Louis Theroux: Doubters know Michael Jackson is guilty

Louis Theroux: Doubters know Michael Jackson is guilty

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Haven't watched it, know nothing about what's happening, but I am 100% sure that if everyone on social media is talking about it then it must not be truthful at all.

This dork doesnt even make kino anymore. He sucks. My scientology movie was dogshit and told us everything we already know.

This guy gets it.


This is coming from the guy that made a documentary about Jimmy Saville that didn't mention he was a sexual predator of children for 50 years

>if we pile on a bunch of lies then people will just assume theyre true

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There's only one victim, and that's the man whose life was ruined over lies by people who just wanted his money, leading to the man's early death.

I'll collude with whatever I want. Not going to stop listening to MJ either way. I'm sick of these twitter blue checkmark fucks making proclamations.

this, unironically

As we all know documentaries are totally unbiased and definitely don't mislead or tell lies.

Says the guy who covered for Jimmy Saville.

Alright I'll bite
What's in the documentary ?

Two decades of investigation by mutliples agencies/investigators lead to absolutely nothing
This come out in 2019 and now it's a fact ?

Nah man he made Thriller

Its zoomers finding out who MJ was.

The same peoe who heard about OJ Simpson via that American History show.


No one had rustled the serpent's den so much since the days of Hitler

>What's in the documentary ?
In summary, a few people looking for a paycheck say Michael Jackson diddled them.

>a few people looking for a paycheck say Michael Jackson diddled them.
Paycheck from who exactly, he's fucking dead

We've known he was a kiddy fliddler for years, why are people acting like this is some huge revelation?

His estate has a lot of money, even more so after he died.


I find it interesting that Corey Feldman has been claiming that Hollywood is rife with child abusing for 30 years, and he was fucked senseless by countless ultra-elites but never once mentioned his childhood friend MJ as one.

do you think his money just vanished? his family will live off that for another century

Louis needs to get back to making weird, fun stuff and stop acting like he’s on a moral conquest. Docs like Twilight of the Pornstars and Louis & the Brothel teach us far more about the human condition that any of his recent ‘impactful’ stuff.


Shit they got Louie too? The Jews are blackmailing him to speak against MJ.

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By this logic he was being wilfuly blind and actively colluding in the silencing of victims with Savile.

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It's almost like he feels he's gone too far down 'the serious' route and can't go back to doing what he was best at now

He described the point of Weird Weekends as the audience not laughing at the people he was with, but laughing at him for being lost in these weird situations, which seemed to work really well.

It's a shame, because he's such a funny character. But he'll never go back to it now

Michael Jackson's estate made $2.1 billion since he died.
These pieces of shit are just coming looking for a handout from a guy who once treated them decently when they were kids.
They are liars.

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If there's one thing I've learned it's when libcucks go all in on someone the person in question has them scared.

That pic is very very interesting.

But on the other hand I believe victims of sexual abuse and stand with them rather than re-traumatising them with doubt

You know what, I don't really care if MJ was guilty or not. In 2008 I was convinced he was a Pedo and I just kind of kept living my life. Now we're talking about it again, why? To raise awareness of predators in the entertainment industry? No. Just to shit on a man's legacy and remove him from the history books while distracting NPCs from real world issues. I don't care about this stupid documentary and I don't think you should either.

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Isn't the purpose of a documentary to push one narrative while ignoring inconvenient evidence?

>Louis still seething that Michael Jackson chose Martin Bashir to interview him instead

I don't think money gets kids upraped tho.
Based and Checked

>But on the other hand I believe victims of sexual abuse and stand with them rather than re-traumatising them with doubt
I hate that whilst this post is satirical this is legitimately the thought process of millions of feeble minded fucking idiots.

What film is he referring to? I watched Razorfist's video a few months ago and it seems like a pretty open and shut case. MJ was a weirdo but did nothing wrong. Did something change since his video? Was Razorfist just making up bullshit?

How would they be afraid of a dead man? Then again maybe they are afraid of his ideas. After all he did preach unity of the human race and we can't have that in this age of identity politics.

He's a creep at best and a pedo at worst 2bh
I mostly just try not to think about this shit.

you're letting other people decide for you -- but via a more contrarian methodology.

there's no such thing as re-traumatizing someone. nobody gives a fuck whether random faggots doubt something.

As if being raped wasn't bad enough, imagine being expected to prove it rather than people believing you?

>How would they be afraid of a dead man?

Michael is still beloved a decade after his death and people refuse to eat up the lies spread about him. Jews fear anyone that will speak out agains them. They fear someone that can withstand their slander and still be beloved even more.

I love being told what to think. It's just the best

i want blue checkmarks to be rounded up and put into work camps

I know, right. What kind of loser wants to think for themselves? That sort of stuff is for people that don't have sex.

that's life breh, you're not gonna change everyone's opinion by yelling louder. t. sexual abuse victim.

Why do people keep saying the Razorfist video proves anything? Is this a meme? He's a literal who!

He is a small youtuber that the mainstream media can ignore. There is an agenda and they can ignore evidence of the contrary because most people still gobble up whatever the people on the television say and don't research on their own.

Who the fuck cares now that he's dead? Same for Jimmy Saville. I like these virtue signalling journalist who think they're being courageous by exposing a dead guy as a pedo! Hey Louis, tell us something we don't know. Like pedophiles that are doing it right now impunity.

>imagine being expected to prove it

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Why do people think they know better than an almost 2 decade long, multi-agency investigation that turned up nothing?

I remember when Yea Forums wasn't dominated by PR and advertizing threads

Wtf i hate louis now.

>He's a literal who!
Yeah, you have to be Somebody™ or affiliated with Mainstream Media© to be believed.

Theroux is a hack who's previously been played like a fiddle by a prostitute and is still smarting over getting snubbed for Martin Bashir

have you seen his follow up doc? where he confronts himself with the truth about jimmie saville?
I think because his opinion on saville is changed now, he agrees with the docu about mj

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Being a contrarian to fabricated social media narratives will have you end up being right about 90% of the time. It's mostly all made up to control the geist of collectivists. The (((people in charge))) are experts at psychology and groupthink, the only winning move is to not play.

I too have immediately become an expert in a complicated issue after watching a one-sided documentary.

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He may well have touched those children, but people are also full of shit and would have much to gain from this. That's why we have innocent until proven guilty. Also didn't Jackson get a not guilty in a court case? Plus if I'm not mistaken he paid off the first kid to stop the civil case, but they still could have had to go through the criminal courts which the alleged victims chose not to, they just took the money.

There's a new MJ doco out?

>Plus if I'm not mistaken he paid off the first kid to stop the civil case, but they still could have had to go through the criminal courts which the alleged victims chose not to, they just took the money.
The father of the first accuser is literally on tape telling the stepfather of the kid about how he has Michael cornered and he'll have no choice but to pay up.

No he's not, he's pretty well known for his Ultima Retrospective

oh shit he did a follow up about this doc

Yeah, same thing for McCallay, I wonder if they didn't get a big cheque to shutup. That's really odd

Exactly, this doc 10 years after his death is really awkward.

How fucking embarrassing

>you obviously haven't watched the documentary
This statement is a telltale to let you know you're arguing with a moron.

Ethan Klein is a fucking retard. I don't know how people still watch him.

No one's telling you to stop either, just acknowledging who he was. It's all about separating the artist from the art. People still play and praise Wagner and Hamsun everywhere even though they were anti-semites, Jimmy Page fucked 14 year olds in the hay days of Led Zeppelin but people still put them on a pedestal. Varg slaughtered a guy but people still hail Burzum as milestones in black metal.

I like his reply to Theroux's tweet

>even though they were anti-semites
Who gives a fuck? That's been the default state of all humanity for thousands of years.

>if it's in a movie, it's has to be real!
Just how retarded is this motherfuckers?

Based isaac


it did at least show that he was a lunatic who freaked louis the fuck out when that wasn't necessarily accepted opinion

Not really, but
>Who gives a fuck?
Obviously a lot of people do, but they're still played/read despite of it and that's my point. If the art is considered good enough people don't give a shit about what you did and will just separate the art from the artist. MJ most definitely was good enough to qualify for this. I don't even have a real opinion about him since I've not read/watched anything about this, but I mean had any hollywood star had children play at his house and be around him they way he did Yea Forums would have instantly branded him a pedophile.

Safechuck said he didn't go to the trial in the doco. Which is it

That "follow up" on saville was literally to cover his own fucking arse with the whole "how could i be so dumb and naive and not see what everybody knew already" because when the savile stuff came out lots of people were using louis as the butt of their jokes

Safecuck is a liar about a great deal of things.

but he said he didn't go to the trial...

He's lying. He did and defended Jackson.

I need proof?

Didn’t he literally ask him about abuse rumours?

What reply?

>Jew me, sue me, everybody do me/ Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me.

Huh. What did MJ (The King) mean by this?

The Jackson estate said so themselves in their issued statement.

>“This is yet another lurid production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael Jackson…Wade Robson and James Safechuck have both testified under oath that Michael never did anything inappropriate toward them. This so called ‘documentary’ is just another rehash of dated and discredited allegations. It’s baffling why any credible filmmaker would involve himself with this project.”

t. Titania

Harvey Weinstein?

Wtf I didn't see this came out

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The hebes are out to get him and even though he is already in the grave, they won't let him rest

That's obviously why he's now saying this about Michael. Dude still feels guilty about Jimmy. I am 90% sure Michael is a filthy pedo, but I am also a massive skeptic and need hard evidence. These boys had their chance in court to send him down and they both defended Michael. Enough said. Don't come crying to me years later when you had your chance to put him away and fucked it.

>"Yeah over there on the corner of the bed, face away"

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you mean heebs, hebes are based and /ourguys/

I was actually convinced he's guilty and this whole charade makes me doubt myself.

>Theroux is a hack who's previously been played like a fiddle by a prostitute
What do you mean? That bitch in the brothel docu? She was desperate to fuck Louis and he kept palming her haggard ass off like the absolute chad that he is.

My question is why the fuck does anyone care? Why is it such a big deal all over the place? He's fucking dead.

What a dumb faggot. Whether or not MJ is guilty, if someone were to be falsely accused, that makes them the victim, and you're silencing them.

But he did make a documentary about him failing to see it.

Louis also said OJ was innocent sooooooo...

it's bad and goes nowhere

Some autistic sociopathic paki manipulates him and it ends

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*turns a blind eye to Jimmy Saville*

I know right. I wish people would stop going on and on about Hitler. Dude is dead, get over it.

He did two documentaries on him one after he died exclusively about the pedophilia/necrophilia scandal

Um Michael can't be a pedophile, he made good music!

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He could have killed a man for all I care and I'll still listen to Man in the Mirror.

God your an autistic idiot. She was doing that to extract money (hint: she's a prozzie with a drug habit) and the dumb fuck did. See other episodes to see how much Theroux's been seen through
>max clifford
In particular

Um, we don't need tangible proof or any evidence that refutes the existing, these people said he molested them.

The first doc was hugely pro Saville and he only went back and did another after everything came out. It was an open secret how fucked up Saville was in the BBC so it's not like he didn't know.

i remember having that conversation with a workmate when he died:

them: "omg mj died"
me: "oh. wasnt he a pedophile or something"
them: "nah man. he made great music"
me: "oh, ok"

>God your an autistic idiot. She was doing that to extract money (hint: she's a prozzie with a drug habit) and the dumb fuck did.
The fuck are you talking about? Louis didn't give her shit. She was getting pissed at him because she thought she could get with any guy and chad Louis kept rejecting her advances.

>Not really

yeah really

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this is how every retard who hasnt seen it (most of this board) thinks

So if it's proven that MJ is a pedo what happens next? I honestly don't get the point of this aside from the fact that people want to milk the controversy dry again for ez money.

>imagine being expected to prove it

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If you were a victim or related to one of his victims, wouldn't you be angry at MJ and want the truth to come out?

>I honestly don't get the point of this aside from the fact that people want to milk the controversy dry again for ez money.
That's it. Even if they don't take it to a court (and they won't), the accusers get cash for interviews while the media gets traffic from digging up the controversy once again.
Everyone wins besides MJ, his family and peoples trust in either the courts or the media depending on your opinion of the case.

>slandering a corpse
yeah fuck journos and fuck the """victims"""
Michael Jackson was literally the last great musician in history

Look I hate normies and know they are retarded but this is flat earther tier

I wonder if those accusations came up after or before Sony paid them.

Big business, to have the biggest pop star in the world calling out record companies others on their business tactics and treatment of children.

Why do so many of you find it difficult to believe he was guilty? Guy was a known weirdo and obsessed with kids on an insane level. Do you think it was all platonic? Or maybe you think he was too pure to molest anyone? We're talking about the Californian artistic medium here where pedophilia runs rampant.

piss off kike

His family accused him of being a pedophile too. Latoya Jackson saying over and over again that Jackson is a pedophile and that her and her mother were angry because their mother found out Michael was writing checks to several little boys.

She also says Michael's mother said she couldn't believe her son was a "faggot", in response to finding out that he molested children.


Latoya in the first clip saying he's a child molester:

>"What 35-year-old man do you know, sleeps in bed with little boys and stays with them a week or two weeks, or whatever?"

This next clip she accuse Michael of using his fortune to essentially buy children, cutting checks to their parents.


Third clip in which she says he was only getting married to shut down the child molestation allegations, saying that Michael is gay and doesn't like women, and hates them, all women. She also says that in her eyes he's a pedophile.


Yeah and he then made an entire documentary about how horrible and stupid it was that he missed it and about the victims of savilles abuse.

Louis has more than made up for not calling Saville out.


i could understand doubting MJ's predilection for little boys if you were born after the year 2000 and didn't live through all the MJ drama as it happened.

fucking this, they forced it too hard just like global warming

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Wtf are you talking about? The polyamory episode in Dark States was literally like a weird weekends ep.

he wanted to expose actual pedophiles and got his ass rammed into the ground as a result.
Funny how all these victims suddenly crawled out the woodwork when he's dead, but the cases were dropped when it was recent.
He's a dude who got bullied by his father and never experienced childhood, why the fuck do you think he lived in a theme park and offered kids to literally play with him

It's less that people don't think that MJ was a pedo but more that they're just too cynical about media and don't want to give any of them any attention. Also because people are overreacting again by trying to snuff out MJ related media.

I mean come on man. We all laughed at the pedo jokes way back when. This is old news. Just a new coat of mass media paint. If it's true most of us honestly wouldn't really be that surprised. I just don't want these obnoxiously load shitters getting money.

I believe all the doubters are boomers who grew up with him and refuse to accept that their idol was a homosexual pedophile. Its hard to defend him now when you can just read all the court procedures, material, all the articles, you can look the pictures and even watch videos of him being very intimate with children.

>Why do so many of you find it difficult to believe he was guilty?
All the accusations have been motivated by money, including the original accuser whose father was on tape essentially admitting his plot to extort money from Jackson. The second accuser's family had a history of trying to extort money from celebrities and their story is even more ridiculous than the first. These latest two faggots are contradicting their earlier testimonies and the circumstances of them remembering the alleged abuse is highly dubious. There's no tangible proof he ever molested a child and there's hundreds more testimonies swearing his innocence.

It's just literal contrarianism. One day Yea Forums will scream about hollywood and celebrities being full of pedo jews and sex rings full of children (all true) but then if the MSM actually agrees with this once, 200 IQ Yea Forums must disagree because twitter bad.

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>he wanted to expose actual pedophiles
This. All the pedo material he had in his house was for research.

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you mean court procedures of the charges they dropped after multiple victims admitted to trying to extort him?
Yeah eat shit kike.

Why would they bring it all back now? What's the agenda?

to bleed his family dry and smear his name because he was against Sony diddlers

You've got to be braindead if you're a 90s kid and bought all that old media bullshit that was thrown about back then. Go back and look at all that bullshit. If the Internet was around back then Michael never would have been able to be slandered so without people realising how full of shit the whole media circus was.

Why did he keep hanging with kids then? Why did he still pet them in front of the camera even after all the troubles he went through?

Hook nosed lying kike. Your jewish tricks have no power here.

He did ask him yes. His whole motivation for the documentary was that he felt like he was hiding something. Its grim watching it knowing what we do now

Just post that webm of him getting his ass kicked by Chris Eubank.

he suffered from Peter Pan syndrome.
His father beat the everliving shit out of him and called him ugly for the vast majority of his life.
He never had friends or a true childhood.

Because he was an emotionally stunted adult that longed for a childhood he never had. He was a weird guy. It doesn't mean he fucked or fondled kids. He devoted an enormous chunk of his fortune to helping underprivileged kids and ensuring they could have the childhood he never had.

>abused as a child
>turns into an abuser of children
literally the most common abuser archetype thankyou

>the jews made him sleep in bed with those kids
>the jews made him get naked with kids
>the jews made him snuggle and hold hands with kids
>the jews made him have CP in his house
>the jews made his sister and mother tell the press about how he was paying off accusers starting in the 1980's


Of course paedo scum on Yea Forums will defend this nonce.

he wasn't sexually abused, dimwit, his father forced him to perform for Jackson 5, brutally so.

he was exposed to sex at a pre mature age with his older brothers fucking groupies in front of him when he was still a child, that is sexual abuse


Listen to Michael Jackson's "They don't care about us" on YouTube and tell me EXACTLY which two (2) words are Censored.

just like your goverment does roight guvna? x)

How can you call me a kike when MJ corrupted the white American youth with his degenerate music? When he pushed for globalism, multiculturalism and interracial relationships in all of his songs? When he made a ton of money to jewish music producers? When he was personal friend with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach ?

He literally asked him to his face on camera.

Bit fucked up desu considering how Louis knows first hand how much documentaries can fuck with their subjects perception through editing

lmao keep clutching at straws. Did porn make you into a pedo, user?

Why did he have pornography in his home? Why did he keep bondage shit in hidden rooms?

he was sexually abused and became a sexual abuser

yes, thanks for cleaeing that up.

>has literally nothing to do with jews
>this place makes it about jews

Every time.

That's pretty rich coming from the same man who filmed an entire documentary about Jimmy Savile, later claimed to have solid evidence that he was a pedophile with heavy connections to the political establishment, but at the time ultimately did nothing because his career was more important to him than bringing a monster to justice.

>the jew cries as it strikes you

And what if he then went against all that?

>later claimed to have solid evidence that he was a pedophile with heavy connections to the political establishment
uhhh this was common knowledge at the time

It's not like he's an intelligent man. That goes for anyone else using twitter too.

so why was he knighted and friends with the upper echelon of united caliphate society?

Evidence recovered by police against Jackson, which included child pornography featuring underage boys.

Much of it was legal forms of CP, which included the book, The Fourth Sex which depicted naked boys and teens.


How the fuck would I know. Also how the fuck does either incriminate him as a pedophile?

How is necrophillia bad? If Jimmy abused kids then yeah but if he just paid hospitals to fool around in the morgue who cares.

>The entertainment industry has nothing to do with "Jewish" people

because societal elites protect pedophiles

>Guy was a known weirdo

Just like the rest of us in here eh, running away from the real world and flooding our senses with fantasy to numb the pain. You have more in relation to Michael Jackson than you realize.

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>The Fourth Sex which depicted naked boys and teens.
A youtuber said thats normal for anyone to own lmao defenders are crazy

It just debunks the commonly espoused theory that he was an asexual fairy-man who never mentally aged past the age of 11, which is always thrown out as the reason he would NEVA touch a keed like dats

Judge the actions of a man, not his words. Churchill hated jews but he was a zionist puppet. What actions did MJ take to fight the jews? No one. You don't get to be that big in the music industry without the jewish approval. He never did anything to fight the jews because he was a degenerate pedophile transexual, who kept changing his face and doing all kind of shit that make it obvious he was mentally ill. A person like that can't fight the jewish cabal.

>not posting the pdf

most of this board has 'legal CP' too yet never assaulted chilluns

>Fell for the NEET memes

No better than the people who chop their genitals off, or the ones that sleep with their cartoon wife.

And this is why you should never help underprivileged. They'll stab you in the back every time.

stop equating trannies to people
You will never be normal

Agreed. If the noses are this excited about attacking him, there must be something more going on. Are they trying to drive down the value of Neverland in order to buy it cheap?

I would say it was more about the music industry. Jackson started taking real heavy hits at Sony and even Disney in the later years.

Do you sleep alone with underrage kids after sending their family on a trip to the Grand Canyon?

His latest ones in America have been pretty great. Especially the Cuckold and College Rape episodes

Fuckin spot on

Not really. Whatever "pornography" he had wasn't sufficient for the authorities who raided the ranch to charge him with anything. Couldn't have been too outrageous. And people don't use his child-like nature and naivety solely as the reason he would never touch kids, it's just another something to go with all the other evidence that supports him never having done anything malicious, the circumstances all of which are all based around flimsy and unsubstantiated accusations.

why would someone's family willingly accept such a deal if he was such a known creep?

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Spielberg introduced Michael Jackson to Corey Feldman. Also what "heavy hits" are you talking about? Care to post some source?

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It's not really the kids. It's always that the kids came from shitty homes that come with the kind of parents that will fuck you or their kids over for a chance at money.

didn't Spielberg rape a kid to death?

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In your bias you forget to mention this:

>charge him with anything
>Jackson was charged with seven counts of child sexual abuse and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent

>t. flattard

This is one of them, even though I've never seen it.

There were others at press conferences. Mostly in front of fans where he was going on about Sony being evil, and hinting at the damage Disney would do to kids.

your pilpul is weak, Chaim

They didn’t present any evidence and made some weird claims like Michael would walk around the house naked with an erect dick even though moat people knew of Michael as a very shy man who was embarrassed by his own body

Spielberg is part of the jewish cabal that diddles children in Hollywood. Yes. He was also friends with Michael Jackson. Jackson had ties to Corey Feldman, who had ties to Marty Weiss, one of the pedos from An Open Secret.

>Jackson was charged with seven counts of child sexual abuse and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent
Never charged with child pornography which is what your initial claims were about and what happened with those charges you mentioned? He wouldn't happen to have been acquitted and ruled as not guilty on all would he?

n-no, Michael BAD
there is a DOCUMENTARY now

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This was years after his child molestation cases.

>say something they have no argument against

So why is this only happening now exactly?

Don’t forget his mother was a religious freak and MJ was actually a massive prude who would share his bed with prostitutes that his brothers hired and read them Bible stories to stop whoring around. All this stuff about him being a rapist cracks me up.

Have you even watched it you fat yank cunt? Louis literally expresses that he can't help but get emotionally attached and gives her cash (you really think he's going to respond back to a prozzie in his own doc when he has a wife you thick fuckwit)

Sleeping with kids and having sex with kids are two completely different things. Michael Jackson most likely hated the real world so he built his own to hide in and surround himself with people who are full of joy and simple innocence. I don't blame him because the real world fucking sucks with how malicious it is. We all have coping habits, Michael Jackson did this because he could and if you had the money he did you would be extravagant as well.

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OJ was charged with murder and he was acquitted. If some decent football player got away with murder, some megastar like MJ would get away with pedophilia charges in California (home of pedophile) without any problem. There is an interview with the jurors and they said they were mad at one of the accusers mother because she snapped her fingers at them. That's the level of jurors in the American system.

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the michael jackson rumours was a crusade by the media because he had a slightly quirky personality which didn't agree with the status quo. ever since, people have just simply accepted the rumours to be true. michael never experienced a childhood, his father robbed it from him and his development became distorted because of this and he obviously harboured greated resentment towards his father because of this. the agenda in inviting children to his house becomes clear if you take into consideration michael simply wanted to capture a childhood he never had. through the numerous children he befriended, he vicariously gained a childhood, but in reality it was only a short term relief as michael was an adult. people believe it's odd that he predominately hung out with children and apparently odd instantly means sinister, but adults are tainted, corrupted fiends with manipulative tendencies, michael was not going to get that magical child like experience from an adult. he vicariously lived a childhood through those children whom he cared for with all of his heart.
tl;dr sensationalist media makes too much money from scandals and destroyed michael jackson's image forever because he tried to capture a childhood he never had

This fucker was paling around with known pedo Jimmy Saville long after he made that show with him hardly someone who’s judgement I respect

La Toya was also genuinely insanse

Cause these two lying faggots filed a $1.5 billion lawsuit which was thrown out two years ago and now have to pay the Jackson Estate's legal fees.
It's about money for them and the kikes are always out for some of that as well as having a vendetta against Michael for him speaking out about their bullshit decades ago.

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I'm a white racis evil nazi and I think OJ did nothing wrong.
The cunt cucked him in his own home. I would have done the same thing.

Where's the proof?

This was about four years before all that. I'd say it started with menial things about his 2001 album, that's when these first videos start popping up.

Now? This has been going on since the 90s, mate.

Goddamn, the kikes are going all out. MJ must've missed up big time if the hook-nosed rats would try to smear him even after his death.

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If the media keeps reporting about MJ being a pedo then he probably isn’t one because the entertainment industry hides the real pedos



lol at all the replies defending St Lois every fucker at the bbc knew what saville was about and Lois knew 100% he was a nonce and continued to hang around with him years after his episode

Michael was found innocent.
OJ was found not guilty.

So you accept that he slept alone with children. And you also understand that he had pornographic material in his home, some of them showing naked young boys. Can you put one and one together?

Why are you guys talking about Jews again? You're fucking OBSESSED

Yeah. Nearly all the news assumes Michael is guilty from this one documentary. It’s weird because there were rumours about Spacey being a gay pedo for years but there was fucking nothing.

This. In the same way BBC went after Japan's 2D children when they themselves were trying to keep the real pedos within their very clique out of public eye.

His pedophilia accusations started in the 90s. Actually even before that(late 80s), some members of his family are on video saying he was a pedophile.

I remember reading the tabloids that said Michael Jackson slept in an oxygen tank.

Saville was basically a national icon at that point, nobody wanted to try and take him down. Besides, Louis knew he fucked up bad.


"Jews" user. Not Jews, "Jews". I feel bad for the israeli people, they get a bad name, like the christians.

When one of the times people are talking about Jews is proven to not have Jewish involvement let me know.
If it didn't end up Jews every single fucking time then people probably would never even notice to call them out.

I feel bad for the Palestinians they occupy and murder

>nonce sympathizers


>4 hours long documentary
>zero actual evidence shown
That's gonna be a yikes, bro.

The jewish media is playing you dumb goyims like a fiddle. They did the same shit with Trump saying that he was a nationalist and he was going to make America great, that he was such a racist and a white supremacist. Just to get you retards to support him.
My suggestion is to look at the facts yourself. Go watch the documentary. Go read the court procedures. Search on Google images MJ and some of his victims. Do your own research and you'll find that MJ was a pedophile.

holy fuck eat shit and die kike

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>Accusations are all it takes to establish guilt
>I don't need proof



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I just find it ironic that a britfag has the gall to call others pedophiles

always knew /pol/ was full of pedo apologists but this is kinda fucked

>The child was able to draw distinctive marks on Jackson’s penis and buttocks – as the legendary entertainer suffered from skin condition vitiligo.

>Police in California then strip searched and photographed the Billy Jean songwriter’s genitalia – something Jacko, who denied all allegations of sex abuse made against him, called "the most humiliating ordeal of my life”.

>Following the strip search, Jackson agreed a massive settlement with the Chandler family reported to between $20m and $24m.

>According to numerous reports, including from investigative journalists such as Diane Dimond and Jacques Peretti, the child correctly identified the marks on the star’s penis prompting Jacko to settle.

>Author and ex-music industry exec John Niven claims that Jordan’s description of the singer manhood was “so accurate” he was able to identify where the "splotches" were placed when the entertainer’s penis was “erect.”

>Writing in the Independent, Niven said: “The boy’s information was so accurate he was able to locate where the splotch moved to when Jackson’s penis became erect and the fact that he was circumcised.”

>no evidence
Yeah sure

Oh please so it’s acceptable to hang around with a guy that everyone knew was molesting kids. He was no icon he was a pedo who had dirt on important people. Lois is full of shit.

He was found innocent in a court of law, that's the bottom line.

you're not on /pol/ fren, Yea Forums is the cunny board

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The documentary is pretty shit. Fuck. Might as well call it a mockumentary because all it does is just bring up all the allegations and accusations we've already heard while also piling on some new shit that doesn't have any proof as well. I mean, I guess it's a interesting showcase ofo the pedo controversy but as far as proving that he was an actual pedo? Come the fuck on.

Why do we care about this again? Why is this blatant shilling allowed here?

The fuck? Michael wasn’t circumcised which was why it was obvious Chandler was lying.

the laws don't matter silly, twitter documentaries made by pedo apologists do

>i-it's not /pol/
>posts the reddit frog
hahaha ok newfriend


Repressed memories. What a load of bullshit.

>Jordan Chandler was 13 when he accused Jackson, detailing a very believable story about how Jackson slowly groomed him, saying that it started with him watching a scary movie in his room, and Jackson offering to let him sleep in his bed with him so he wouldn't be scared. Jordan said that his mother immediately found out and accused Jackson of being improper with her son, only for Jackson to start crying and saying it was all innocent and asking how come people read too much into things? And saying how he was just trying to be nice.

>Jordan said Jackson made his mother feel very guilty about it, so she dropped it, and he and Jackson then began spending more and more time together. This escalated to hugs, then kisses on the cheek whenever he and Jackson saw each other, then that escalated to kisses on the lips eventually. He said that he and Jackson changed clothes in the same room one day, with Jackson telling him it was ok for boys to see other boys naked.
>He said this then escalated to he and Jackson bathing together one day, with Jackson saying adult take bathes with children all the time and that that too was ok. This eventually then escalated with Jackson discussing masturbation with him one day and convincing Jordan to let him give him a handjob to show him how to do it the right way.

>After all that it went from handjobs to blowjobs, to Jackson finally asking Jordan to reciprocate. So, Jordan began performing oral sex on him. And eventually one day Jordan's dad began asking a bunch of questions about it, and why his mother was ok with him spending so much time with Jackson, and so he told his dad that Jackson was sexually abusing him.

>A very believable and realistic story describing the grooming and seduction phase that a child molester puts their victims through.

>and the fact that he was circumcised.

Except he wasn’t you fucking retard

The follow up doc is a charade. Of course he puts it out after Saville dies and is exposed. How convenient.

>found cp in his house

yeah ok buddy

It was just rumours at that time. There were some people at the BBC who basically knew, but the guy was still a charity legend.

Also yeah, some people were in complete denial. Remember the woman who worked for him who still denies it to this day? I'm not saying Louis didn't fuck up, but he at least tried to make amends.

sure thing tranny.

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The men in the documentary are lying. If you look at their eyes, they hold their stares when they say their statements.

I just checked the thread is on Yea Forums

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>Character attacks and nothing more to offer

Very poor from theroux

Would a little boy know the difference? Specially with an erect penis?

>u... Uh...
>j...jews! Y... Yeah jews jews jews Jews haha

I answered your question, there's a difference between sleeping with kids and having sex with kids. If you think all human contact is sexual in some form then the problem lies with you.

>And you also understand that he had pornographic material in his home, some of them showing naked young boys

And what was the context. Ever consider that there were a bunch of autistic kids there running around talking their clothes off because they like the shock value of it and were caught in photographs. I ask that because my nephew is terrible for doing it that I've come to the point of saying that I will smack his bum every time he does it.

>michael jackson
What type of kike media did you pull this from?

>wtf i'm not /pol/ fuck off kike shill tranny basedboy NPC cuck
ok bud

probably planted evidence tb h

Another one of the books the police recovered from Jackson's home. The Boy, another legal CP book also done by George st Martin, a member of NAMBLA


You raped me.

Chandler was circumcised himself and your copypasta is complete bullshit. Who the he’ll is saying it was a fact when he was circumcised? Chandler was a liar and they we’re in it purely for the money.

Um, he has all those likes on Twitter sweetie. He's right Michael Jackson should be erased from history and that's the tea sis.

They had their chance when they were in court but guess what, "supposedly" lied, fuck their faggot ass story. They also keep saying it isn't about money while they're suing the MJ Estate for millions of dollars, fuck these fags.
The FBI investigated Michael for over 10 years and they found nothing, no compelling evidence. MJ rests at Gods side.

when the only explanation you have for events is an elaborate conspiracy then your opinion is essentially worthless

If people really believe in this documentary that provides no evidence then I guess we should believe every documentary about Ancient Egyptian pyramids being built by the greys too.

its kino

If you accept the fact that he slept alone with young boys.
If you accept the fact that he had pornographic material in his home. Tranny DVDs, other pronography in VHS, magazines of people having sex. Then you understand that he was interested in sex.

Can you understand how those two things fit together?

At least History Channel is good for a laugh.

>was a known weirdo

Way to downplay mental illness caused by a psychotic family training regimen from an early age.

Say what you want but the ancient alien series is fantastic white noise. Does amazing for my sleep.

wew imagine being this afraid

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Why was Joe Jackson so evil?

the documentary is filled with unproven accusations made by "victims" who previously stated that he was innocent, victims that are in financial problem now.
A documentary wrapped in sensationalist paper.

This documentary is propaganda trash, is shameful and disgusting to attack a dead man with such inflammatory shit

He had books done by NAMBLA members hidden inside a secret fucking room in his home. A SECRET ROOM.

Pic related is the secret room he had his CP hidden in.

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Don't forget at least two of the kids recanted their story saying their parents coerced them to say it. Also, the Doctor who killed MJ said he was chemically castrated at a young age to keep him young looking.

>cops examine it all
>no cp charges

he's been dead for 10 years, who fucking cares

I don't pay attention to twitter or twitter screenshot threads. Why is Michael Jackson blowing up all of a sudden? It was well-known he diddled kids 10 years ago

Yeah, so fucking obvious. fraidy kikes.

People had their minds made up about Jackson ages ago, and he’s been dead for a decade. I’m really not sure what the point is in pissing on his corpse again after all this time.

The boy's father pimped out his son to MJ and was after his money. So? Does that excuse MJ for raping a little young boy?

>The boy’s information was so accurate he was able to locate where the splotch moved to when Jackson’s penis became erect
Wait, how would the investigators be able to corroborate this? Did they make him get erect and photograph it?

Let the truth come out so all the world will know that MJ was a pedophile?

Theroux hasn't been too great lately. His latest documentary was pretty weak. I sure as hell believe the kid raped the girl, but the documentary was sloppily made.

If it was actually CP he would have been charged. Most of them were photography books sent by his artist friends but of course a lot of transgressive art is in the legal gray area.

He just made the whole thing up for money.

>tfw have Peter Pan's syndrome but everyone thinks you're a pedo

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Looks comfy

oh it's on now

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I think at this point it's less about "justice" and more about money. It they really wanted to prove MJ was a pedo then they would have been relentless about it.

I like the one documentary where they spend two whole seasons looking for Adolf Hitler in Argentina.

Actually, yes. The kid described some spots on MJ's dick and ass. The police got the permission from a judge to stip him naked and photograph him and they found the spots described by the kid


What a stupid fucking argument. You can have your sexual desires separate from your compassion and companionship, it's no different having a pet sleeping on your bed.

Fucking listen to when I say this. The problem lies with you. It your problem that you can't fathom the idea that you can separate the two.

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Probably because it has encoded binaural audio to put you into a trance state. That whole series is a federal agent psyop.

Some of the books were made and signed by NAMBLA members.

>”Michael has CP!!”
>police raided his mansion and took his belongings
>never charged him for possession of CP because they deemed it wasn’t CP
Yeah sure

i wonder what Louis is like in real life. Do you think he's a hard lefty?

They give me hope that Megalodon might still be alive.

Probably a legit pedo.

Did they also make him get erect in order to corroborate that one of the spots moved? Everybody already knew he had vitiligo.

I feel like it was made in that slightly disjointed way to emphasise the grey-areas that a lot of these cases have. Especially the 180 from sympathising with the Afghan guy to the reveal that he is actually quite sinister. Gave quite a fair case to some of the unfair accusations too.

Well yeah, we lefties are actually educated unlike you surfs

what the fuck is a surf? i hope you didnt mean serf


Wold you let your child sleep with another man?

Look all I'm saying is if the evidence was really stacked against Michael then why are we only bringing it up again? Why hasn't he been proven guilty years ago? Especially a few years after his death? Riddle me this.

Besides that, even if he was proven to be a pedo, this whole modern age retelling of the age old controversy is a clear scheme to make money out of a dead man.

>My $40,000 art degree proves I'm so much smarter than you

What about Fred Dirst, Marilyn Manson or Lady Gaga?

>Robson and Safechuk take out a massive class action suit against Michael's estate
>it gets dismissed on December 17th 2017
>first interview made for Leaving Neverland was with Robson in Hawaii
>took place 18th February 2018
but I'm sure he's just in it for truth, justice and the American way

What happened with jews in yugoslavia?

Jackson was redpilled as fuck in the best possible way. When he was given the chance to spread a message it was all about unity, respect and taking personal responsibility. All things that go against the divide and conquer, keep the population scared and angry tactic that seems to be coming form certain quarters.

Yeah and it sticks out like a sore thumb in the catalog of his new shit.

Jews were trying to normalize pedophilia in the 80s and 90s. There are playboy magazines with naked 9 year old girls from that era. Crazy shit, I know. Doesn't change the fact that its pedophilia.

I think when he's not making documentaries he just sits in a comfy chair in a dark quiet room waiting for the next documentary to make

Isn’t Robson a pedi himself tho? When will all the girls he molested make their own documentary since media is so hungry for #MeToo stories now?

They will probably release it after he is dead so he can’t defend himself.

There was actually a trial, you know? Go read about his trial. He was a billionaire megastar, so of course he was found not guilty.

>Jackson was redpilled
What kind of mutt do you have to be to believe this? The fucking homosexual nigger looked like a fucking freak and hanged around little white boys all day.

>retarded anons think la toya admitted to mj being a pedo
>don’t mention how she was brainwashed and threatened by gordon to say those things

exactly my friend, he was a dangerous weapon against the political and social zeitgeist and they weren't going to risk this weapon becoming locked and loaded. after the defamation he experienced, his career never recovered, his entire legacy was reduced to a joke about him fucking babies. it's tragic

>imagine being pozzed by the jews so much that you actually think Michael Jackson was a national socialist

Did anyone else think that the mother in Leaving Netherlands was a MILF? Not the Australian one.

Why are people this decade so weak?

>implying they weren't

Ooooh, retroactive pedophilia.

The director of the documentary said MJ was like Hitler and that his fans are ISIS.

Darn, if only there were a way to make accusations without making money at the same time.

I once watched a documentary that said the earth was flat but it was very well made and I almost believed it

You can tell he's lying, can't look at the camera when he says he's innocent and otherwise dances around the subject. Why do his defenders put two and two together to get five?

The pyramids were not built by aliens but Stonehenge was. Look it up.

Hitler would have executed that freak who used to touch his crotch and grind the floor in front of million of people, many of them young and white, on the spot.

I can't really support a documentary like this in good faith without thinking that it's all just one big massive money making scheme done without respect for both victimized parties.

Blame the director for saying something so retarded then.

Pretty much this.

>Hitler would have executed
Stopped reading there.