U.S. Congressional Candidate Calls for Govt. Legislation In Response to Bad Captain Marvel Reviews


>U.S. congressional candidate Brianna Wu says the government has a role to play in the fight against Internet trolls, a stance inspired in part by the backlash against Marvel Studios’ female-led Captain Marvel.

>“It’s kind of a familiar story at this point, right? We were here with Ghostbusters — it seems like any time a woman steps forward and tries to put her toe in the water for a male-dominated field, we’re right back here. It’s so frustrating,” Wu said on Bloomberg Technology, citing the controversy that surrounded Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot.

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wait, that tranny nosferatu freak is in congress? what the fuck?

>let's waste taxpayers' money because mouse can't market shit to save its movie
Sounds legit

Not woth my wife, Alita, though

>Brianna Wu
You could vote for him on the ballets

how about the government does something about paid critics and shills defending a bad movie ? Or even better tell the fucking actors not to alienate the fan base that made the comics and movies even possible.

imagine voting these people into office, and later the presidency,

“we need to do something about russia, sometimes they say mean things”

“france doesnt like the things i like”

“india didnt answer my text”

you think trump is fucking childish? just imagine

Man, I sure do love Corporate Product. Corporate Product empowers minorities. Corporate Product is fresh and fierce. I love you, Corporate Product. Please don't blacklist me.

oh wait, its THAT brianna wu? nevermind this is a nonstory.

>Brianna Wu


Lol. It seems when stupid raging feminazis insult all men and declare they are taking something away from them (they were proud they ruined an all male GB cast) people don't buy tickets and those who do shit on what's been proven to be an INFERIOR movie. I wonder what people will say when a movie comes out that shits on women like they do men. Will the response to negative criticism be reversed? Yup.

candidate. i feel like she might have a chance since there's jew hating muslim lawmakers now.



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"She" ran in a democratic primary and lost.

John Walker Flynt is a man.

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Movie making is private industry, what the fuck does the government care if a product fails?
Are they gonna legislate against poor reviews of phones or cars?
>You can't dislike the new iPhone
>By law you must buy it, and like it, and give it positive reviews

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Candidate you dumb fucking nigger.

>what we got here?
>they gave Captain Marvel a rotten rating
>my god
>i know, listen im gonna say he...it charged me with a knife ok?
>you got it serge, let's do this

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Brianna Who?

I find it funny that the current wave of feminism and sjw's was started by dudes dressing up as women and then telling women what to do by claiming to be women

>Brianna Wu is trying to be relevant again
I don’t like reruns

the survivor of Gabbagoo

>actually the son of Larry Flynt
lord help us, why have you forsaken us?

>be a man
>put on a wig and try to steal the spotlight from women in their battle for feminisn
Rofl do feminists like trannies? Isn't this the worst kind of 'mansplaining'?

TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) hate trannies basically for the reason you outlined; they're men trying to steal the spotlight from women and trying to invade female spaces.
TERFs aren't exactly based though, just marginally less insane than normie feminists.
Here in Bongland TERFs have been taken into custody for """ misgendering""" trannies.

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They got espn to shill for them

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And times now

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Terfs just sound like normal women who are onto the game the trannies are playing. I don't like labels and I'm sure that terf was something a tranny made up just to put anyone they don't like in a group.


>just marginally less insane than normie feminists.

They're usually the off the deep end kill all men militant lesbians types though. Broken Clocks and all that though.

>say people are just trolling and hate women
>movie comes out
>its actually kind of bad and brie sucks

hmm well, thats awkward

disney owns espn

espn is owned by disney


Social programming has a deep well of influence from the merchants expecting status quo behavior from wagies.

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. . .
Here I thought this was about legal action against poorly made media that ruins ideas and gives a political stance a bad view.


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>put her toe in the water
Big if true
Do you think it was intentional?

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deal with it, incels.

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Most normie feminists go along with the "intersectional" feminism that is being taken over by trannies. TERFs are generally heavily demonised in these circles. TERFs on the other hand tend to be man-hating nutjobs, but now that their focus is more and more on crazy trannies they become a bit more agreeable.

Depends on whether or not the iPhone currently has a pussy and/or dark complexion.

Do you burgers seriously have your politicians advocating for the repression of free speech in order to defend the interests of a multi-billion dollar entertainment conglomerate?

And people are taking it seriously?

What the fuck happened to you guys?

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why can't these people comprehend the gift of freedom and the power of the liberty of the individual
hate authoritarianism, hate the government, simple as

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So this guy decided to become a woman, then chose an asian last name, then accuse every one else of cultural appropriation?

Be quiet and open the borders for the peace loving Skrull refugees.

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Even my workplace is shilling for the mouse. Just received a workplace mass email about how empowering and feminist captain marvel is. Virginia's become quite the hellhole.

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>U.S. congressional candidate Brianna Wu

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the uglyness of the english working class people.

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>woman steps forward and tries to put her toe in the water for a male-dominated field
>and tries to put her toe
>her toe

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It's just some former game developer tranny sperging. Ignore it.

There is so much more important things to be doing than fighting against the internet you dumb bitch

Briana Wu was the first Discord tranny.

>TERFs aren't exactly based though
They're not based at all. They're just as misandric as other feminists. The only difference is they won't shut up and git their teeth as men play pretend, benefiting from all the special privileges (paid for by men) that they fought so women can enjoy.

feminists stop being misandric after a good dicking.
The whole movement is basically begging for Chad to smack them straight.

Nah she got like 15% or less of the vote in her district and barely campaigned at all. Anyone can run for office, it doesn't mean you are intelligent or qualified.

>Brianna Wu
people are still giving attention to that deranged tranny?

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>marginally less insane than normie feminists
Less insane, but not less vicious. These cunts talk about putting males in zoos and lowering male population to a minimal necessary level for reproduction. They just oppose trannies because they hate males so much that they don't want to share anything with them. I won't cry a tear for them.


You faggots seriously need to stop doing this.


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>Here in Bongland TERFs have been taken into custody for """ misgendering""" trannies.
Kek. You built your bed, whores. Now time to lie in it.

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Based illiterate retard

John Flynt should fuck off from internet and media.

>The whole movement is basically begging for Chad to smack them straight.
Just fix divorce laws and make false rape accusations severely punishable. Literally the two best things that can be done for fertility rates. No underlying problem bullshit. No philosophical bullshit. No unnecessary debate about culture bullshit. Just do those two things.

well, shit, apparently i'm a gay pedophile now. do I just... kill myself now or should I stick around til at least 2020 to vote for trump again?

>US congressional candidate
>Brianna Wu
Why does (s)he keep up with that delusion

To prevent Elon Musk from sitting on the moon and throwing rocks at earth

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>rocks dropped from the moon
brian wu really is retarded isn't he

How moonbased Elon will brand his moonrocks? BoulderX?

No she isnt, just unedicated and has the knowledge of a low sales comic book writer.



How can you be this dense

Husband is asian

>chops his dick off and plays pretend as an adult
>not retarded

This tbqh no one cares that Milla Jovovich started in 6 (S I X) Resident Evil movies that grossed over a billion dollars. But because the mouse is run by incompetent fuck ups it's time to regulate free speech

Sounds like a good plan desu

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these communists stop at no limits

>is a man
No. It's a freak. A man doesn't mutilate his body.

WW is a fantastic counter to this, why is that never brought up?

Could it be because it negates the arguement completely?

>her toe in the water
fuck, this can't be real

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Its a common term user.


USAF had flew over the fucking theater with 6 F-16's. 22k per flight hour per plane to promote this trashfire. Based pretty close, at Nellis AFB, so just about hour or so to fly to LA and back. 150k well spent tax dollars.

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To be fair, in terms of the universe, the moon is just a stone throw away from Earth.

>is a man

Let's not get crazy here.

>briana wu
what a fucking nostalgia trip hadn´t heard that name since the vivian days

Read some Heinlein, nigger.

>brianna wu still hasn't commited suicide

lol transphobics btfo

Sarcasm detected, consumer-citizen.
Explain in 30 seconds or face termination.

>brianna "moonlord" wu

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If the mouse wanted to market this movie properly, they should have just told Brie to shut her fucking mouth when she started spouting that third wave feminism bullshit. She has done this movie NO FAVORS

She has a point even though she’s retarded. Rods from God are serious kino weaponry and it wouldn’t take that much effort and money to feasibly bring them into use.