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Literally what the FUCK did she mean by this?

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Nothing. Lynch is JJ Abrams tier. He sets up mystery boxes and makes it seem like he's creating a coherent if complex surrealist story but in actuality he has no idea what any of his 1st year art film student imagery means himself. He's like an intellectual McDonalds serving pretension to brainlets.

that is no joke so fucki g hot by GOD
can someone tell me where i can stream this episode for free PLEAES!


i tried but its just linke me back to a sit cl chucks.fuck/sa]c


im going to bump

What does this have to do with Captain Marvel or Michael Jackson?

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She is calling the opposite of 911, so a malevolent emergency task force

Lana Rhoades final form, this one.

Friendly reminder that she's Chalfont and so is Janey-E


S3 was proof that he lost it a long time ago and why no one wants to finance his movies

there is a difference. While this does not make sense on a literal level it is enjoyable on an artistic level, like a video installation in an art museum. Might not be your kind of entertainment, but it is clearly a different league or even a different ballgame than plebshit.

States of Undress is unironically based. I love Hailey so much. That dirty dog Lynch defiled her for sure tho

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david lunch lol

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to be a fly on the wall while Lynch directed their sex scene