What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Why does he dress like an artsy highschool emo kid? I thought he was like a skater
Repressed homosexuality
thats a yikes. this dude never evolved past his bubble.
I thought his club failed.
He got roasted on cum town and his wife left him because of it
holy shit his wife left him? what a bitch after his best friend dies too.
sunk phil's dick
Not his club in the clip he was supposed to do a show at some comedy club.
I think he got remarried to some other chick and had a kid but that probably won't last much longer.
Roasted on cum town? WTF does that mean?
She took the kid and all his credit cards and left him on tour. he was posting videos passive agressively telling her to come back today because he couldn’t check into a hotel. Shits pretty crazy.
Dunn died like fucking almost a decade ago bam's faggot ass needs to stop using that for a crutch
He's an earthrocker
the fuck is he wearing
my mom died 5 years ago. shit feels like yesterday bro.
can't he just die already? I'm sick of this 40 year old baby
Post yfw Gene DiNapoli respects Elvis too much to say "suck me, suck me very dick".
>Bam scheduled to appear on Cumtown podcast
get hype boys
Can I be an earthrocker, even if I'm technically not a musician?
Yeah but 5 years isn't 10 my man, there's a point where you've got to let it go
Last I saw of Bam was this mini doc where he went to another country to live in some guy's couch and try to learn how to skate again in his mid 30s. No doubt one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
zoomers pls leaf
I love Black Comedy.
My mom died when I was 9, I’m 33, feels like nothing happened except for some awkward conversations. Dad died 2 or 3 years ago, I kind of act like Bam except not famous :(
sorry I don't worship a pathetic has-been
dude he has like 100 mill dollars. pretty sure hes just doing whatever he wants at this point. HAVE FUN AT WORK OR SCHOOL TOMORROW LOL.
It’s already out slowpoke. Its one of the GOATs.
My buddy got drunk and had Bam do a Cameo for me
Do you mean the new new wife, was that really today
Yes. I don’t think she left him for good but they’re definitely fighting and he’s off the wagon.
what's going on with Bam, looks like he's losing it.
holy shit Adam really did a number on him.
I didn't think he had it in him
I fucked her
where can I listen
wow, what an asshole..... What will he do next???
B R U I S E D & B R O K E N
tmz shitters are complete parasites
What was bams best skit in Sneed K Y?
Honestly r/cumtown has all the premium podcast links and Nick posts there every fucking day like its his blog Kek
cum town is a podcast
he’s been losing it for the past decade
>dude he has like 100 mill dollars
He didn't even make like half that in his career. Minus taxes and agents, and payouts to two marriages and a kid ... all while spending like a retard. Dude's probably close to bust.
Bam should have been riding shotgun with Ryan Dunn... this shit is getting tiresome
Why do mods keep deleting podcast threads and true crime threads!!?
Dude me too
Adam really did a number on him
Either another failed Rehab or OD is my bet.
I'm guessing get sued by his manager
Yes but only if your life is falling apart
Get my range rover and take me the fuck home!
what was he mad about? nobody showed up to his comedy show?
He's a 40 year old man who, when things aren't going his way, blames his mother on social media for allowing him to make bad decisions.
The retarded faggot still acts like a 13 year old kid.
If Stev-o could get out of it then this asshole should be able to do it too. The documentary with Stev-o hitting rock bottom in terms of the drugs is kino.
Where is everybody!?! We’ve got 50 sold
>Low T levels town
this is karma for being a dick to his parents and televizing it.
and what sort of comedy do you like
Oh yeah come over here and suck my dick faggot see how low my T is bitch
So Bam Margera does stand-up?
He was always the worst part of jackass, and had the worst spin off with his reality tv family bullshit.
>a show
what kind of show? Is he trying to get into stand up? Is he talkin bout the good ol days when ryan wasnt donne yet?
oh yea? i fucked her like 6 times
it's probably just bam on stage being on the verge of laughter the entire time telling stories about something stupid one of his friends did.
Well I fucked her 7 times before you did
quit samefagging
I knew this would be a disaster, but I figured it'd be 10 minutes into the show and he gets into an argument with someone in the audience then storms off
>good ol days when ryan wasnt dunn yet?
Steve-o is a weird case cuz he basically threatened he was gonna kill himself and forced people to take action.. They drugged his ass like a god damn conservation group does to a Rhino and sent him to one of the best rehab places on the planet
Can you give some examples of what was said?
I feel sad for these people, just keep talking about the old days, haven't done anything interesting in the last 15 years
This. Suspected it for years.
thats just the earth rocker life style bro
i dont think raab liked bam at the time they were filming shit
bam really treated raab like shit
it still was raab's best time in his life
idk but im like 30 minutes into it and its actually funny.
I can't believe no one bothered to post it
>shilling this hard for your shitty podcast
>Bam got so desperate for friends that he gifted a sports car to some jew that doesn't give a shit about him
was funny af
it's pretty popular
doesn't need to get shilled
Bam was supposed to be on a talk show yesterday, but no-showed after he heard the show's host has a history of racism and abuse. Seemed like he'd use any excuse to get out of it though
bam said his wifes pussy as so many piercings that it looks like a tackle box, then some guy said bams dick is so bad that she pierced her pussy shut.
there was no conflict or anything and they just kept bantering for like 45 minutes.
whole wife breaking up thing sounds staged.
Alcoholism basically stops emotional maturity at the age you become dependent on the booze, because you never really learn how to spiritually grow or handle your problems without the booze
He'd have to be pretty fucking out of the loop to not know about what happened with Anthony Cumia
Nidaya has a sign of a great curse of gold Yasha + Futomani + Nouma shy turn in the left ventricle, making a nesega of kededo
It has turned into a greenhouse field of golden Yasha's sudden (lifelong dog). 17: 52 2019/3/8
My honorable lord is hypnotized! Apoi taka runs with Raquedo's niggers and runs 21: 16 on March 8, 2019
● Koichi brother = Koichi Sato, my son of Tomokazu Sato of my mother's relative living in the north neighbor city!
The address of Toshikazu Sato is Tomita Town, Koriyama-shi, Fukushima pref. 23-1! 2019/3/8 19: 31 ●
● The curse that comes to me in mass quantities of Queed 's nigga and futsu at around 22:46 on 2019/3/8,
Curse of Joshua! Another name is a curse of Ovatarian, and it seems to me that the brain injury in the brain
A curse to send with Atlantis' black night satellite! You are already here. 2019/3/8 20: 33 ●
● At about 22:46 on 2019/3/8, Queed's niggers & futons will come to me in large quantities.
It comes from Koichi brother, but the big dog's blood line is a sidelobe, this is the only curse of the golden Yasha of great heritage
Well, my older brother 's curse is difficult because it is super strong. Activated when Apoitakara was dead, it was a trap.
The voice I've ever used is Odin 's Kodama generator, and Amoy' s treasure has not arrived yet.
There are no smaller companies, but there are about 852 big companies, currencies up to now have not been light
This time is super strong. I think the big dog is useless. 17: 52 at 3/8/2019 ●
● Nyga of Apoitakara is annihilated but there is a niche of keded. Futomani's curse does not make sense even if it escapes in the distance
. There is no treasure of Xiamen, so there is no choice but to overdo it, but suddenly it is intense and can not be protected.
Well today and tomorrow we can withstand Hong Kong's purification comes around this time on Sunday.
The trap was set up by Mr. Owin, the nephew of His Invinci, Futto no Niga 18: 00 at 3/8 ●
>tries to be like Steve O by expanding into comedy and self help
>failing miserably because hes still a miserable alcoholic
I wont play that game, but to keep it vague, a lot.
Cumtown are unfunny and their fans have low T levels,
This oftentimes manifests into homosexuality
Bam is the only one who never grew up. Even fucking Steve-O has turned into a reasonable adult man.
holy shit how is steveo the smartest guy in the room now?
Dude fell so far down the drug abyss that the only way forward was up
>not senpai
Did you get over your moms death.I worry my parents are getting old
what's funny about this is how programmed he sounds.
>Bum Margera
Who is this guy? He looks homeless. What does he have to do with Cum Town?
Speaking of, I'm really psyched that they got Gene DiNapoli on the podcast. Finally, a real guest.
He sounds just like any ex-addict, because he's right.
yea, but these people always sound so weird to me. like maybe they're not using drugs and alcohol anymore but they talk like their lives still revolve around it. like sobriety is their religion and it's all they want to talk about.
It's what works desu. If you don't have issues with drugs/alcohol just be grateful and live life
That's because their lives still does revolve around it. It's a constant battle not to relapse.
damn there's a motherfucker with an annoying as fuck laugh in there. don't know how anyone could listen to this crap
I was playing it on 1.5x speed and it was 100x more annoying
They have slightly different backgrounds desu.
By the time Steve-O got a very lucky break with Big Brother/Jackass, he was already an addict in his mid-twenties, and didn't really have much in terms of anything, really. Except the clown gig. It was pretty far from his all-time low but still pretty fucking down there. And from there it's been plenty of up and downs. He's worked pretty fucking hard to get to where he is now, and he's also very well aware of just how fucking lucky he is to have had so many opportunities, not to mention friends and family, to help him along the way.
Bam was rewarded for acting like an immature piece of shit from an early age.
I concur. If u watch jackass 2, besides just wearing scarves and fingerless gloves (when it’s summer), all his stunts have something to do with his ass taking abuse
>He'd have to be pretty fucking out of the loop to not know about what happened with Anthony Cumia
nobody is shilling, this isn't a sam hyde thread
also facts are facts, adam friedland is DIRECTLY responsible for this mental breakdown
you learn to tune it out
You aren't an American celebrity so you can't expect your knowledge to represent theirs
Steveo is like 4 INT 10 WIS
People shit on his laugh all the time but I have never had a problem with it
Maybe the problem is you
>build that skatepark NOW! or I'm gonna pour this all over you.
yeah that's why he is begging novak for money and doing a "storytelling" tour
This screams fake. He's probably trying to play on his trashy traits for online tabloid clicks, possibly another rehab reality show etc. I think he figured out that fake Artie Lange would be his best case scenario for the next decade.
The real reason for that is not because he's an ex addict but because he read like 2 books in his life and one was the ABC. No vocab = no imagination.
nigga wat?
>the ABC
quick rundown on this?
and renting out castle bam on airbnb
dude is out of money
ur welcome
It's hilarious how he looks more and more like his fat parents and uncle every day. But at least they were nice people but Bam's a fucking douchenozzle.
fucking boomers
Thanks dad.
I don't know, sounds kind of homosex, tbqhwy
Bam always was an unlikable faggot crybaby
>He's an earthrocker
This shit is hilarious, but where did the idea come from?
He dick rides the emo singer from HIM, he practically lives that Eminem song about fanboys
people can hold onto grief for a very long time. Especially considering Bam hasn't matured past the age of 12, don't expect him to let things go easily
You could ask him about his financial situation on Cameo
BASED actually Bam Margera-poster
So how would I, uh, Bam learn to spiritually grow and handle his problems given the booze?
He literally dick rides him, or used to. They used to do homo shit together
Based schizo-poster is having a stroke again.
Actually a pretty good way of putting it.
Jesus he looks like shit.
Hi April, how's Phil?
he sunked phil's dick so much he became him
All Phil wanted to do is make his cakes and pies for the bakery department in his local supermarket and hang with his brother.
Perform a revolution.
maybe he should have kept his dick inside of his pants then
Who else here WASTED&WOUNDED?
hope he ends it all soon
I will never stop being mad Vito is dead, that sleazeball was so funny it was almost criminal.
>Chelsea Clinton -
>Bam Margera -
Adam Friedland, what will he do next?
>Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth
What did he mean by this?
C'mon bam quit having an alcoholic breakdown I got werk in the mornin
Well your judgement only helps to make them think about relapsing, so what do you want, people who are ex-addicts to become drug users again or to stay abstinent?
Adam Friedland sent him over the edge
based and redpilled
>you will never go enter a hotel room with gene where there’s two girls waiting for you in the bath tub
You don’t have to be actually. Take Andy Samberg for example. Can’t play a fucking note but is still an earth rocker nonethelesss.
Did she end up with a black guy who probably went to jail?
So we have room for 14 captain marvel threads
Bams been pretty obsessed (not like with HIM but still) with Clutch for a while so I can only guess it comes from them
the cumboys sent him over the edge