field.

Reminder this is the channel is the one that went on and on and on for over a year crying about the last jedi

and the owner of the channel is a bing bing consuming
marvel consuming
white hick retard

if you wanna troll this shit tier channel just say the last jedi was great and better than every marvel movie

They are all just larping

you know what? I'm gonna prove you right and go give it a shit score right now.
bye snookums

Because the critics aren't white faggots doing review bombs?

Holy shit youtube was a mistake

Have sex

Alita was a movie about growing up and proper parenting, with an actually good character arc. Captain Marvel was a story about how we shouldn't give up with a character who was overpowered from the start and had zero struggle throughout the movie, completely watering down the climax. How any hack of a critic could ever rate Marvel better than Alita is beyond me

I'm black and I think this movie is hot garbage
what now?

>can't handle the truth
>runs away
K bye baby

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That channel has the same opinions as 80% of the posts on this reddipol board from the last 2-4 years

>*gives it another shit score*

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>Cobra Kai season 2
Aww yeaaahhh

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It's that faggot and his subscribers spamming this board, that's why.

I've literally never heard of that shovelware channel before this thread

Really now all these Marvel shitty movies getting these crazy ratings, is there anyone who can't understand the critics are disneydrones?


They are all cancer that buy marvel merchandise and shit

n-no it's le angery nazi youtibe incels I swear

>trumpkek calling other NPCs
Every single last jedi hating geeks and gamer tard

I can't tell if this is an ironic parody post. We are on so many levels of irony and insanity regarding what people actually believe that I can't tell the difference anymore

The people who watch them genuinely have rated bad ones very well for years and years and years theres no stopping it.

>youtube don't real


>131k subscribers
Jesus Christ who are these people?

Do you really think that?

that would be what clickbait sites call the "gamergate crowd"

Captain Marvel is a genuine bad movie.
Anyone that calls the movie for what it is, makes that person an incel? I know you are baiting, but that is the excuse the media is now using.
Even The Mary Sue said all bad scores came from man, even tho a big portion of female critics gave a bad score to this movie.

Are females also incels in some way for the simple fact that they gave a bad movie a bad score?
Why aren't the "professional" critics called incels for giving Alita a low score? Do they hate female heroes or something?

It's mainly star wars manbaby shitskins and ugly white people that hated on the last jedi who consume marvel and dc

Let's say captain marvel underperforms or don't live up to expectations, how bad the shitstorm inside Marvel will be? Who is gonna get their ass fucked hard by the mouse?

Larson wont get big role in next ones

Phase 4 is put on hiatus

women hate each other

So basically, critics are cucks.


Cucks with access privileges though.

Kevin Faggy has had too many victories at this point to get castigated by the mouse. Even if Captain Marvel underperforms, it will still get a sequel. But it will be directed by another cog director. And Endgame will feature the version of the movie with less Carol scenes.

have a sex

explain the next time baby meme please

Same shit happen to Last Jedi and Solo. No heads will roll cause that will give the impression that Disney failed.
They will however do damage control and instead of firing people turning this into a public circus, Disney will instead cancel future Captain Marvel movies and most likely, change Endgame in a way where Captain Marvel is downplayed in the movie for a secondary role.

Same shit happen with Star Wars after propagandist The Last Jedi and Solo failed.
Jabba, Boba Fett movies canceled. Rian Johnson trilogy probably canned as well.
A shit ton of tv series now in coma as a response for the well bellow profits both TLJ and Solo generated.

They still made a shit ton of made, but making a shit ton of money no longer matters. You need to make more or just as much as you promised to investors, something that clearly didn't happen with the last Star Wars movies. And what will probably happen to Captain Marvel


They're gonna churn out these movies for 50 years if they can get away with it

The Mandalorian has just wrapped filming
You seem to not be up to date

Brie Larson will be recast by Don Cheadle in the next Captain Marvel adventure.

Too far into production to be cancelled when Solo flopped.

No details, for obvious reasons many actors who have connection with insiders want to keep their identity unknown. But many insiders, blue checked, credible insiders with said connections said exactly that.
Many actors dislike her, many actors dislike how marvel and disney is grabbing this actress, this characters with the intention of making her the face of this decades old series, casting a shadow to other older and more present actors/characters that, until now were the face of the series. A character that came out of fucking nowhere.

It doesn't help the fact that the character and the actress has no charisma which makes things even worst and hard to swallow.
Having such a damaging character being the face of the expanded universe, a franchise with such a long running legacy, is being receive with a lot of hostility.
It isn't just the fans that hate her. The cast and crew hate as well.

But disney wants their wonder woman.

>But disney wants their wonder woman.
Unironically the wooden Gal Gadot has more charisma than her.

You seem to forget all the other movies cancelled as a response to the poor figures Solo pulled.
Wasn't the Obi Wan movie also cancelled after the flop of the two recent Star Wars movies?
My guess is, according to , The Mandalorian was finished cause it was far into production to have its plug pulled.

But even with the movie finished, I highly doubt Disney will pull to much money to market it.
I rarely hear people talking about that movie, even from well known Disney shills

pick one

It wasn't announced until December 2017. They didn't have Favreau attached as producer until 2018.

>Wasn't the Obi Wan movie also cancelled after the flop of the two recent Star Wars movies?
No. It never existed to begin with.
The Boba Fett movie was cancelled however.


Captain Marvel is shit too but "professional" critics saw no restriction into giving Captain Marvel a good score but were more "honest" with Alita review.
I mean, we all know why critics gave Captain Marvel a good score, unless you are either too dumb or naive to see reality.
And this review scores are another clear example of media bias.

Both films, average/bad, get treated differently simply because of outside influence. Disney has more money after all.

You missed the chance to watch a good movie in imax.
I hope this romantic story marks the beginning of the postmodern retreat from the cinema.

The duality of man

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still doesnt show the user score for me

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down to 32%

You didn't see the movie did you

Critic score is also down. Was 83 yesterday.
It's 81 now. I just want to at least reach the 79%. Go below 80% as it deserves.

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kek. Captain Fungus

And not going.
Marvel for ten years fed me by shit from a shovel.

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Body odor is empowering females now, didn't you hear?

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>tfw you haven't watched any marvel movie since iron man 2

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I mean, I honestly think they should have made a Black Captain Marvel. Or a likable actress.

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neither are good movies

How long until RT simply disables Audience scores because Disney can't handle criticism and just calls it review bombing every time?
Like, its just unthinkable that anyone could not like this movie. If you leave a negative review you can't be doing anything other than trolling.

how low can the user score go? 20?

They should just leave the fresh/rotten percentages, it's the only way to control de narrative at this point.

>critics don't matter. Audiences do.
>If it's all le nazis fault, how come the theaters are fucking empty too?
Alita must not be very good then since its theaters were fucking empty too



because it's anime bobody asked for
This is a major MCU flick that's supposed to turn the universe upside down, and it's gonna get outgrossed by fuckin Ant Man


Star Wars should have been enough evidence that these retards are worthless. I don't even think they are paid shills necessarily (there is definitely paid damage control in the press though), I think they are just your average liberal numale dumbfuck who somehow received the title "critic".

Literal human cattle.


Both pretty shit movies to be fair

>pissed she's about to be RDJ2
Full story?

Feige wants to make her face of the MCU

not all people who prefer Alita over CM are weebs
I rather watch an action movie by people who have skill at it (Cameron / Rodriguez)
CM is made by two rando tv directors and get special points because she's the chosen feminist hero of the Marvel religion

>Brie shits on white males
>white males shit on Brie
the absolute state of things

Wow, someone bought reviews on the internet!
Never heard of such indignity!

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Lmao fucking SJWs and trannies seething

>tfw you haven't watched a single marvel movie since iron man 1

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alita is kind of a movie for children and early teens, marvel is okay tier superhero movie #32

critics nailed it, audience is stupid.

Have sex

32% now

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sure thing Mouse.

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Alita already made profit and is at 400m dollars now.
Stay triggered, sweaty.

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Anyone seen captain marvel?
Can a high test white alpha male watch it without cringing?

True hero.

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>the people we paid to give good reviews nailed it but the people who pay is to watch it are stupid
you are correct, narcissistic rodent. Thank you for acknowledging my intelligence.

>enjoying their lives

Most sjw’s are tyrannies who have serious mental disorders. Not to mention very high suicide rates.

There is literally no good or bad guys in this. Both sides are equally retarded.

Oh man looks like you liberal c*ckolds are in the minority. Go to your subreddits, you're about to get shat on for days.

what i meant was that both movies arent good but alita was extremely cringe inducing and made no sense at all at times. my suspension of disbelief was stressed hard and the teen love thing was so set up and obvious and unbelievable and didnt fit to the plot it was too much for me. wasnt as bad in cap marvel.

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You're the type of person that post is making fun of, I think.

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Johnson is absolutely pathetic, Jesus Christ

So this is an obvious bombing from people upset at the actress? I'm going to watch it later today and form my own opinion. This kind of shit is going to cause RT to change how their system works.


>wasting time and money watching this rancid garbage
Lmao at least you’ll have the theater for yourself

when an adult likes childrens movies there is something wrong with him, regardless of intelligence or conflict of interest with movie companies.

Put me in the mary sue article, dawg!

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I sincerely hope these threads don't convince anyone to actually pay to see the movie just to see what all the shitposting is about.

Cameron / Rodriguez renowned action directors, cinematography by Bill Pope (The Matrix), cutting edge visuals by Weta, score by Junkie XL
the movie did have some bad lines but it's a quality blockbuster made by people who know what they are doing
CM is a Marvel product by two no name TV director, without style, without flavor, a pile of junk made for people who follow the Marvel like a religion without discernment and who know nothing about movie making

>under 500 million
kekarooni its budget was massive

I was too busy with work and missed my chance to see it with my buddies, they played it in IMAX only for 3 weeks here and now Captain Marvel took all the spots.

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>Alita shills are still putting Cameron first even though he was off making Space Pocahontas 2

ummmmaybe they can get laid. sorry not sorry nazi

idk it's still not on the level of that peloton shit
that shit is advertised every 5 minutes on tv, everyfuckingwhere on maintream sites and by everyone with a social media account, it seems
it also is immune to all ad blockers I know about. That shit is whacked, yo!

To be honest Alita isn't that bad. It sure does have a lot of anime feel. Personally I think the movie is on par with some early 00's cape movies like Spiderman. Also superheroe movies get retarded fast enough but critics don't seem to mind for some reason.

>getting laid with the grim reaper
Dab on that :^)

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I think the difference between this time and Star Wars is back during the Star Wars controversy the left was pumped to fight, this time they're tired and know its a genuinely bad film. They'd rather focus on shit like Trump.

that wasnt my point. i ve just left the movie with the feeling that i should have read the manga its based on before to fill all the plot holes the movie had because it was extremely confusing to me and the mix between anime and live action in the artstyle was a very bad choice and just adds to the confusion. if they go for live real action they should have made it more realistic or explained/showed more, but they didnt.

the film may be good on a technical level but setting, plot and characters made no sense and i didnt like the artstyle.

so sorry at cameron, rodriguez, bill pope (the matrix) and cutting edge visuals by weta and some junkie exl guy who apparently is some big guy.

you definitely should be sorry you thought CM was better

Sure, OP.

lmao btfo

Holy kek. This actually explains everything. Fucking zoomers.

I plan to watch Shazam too. Not sure what you're getting at.

Art critic is the dumbest profession you could possibly have. You're getting paid to give your shitty opinion on something subjective. Then if you do it enough people will start paying you to give good or bad reviews making your shitty opinions not really even your opinions anymore. It's a useless field and I hope one day all professional critics are laughed out of existence. Personal reviews only mean anything at all after you look at several and take the average from all of them.

this is objectively true

I'd watch that

>Also superheroe movies get retarded fast enough but critics don't seem to mind for some reason.
because we already know the universe so that retarded shit is known, has been explained away in great detail for decades now and so isnt a eye brow raiser anymore. its different with alita which is from a setting nobody knows anything about. and the movie does a poor job at explaining its retarded shit so its a constant source of irritation and confusion.

alita is suppossedly a battle automaton from mars in a scifi universe, but she is built like a sex doll android for weebs and obviously made to look and feel human, she is also the daughter of a human couple (wtf??), has full AI and is controlled by emotions like a teenager. and although she is apparently hot shit from som esuper advanced society nobody around gives a fuck and everybody including herself acts as if she is human. then she is supposed to have no memories of herself but knows language and social behavior like an expert.

all of that was too much for me. maybe it all makes sense if you know the manga, but it didnt in the film.

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>I don't want white men's opinions

>alita is suppossedly a battle automaton from mars in a scifi universe, but she is built like a sex doll android for weebs and obviously made to look and feel human, she is also the daughter of a human couple (wtf??), has full AI and is controlled by emotions like a teenager. and although she is apparently hot shit from som esuper advanced society nobody around gives a fuck and everybody including herself acts as if she is human.
She is human you retard, she has a human brain. It's like you missed the first 15 minutes of the movie and then got mad that your assumptions were wrong. She's NOT an AI, she acts like a teenage girl because she has the brain of one.

>this persons subjective opinion is wrong
>my subjective opinion is right

She's the new main hero, stronger then any other character and main person of the upcoming Avengers movie according to Feige.

>131k subscribers
ok that explains the review bombing
they're bragging about it in the comments

What's wrong with "audience"

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Sounds to me like the film didn't make sense to you because you weren't paying attention, most of what you brought up is either addressed in the film or completely wrong.


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>She is human you retard, she has a human brain
then why is she also a "berserker" battle mech from mars with that special weapon suit? we see her fighting on the moon for fucks sake. and her parents are supposed to be from the hovering city in the air on earth which apparently is an enemy of the mars faction that built her. sry it absolutely makes no sense to me.

the movie is just shoving too much weird crap in to your face.

>then why is she also a "berserker" battle mech from mars with that special weapon suit?
Simple really, they took the spine and the brain out of her organic body and put it inside a robot body.
>and her parents are supposed to be from the hovering city in the air on earth
Nope, movie never once made that claim.

Kek you made the manchildren angry

>then why is she also a "berserker" battle mech from mars with that special weapon suit?
What do you mean by this? She isn't the berserker body, she just know how to use it because she's from mars, she just had the ship take her head+neck from Ido's daughter's body and installed it in the berserker body for her.

> and her parents are supposed to be from the hovering city in the air on earth
I don't even know where you got this from

> which apparently is an enemy of the mars faction that built her
yes that's correct

TLJ made over a billion dollars and its still a massive flop according to Yea Forums logic.

No, you didn't see Alita you retard

>ordinary girl
Fucking shit tier bait go back to Yea Forumseddit

I hope your brain damage heals soon user.

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>Nope, movie never once made that claim.
the nazi guy and his ex-wife said they are exiles from the city in the air

>Simple really, they took the spine and the brain out of her organic body and put it inside a robot body.
ok, but then why would you do that with a girl in her early teens and not just soldiers and why give her the android body of an early teen girl that can even mimic drinking but still looks artificial enough to be recognizable as a nonhuman. why not create a cyborg body that actually looks like it can fight, with weapon systems and shit, you know.

and then again why take a girl from the enemy faction to do that?

sry, but the movie just leaves me with questions over questions.

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>t. hasn't seen Alita

Ok so let me explain it to you
>Alita was born on Mars where she got a cyborg body and trained in the Martian way of war
>Mars goes to war with Earth
>Alita is on a mission to storm the mission and kill Nova

>Fast forward 300 years where the doctor finds Alita in the scrapyard
>Before the doctor found Alita he had a cyborg body built for his crippled daughter but she died before he could move her into the body so he uses the body for Alita instead
Get it now? The berserk body is the fighting body

Actually, they have. Are you always this retarded?

>the nazi guy and his ex-wife said they are exiles from the city in the air
You're just proving that you weren't paying attention at all. They weren't her parents.



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holy fuck. this guy needs a therapist.

>The berserk body is the fighting body
then why does it have almost the exact same form as the body he created for his daughter and why does the head that was created on mars lool like it is from a 13 year old girl? why is the suit made after the body of a 13 old girl. if it were meant for battle it should look like a mech.

then why does he treat her like a girl? (like his girl) she is a military cyborg from the enemy faction with damaged memory, shouldnt he be extremely cautious? shouldnt everyone around be cautious as fuck and being weirded out by her?

>So this is an obvious bombing from people upset at the actress?

Still not 100% sure why people were mad at her. Her 'it wasn't made for you' thing wasn't about Captain Marvel. It's an out of context quote taken when she was talking about A Wrinkle in Time, a movie expressly made for a young black female audience.

"Critics" are an extension of the marketing department of major studios
If there's lots of advertising and a lot of pre-release exclusive press screenings and merch, they're gonna shill it
On top of most critics having ONLY seen hollywood blockbusters for the past twenty years


What is wrong with the plebeians?

Dont ever listen to weebs. They are nerds too stupid to have taste.

yeah and "audience" is a crowd of angry incels that sperg over brie larsons twitter comments.

Still waiting on that Mad Max sequel... it made hundreds of millions.... what that? Making a profit is not enough? It under-performed (and is shit-canned forever)?!?!

Its because the tomato system is completely retarded and massively amplifies middling scores.

If a movie gets universal 6/10s it will be 100% fresh.

No ALT shilling today after yesterday's pump and dump?

Fucking lel I went to the marvel subreddit and they are having a huge sook about it
Imagine being so fragile that you're reduced to tears because people sincerely hate your movie

That would be a problem since a lot of critics would differ on the metrics and a 5/10 would be average while another would qualify 5/10 as bad. In the end either you go watch a movie, either you don't. Reducing the score to a binary makes more sense since the option is binary.

>is a crowd of angry incels
t. Brianna "Hey remember gamergate?" Wu

agreed which is why the only capeshit i've ever enjoyed is deadpool. It was rated R and matched my mature adult sensibilities.

>then why does it have almost the exact same form as the body he created for his daughter and why does the head that was created on mars lool like it is from a 13 year old girl?
It doesn't though.

>why does the head that was created on mars lool like it is from a 13 year old girl?
Because she was a teenage girl.

>why is the suit made after the body of a 13 old girl.
It's not though.

>then why does he treat her like a girl? (like his girl)
because it's in his nature to help people, which is why he runs a clinic in the first place.

>shouldnt everyone around be cautious as fuck and being weirded out by her?
Only a few people know she's from Mars and that's because she told them herself or they were with her at the ship when she got the berserker body. The latter were a bit weirded out but they quickly got over it because the fall was hundreds of years ago so they thought it wouldn't matter and they don't know the details anyway.

I swear you have brain damage or something.

So why did A Wrinkle In Time get bad reviews?

There's not much to it apart from the visuals

>It doesn't though.
it does

>Because she was a teenage girl.
why the fuck would you military cyborg teenage girls?

>It's not though.
it is. the berserker body has the same size and proportions as the one she got from that doctor eedo guy. it even features female early teen breasts dude...

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So what would have happened if Brie Larson had never said anything retarded? Just old regular "fuck this new capeshit" threads?

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> a woman not opening her big yap to give you her opinion of everything.


Probably would've just been Wonder Woman 2.0

>In the end either you go watch a movie, either you don't.
yeah but watching it, liking it and scoring it based on system are 3 different things. also you can watch a movie several times.


Because a Wrinkle in Time was an intentional loss
They can write it off so they don't pay taxes this year

>us congressional candidate

Wu lad

>any time a man directs a movie about a woman that features an intense misandrist marketing campaign and shitting on casual moviegoers there's backlash in the form of public discussion and people not paying to see it
>"fucking toxic males we need to make laws against this remember gamergate please im trying to stay relevant!"

>missing the point this bad

Reminder that even if your female superhero movie isn't that good, as long as your lead actress doesn't shit on its main audience, people will probably enjoy it.

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To all the plebs in this thread who haven’t seen Alita yet it’s still in theaters. On the tiny chance it’s still onIMAX where you live, it was filmed for 3D IMAX. Absolutely beautiful fairy tale movie.

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its a childrens movie that cant decide wheter it wants to be an anime or live action. also tons of unexplained stuff from the manga its based on so confusion galore.

They legit don't understand the hypocrisy. They don't understand their mere existence undermines their efforts.

the 3d is worthless
there's only one time in the movie it was used to effect and the glasses simultaneously make the movie darker and grayer

nope. its a carefully autistic blending of the source material by Cameron with his own grandiose depiction of a girl's growth, from her infancy in the opening scenes, to childhood, to rebelling against her father, to living up to the highest ideals planted in her by him and her finding her own sense of identity (a new body), all while slaying monsters and showing that her strength is her moral character. its no coincidence that theres Christian religious imagery in the movie with alita looking like mary in the pieta when she finds her second body, like jesus holding his heart out when she gives her heart to hugo, or by stating that she would give her life for another in a climactic scene in a church, which is the whole "no greater love has one for another than to give ones own life" thing. in sum, Cameron crafted a modern fairytale with a care that you fail to appreciate.

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Going on a third Tinder date to see Captain Marvel and I'm FUCKING stoked. She's even buying the tickets.


>t. james cameron

Yeah it was pretty amazing. The imax combat was sick