It wasn't THAT bad. Sorry for all the threads Yea Forums but there will probably be more. One joke lands well, some don't. And Brie is unironically cute with her bitch attitude. It's a CGI shitshow but aren't all Marvel movies?
It wasn't THAT bad. Sorry for all the threads Yea Forums but there will probably be more. One joke lands well...
Nice try Disney
I personally thought it was boring. I found myself closing my eyes a lot and just sort of daydreaming.
I actually don't have an issue with this being a below average movie, none of the recent phase movies have done it for me anyway but the fact that she's just going to fix everyone's problems for the big finale is ridiculous.
Nah. That many other anons are pointing out the negatives, I'm giving brie a break. I would say it's 10/10 if I was Disney
Okay, you convinced me. I'll torrent it a rip when the bluray comes out.
She is super saiyan. Yeah, at one point I just wanted the info dump to shut up and get to the action
Wtf i love shitty films now
Thanks for making me see the light mouse shill
I second this notion.
The cat is also the Lovecraft Yea Forums has been searching for
Why is her thumb that long?
No you wouldn't, Disney
Didn't notice it. Congratulations, you can pick on her thumb now
And yes, kek, I'm just a girl song is in the movie
Are you serious?
I can't even remember the last time I thought "who gives a shit?" so many times during a movie
Lmao, dead serious. It's 2 hours of everything you can think of from the 90's. Nice credits song though, don't know the name
>Brie is unironically cute with her bitch attitude
Spoken like a true Western white faggot.
I think Eva Green would be a cool MCU Death
Celebrity Skin by Hole
Thanks, I guess it's just a nice guitar riff
Kill yourself
Fuck yourself
Of course it's not THAT bad.
Deserved 4.5/10.
Seriously damage control from the mouse paid shills. They went from "it'll make a billion" to "it's not that bad user...don't tank my movie please!'
It is a Last Jedi level franchise-killer.
It will be ripped apart on the net until End Game comes out...and long after.
>And Brie is unironically cute with her bitch attitude.
Her attitude felt so inconsistent. At times it felt she was getting serious, and then would quip with a smug face. It felt like she was trying to be Starlord or Thor all the time.
The movie itself is alright, standard Marvel stuff. Brie's acting though is just, bad. When she wasn't trying to be serious, her constant quipping and "lol i'm just a fun girl" attitude made her come off as an airhead. Like even Quill would get serious and stay serious. It just felt all over the place with her acting.
Everyone makes fun of her serious face, but the serious face doesn't make up the majority of the movie, she has this other one that just make her look like she's confused or dumb. It's like Zoe Deschanel's "deer in the headlights look" but worse.
It will be ripped apart if you haven't got a neutral mindOne joke that didn't land was the forced laugh her and fury had escaping the hanger in the jet. That was cringe. Her screaming at the skrull was hilarious, c'mon.
youngfags were a mistake
I thought that was funny too and there are moments that she has that are genuinely funny and work, but again it wasn't consistent. Like here's the thing that probably gets me the most, she doesn't act like a military vet. I know several former military women, they have certain mannerisms and forms of speaking just like former military men do, and even between branches there's slight differences with the way they present themselves and act, even when they're just joking around. She couldn't convince me she was a former member of the armed forces, ANY armed forces. I think I would've been more inclined to accept her personality if she was detached from anything military related, but obviously that's not a thing because Carol Danvers is former military, I just feel like Brie wasn't able to grasp that, she was just always trying to be quirky.
I will say though, that the movie was way better than the first Thor movie, which except for kat tits was a fucking snooze.
We are at the middle of the five stages of grief. Bargaining. Depression is next as the 2nd week drop-off comes, and then Acceptance that this was a corporate led zombie SJW filled cash grab that served only to damage Marvel. All for fucking money or fear of being branded a misogynist.
As long as you appreciate the skrull scream. Way funnier than it had any right to be. Do you know much about the skrulls? Are they supposed to be evil as fuck? And when is Talos going to become a meme for drinking that soda. And you're right about Marvel standard stuff. I though halfway through its usually cut and paste same plot for the past 20 films
This. It's time for controversial opinions. I'm sorry but CM > GOTG
Sounds great. I will make sure to pirate it as soon as WEB-DL drops.
I haven't read any of the scrull arcs, I stopped reading comic books in the late 90s. I do have a friend who still keeps up on all of the arcs and he says that it follows the background of scrulls closely. They Kree were huge dicks to the scrulls and they do have reasons to hate them, but in the books the wars spill over to earth with scrull infiltrators causing huge problems for all of the super heroes. what the lead up is or why, i have no fucking clue.
I'm just wondering because it is a bit of puss out with the twist. The skrulls could have been threatening
Thank you for a sincere appreciation of the movie. I agree, i also thought i might've enjoyed it a bit more if i was more familiar with the character, also would've liked more Coulson time.
I'd say that 80% in RT is accurate.
that's their whole shtick is that they start infiltrating all over the galaxy and you can't trust anybody and the heroes can't trust each other making everyone super paranoid and people being manipulated everywhere.
it does feel like this completely wraps up the whole Scrull arc in one film instead of setting it up for the next phase. Who knows maybe the survivors blame Carol for dumping them on some planet and then getting wiped out or they decide they want the gauntlet to wipe out the kree or something.
It was mentioned that there are more, and my guess is that some might actually be evil, i hope so at least.
i will never see this movie or another comic book movie again
What was the last one you saw?
Thanks user. I think the key these days is to have very low expectations
After the whole Hydra infilitrating Shield shit I say good riddance.
>bitch attitude
She's barely a characte and her acting is even more wooden than Daisy's. She literally learns nothing during the course of this movie.
I was talking more of her Stacy walk when she shoots Jude Law across the desert. And I guess she learns to control her powers if that counts?
Oh yes it WAS! x'D
I just thought of the best comparison. It was way better than black panther. Believe that shit
No... it was far, far worse!
It's boring and action was bad.
Larson had no room to act, the script gave her shit material, she gets outacted by a fucking CGI character and a CGI cat simply because they have more to do as characters than shoot beams.
Cultural appropriation. Racist white woman taking proud Samoan/Hawaiian native culture.
SHAKA BRAH. Unironically based brie stirring shit up everywhere