
Did Ricky make telekino?

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>no afterlife
how do you explain consciousness then?

He don't got a dog, he's got a cat called Ollie wot's got it's own room

what is this? dramedy?

i dunno why he keeps trotting this shit out

Oh wow another atheistic vanity project where religious concepts get subverted and deconstructed!

10/10 my friends on reddit and the guardian recommended it too!

More like Cringy Gervais.

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Do I even need to watch. Whole series is about him bring novacaine to Heaven in case he gets a toothache. Steve made desert island kino when he sent Karl to meet the Vanuatu people. Most cringe ever when he wouldn't take the mamba. Gaffer and a yam.

Biggest hack out there, I hope he dies soon

Doesn't look too bad
Seems like his Golden Globes persona except unhinged and suicidal. I can see a lot of "literally me" threads in the future.


dude he is like christ on a cross
he is an atheist
wow nice photo
made me....think....

We're all a part of a single cosmic entity experiencing itself subjectively.

ricky sucks without merchant's je ne sais quoi

Atheism is a religion istelf but they are too dumb to realize it. WHat kind of person goes around telling people God doesn't exist. Why would you preach agaisnt something you don't believe exists?
The truth is that these people are scared, and they seek comfort being among other faithless people like them. Eventually God will cancel Hell if nobody believes in Him, that would juts be a failed expriment and all sinners will be allowed back in Eden. Deep down that's hat they think, they're terrified of Hell.

The only think I like about Ricky Gervais is his laugh

I believe that unicorns and dragons don't exist. Is that a religion too? No? Moron.

... Oh, I thought this was a Kore-eda thread.

And rightly so, people who believe in God or god's should be mocked in the same way tin foil hat wearers are, grow up and stop pretending in sky daddy's.

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This. It literally ticks all the prerequisites of a religion.
>A set of core beliefs that go beyond "I don't believe in god"
>Actual spokepersons and evangelists
>organizations promoting disbelief
>have to read specific books in order to understand atheism
>dozens of flavors of atheism if you don't agree with the one you begin with

I think you completely missed his point.
Do you go around telling people that you believe that unicorns and dragons exist and call other people uneducated dumb, backwards, etc?

I agree. If reLIEgion didn't exist, we would live in a futuristic utopia where people don't work since we have machines for that and smoke weed all day and can date sweet sweet underage pussy and I wouldn't be a virgin like I am right now.

Or you might accept the religion and maybe you wouldn't be so bitter

>Do you go around telling people that you believe that unicorns and dragons exist
No. Do you have a point? I said that I don't believe in unicorns and dragons, why would I tell people that I do?

I would prefer to die than accept the idea of an old bearded man sitting on a cloud.
Would you believe me if I said a teapot was orbiting mars right now??
No, so shut up. Go abuse some more kids.

Oh yeas, you mean like China or Vietnam, the most atheist country in the world. they're doing so well for humanity.

or maybe not accept a lie like a cowardly CUNT

>the idea of an old bearded man sitting on a cloud.
>Dude, what is a metaphor?

>the idea of an old bearded man sitting on a cloud.
Sometimes I really think atheism comes down to low IQ and the inability to grasp abstract concepts like a supreme being of bigger dimensions.

Thanks man. I tip my fedora to you, good sir.

Those were not real atheists.

>Those were not real atheists.
Oh, and what's a real atheist?

Every thing you wrote is wrong. Atheism is not a religion. You don't need to take a leap of faith to NOT believe in fairy tales. There are no churches or rules. You don't have to read books to understand atheism. You're completely full of shit or tragically misinformed. You're also a samefag but I forgive you.

A real atheist is someone who destroys religion wherever it is. He destroys false belief, is master of his own fate, is educated, a snappy dresser and a good flirt and lover.
Atheists are also good people and charitable, wise and experienced. They are literally nice guys, and if you meet someone who is good and claims he believes in god, chances are he is a atheist that hides from the persecution of unbelievers, as atheistic pogroms still happen in first world countries.


They honestly couldn't put the effort to go out to a beach and take a photo for the cover of his show?
I hate that every show's cover is some shitty photoshop. It's so empty.



Honestly, yeah. People don't ask me often, mainly because I don't talk to people much but even then it's even more rare, but when the subject comes up I usually extol my belief that there is Active and Passive Atheism and Theism. Active Atheists being the ones what go around talking about it all the time, and Passive ones being those, like me, who could care less about anything, in a completely neutral to optimistic manner. All Active Atheists I've seen on tv are absolute pessimists, no exception.

But even then, I'm not fully atheistic because I still believe in an afterlife, because like everyone else I'm not scared of dying so much as nonexistence. I spend a lot of my time thinking about every single person who ever died living in a giant city together, like a mirror Earth but all one continent that's just a huge suburb, and then there's another continent that's just beaches and countryside where you'd go when you're tired of the city. Hogwash, sure, but comforting. More comforting than pretending the world is a simulation you can put skyrim mods on, or that you're internet famous, or an immortal who can clone themself and start a business of taking the piss in the 1800s only for it to become as big as Amazon. The usual ego fantasies.
But that's all they are, fantasy. Active Atheism is just Ego.

really problematic post


Thank you. It is good to see more of my atheist brethren outside of r/atheism and r/childfree.


who is that atheist cringemeister?

80 posts and none tell how to download...

how can your consciousness just cease to be?
I have no idea what that would even be like, to just not exist.
It's probably impossible, that's how I know I'm immortal.

It's not a bad setup doing a show based in the afterlife or where every desire of a person can be granted. It results in the story becoming based around the person's relationships with others and the inner conflicts they have due to their pasts.

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Literally me... except she's not dead, she's still alive and she fucks with my emotions all the time. Looks decent, though.

remember what it was like before you were born?

all these triggered chirstcucks...
>waaah, I want media to be a certain way that fits my world views and if you disagree you are wrong and stupid
conservatives are just as bad as Sjws

I don't, which just proves atheists are wrong.

It's one thing to hear Ricky go on with his cringe religion in an hour comedy special. But episodes? Fuck that shit

Who's going to watch this? Isn't the atheism fad over?

kys retard

It's been dead but this isn't really about atheism.

Nice cope. Atheism is as much a religion as any. You need to have blind faith in materialism to be an atheist. Materialism is your god, and he offers absolutely nothing.

The atheism fad has been dead for some years, when people realized evangelical disbelief is as cringy and annoying as evangelical belief.

Episode 1 is just...ok?

No thanks, the other shit he’s done for Netflix was godawful.

Based ricky

Also i could never understand why Yea Forums fags believe in god and hate atheism. Religious linatism is literally what stands against everything that regular 4chinner wants to have

>people who believe in God or god's should be mocked in the same way tin foil hat wearers are
But the tin foil hat guys were right all along.

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I think its may be because amerifats brainwashed by christianity
i remember watching Simpsons as a kid and being shocked that whole family was FORCED to visit church and it was a chore - in sitcoms father and son usually never want to visit it but do because god says so

>how can your consciousness just cease to be?
when your brain activity does the same

You didn't exist for the millions of years before you were born, it'll be the same as that again
Life is a sliver of light between two infinite darknesses

This quote always was so weird and wrong to me
From Se4ep3 - Homer the Heretic
>Marge: Homer, please don't make me choose between my man and my god because you just can't win.

This show is funded by satanists

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>>Sneed: Chuck, please don't make me choose between my seed and my feed because you just can't win.

If I laugh out loud every time I see this image, does that mean he's a good comic?

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Why is Jesus and Satan speaking in modern English instead of Hebrew?

I'm a theist but I'm grieving myself atm so I'll probably check it out.

You can't even prove that you were existing yesterday. You just woke up with the memories of the former consciousness, thinking you were here your whole life.

I like this. I'm glad we thought of it

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Wait, what you say is - "we die when we fall asleep"?

>Smerch's new film about fucking wrestling, making bank at the box office and loved by critics
>Ricky's cringe comedy using the same jokes from 2000s, left to waste away on Netflix

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>europeon is scared of christianity
No wonder, you guys get beheaded by wrongthink over there.

starts out he walks by the wife, bit of arse pinching n that.

so which version of you goes to that giant city, the senile, demented old version you've had before you died, or conveniently the one where you were at your peak mental and physical abilities?

Ricky's fanboys literally eat up the same shit for decades now and then they say "thank you give us more".

Ricky can't resist shitting on religious people in every show.

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Checkm8 8theists

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The fact that he went back to the Brent character (without Merchant), and basically just remade the Xmas specials, speaks volumes at how creatively bankrupt he is without him

I like the bit in the trailer when he called that child a "fat cunt' XD
You wouldn't normally say that to someone in real life XD. So brave and daring and funny. How does he come up with this stuff XD

Being atheist is an easy way. Most atheists didn't even read the bible. There's so much more atheists today so fellow 4channellers just being nonconformists

If there's no God there's no reason for Humans to even exist.

>there's no reason for Humans to even exist

We exist to pwn chriSTAINS and fundies

Why does there need to be a reason for us to exist? It's more likely that we are an accident in a universe without meaning

Intelligent design is infinitely more plausible than random chance

Atheists cant answer this simple question: how can something come from nothing?

>the great struggle of the believer
don't make me laugh. also both christfags and atheistfags can be obnoxious, smug little shits, as seen in this very thread

see lol

>retards who believe some shit made up by dirt farming Jews thousands of year ago
>atheists and antitheists

The only smart people are agnostics.

>an event so rare you're still mentioning the one time it happened 6 years later
>schools get shot up once a month in america
Worry about yourselves for once

No one is saying something came from nothing. Atheists are just saying it wasn't a magic man on a cloud

pathetic cunts who cant form their own opinion.

There's no other reason for this level of consciousness.

>Being atheist is an easy way.
being an atheist is a normal way
>reading bible
what next? believing in magical being in the sky?
what a fag

He finishes the day off with a bit of brandy... Only gets out of hand when he tries it on with the mrs. !

God exists outside of time (higher dimensions). That may seem fantastical, but again, that fantastical is infinitely more plausible than the universe suddenly existing.

Well its all the same thing. Intelligent design, God, prime mover. Lower dimension intelligence requires higher dimension intelligence.

t. bootlicking retard


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He's such an asshole.

Nothing wrong with atheism.
That guy however has sex with house cats.


>me dads mate had a monkey, he 'ad to thump it

They cast Paul Kaye, yeeeeii.

seriously where do I stream movies ? I am sick rn and cant be an expic gamer like I usually would kill time with, pls help

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>not being christian in 2019 Year of our Lord



You know this kind of television that makes you just feel good?

It's not that

that comes later

>tell how to download...

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Christians believe that God has always existed.

Both athiests and most Christians believe that the universe was formed during the big bang around 14 billion years ago. The difference between them is that Christians have their god to point to as to why this happened. Athiests don't have any reason.

Combined with the theory that the universe is expanding so fast that by the time it reaches entropy there is NO WAY it will ever contract to "bang" again... just how and why the fuck did it come to be in the first place?

I don't have the answer. But at least the Christians have AN answer.

> But at least the Christians have AN answer.
Technically it's a hypothesis since it can't be proved via the scientific method.

Ricky loves pleasing the Jews, doesn't he?

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still an answer

A conclusion isn't necessary an answer.

I don't think Gervais is disliked because he's an atheist, no one cares whether or not you believe in God. He's annoying to a lot of people because it's what defines his whole public persona and instead of just leaving it at "Okay, I'm an atheist" he continues to push it down the throat of every individual ever.

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This. There's ways to be a dick or not a dick, regardless of what you believe.

Carl Sagan and CS Lewis - athiest not a dick and Christian not a dick.

Ricky Gervais and door knocking Mormons - athiest dick and Christian dicks.

an answer is merely a response to a question. it doesn't matter if it's conclusive or incorrect or foolish or misguided. It's still an answer.

Yeah, I think this dude is confusing scientifically meaningful terms like "hypothesis" with normal english.

Depends on how you define it and the standard of conscious thought you apply it to.

>how can your consciousness just cease to be?
It happens every night when you go to sleep. There are long periods when you aren't dreaming and you aren't even aware of your own existence.

what i do is just like you know
you know what i mean haha

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>athiest dick and Christian dicks.
Muh centrism but at least you're getting closer to actual thought.

There is an absolute right answer to the question of whether a god exists and its perfectly fine for either side to debate the question until somebody comes up with proof. Life is struggle. There's nothing wrong with taking a side as long as you are willing to abandon it if the truth refutes your side.

Neither side is perfect. Atheists will tell you that trannies are normal and men can be women if they want and religious people think the Earth is way younger than it is. They both have dogma that is fucking stupid. The only answer is to seek out truth no matter what it means for any particular ideology or belief, even if you will never find the answers. It also means the truth will likely swing more in one extreme than the other, or a completely different 3rd position altogether.

If you aren't hated by religious people and atheists alike, you're probably not seeking out the truth, because both of them would be extremely mad at you.


No, Ricky Gervais is an insufferable pompous dickweed. He has never made anything worth watching but he sure as hell acts like he's god's gift to mankind.

This. Steve said just last week he’d like to work with Ricky again.

>he sure as nothing acts like he's nothing's gift to mankind


I purposefully used the line because he's so fucking uppity about being atheist. Seriously, I find angsty teenagers who decide there is no god less insufferable. At least they have the excuse of being young for their poor tact and self-important nature.

This dude has no excuse he literally thinks he's the smartest mother fucking in the room at all times.

>intelligent design
most of the time i just sit around on my ass
how is that intelligent design?

Why does ricky seem to think that there's a massive stigma against being athiest? In England it's much more uncommon to be religious.
What a pikey

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You know god isn't real, right?

when did he stop being a fat fuck



Is he actually a born again athiest or something? Did he wait until he hit 50 to start proselytising?

Doesn't matter one way or t'other to my gripe.


It isn't he just has a compulsion to feel like he's superior to everyone. If what he believes in is the norm then he's not a special.

it does though. Imagine if I suddenly started acting "uppity" and "insufferable" about how gremlins aren't real. Would you care? Of course not, because you weren't indoctrinated from childhood to believe gremlins exist, and you didn't spend a chunk of your life engaged in rituals to appease gremlins.

Fuck. This show about me? A few years ago my wife died in a car accident and the only thing that kept me going was my German Shepard.

Gremlins arent real? Holy shit

My point is, who the fuck cares. Religion served it's purpose. Whether you choose to still believe or not doesn't fucking matter. You can be an atheist and still talk about it in good taste. Out of celebrity atheist he's the only one I can think of that is so god damn smug about something most 16 year olds decide to believe. He acts like he is the first person to ever decide there is no god.

You are simply too stupid to understand my gripe. You think this is about me being annoyed that he doesn't believe in something I believe in, it isn't because frankly, I don't care.

>My point is, who the fuck cares
My point is you clearly do.

I don't.

I don't care if someone chooses to believe in God or doesn't. It doesn't effect me one way or the other. It's when ether side decides to act like they are superior because of their beliefs that I have a problem.

I have a problem with holier than thou Godheads.

I have a problem with smug as fuck atheist.

You think I have a problem with atheist. I don't.

Who are you trying to convince you don't care, me or you?

What the fuck are you two even arguing about.

Alright already, Ricky. We fucking get it, you're an atheist. You drove the point home like 15 years ago.

No wonder people are so fucking depressed and nihilistic these days when this fucker is their idol. Personally, I've taken the Pascal-pill.
If God does not exist, I will have only a finite loss (pleasures, luxury.), whereas I stand to receive infinite gains (Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (Hell).
Atheists are just a loose conglomerate of individuals wallowing in their own despair and pessimism whose only joy in life is to take said joy from others.


>massive stigma against being athiest

In other parts of the world, ofcourse he wouldnt dare explore that shit though.

He got really really rich off the Office royalties, hired a personal trainer, got super fit, started doing commercials and shit until his foot-in-mouth atheism made him too unpalatable for US audiences

He's not as fit today as he used to be, but nowhere near as fat either

I like how he's sucking in his belly and strategically tucked his love handles into his mom jeans.

He's so unbearable and cringe

That's like saying someone with Alzheimer's popped into reality at that moment cause he can't remember anything before it

Just cause we can't remember anything before our birth doesn't mean there wasn't anything


well, my point is every time gervais comes up on Yea Forums, there's always "That Guy" who just can't shut up about how much gervais' atheism doesn't matter to him, how much he wishes gervais would shut up about being atheist, about how cringy it is that gervais is an atheist, etc, etc, on and on, ceaselessly, with or without provocation. Then when called on this "That Guy" will claim to not be christian or believe in god. Which always smacks of total dishonesty whether "That Guy" realizes it or not.

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>Hell is other people
Christians were some of the most self-conscious/self-critical people in history.

alzheimer's unto itself is a pretty strong case against there being any sort of real significance to consciousness. For if a few rogue malformed proteins in specific places at specific times can utterly erase a person's life, how can someone claim that human awareness is some magical, shattering, limitless force in the universe?

Totally agree. The mind is an emergent properpty dependent upon the proper neurological and electrochemical functioning of the brain. Everything we know about the brain and mind points towards this. To believe in dualism is to be in denial of reality and what we are as human beings.

>no beforelife either

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Only retarded christcucks would argue that something unfathomable like a conscious being existing outside of time is more like than chance.

>making christcucks cry....again
based rick

Gervais is a
who has

Any question about him and his worldview should be answered by that.

Though he made a lot of perceived anti tranny jokes in his "Humanity" (Jewflix) standup.

How do I download and install the show using this code?

>mad at dad syndrome
Your life could've turned out better if you weren't such a loser.

>least intelligent, pol-infested board has a bunch of non-atheists


You should've dropped the "non-" would've been much more effective bait.

t r i g g e r e d
f a g g o t


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what kind of idiot has the patience to watch anything with a guy that does the same fucking character over and over since the early 2000s and acts like a little weird sad bitch at every ocasion?

its obvious by now that the mind behind the office uk - wich is worst than the american remake, deal with it fags - was stephan merchant.

gervais career will always be this pseudo edgy bullshit that no one cares and some roasting during the emmys...? is that it? dont follow this jerk off fest.

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What's more embarrassing: having the idea to pose for this photo or actually going through with it?

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Even Brits are sick of Richard


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you know for how popular discussions about afterlife and consciousness are, you'd think people would take the time to actually read up on the subject a bit instead of spouting retarded shit which has been shown as flawed by philosophers literally thousands of years ago


>eligious people think the Earth is way younger than it is.
It is, brainlet.

I like how this always comes from people saying people like descartes proved god has to exist.

if there's no significance to consciousness, you won't mind humanity destroying universe since it's meaningless. and we as the dominant species have the right to

I hope you're not refering to me that made that post


Holy shit what a fucking dual abortion of an anecdote. XFM version Karl is all excited, he's living his dream on radio, he's going to call up Benny and record a call...ah shit Benny will make him tape it, he'll have to edit, too hard. Then podcast is bowdlerized nonsense, Steve pretending he's never heard it.


I watched the first episode. Is this whole show just Ricky walking around acting like a cunt?

>implying that he is a clone
I get a upgrade, when I die.

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Currently on Episode 4.
There are funny moments, but they're few and far between, it's not that most jokes don't work it's that there's just aren't many jokes at all, they're all funny but there's only about 5 each episode. Enjoying it though, he toned down the 'tearjerker' shit from Derek by about 90% which is good.

I'm having a really hard time understanding the character though, The trailer made it seem like it was going to be him having a great time going around doing hilariously mean things to to get back at the world, but it just seems to be he tells people he's sad lots.

Making fun of christians is so easy. The guy pretends to be edgy but he's never made one joke about Muhammad pbhn.

I have no way of knowing. You didn't say either way and theres just as much philosophical proof of god as not.

He's never made a joke about Jesus of Nazareth, he won't even name his foe

>The only smart people are agnostics.
>doesn't even know that agnostic is not an alternative to atheist or theist

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He calls Jesus an asshole on this very show.

It's amazing that in two decades he hasn't come up with any new material.

Ricky Gervais makes me wish I could be religious.

This show isn’t about atheism. Why are you christcucks so obsessed with it?

You are fucking retarded

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Forgot getting pissed like a religious person when anyone says something bad about atheism


Ricky Gervais tells jokes that funny comedians don't.

religion needs to answer the same question you utter brainlet

it does answer the same question, by claiming god always is and always was.

I mean atheists could use that same cop-out but it's pointless

They can't, as the big bang theory can't explain what exploded to cause, ya know, everything. As that is literal metaphysics.

>can't explain
saying god did it is not explaining anything either

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saying god always is and always was literally and explicitly explains it. as far as their concerned.


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So ofensive. Wow.

>fedora tipping
man, ain't that shit a blast from the past.

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>149 filename

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i just finished watching it and enjoyed a lot. the first episode kinda made me cringe with how overblown "yeah i'm gonna just suicide lol" was but it really settles in better. probably his best since extras. scenes inside the journalist hq is very reminiscent of the office

joe wilkinson is great

Is this as pathetic as I think it is?

Bloody great mate

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no, it's one of his best yet. the cinematography is also surprisingly good

If God is good he'll let me slide for being a good person regardless of belief. If he's anal about that stuff I'd go to hell anyway for wearing mixed fabrics.

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pick wisely

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why is it set in a world without color

well, it was set in the UK after all

This scene can be misconstrued in so many ways lmao

>follow the rules and put the mail in the slot
>I don't care about the rules, give me the item off the kids menu

So is he intentionally a hypocritical cunt?

no, i assure you, there are plenty of coloureds here

ive seen plenty of adults order off the kids menu and not once has anyone kicked up a fuss

i preferred the koreeda one

shit user it's almost like this is a comedy

watched episode one, its typical Ricky Gervais shit but it still made me laff so ill keep going with an episode here and there

The fucking prostitute you idiot

sex worker you idiot