Brie Larson

Can someone explain why Disney would cast an openly racist (against white people) actress to lead a superhero movie? I could see this working 100 years in the future when white people are extinct. As a Disney shareholder I don't get it. There are hundreds of actresses that would have guaranteed this film makes 100 million more.

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Because Disney is run by women of color and ((((them))))

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You're really dumb if you think she actually hates white males. She's just a dumb cunt who thinks she had to be a rabid feminist to promote that movie. She ca't even grasp basic PC BS, she went full retard.

Her anti white tweets happened before casting. Why risk it? Disney has shareholders to answer to.

The head has to be bigger. Jaw’s fine


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>t. seething incel /pol/cuck



>You're really dumb if you think she actually hates white males.

SJW's unironically hate white males.
They just tolerate their votes and their money for the time being.

She doesn't strike me as a person you could have a really funny, friendly spitballing conversation with based on that Wired interview (only time I've seen her talk outside of the brief 'wrinkle in time wasn't made for white dudes!' thing). I can picture myself having a laugh with Evans, Holland, or one of the women like Johannson. This Larson woman? I'd have to step on eggshells lest I risk her flipping the fuck out over some perceived personal attack/sexism/racism/horseshit, etc.

Ummm try again sweetie. You cant be racist against whites

>openly racist (against white people)
not defending her just generally curious, what did she say that is racists?

How about trannies arguing on the internet?

She's she don't need no white man to tell her what Wrinkle in Time was like because it was intended for that demographic, that critics need to be less male and less pale, and probably some other shit I cannot remember.

Brie Larson, more like Pee Barfson.

>Fyck white people
-Rian Johnson

>racist (against white people)

o i am laffin

Michael Jackson and Feldmans kid?

Needs feminist crazy eyes

Liberal Jews like Feige quite literally are seething anti-white racists. This bitch is mk ultrated hard, and doesn't seem to have a single brain cell on her head.

SJWs don't hate anyone. They just see bashing white males and dismissing ideological counterarguments as "incel-russian-troll-mansplaining" as an opportunity to leverage their status in the hierarchy, exercise power over opponents and validate themselves as members of a tribe. That's called sociopathic status maximizing. The ones who geniunely believe all this shit are simply cannon fodder, the mob, useful idiots.

She won the Oscar when Charlotte Rampling got snubbed because campus sluts wanted to pretend they were raped, and Marvel promptly hired her when setting up future phases. Fast forward a couple years and #metoo's got all these subhuman faggot degenerates in Hollywood running around dodging and lobbing accusations of sexual harassment when everyone knows they're all soulless pimps and whores with no humanity or Godliness within them to justify all this kvetching and virtue signaling. So this bitch, who was probably just hired to test the waters with a bunch of new heroes, is now positioning herself as the leader of the avengers even though she's a literal fucking who in the universe. Hell, the members of the babby generation, like Spiderman and even Cassie Lang are more established and well-liked than this cunt. No wonder no one gives a shit about her. If they wanted a female icon they should've foregrounded Wanda. But this bitch is probably threatening to metoo Feige so instead they've ended up with this shit.

>You're really dumb if you think she actually hates white males.
You're fucking retarded, faggot.

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You made her too pretty

>why Disney would cast an openly racist (against white people)
Just like Taika Waititi and Tessa Thompson

>SJWs don't hate anyone
Sjw clearly hate white men.They constantly antagonist or outright be misandrist towards them for their "sexism" which is exaggerated wholly.Meanwhile the average feminist sjw ignores or will begrudgingly admit islam or muslims is sexist while downplaying it as fuck.

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>openly racist (against white people)

Who made this? Im dying here

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Some based user on here, I think.

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nothing that would imply that. incels are too sensitive

>rich attractive white woman hates on ALL white men, even the poor. ugly and ill ones
>she also can't shut up and let REAL minorities talk
>it's all about HER and HER feelfeels
>fuck real rape victims, she got asked her NUMBER by a MEN
>she's also the role model of poor little black girls now even though said black character was an adult in the comics and used the name of Captain Marvel BEFORE Carol Danvers
Old white men aren't the problem. It's rich withe people who are the problem.

>openly racist (against white people)
go get fucked and wank to more BLACKEDRAW whitey, its over for you

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But you post about "based" Mel Gibon and "based" Liam Neeson all day here for years you alt right incel

>openly racist (against white people)
Umm, sweetie I have bad news for you.

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>Oscar for best actress.

have sex

>oscar for best actress
Just like jlaw and stone, they all are shit actresses

it takes two to tango

nice cope, she was good in the room

Lmao imagine thinking racism is mean things someone said on Twitter. You guys are such pussies

Becase the Disney Corporation and racism goes hand in hand. The only difference is that racisms agains whitoids are more trendy.

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Every white man in this movie was a bad guy and every good charater was either a woman, black, both, or a refugee (!). Truly the most SJW movie i've ever seen.


Because they also hate men, there really isn't a better explanation.
>It's okay though because now we know how much they hate us we can hate them accordingly

Meanwhile the most SJW show ever (Supergirl) has become the most level-headed I have ever seen in years showing all sides of the issues and not making anyone "The" bad guy (not even the Trump/Bruce Boxleitner President).
tfw fucking Supergirl does feminism/racism/immigration/civil unrest/terrorism/Trump politics/trans characters right
Where is you God now, Marvel?

>people keep shilling Supernecklewd S4
>I give it a watch
>they're right about it all
>also: Supergirl Red Daughter b-plot Kino
Too bad the special effects are still shit and that crossover was lame as fuck. Good thing Legends of Kino Comedy gave it a hard pass.


>You're really dumb if you think she actually hates white males.
Then provide an argument instead of acting like a spastic

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