Spoilers Spoiler Spoilers Part 2

First thread Full Captain Marvel breakdown ahead, so stay away if you don't want spoilers.

This is perhaps the worst major studio movie I have ever seen. I don't even know where to begin, so I'm just going to go scene by scene describing the whole thing.

If you have questions about the scenes etc. as I post, I'll try to answer them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


does the cat survive

This movie is so afraid of showing any strength, but likes to gloat about fake strength.

Spoilers go


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OPs last thread made me want to die because our species is doomed

the cat has been on earth for countless centuries, it's why it was worshipped by the ancient egyptians

they used to bring sacrifices to the cat so the cat could devour them.

There's a reason why the secret airbase is devoid of people as soon as the cat is introduced

Brie finishes of the other kree ships by punching them

Ater Jude crashes, Brie comes down to confront him

They face off western-style with western gunfight music playing, her power hands in a "draw" position

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With how many reviews brought up that cat so favorably I expected a bigger role out of it, like RR in guardians level.

>last time i trusted someone, i lost an eye.

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It's not a cat, it's a flurgin

People have said that but I don't remember ever seeing it destroyed. Besides, even if it's busted

A) They can just make a new one
B) It can have "just enough structure" for Marvel to yeet everything back into place

Western music intensifies

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>fight me on equal ground, be yourself

>brie - I AM STRONK WOMAN *fires handlasers at evil man*

Holy shit is this FINALLY the set up for the KANG movie?

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>They really changed Adam Warlock's role for Captain Feminist
>we'll never get a Magus tease when Adam picks up the Gauntlet

Then again, I can't expect the MCU doing anything right.

>Worshipped by the ancient egyptians

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Omg this is hilarious

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he should be glad the cat didn't decide to eat everyone on that ship.


Out of curiosity, is there any pandering to the Asian market?

Evil white male chickens out from the gun fight like the coward he is and asks to bargin

He says, how about they fight hand to hand with no laser arms?

PROVE she is better than him, like a real man

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Do Lee Pace and Honsou do anything big?

It's true

all of it

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Fuck no

Someone please link the post credits scene

Oh boy, surely NOBODY knows what's going to happen next. WHAT A FUCKING MYSTERY.

GotG is dead

>woman puts a CD into the computer
>pushes the disc tray to close it instead of using the button


>no deadeye


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It's a cat

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Ronan wets himself and runs away

>Do Lee Pace and Honsou do anything big?
Not at all
Brie then says fuck that, and blasts him with her laser arms, just like how Indiana Jones shot the sword fighter

She then struts up to his motionless body

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No. In one of the first scenes she says to Hounsou that he should try being more attractive. Every male in the movie loves Brie unconditionally or looks weak in front of her, if not both.

One Punch Woman

I knew that, dingus.
I meant, did they fucking make the alien cat egyptium?

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Were Egyptians furries?

>Gunning an unarmed man down with space powers
Truly heroic

Brie to her evil white oppressor: "I don't have to prove anything to anyone!"

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Surprised that she didn't overpower him in hand to hand tbd.

Shapeshifters by nature are deceptive, subversive , parasitic races and to make them sympathetic refugees misses the point and renders them useless .

you're bullshitting. did she really say that??

>Letting the man who kidnapped you and lied to you about your entire life decide by what terms you're "worthy" of his approval

You literally missed the whole point

She then vows to end the Kree-Skrull war and find homes for the Skrull refugees

I'm not making this up

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There was a reason why the skrulls and kree were so afraid of the "cat"
The whole movie is about infiltration/changing self
The cat's entire species has inflitrated earth for several thousands of years and is eating humans in secret.
The people at the secret airbase were studying it when Fury and Marvel visited the base
We can see the base is full of people before cat is introduced
After cat is introduced, the base is entirely empty, suggesting that the cat has actually eaten everyone on the base.

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Yup don't prove anything. What is this insane version of women hood they're trying so hard to engineer?

that jaw, that....face. So, Mussolini-like.

honor is patriarchal construct.

this looks furry for you?

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>did she really say that??
Back to Maria's ship, Jackson is playing with the cat, the cat randomly gets mad and scratches his eye

Maria asks if he's ok and he says he's fine

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>Implying she isn't superior enough, as defined by the powers she has been granted in the movie, to beat him into the dirt and show him who's boss

I don't even like the power level, but the appropriate thing to do is run him over like a freight train and gloat about how he's a little bitch by comparison. user, she doesn't have to be fighting for his approval. It can just be about revenge.

it doesn't look egyptian either

I believe you, but it's just so unbelievable.

Flash forward to Maria's house, the whole gang is together and they are playing the card game Uno around the dinner table

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There's an entire montage that shows men treating her like dog shit because she keeps screwing up.

>expecting higher emotions from women
user pls, don't be retarded. Women don't, and have never understood concepts like honor

What big things happened going into Endgame?


Who would win in a fight? Captain Marvel or Rey? The answer might surprise you.

also, thanks for becoming a tripfag and helping us all out.

>waited 15 minutes for the le random cutexq gimmick to puke a cube out

uno farto of a movie

Brie again talks about the Skrull refugees and how she will find them all homes, they were never terrorists, Skrulls are real human beans like you and me

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(((They))) really overdid it this time

"Fighting is for men, let's band together and double our power together

This movie is just setup for Endgame showing how hilariously powerful Marvel is. And there's a credits scene where she shows up in present day looking for Fury

Literally nothing. Post credit scene shows them standing around Nick Furys pager hoping Jesus arrives and then bam it's some dumb blonde bitch

Cat obliviously did it so he could look cooler. Real MVP

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So this thing is a thing? Just felt so off, and Fury continuing to ooze over it...

I'd hope Russos will get this right and show that she was the absolute top dog back then, but it's the whole age of heroes now. It would be fucking dumb to downplay Thor after what we've seen in Infinity War.

Do the writers even know a word called subtlety?

Fucking insane how bad this is.

The thing with the big Fury eye loss reveal being that he got scratched by Carol's kitty is so retarded I honestly though it was just one hundred percent people trolling till I watched the clip.

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thanks, no problem
After dinner and the Uno game, Brie and Jackson are washing the dishes together. Jackson breaks out in song singing the song "Hey Mr. Post Man" after making a joke about how "Marvel" is pronounced and making a Marvelettes reference.

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It's an alien creature that can at a whim's notice just consume anyone nearby.
Nick would've put it in a cage if he were actually written as nick fury.

why are they making the skrulls so laughable in the movie they're introduced in, when they've always been intimidating villains?

Russos don't have a choice. They didn't even want her in the fucking movie.

She's absolutely going to show up Thor. Or at least be as strong as him and make a comment about mah wimmin. I have money on how she's the epicenter of the entire plan to reverse all the damage of IW

More powerful than Thor?

ofc she has to shut him down again for even implying

Brie hands him his pager, she has modified it, she says use it to call her... but only for emergencies!

(I guess none of the events of the first 20 Marvel films were emergencies)

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You know she is. Thanks Feige.

It's 2019 and nobody is illegal you fucking nazi

I would not be surprised.

>and you were the most #POWERFUL person I knew
>even before you could shoot fire from yo fists


Why are movies transitioning to ugly actors/actresses as leads?

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The next Marvel movies are going to be the biggest muh women quipfests of all time. Women save the day! Future is female!

Can somebody explain to me how they have the tesseract when it was sunk with captain america and it wasn't discovered until 2012? Am i just forgetting something?

>scene where they put a disk in a 1995 computer
>characters go "boy, this computer from the current year 1995 sure is alle"
>entire theater starts laughing like maniacs
>someone sitting next to me goes "ANCIENT COMPUTERS SURE WERE SLOW" as he bursts into laughter

that was surreal

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They fist bump and Jackson says to be sure to "give a brother a shout"

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That's not a line is it
Please tell me it ain't so

But Agents of SHIELD and Guardians of the Galaxy already established that the Kree are giant assholes who everyone hates. Kree shapeshifting is their defence mechanism against these interstellar blue warlords

They knew that 90% of the audience who laughes at the cute cat wouldn't remember such a thing

To make feminists relate

Brie says her goodbyes, especially to little Monica, and blasts off to stop the war and to save the Skrull refugees

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She yells at the Kree that he doesn't know her, then says she doesn't even know herself. Then her black fighterpilot buddy chimes in with an inspiring monologue about how badass she was

She's gonna totally demasculize the hulk and you know it, probably punch him or just nudge him a bit and say something along the line of "toxic masculinity" because he's big green and loud.

screencap to show how accurate i'll be

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I just saw it. My only thoughts is this

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good fucking lord

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MCU Hulk is not masculine and never was

She already turned the macho and stoic Nick Fury into a cat loving buffoon

It's not a cat, it's a flurgin

Nah son, the Hulk is an ooga booga with the mentality of a child, she's going to patronize him and

oh fuck she's gonna calm him down and restrain him like Scarjo used to

>>and you were the most #POWERFUL person I knew
>>even before you could shoot fire from yo fists
yep, maria said that exact line to brie

On her way into space, she stops once last time to smile and wave at the Skrull refugee children from the lab, she then blasts off for the last time

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Am I assuming things or is everyone else a brainlet?
The key to undoing what Thanos did (if thats what going to happen) HAS to be Dr. Strange. He saw the outcome. He probably laid out the plan to Stark and the others that were there. Sure, it can involve Ms. Fungi Feet, but come on
She can't pull a solution to the whole thing out of her flabby ass.
Please no. Don't do this.

Thank God it's all over.

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I mean, I figured that, but am I wrong in thinking that Hollywood should realize the majority/supermajority of movie viewers are not SJWs, but normal people? Even more so for capeshit; has no one told them that the majority of comic book readers are normal guys who like to see attractive people?

So Comicfags, what's her canon powerlevel?
Surfer? Galactus? Odin?

Hulk is
Bitch Banner isn't.

The Skrull refugee children say a

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>this wasn't even in the original canon
>they made Nick a little bitch over the damn cat for the entirety of the movie
>even after the thing rips his eye out he keeps it like the betafag they made him
I knew there was a reason I can't stop thinking about nick and the bloody cthulhu "pet" over everything else I just watched.

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Strange is the equivalent to the chessmaster, except that he can't so much manipulate as put things into motion and let da wimmin handle all the heavy lifting. Everyone's going to be involved, but what sucks, user...

Is that she's going to be the key to all of this.


You know, there's no mystery in her backstory as it's shown at the beginning via a flashback
There's nothing going on to the character of Carol Denvers, and once she goes Super Saiyan at the end it doesn't feel earned, unlike how Thor gets his powers back in the first film after having what they used to call an arc

>The Skrull refugee children say a
tearful goodbye.

Back to Jackson in his office, he's working on something called the "Protector Initiative"

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she's going to hold him down and do a smug face while saying "deep down you're just an angry white man"

This stuff kind of bugs me because the marvel universe has a freaking computer AI built by nazi germany. In the "modern day" the technology they have is almost incomparably more advanced than our own.

>tfw no Adam Warlock to save the day
Fuck this gay earth.

They think anyone younger than 30 is a SJW.

I'm officially done with Monica's daughter, she might be the worst actress I've ever seen. Human kids don;t talk like that

He still has the cat, he explains to Coulson they need more heros like Brie, hence the "Protector Initiative"

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Endgame Hulk will be more of a gian Banner, mark my words



I fucking hated that scene in the movie, yes it happened.

>last time i trusted someone, i lost an eye.
C'mon, this line has to make sense in some sort of context within the movie, right? I haven't seen it yet. They didn't actually fuck up this badly did they? I guess Fury could have just been lying to Cap because his secrets have secrets, but still...

Sweet Christ the cat is going to appear in Endgame

Post capecucks

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>Protector Initiative

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user... I'm so sorry.

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Sometimes I wonder if these people are just lying to themselves saying they like this shit, when really they actually love the attention they get for saying the like this shit.

It's a scene in the movie where the skrull and captain marvel/nick fury is trying to figure out where the secret lab is, it's apparently in orbit around the planet, which captain marvel somehow figures out instantly, so they berate the skrull science guy, basically LAUGHING AT THE NERD

Is this stupid cringefest over yet?

That retroactively makes Winter Soldier a worse movie. How in the actual fuck man.

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Here's a doozy...

Looking through Brie's old files, he sees her old call sign was "Avenger"

So, to honor Brie, he renames the "Protector Initiative" to the "Avenger Initiative" as the Hole song "Celebrity Skin" plays to close the movie out.

The Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the true first Avenger.

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I hope so

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It just begun

Did they explain why her callsign was Avenger?

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black lady adds in
"it's just basic physics"

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No fucking doubt my dude

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>early movie she cant breathe in space
>at the end not only can she breathe in space but she can also do light speed travel

I don't like retconning stuff most of the time but Disney retconning just everything to put captain marvel at the center of the MCU and also the most awesome superhero only because they're called Captain MARVEL and it synergies with the brand makes me mad.

kek and people were mad when Sentry retconned things

You forgot to mention Brie smiles a lot in the movie and looks cute. The issue is her character is so badly written so you can't relate or feel anything for her and yeah other user saying how the entire "plot twist" about her past is technically revealed in the first 10 mins of the movie therefore makes it less uninteresting. Jude Law is revealed later as the villain but I am sure most predicted this would happen

You're correct. There's no way they can't see how terrible these are, but those sweet sweet UPBOATS on reddit give them a short but intense release of endorphins that make them feel not only accepted, but supported in their endeavors. Then, they turn their computer off, and see themselves in the screen reflection.

I enjoyed that scene

>was that really so hard to figure out?
>you're my science guy

not even the right color lmao


so where are YOUR spaceships nigger?

Seriously i just rewatched the first Avengers and Nick Fury tells Captain America that they found the tesseract in the ice where they found him
Are you telling me that between WW2 and 1995 some elderly alien lady found the thing in the ice, put it in her space laboratory, got eaten by the cat alien and then thrown in the ice once again only for SHIELD to retrieve it?

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i forgot she did that as well, basically two earth women berates the alien nerd scientists who is portrayed as technologically superior

but then again captain marvel can basically turn a payphone and a gameboy into a magical communications device that can call someone lightyears away with no latency.

>Captain Mar-VELL is an old lady who dances to Come As You Are
>"Oh.. don't you just love the music"
That was pure cringe oh man someone has to have a webm of that

Post credits:

At Avenger Headquarters, post-Infinity war, Cap, Hulk and Black Widow are hanging out when War Machine notices Fury's pager has suddenly stopped sending its signal.

Black Widow turns around and Brie is standing there.

She says "Wares furry?"

End scene.

Second post credit scene:

The cat has a hairball... it coughs... it coughs up the tesseract onto Fury's desk.

End scene.

End movie.

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how ironic that it's also now regarded as the worst marvel film

Howard Stark found it in the ice while looking for Cap shortly after he crashed. Why is this so hard for people to follow. It's literally a scene in the first Cap film.

It's like a Lindelof / Kurtzman script, stop expecting it to be planned out


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>It's literally a scene in the first Cap film.
Not canon because wasn't made by Disney

Remember, this is cinematic HISTORY. Disney's own Citizen Kane!

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Only boomers on the internet talk directly to non-present people in e-outbursts

You realize the character doesn't exist and can't hear you, right?

>the cat coughs up the tesseract in 1990's, when the tesseract wasn't found until 2012


Doesn't Howard Stark straight up find it in The First Avenger and then go "Let's keep looking" in regards to Steve?

Khajiit wares?

Howard stark found it in the ice. As explained in the Agent Carter tv series a LOT of his shit got stolen by evil scientists, including the Cube which ended up in Mar-Vel's hands.

Did anyone else touch the tesseract other than captain flatass?

>feminist icon overshadowed in her own film
>by a fucking cat

>when the tesseract wasn't found until 2012
huh explain because I don't remember the history of these movies at all. All I know is big bad guy destroyed universe in last one as am sure that's all normies remember

>inb4 feminists attack him for being a white male appropriating a feminist icon of female empowerment
unless being a fag gives him the right to play the tranny card and get a pass

She got the chip the eeeevil whit man put in her neck removed, user!
Cinematic history as the worst marvel movie.

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I haven't seen the first Cap film since it came out

They put it in a Fonz lunchbox with for some reason is able to hold it just fine

>let's rewrite some history
Love this so much. Note how it doesn't say "let's write history", meaning carving out a new path not trodden yet, no it says let's REwrite history.

How fucking ironic.

yes, you can now get the fuck out

You fags are retarded.

Cat eats it and keeps it in its stomach until post credits


What "Cinematic history" are they even talking about? It's not the first female superhero movie. It's not the first modern female hero movie. It's not even the first female Marvel hero movie. It's the first female "MCU" movie. It's practically nothing

>Disney's own Citizen Kane
But wasn't Black Panther already that?

I saw the movie but was just checking.
how is she able to hold it?
She's super weak, bitch got yeeted with some meme knuckles

>Wares furry
Don't insult the Khajit like that.

Also, I find it immensely amusing that that little snippet from Endgame is better shot, written, and acted than the ENTIRE movie that came before it. Shit, Brie even looks better.

>Hey last Jedi cool destruction of a beloved movie series and cultural icon, why don't you bring it to the mcu.

She does smile a lot but mostly when making fun of those puny guys like Nick Fury
She comes off as being extremely unlikable

> that's all normies remember
>huh explain because I don't remember the history of these movies at all.

user, you are the normie

so the cat is some super powerful being?
basically a cat is stronger than thanos since the little fucker didnt need anything to hold it

Imagine turning off your screen and seeing that face staring back at you. It's like a horror movie

It's not a cat, it's a fucking Flurgin

Wait, Americans haven't seen the film ? I though it would premiere there first just because its made by them.


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Neither did Thanos, he crushed it in his bare hands.

It's legit depressing knowing this dumpster fire virtue signalling lesbian interracial focus group Committee manufactured garbage will make hundreds of millions of dollars while also likely encouraging women to be just that extra little bit cunty

They always premiere in London

Who else thought the black chick and toe fungus we're gunna have some love story arc?

You post this a lot

The cat is literally horror material.

>at the secret military base
>people are shown to be everywhere over the base
>then we cut to captain marvel and fury locked up for an extended period of time as everything has gone silent
>when they break out, the place is devoid of people
>next scene we're introduced to the "cat"
>the "cat" has actually eaten everyone alive on that base now and it's digesting them
>it's never adressed
>later in the movie the "cat" eats some bad guys right in front of children and everyone laughed.

If you think about it, why would an alien cat be in a top secret facility, unless it was found out and brought there to be studied?
The question then becomes, has earth been taken over by these infiltrating cats who eat people in secrecy?

This shit is horrifying if you take a moment to think about it.

>women can't be friends unless they're also lovers

Wow, how toxic of you

Europoor always gets capeshit first

how did the SKREEEEEELL know it wasnt a cat?

Not me because they barely had chemistry as friends

The cat is like Xenomorph basically.


he had the glove though

No way Fury lost his eye to a fucking cat.
I refuse to believe it.

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He crushed it in his ungloved hand

Yet when he places it in the glove he starts shaking like some college student

Not quite the same. Basically impossible for a focus-tested, overwritten blockbuster spectacle to ruin the MCU because that's what the MCU us.

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Were the personnel at the secret base that the cat ate Kree, SHIELD or US Military personnel?

pretty sure they're copying the southpark episode of when the first time "shit" was said on TV


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Daily reminder this song plays during a scene when Captain Marvel kicks ass

Anyone else found it weird how the little kid had some kind of obsessive realtionship with carol/captain marvel?

Like imagine if that girl was a boy, and he showed literally all photos of captain marvel, but he wasn't in any of them

Shit was unsettling, no little kid is that invested considering she was at most like 10 years old, and Carol had been gone for 6 years, so she'd had been 4 years old while having all those memories.
What the fuck??

What history exactly?

Here's my thing, guys...

I don't frequent Yea Forums much, I don't know the drill entirely. I don't know how many people are genuinely racist/sexist and or who are just tired with all this SJW bullshit.

But like... Man, why does Hollywood keep doing this? I'm all for diversity in movies, let's have it. Great.

But Hollywood expects to be congratulated for having it now, as if it wasn't their fault it hasn't been there.

It's just like when all those celebrities dressed in black for awards shows in "solidarity" for sexual abuse victims in their industry. "Praise me for being supportive".

I feel like the victims would've appreciated your support at an earlier juncture... Ya know, like when you were keeping your mouth shut about that shit while it was happening in order to preserve your own career?

The fucking hypocrisy is what fucking kills me, man.

He had the power stone faggot, could he do the same without it?:

>Supreme Intelligence dancing to Come As You Are

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I guss nobody mentioned this part:

> A Kree scans the cat
> "Species: folerican. Very dangerous"
> Kree then scans Fury
> "Species: Human Male. No threat at all"

Thanos is badass he should get more movies. I hope he becomes an Avenger at the end of Endgame. Thanos is the only Avenger I like.

yeah that felt really out of fucking place
Danger zone should have played there
would have fit perfect

That was the worst choice of music in cinematic history

Or this

Attached: This.gif (300x186, 445K)

>Species: Flerken
>Threat: High
*puts muzzle on alien monster that is not a cat*

Direct scene transcript

Clearly they've never encountered black people before

Tell that to SW, user. Marvel just head-shot itself. :/

I meant dangerzone because of the 90's theme and Topgun

it was weird that the scan didn't indicate the gender of the cat, but did so on the human MALE

Flerken have no gender, only anger

Imagine feeding this thing for around 18 years and paying for its education.

Wait wasn't that Megadeth song made in the early 90's? If so that's why I linked it

its cuz im justa girl and cats r cute lol deal with it ;)


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Goose is a male cat

You're joking right?

Power stone isn't glowing, he wasn't using it.

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Yeah but it's lame, and topgun fits better with the fact that they're fucking fighter pilots

based taste

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fair enough

I fucking miss him

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Imagine being this offended by a movie

We didn’t get ant wasp for a few weeks.
We used to get everything late.
Seasonal films, like Christmas or Halloween flicks, might wait a whole year in the days before digital piracy.

>cat named goose
cat dies soon confirmed

Some powerful marketing executive somewhere is convinced "message" movies is what retarded millennials want

It's very cynical and transparent but they keep making fortunes so of course they'll keep doing it

Fun thread boys. A lot of absurdity to sleep on tonight

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Megadeth's pop rock album had some really based songs that the pathetic fans hated because it wasn't MUH THRASH

That's how low Disney would go for "Subversion"

>mfw the original avengers cast are now the second rate brie larsons
How long until they snap?

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>show Captain Marvel a montage of her being bullied for being a weak little girl
>it pisses her off so much she becomes an ascended Super Saiyan

Kree need to watch more movies, they would have seen this coming



Just the Krees. Most of the fight scenes are alien vs alien
Yeah, the acting is pretty horrible too. I'm not convinced that an actual girl would talk like that.

Im confused of her powers
So she heats up a kettle with her hand which would imply heat/fire
But every fist bump/hand shake she gives produces a shock
which is it
fire or electricity?
Photon blast says electricity but the kettle part doesnt make sense

Robert downey jr knew what was going to happen, no wonder he's out now.
He got paid out the ass, he knew

Scarlett and Liz are already bitching about it
Rightfully so

Captain Marvel cucks all of the other Avengers, defeats Thanos in under 6 realtime minutes, threatens him with utter ruin, then, takes power and unfucks the erasure, then forgives Thanos and allows him to either join the Avengers or be pardoned and released.
The other Avengers will be screaming for her to kill off Thanos, but she'll say something to the effect of, I have the power to protect this world blah blah blah, I'll forgive his actions, farewell Thanos. Unlimited Oscars.
Screencap this.


They should fuck each other on film as protest

It's Tesseract energy, she's like a hydra weapon / loki's staff on steroids

>no wonder he's out now
So why did his Sherlock Holmes 3 get pushed back for another year? I need to see that please!!!!!

>Do you know why it's called the cockpit ?
The only joke in the movie that makes me laugh

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It's female according to the wiki

Do tell.

You're trying to hard and only proving that you're retarded

Probably coke withdrawals + rehab

lmao there are 2 versions of endgame, one of which is picked depending on captain marvel performance
She will get the same treatment as jared leto did in suicide squad (and that's a good thing)

I thought Fury's detective partner who was left at the Blockbuster store because the Kree stole his body image was hilarious
>"Hey Fury I'm still at the video store. Where is everybody?"


oh man
thats so bad

Oh please if we're going for 90's nostalgia music when shes kicking ass it should have been this

Is there a version of the camrip without the annoying yellow text advertising their gay website that interferes with my webm making?

Already conceded faggot
stay butthurt

Won't lie; all the buddy cop stuff I really liked because it reminded me of a Johnny English type of film. Should have just had more of that.

danger zone is the only choice
>fighter pilots
>cat named goose

It's also from the 80's

The biggest problem is it isn’t ironic to them, they have no sense of irony. Just look at the picture Larson posted when she found out Stan Lee died.

He cute

the 80's = 1979 - 1990
90s = 1992 - 2005

Fight me

as if zoomers would know and as if boomers would remember

yes please

Why couldn't they just make a movie about a female superhero?

Oh, because of Too Gun, I see.

And the scene where the motorbike chad guy tries to sexually chat up Brie but she's too busy reading a map and ignores him thinking he's a creep as she steals his motorbike when he goes into the store.



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It’s just rumors right now.

go think of a new attack plan, discord tranny.

>it's real

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>discord tranny

I do like that this has become a go-to insult site-wide.

Because I used to be involved in a Yea Forums Discord that had people trying to get get people to join their server to groom and manipulate them

Haha wouldn't that be weird to see Scarlett's feet haaha?

I saw that shit. Absolute fucking cringe, and completely revealing about her as a person.

Honestly, even people who seem genuine and sincere like Guillermo del Toro I can't help but side-eye.

I wonder if you just have to be a self-obsessed, lacking in self-awareness piece of shit to survive in that world.

It's nothing and will in all likelyhood remain nothing, but it makes sense.

>you knew all along
>is that why we never hung out?
No, I just never liked you
*fires a nerf dart straight into Captain Marvel's face thinking it;s a real gun*


>I'm part of the discord haxers watch out incels

Go dilate

Was this tranny expecting people to take picturs with him afterwards or something?

Rotten tomatoes actually disabled the audience score lmao

Why be honourable towards your opponents if they don't do the same? And even if they did, all is fair in love and war ;)


this is going to be the bomb to end all bombs

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How will I recover from this riposte?

lmao they manually changed it just now

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Speaking of western...

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Fake and gay

How does Captain Marvel go from being a human pilot to being in the space army? Does she have the super powers the whole time or what?


>Quinnjets are named after a guy named Quinn who invented them
>Captain Marvel has a quadjet
>turns out they're called Quinjets because 5 > 4


it just jumped back down
I swear to fuck my screenshot is legit

They had a device on her to limit the powers

She's a test pilot, the plane she's testing is powered by Tesseract. She blows up the engine and absorbs the energy;gaining powers but losing memories.

Ayy lmaos kidnap her and tell her she's one of them so she joins their army

She shoots a battery and "absorbs" it's energy
not even memeing

Nah, basically she destroyed some machine fueled by Tesseract which the resulting explosion makes her absorb the tesseract's power and stuff

Tessaract and Loki's staff jewel are made of the same thing. This would be the material that creates inpenetrable barriers, opens portals in space and gave Wanda her powers.

But yeah, making CM able to shoot lightning out of her ass is way too far

>Shapeshifters by nature are deceptive, subversive , parasitic races and to make them sympathetic refugees misses the point and renders them useless .

It's a metaphor for JEWS!!!FACT!!!

still doesn't explain how rambeau gets it, or how shield is called shield prior to iron man 1.


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The humans have a tesseract powered plane?

and a cloaked space station

Iron Man stopped one nuke?

Well Captain Marvel stopped 50 of them. And hers were giant alien nukes too. She is so COOL!!

Wow, how close minded, didnt you get the memo. We are all gay kangz

It was a prototype

>Skrulls become Australian
>They also become a bunch of useless shit cunts
How predictable

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Yes, SHIELD or some program had the tesseract and a hiding alien woman working under them turned it into an engine.

Captain America: "Only you can finish Thanos. Only you have the power."
Marvel: "I could destroy HIM... but I have show him that I'm better than HIM."

I remember seeing that at the movie, I clapped when I saw your post

I love how the black people wank this white woman and the fact that the Skrull refugees are played by white actors and the Kree that aren't played by the white guys are disposable and evil.

Truly a inclusive feminist movie.

Ok I think I'm caught up now thanks.

No... no... you've GOT to be SHITTING me. This has to be a joke, there's no way Marvel could fuck up this bad.

I'm not a mousecuck, but this is beyond retarded. He lost his eye to a cat scratch.


How did everyone know to not touch the tesseract, yet the hydra guy in captain america knew everything about it and still grabbed it?

And all the while The Ancient One is sitting in Nepal watching this happen and sipping tea like "not my problem lmao"

>She shoots a battery and "absorbs" it's energy

That's no less retarded than the Hulk's origin.

At least the hulk had a nice ass

It's literally the same origin story except she is too awesome and "fierce" to be overtaken by the power she absorbed

Dunno, I think the alien guy warned them but not sure

>Cat Goddess

>He lost his eye to a cat scratch.
Yeah he lost an eye. Then replaced it with a glass eye. That for some reason looks like a damaged eye underneath his eyepatch. Also there's much more damage around the socket than just a scratch

Remember how the Avengers saved New York from a Chitauri battle fleet?

Well Captain Marvel defeated one solo. In space. whilst cheering to herself about how effortless it all is. And there was no collatoral damage because SHE IS SUCH A #BOSS!!

The staff and the tesseract are two separate stones, and the only other time a human directly handles the cube it sends red skulls ass strait to space limbo. Wanda gets her powers from experiments on the mind stone via Von struckman, not shooting it at random. I could get behind it being a "pure of heart" thing but the stones literally do not work that way, its been shown it takes inhuman will to not be instantly killed to hold one raw.

She's too fierce for collateral damage, user.

A regular man in a tin suit traveled through a wormhole and nuked multiple ships
she's weak

I read all of your breakdown and it sounds like a parody of Feminazi/SJW political propaganda. Nope, never watching this and will now not see Endgame because of this cunt!!!FACT!!!

Except the hulks comes with serious draw backs like becoming an inconsolable raving lunatic and it takes him years to learn how to mitigate that. Carol learns about the true nature off her powers and 10 seconds later she has instant full control and is totally invincible.

I hate this. I hate everything about it. I'd hate it if it was a man, a kid, a robot or whatever. She's going to make the rest of the Avengers look like chumps. It's Justice League and Superman all over again

She looks Ronan in the eye and he pussies out and retreats.

Compare that to all the shit they went through in GotG to beat him.

God, I love her so much

>She looks Ronan in the eye and he pussies out and retreats.

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You now realize that the cam that showed up on torrent is so good because the theater was empty and the crowd was silent because it was shit
Literally every other cam release has clapping plastic noises and coughing
yet none in this one.

Yes, user. You heard that right.

Are the kree and the skrull both the bad guys?

True story. then Jude Law tries to bait her into 1 vs 1 fist fight but she just blasts him in the face and says she has nothing to prove to him

I managed to see that so I believe you.

So every battle and every struggle that the Avengers and GOTG went through could have just been resolved effortlessly if Captain Marvel was there?

That would make sense. But no, not in this movie.
Kree bad
Skrull good

>You now realize that the cam that showed up on torrent is so good because the theater was empty and the crowd was silent because it was shit
>Literally every other cam release has clapping plastic noises and coughing
>yet none in this one.
That's an okay theory, but honestly?
Nah, the likelier explanation is that it's one of those increasingly-rare premium camrips made by a theater employee after-hours.

Used to be a MAJOR source of 1-Day releases in the early 2000s before other means became faster and internal security tightened up.

No. Skrulls are misunderstood refugees and the Kree are just evil

I would wager a guess that the entire fucking plot of Infinity War wouldn't have happened if Marvel was there. She probably would have thrown her Maxi Pad at Thanos at the speed of light and atomized him.

Literally yes

So how does her uniform change Let me guess, she can magically change it when she gets her memories back?

No, it has a built in palette feature. she lets the black friend's daughter play around with it picking a different color


Oh fuck this!


I figure Kang shows up pissed at the Vangers fuck with his timeline in Endgame. He reveals he rules the world in the past and future. And he wants to elimate the Avengers to reign supreme across time. Plus it can set up Young Avengers.

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It's the US air force shirt color scheme that her friend's daughter wear. Turns out her outfit can do mimicry stuff

They're probably not going to have him as the overarching villain. My best guess for where they're going once Thanos is defeated is Dr. Doom.

a cat is fine too

Doom wouldnt work as an endgame villain without build up, they could do him as a inbetween villain to lead into kang with teasers. I think kang as the next big bad and annihilus as the new villain to adam warlock/the guardians would be pretty fitting.

So I actually watched it it was alright. It wasn't their best effort but it wasn't as bad as Thor 2. People are bitching unnecessarily

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The thing is, they're bringing both the X-Men and the Fantastic Four in pretty soon. If Marvel is smart they'll learn from their mistakes about bad villains and actually make an overarching villain like Thanos, but with more presence over multiple films, probably setting the events personally into motion. It could be any big bad, but given the acquisition of Fox and how much people love Doom I think it'll be him.

post feet

Unironically want to know this as well

If we consider that she's spent the lost 6 years of her life just killing skrulls, wouldn't there be a big chance that someone on that refugee ship would know of her and will be pissed that she killed their entire family?
personally I wouldn't entrust someone like that to find me a home

Yeah fuck that i'd 'go to the store for cigarretes' and leave for fucking Wichita.

Wrong. It’s propaganda for these far left views for normalfags

He’s getting a movie too. They want a faggot for the role kek

I think it's more because of the overhyped "The Greatest Feminist Film of This Day and Age" marketing that makes people mad

There's a few possibilities based on what we know:
1. Stark found the cube and they've had it since then studying it, but dies before finding cap and someone else from shield pulls him out of the ice in 2012
2. Stark finds the cube AND cap, but for some reason they don't/can't wake him up until 2012
3.Stark finding the cube didn't happen, and this movie plain old forgot about the rest of the universe it's in. Based on how they handled fury's eye I can't rule this out as a possibility as much as it pisses me off.

Or maybe he’s not a redditor soiboy faggot that still enjoys capeshit beyond the age of 15 like you.

Mac wants the flame thrower.

Mac wants the WHAT?

>not having ex-girlfriend play while she fights a guy while falling out a window

>She remembers an evil white dude telling her she will never fly and him asking her "do you know why it's called a COCKpit"?
Remember - in the production of this movie, someone wrote this scene, someone approved this scene, someone filmed this scene, someone edited this scene, and someone released this scene.

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Who is this old white dude that looks like David Hasselhoff?

I physically cringed at the scene where she said she didn’t have to prove anything to him.


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I want to see God Doom rip Thanos' spine out, desu


Fury back when the concept of superhero team ups was still cool

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unironically pretty great despite the aged graphics. Carries across the personalties of all the characters well.


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That's what he said. Now! Move!