Be the bad guys til halfway through the film

>be the bad guys til halfway through the film
>halfway thru
>we aren't actually the bad guys
>>>>>we're just immigrants looking for a new home

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(((communists))) were really the good guys the whole time!

Color me shocked. :/

>not the bad guys

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I mean that’s skrulls, pretty much. Only change is that I’m comics they’re always going “REEED RICHARDSSSSS” and getting killed mercilessly despite being specifically shown to be not that bad.

I have surface level knowledge on comics but I know for sure that they are genuinely bad guys. No way real comic book fans will like this.

I didnt understand if they were good guys why were they trying to kill Carol and fury

After seeing this, I want to see Jude Law as a killer in some other film. He looked like he could give off a real insane performance

>we weren't actually killing people we just tied them up and hid them
did you not miss that throwaway line towards the end of the film?

They’re treated very weirdly in comics. I can definitely think of a lot of times they’re shown as being fairly ok. They still get killed without any hint of mercy though. Very odd.
They’re still gonna do Secret Invasion in the movies, I have no doubt.

the cat shit was laid out so plain i thought the surprise betrayal would come from skrull face near the end so you know hes still evil and skrulls would pull their bullshit in future movies. i mean theres no way to get secret invasion now that skrulls are the culture of peace. they blew their load on a dumb refugee message and now they cant make those people attack earth or be roasted as racists

Road to perdition

Granted, it was only shown that a small contingent was viewed as neutral.
The actual Skrull government and leaders may be entirely different.

where are the women and children?

>be /pol/incel faggot
>watch movie

Dcucks seething this hard kek.

You're sounding racist there.

>it's not actually propaganda, it's just entertainment!

That seriously happens in the plot?

i think thats still out of the question. they made a mistake in equating skrulls to refugees. everyone will make the connection. now they cant risk any insult on refugees so they cant use skrulls.

the only way that can change is if the attack is somewhat justified

Where are the women and children?


yes. the reason carol is off earth for 30 years is because she used her shinning light so bright, and lead the skrulls ship home that night

lmao is there anything you retards won't get triggered about

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oh god no pls

and film
>talk about a shitty film that just released
>people complain
here's to you, user

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where the white women at

Probably getting raped and murdered by a nigger.

IF that really is the message of the film people are right to complain about it. Its hamfisted propaganda in a childrens movie.

But we already know Skrulls will invade Earth in Avengers. They are enemies.

Doesnt that explain the creation of the colonies in the new world?

so Thanos is a skrulll? he looks exactly the same but purple