Why doesn't Hollywood hire hot actresses anymore? The 60s had Marilyn Monroe, 70s had Farrah, 80s had Madonna, 90s had Tiffany Amber Thiessen, 00s had Jolie
Why doesn't Hollywood hire hot actresses anymore? The 60s had Marilyn Monroe, 70s had Farrah, 80s had Madonna...
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we literally have Brie right now
The idea is to cast actresses that the average ugly female filmgoer can relate to
Marxism.Hiring Hottest and best looking women makes marxists realize that people are not born equal.
who is she?
They are completely unrelatable in most cases.
Holy shit you are so red pilled man. You totally fit to this website. You can go and cancel your reddit account. Just stay here man.
Marilyn Monroe would never have become an actress if they had the internet in the 50s. She would've been an instagram thot, gaining fame and money that way.
>toe fungus
Being attractive is too hard for white women now and many are too lazy and privileged to want to take the effort to stay thin or in shape. Asian women are literally the only remaining demographic that still puts effort into their looks.
they are not unrelatable at all.Obviously acting matters more but still its clear Hollywood doesn't try to hire best looking actors like how brie larson was cast as captain marvel.
marxism is about equality of opportunities, not equality of outcomes, and Marx knew very well that people are NOT born equal
Go read a book instead of shitposting on /pol/, I mean Yea Forums
Because we have Instagram now. You no longer are required to be attractive and moderately capable at acting, you can now just be hot and exist, this makes way for genuine 10/10's
Because women instinctively despise more attractive women. And now that the female audience makes up a large portion of a film's ticket buyers, producers don't want them to feel threatened by seeing these beauties.
in the end this will only help ugly Yea Forums people get laid. The media will brainwash people into being attracted to mediocre people.
modern marxists are different.
unironically looks like a man with a giggly butt
How big do I have to be to satisfy them?
Can I get some names
my wife
>marxism is about equality of opportunities, not equality of outcomes
Exactly the opposite you brainlet mong.
Charlize Theron?
Margot Robbie?
Zoe Saldana?
Emma Watson?
Amanda Seyfried?
All very very hot.
marx said equality was a dumb goal, read a book
surely you jest
t. I hate reading books and most of all hate books about the topics I call myself an expert in
A lot of fucking things would be different if they had internet in the 50s you brain dead retard.
If you disagree with all of those you’re just a contrarian. One of them you have to like. I personally think Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women in the world.
I need a name.
If you're tall and have a good job, then that's really all you need. Most Asian women just want someone who can protect them and provide for a family.
Theron was hot in the 00s, and Margot? Lol
I need a name on OP girl guys
I’m 5’10 but could probably pull it off with a better job, one that looks like that anyway. Lots of rando Asian chicks out there who just wanna get knocked up for that sweet, sweet anchor baby money bc god and blessings and China sucks I guess
Olivia Brower
Farrah Fawcett is one of the most overrated women ever also Madonna is not a actress.
I know a 6' 1" 37 year old guy who looks like fucking skeletor and is the living embodiment of the boomer meme but even he got a cute Korean gf just last year. If he could do it, then so can you.
Add feminazi insecurity and jealousy as they hate to be confronted with the truth that beautiful women don't need feminism to further their position in society and non-brainwashed normal women actually love men.
reminder that a generation of boys dropped their balls to this pic
judaic prviliege
we have to keep prime roles (and paychecks) within the tribe
just string the shiksas along with promises of fame in exchange for sex
All you lardasses complaining about sharp elbows should shut your mouths. Not because of what you’re saying but you should probably stop stuffing your face. Maybe then you could lose some weight and finally fuck someone.
Why would you post a webm of a fridge? This isn't /ck/.
Not op. Her figure is quite good, but the face is a total turn off. Do you prefer body over face?
not them but, why are you so mad?
Amber Heard anf Margot Robbie
>ywn be stuck on a bus with them after they just had all you can eat broccoli beef
life sucks
Who hurt you, user?
I just never found her that great she is objectively beautiful but there are so many more actresses and models that stand out more even back then.
u dont get any gayer
>thinking hollywood liberal elitists want marxism and not neoliberalism + identity politics pandering
Uneducated moron
how is her face a turn off?
Beauty ≠ talent.
Not every hot woman is easy to teach how to act, all those you mentioned aren’t very good actresses at all (maybe besides Jolie).
They try to do it sometimes but most of those hot actresses only end up in shitty movies.
Shes cute, not hot. If she lost 10 kg shed be very attractive.
In theory youre right, but Jews are in perpetual suffering and torment and it makes them do crazy shit. Like the race mixing propoganda and the LGBT push which has ironically affected Jewish kids the most.
why not both?
what's the point of this photo?
lol, her body is perfect, thin skeletons look gross.
>Margot Robbie
yikes, you actually rate her?
>neoliberalism and marxism
How about you do the bare minimum of research before you talk about politics
And slavic women
>Margot robbie
Theyre beautiful and that was the point of of the thread. Even more appropriate since shes a shit actress that is only employed because of her looks.
what the fuck lmao
Yosh yosh. It's all going to be daijobu, user.
Wow youre so smart you popped off on a memer. Do you work in policy?
Not all hollywood elitists want the same thing retard.
You havent convinced me shes ugly yet. I am not one of those nerds who doesnt realize that women wear makeup.
she is not ugly at all but she is not close to a 10/10
Closer to a 10 then you'll ever get, nerd.
>Why doesn't Hollywood hire hot actresses anymore?
We have Moner, though
I am not comparing myself with her at all why are you so offended? they are much better looking women than margot robbie out there. You sound like discord tranny.
>If you disagree with all of those you’re just a contrarian
Nope, they are all just okay looking. You should stop trying to force your shitty taste as the general consensus.
I dont give a fuck about your incel 1-10 scale. If any of us did we'd be talking about women who cosplay moe anime characters and have long toes.
Is that a little light on her nose?
IG is for short people.
Youre dealing with people who have complexes with women and are comparing hollywood actresses to the biblical eve. Its these people whose opinions on beauty natter the least since theyre so deviant from most people.
How fucking retarded are you? Attractiveness of the person judging isn't relevant you fag.
I agree but you bit hard on it so you must be an ugly person.
Mathilda May from Lifeforce, IMO one of the hottest chicks I’ve ever seen in my life
the real answer is hot girls are either too confident to control or too crazy
its easier to get a homely looking girl with low self esteem and build her up with make up photoshop and cgi
I'm a different person you mongoloid.
Yeah you. Youre ugly
Based on me calling you retarded? Seems like a bit of a leap
>these faces
yikes. nice "asian americans" americans
gib polish actress
Lol, who said anything about asians or anime?. you are bitter as fuck.
Sounds kinda gay user.
You have to go looking to find them as the casting people hide them. Often they appear in the strangest of places at the weirdest hours.
If you werent you wouldn't be responding
Her top half is skinny, her bottom half is pudgy.
Thats the hard read i get from people who debate what a 10 is. Take it or leave it.
so what?
>marxism is about equality of opportunities
Nope. Marx was not concerned about the equality of peoples opportunities.
>Daisy Ridley and Emilia Clarke are stars while Holly toils in obscurity.
Yeah i like that.
So, shed be more attractive if she wasnt pudgy. You Americans for some reason like overweight women. Its disgusting.
You're wrong
That isn't an argument
No motivation. There was a time a guy would sit through any movie/tv show to see a hot woman. Those days just don't exist anymore. No reason to isolate half your audience. Women hate seeing really attractive women on screen, Jennifer Love Hewitt being the prime example. They'll tolerate beautiful women like Natalie Portman, but they'll only really get behind ugly women we're told are beautiful (e.g. Gal Gadot) or "relatable" cute women like Reese Witherspoon.
Im not arguing with you. Im insulting you.
she is not overweight.
I know you are but what am I
Sorry to break ot to you, but she looks 10kg overweight.
Maybe the real answer is that hollywood casting agents are gay jewish dudes. Its the same thing as perez hilton being hired to judge miss universe.
this is a 10,not margot robbie.
just because she is not thin and athletic doesn't mean she is overweight.
You're not proving your point
thanks, she cute
Remove the lighting, the makeup, the fake lips and the 2lbs of hair product and you got a 7
Dont waste your breath, he's low testosterone like most euro boys.
Thats exactly what it means. Im notnsaying shes fat, im saying shes overweight. Its not a big deal, shes still cute, but if she did lose 10kg shed be a very attractive person.
not the sam user, but you sound like a gay fashion designer, i like them thin but OPs isn't overweight. She isn't fit and more firm, but still fine.
by that logic No women is a 10. she looks better than most women out there with makeup.
We cant all be high-F like you American boys.
was marx also about mass murder and genocide by famine?
because that's what he got
Shes not, but then again fat people like the people in this thread prefer pudgy women, because they delude themselves into believing that they stand a chance
No one here is fat.
You suck at it though.
I'm done here, there is a Moner thread up
Imagine if your biggest problem in life is having too much good food to eat. Feels good.
Said ttu
Her weight is normal. Overweight is above average weight which is not normal and is undesirable.
Not gonna miss you. Dont even know why you bothered responding. The ugly word must have really struck a chord.
lol,not the guy you are responding to but why are you so obsessed?
Lets be real you'd fuck an overweight girl
Post the webm from that movie where she says she's almost 14
depends on how overweight.
The dude's ugly. His cross to bear not mine.
He's reaching some supreme gentleman levels of discourse
About this size
females aren't people
best combination desu
Go to your moner thread bro.
Could lose 10 or so kg
>white women
>stretch marks and hair removal marks visible
ouch, that's a bit too much resolution
we have enough with the faggot, don't summon the polmongs now.
can't see her body properly. clearly not the best picture.
asian women will always be inferior to white women. that's why asian women try to look white.
me on the left
Make the call
Any white woman who heard you say that would never date you, Hispanic girl would laugh and comment, Asian girl would just say “no, that’s not right. Be nice.” White women lose
That's hot, not enough resolution 4me, don't tell me you prefer some plastic looking porn-tier roast now.
obviously. Most women are love to virtue signal and are liberal as fuck.
post a better picture. can't even see her body properly neither her face.
The most beautiful women in the world are columbian and light skinned black women. Beautiful faces and bodies. Asian and white women can have beautiful faces but have poor bodies.
All women are whores.
Stop worshipping women you colossal faggots, it's peak normie behaviour.
>inb4 incel
I've had three long-term girlfriends.
You couldnt handle it.
No woman outside his family or school (teacher) has spoken to him kek. Alt right incels are doomed. They will probably be arguing online with my children in 20 years time
No one is worshipping women here, we are just talking.
Damn 3, what’s going on with you user you wanna talk about it
Thats a jewish tactic meant to alienate man from his primal desires. Why wouldnt we love women. They are made from our rib, our companions on life's journey.
toasted roastie detected!
>Anyone who I don't like is alt right.
Youre not wrong.
If your idea of prefection is short with fat asses maybe, others think different.
I like you tho, incels are great entertainment
Pining women against men and vice versa is definitely part of their game towards the destruction of the gentiles
Youre one of those guys who would say that a miada is a perfect car because of the handling, but how can it be a perfect car without a perfect engine?
white women look angelic whereas columbian and light skinned black women look like degenerate whores.
Yeah thats why the other user has failed 3 relationships.
post more Brower
I am not a incel. do you even know what an incel is?
What about alicia keys.
what about her? she is nothing special.
Can you imagine being that european guy and calling that overweight.
>the effort to stay thin
There's no effort included. It literally unironically objectively takes more effort to be fat, since you have to actually eat instead of not eating.
Tell us what went wrong with these 3 women. Seriously. MAybe you've been picking them at the wrong places. i mean if you date girls that hang out in bars and clubs you're not getting a faithful waifu.
That was a test and you've failed. She's extremely sexy and is not a whore.
And what would be the engine in your crappy analogy?
European men are low testosterone.they like anorexic women who they can handle without shitting their pants.
Hollywood actress. Is she 10?
I think were just ectomorphs. I think the same thing because i live a near sedentary lifestyle and am thin. Makes me wonder how these dumbasses manage to put on weight when i can drop 5 lbs in a week drinking too much coffee.
Female tits and ass.
Never said she looks like a whore.
Its been conditioned that way because underweight women miss oeriods and have fertility problems. And you wonder why Europe has a declining population.
Do you mean British Columbia? Oddly specific.
Once you go black you cant go back. You've been warned.
Women seem to bond with food in a diff level than guys, we like to eat and all, but for them is like having sex or emotional support. And most of them also hate doing exercise with passion, they may do a couple of weeks of zumba or other meme shit only if it's fun enough.
No, I meant colombian.
hm, on second thought, you have a point
Not really. Columbia is a frequent winner of miss universe and beauty competitions.
A man of culture
I think you've just gotten used to fat chicks because 70% of American women are overweight. Normal-sized women probably do look anorexic to you.
How does a Canadian province enter miss universe competitions?
Well for many of us is about form and nice proportions, not some kardashianesque shit, that and legs.
Yes, I couldnt keep my eyes off her in hacksaw ridge. Slightly dissappointed she's not a real redhead. Excellent fappening shots as well.
I don't like fat chicks at all. but European men think anyone who is not thin like a stick is fat.
If thats true then why cant you have babies. And dont say economic factors because thats not stopping niggers worldwide from breeding. The difference is these groups prefer large fertile women.
It's spelled Colombia you dolt
He meant colombia. Ignore his 3rd world English.
Colombia. Even though miss canada this go around was pretty good. Same problem though, too thin.
>fat means fertile
here ya go
>And dont say economic factors because thats not stopping niggers worldwide from breeding.
What is this supposed to mean? As income goes up, birth rates go down. Of course Africans have high birth rates.
This bitch is trifling
You are just trying to ignore your lizard brain. Theres a reason the oldest fertility sculptures were of overweight women. Its primal. Euros base their lives on clout and perception. "I wouldnt want to be seen with a large woman for fear of getting judged". Alienated from your own male desires.
american men think anyone who isn't round like a marshmallow is anorexic
>most of them also hate doing exercise with passion,
Yes these idiots don't understand they get fat not because of eating but rather because they don't exercise. And when they do, they think running will make them lose weight. It doesn't, it's only good for the heart. They have to lift and sweat it out if they want to burn the calories. Instead of that they go on a diet, their body goes into low energy mode which makes them loses even less weight
Thats why they call you useful idiot.
Because they let the jews convince them having kids is bad. Large hips and breasts is bad. It goes deep.
kek, why?
No we don't. Post a women that is thin but americans would consider her anorexic.
here ya go op
You have to understand that i live in the literal paradise of earth, usa. Those places are nothing to me. But they are beautiful so theres that
Europeans have non-overweight women as an option. You don't, so this is how you cope.
Youre laughing and think youre smart but it actually does. Babies dont eat air. They are parasitic.
That's because being fat was a luxury, now it means you're a lazy slob with high chances of diabeetus. kek, what's with chubby chasers and their high test and fertility memes?
Sometimes I wish we had flags on Yea Forums, I've got a pretty good feeling that you're posting from India or Australia.
based Trachty
Marx was a jew who lived in the most capitalistic country of his time. At no time did he want to live in a marxist country. The bolchevik revolution was engineered to destroy white Europe. What's the best way? Divide them into two artifically created systems, capitalism and communism. Did civilization not exist becafore jews conceptualized these systems? Yes it did exist but jews wren't in charge, and now they are.
>but it actually does
No, it actually doesn't. Overweight women are literally less fertile.
Is that what you think. Whats your skin in the game? So what you fucked a large woman. Nobody really cares except you. You let a jew control your desires.
>what's with chubby chasers and their high test and fertility memes
It's just this If all you see all day are niggers, you're gonna be attracted to niggers. And if everyone is fat, then you think the slightly less obese ones are hot
the fuck are you talking about OP?
babies are parasitic yes but that doesn't mean that fat is fertile or even necessary
Australia is also Paradise on earth. India is a godless savage nation, but their natural temperament is meek so they will adapt to the new world order well with the second coming of christ. Thats why they are wealthy right now in first world countries because they have christian tendencies.
Different desire and approach to film. Films became hyper realistic. Also there’s a theory among film theory that films were largely made for men to engage with during classical Hollywood cinema.
>he is so primitive that his lizard brain controls him
Being overweight doesn't make a woman fertile or providing more or better milk, it's just fat excess thet give more risks than eventual benefits. dafuq is with the fertility shit, you just need not being in Auschwitz skelly mode for that.
Wow youre taking an extremely narrow definition great job, youd make a great jew.
women are dumb, dangerous, disgusting animals who should all be killed
Youre dumb fat is an essential building block of life. I thought euros had a great school system. Look at your skin right now, thats fat. You like having it right?
not being overweight (this is a prerequisite to being attractive, it's kind of ridiculous that this even has to be listed with all these Americans around) > face > hips > ass (cute and firm obviously, not nigger tier) > legs > tits
hey user, what do boobies feel like?
Wrong and wrong. It's got nothing to do with politics. Hot women have pride and self esteem. When fat old kikes like harv try to shove their hand up her skirt a hot woma doesn't tolerate that for a second. They don't need to suck dick on the casting couch because theyre already stars, getting incredible amounts of attention and wealth from guys they actually want to fuck.
Plain jane and average women, on the other hand, have huge self esteem issues that make them vulnerable to schlomo rape. Outside of hollywood emma watson and jennifer Lawrence are utterly forgettable chicks, dental hygenists dating a slob with a dad bod who barely makes 6 figures and is deeply in debt just buying a suburban mcmansion outside of some boring middle state city.
That's all it is. Hollywood from It's very inception has been nothing more than a pimp scheme to get sad goyim women to spread their legs for jewish cock. People have known this since the 1800s. Hell it was such a well known fact that nazis used it in their antisemitic propaganda.
I want you to follow your inborn orimal primal desires not jewish culture pushed by gay jews in the fashion industry and the media.
>incredibly narrow definition
>the first sentence in the abstract mentions the obesity epidemic and to how many women it applies these days
there is a big difference between being an hollywood star and being just another instagram whore.
Ok go worship mammon and the talmud then. Europe is so smart that they cant even breed. Congrats
Yes dangle that carrot in front of them. All it takes is for you to sin, my dear. And all of the worlds riches will be yours.
Just to be clear: You are saying there is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy western civilization, but the USA of all things is completely unaffected by it?
No one in America worships money either, that's for sure!
"thick" women is a byproduct of porn and nigger culture, or more generally American culture.
Fat women aren't more fertile and they aren't healthier
No it is deep here. Really deep. I was just fucking with you about the petite vs bbw women shit. But i wouldnt be surprised if it was true now that i think about it.
Holy fuck, there is a difference in being thick and fat.
>merely pretending
Its probably true. The thin thing popped up with fashion models like twiggy. It wasnt always a thing. Jew manufactured. Before that people wanted tit cows like marilyn. Notice those were baby boom times.
if you use american-size it surely is
They want to make it seem like a black and white issue. Idk why they have so much skin in the game about it. Probably because it works against their social programming.
could not be gay
Shut the FUCK up retard
pic related is a billion times hotter than whatever reed thin whore you can think off
go jerk off to Nordic war chants or something
Thats what ive been saying. Just dont get these euros. doesnt surprise me that europe is also a hotbed of pedophilia too. There are no coincidences.
Why is she wearing makeup at the beach?
Sure, on paper there is. The problem is that you consider anyone who's actually thick as dangerously skinny because you're American. The thicc meme is just a BBW fetish, it always has been even back when /fit/ spammed shit about high test
You're thinking of 80s to 90s supermodels and somehow pretending we all get off on those skeletons
>implying Marilyn was anything close to what you'd call thicc
>this message brought to you by Pierce Brosnan
I hate chubby chasers because they are simultaneously chubby enablers. Fuck you guys for incentivizing obesity.
Her body is literally perfect. Euros are faggots.
That's a bit doughy, needs more firmness. She's not thick though
As suspected, her ass just sort of flabs down when she stands up
Great body otherwise, she needs some squats
guaranteed replies
Marilyn was huge. I cant even take you seriously after saying that.
Kys homo.
>asian-american trash
>qualifying as asian
Earlier you mnetioned the "muh ancient fertility statues!!!" meme. Now you brought up the "Marilyn was totally fat!!!!!" meme. Do you get all your "facts" from tumblr fatties?
>meth addict stupid whore that died of overdose
>somehow shes a role model for women bc muh strong independent wominz and everybody venerates her
Literally none of them are hot. Charlize was close to hot 15 years ago. The nigger was, is, and will always be ugly.
b-but muh joos
she;s the upper limit of attractive thickness. any thicker and you're a chubby chaser with a fetish
If only elfgirls were real. There'd be no chubby chasers around at all.
Ahh yes, which is why almost every widely watched movie is part of the hyper realistic capeshit genre
based and redpilled
who is this cutiepie?
what's her name bros?
there's something offputting about her face but I can't put my finger on it.
probably because that's a gif rather than an actual person
You're just not used to this expression of womanly graceful perfection in the (((current year)))
but we have ana
The Lure was a weird fucking movie.
the girl in the back on the right side
Ideal woman.
Almost granny league
stretch marks on thighs are sexy as fuck, and I tend to think anyone who's actively turned off by them has probably never had sex with a human before.
>childless crone
Failed woman*
Just call him 't. incel lol' and be done with it, landwhale
>phone poster
>is an inexperienced 14 year old with a mommy fetish
big shock
I reserve that term for obvious pol9k-tier incel opinions, not "pointy elbows" virgin opinions, but if you want to apply the label to yourself go ahead.
small, tite butts are nice butts, but not nearly as fun to play with as something like
Damn, you're so cunning, discord freak. How's that insuline?
>reeeeee discord trannies reeeeeeee
oh, so you are an incel then. whatever floats your boat, sport.
>slob with a dad bod who barely makes 6 figures and is deeply in debt just buying a suburban mcmansion outside of some boring middle state city.
and i dont even have jlaw to fuck
Kill yourself, faggot
>this faggot got paid to caress and kiss that ass
She's got a fixed smile on her face like a retard, it's fake and she's just giving the ooh look at me I'm having soooo much fun xD look
>discipline me, slap me
>*weak slap*
>aha rofl you're so bad this was weak
>*slightly harder slap*
>oh no i regret my decision this is scary
Running theory of mine. Dats is showing women increasingly dislike extreme beauty on screen.
Availability of hot women other avenues, ie ig, porn, makes studios/producers feel its no longer a selling point for males
One should never listen to women
let them stick to their romcom shit with Chads who lust after 35+ old hags
Women's minds flip like switches every few moments
Agreed & checked. There’s also a simpler explanation: Jews
>all the women I know watch kdrama, shitty normie tv and romcom crap
>if they read books it's twilight/jane austen/50 shades/shit like that 99.9% of the time
>let's get women inclusive things everywhere!
because SJWs and feminazis have to ruin everything
why can't my gf looks like that
>>all the women I know watch kdrama
u wot
are these """women"""
Simplicity is only valuable when it's correct
Why would anyone wear open-toed shoes if their toes looked like that? Who the fuck approved this? Don’t celebreties have stylists and shit like that?
>from each according to his capacities, to each according to their needs
Sure thing.
The opposite. Most people are fat because they over eat.
yeah it's the weebs who watch them