When are we going to get a Surving Spielberg documentary

When are we going to get a Surving Spielberg documentary

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Fuck Spielberg, gimmie a Jan Svankmajer documentary. Dude was insanely influential, and he doesn't get nearly enough credit.

I still don't get the young kid saying "SHUT UP PENIS BREATH" in the E.T. movie. Really creepy

OP was asking rhetorically when are we going to get a doc exposing Spielberg for being a pedophile, I say rhetorically because it’s never going to happen, it’s like literally arresting the Pope

If Spielberg is actually found to have done something lewd, you do realize that this will mean? The entirety of Hollywood will be destroyed. Spielberg is responsible for so much that just the thought of him doing something inappropriate will destroy Hollywood forever

Relax films aren’t going anywhere dude
Old Jews just need to be changed and replaced

>Old Jews just need to be changed and replaced
Old Jews are based. They knew how to make raw material into something original. Why does JJ Abrams just rip off everything he makes? If he's Jewish how is he not as smart as Spielberg?

Spielberg is literally the most famous director on the planet.

Should have been Carpenter.

Halloween is a real piece of shit. The Thing and They Live are masterpieces though. Mouth of Madness is really good. Haven't seen Escape from L.A. because it looks boring. Carpenter was more of a few hit wonder compared to Spielberg although nowadays Spielberg is pretty mediocre but I consider War of the Worlds his last masterpiece.

And perfect. That would be all the more perfect for it.
Pedophilia is a leftist problem too. They always try to punch down wards (rappers, singers, comedians) when they should be strictly going for the highest rungs of their sick kind. Maybe people in a position to become famous will think twice before becoming pedophiles


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We only had 1 billion people on the planet 200 years ago so people being married off at 14 or 15 was normal. That isn't pedophillia and yes girls are not mature now to be married off or have sex at that age but things were different. As for homosexuality... it is both immoral in religious and atheism standards because it doesn't lead to procreation so the only reason I think so many more are coming out now is because evolution is forcing for gays to exist because we are so overpopulated now.

This is a pic from Leaving Neverland. One of the kids met Ford when MJ took him on the set of Indiana Jones. Why would the kid say MJ did anything to him when MJ was letting him into Hollywood so easily? Not saying MJ is guilty but if you believe the guy it makes sense that as a child he would not say MJ touched me as he'd believe that would destroy his chance of success.

i hope so. can't wait for the pedo apologist threads trying to defend him, they are easily baited

I would rather watch any of those than a Speilberg movie but to each their own i guess.

Spielberg's pedophilia is the most closely guarded secret in Hollywood. People have died to hide it.

>Spielberg's pedophilia is the most closely guarded secret in Hollywood
And yet there is no proof at all nice theory

Maybe there's also a bigger agenda at hand to try and wage a war on sex

>Jan Svankmajer
based and Czechpilled

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Yep. It would be a double standard to say MJ is innocent and Spielberg isn't.

Carpenter is a glorified B-movie director

It’s funny, proof didn’t stop people from crucifying MJ

Wtf b-movies are art now?

never. he's the king jew.

>I say rhetorically because it’s never going to happen, it’s like literally arresting the Pope
Michael Jackson is more famous than Spielberg, and he has been outed. No one is safe.

>thinking taking down one boomer director will affect the capeshit gravytrain

fame is not always power user