Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:
>film 3 opens with shots of the badlands to this music, then slowly pans down to reveal it's Alita playing her harmonica
Not my best .webm. I'll mix up the format when I think of a good new template.
Reminder: Alita is for hugs, cuddles, hand-holding, and sweet, wholesome kisses. Alita is not for lewd.
Just went for my fifth viewing of Alita today. Since I've experienced it in just about every way possible (prescreening, with friends, alone, IMAX, and Gold Class) I'm probably going to stop for now so I don't overindulge myself. Might see it once more before it leaves theaters, but apart from that I'll be waiting until the bluray comes out before I watch it again
Good night Ali.
If I ever have a daughter, i’ll call her “Alita” as a nickname.
and if you look at her butt, she will kill you.
I appreciate the effort put into these, makes the threads feel very high quality
what the hell is gold class and why is it 32 dollars
Put a title on this one.
I dig it you're doing fine boye
>as a nickname
>not as her name
Good thing Alita sounds good in Spanish.
Whats Gold Class?
I was thinking of doing an art slideshow behind the logo, like a sliding array of fan art both from these threads and other places.
Is anyone else rewatching her movie for International Women's Day™?
I've just done normal 2D and IMAX 3D. I'll try again sometime soon, my Cinemark is playing 3D still.
Stop trying to make me hype for things that will never be.
Sometimes I have stray thoughts when she does the splits though...
I want to sniff the butt and bury my face in it.
Village Cinemas in Australia has Gold Class which is basically better seats, smaller theater, and you can order food to be brought to you at specific points in the movie. I got chocolate pudding and milkshake, sadly no chocolate/orange items on the menu
Took 3 autists to watch it in 3d last week, and drove 3 hours yesterday with 2 other autists to watch it in imax 3d, the moon scene was worth the drive. Upon second viewing, I think redditors and critics had a tiny point about being a jumbled narrative, namely her flashbacks, she has 3 or 4, but she is bed 3 or 4 times, they shouldve made them dreams instead of in the middle of action scenes, but to also discredit the naysayers about the love subplot, some have said that alita falls in love right away, niggas I checked when they kiss, and it was an 1hr30min into the movie, fucking romcoms are about the same length, if anything it shouldve happened sooner. Also I found the hugo subplot to be the best part of the movie, i wouldnt even call it a subplot really, his character gets alot of detail and conflict, moreso than alita.
Goodnight /alita/. I'm off to bed.
I watched it for the first time.
I did not read the original, in general, almost unfamiliar with the culture of anime and manga.
I just want to note that as a person who has been engaged and engaged in art for several decades, if not from the position of the creator, I am glad to see the return of romanticism.
Let it be called metamodern, or whatever you like, but I’m saying that every year more and more creators in painting, literature, and cinema break with dull greyness and intellectual degradation of postmodern.
Classic heroes and villains.
Classic feelings.
Undistorted quotes.
It was a good movie.
Seems comfy, but fuck that tiny screen.
in Straya its fancy reclining seats with decent food & drink service.
HOYTS has LUX which is the same thing. Best way to watch movies imo.
Or this.
that screen is tiny af, wtf
>they shouldve made them dreams instead of in the middle of action scenes
Wanting to know more about her past is part of why she seeks out conflicts, though. Making them dream sequences ruins that.
holy fuck, that a 65 inch?
>but she is bed 3 or 4 times, they shouldve made them dreams instead of in the middle of action scenes
But the fact that it is the fighting that makes her remember gives her additional motivation to get involved in each fight.
Otherwise it was a film about a sleeping angel.
I've seen home televisions that size, why the fuck pay for that?
The word you're looking for is sincerity. The movie believes in itself and it's weird anime quirks. It doesn't lampshade or quip about anything.
yes, to support actual strong women and not designated ones who just get up from falling down like it's some huge symbolic act and get absurdly strong non-human superpowers.
The image makes the screen look smaller than it actually was but I was still a bit disappointed because my previous screen was 3D IMAX so I was used to a giant screen
Never been to Hoyts LUX before, is there anything I'm missing from it or is different to Gold Class?
user, you should've saved the one where I fixed the brightness.
Love u Alita!
This is too awesome.
They shouldve remedied that, the entire
>I need conflict to remember
Is kind of dumb, she couldve had the dream sequences and still sought out being a hero, she is driven to do it because as she says
>I cannot stand by in the presence of evil
Never tried Gold Class but it looks almost identical to that image. Same shit different chain, I guess.
Hey, bros. I made it back form Mexico without getting my head chopped off. 4DX was fucking awesome. I wonder why we don't have one in San Diego. The sad part is that I witnessed employees removing the Alita poster from their biggest and greatest theater room and replacing it with CM. It was their last screening of Alita in 3D ever. I stood in the middle of the room until the credits were done and wiped a tear off my face before walking out. I love you all and I love you, Alita.
Okay, it's time to buy the BR2049 BD, and maybe the art book. Was the art book good?
Alita's third film will quote Dune.
Never though I'd see the day where I think China is better in America in terms of film taste. I mean, they prop up Michael Bay, so they're doing something right.
Love you very much too, user.
Hey bro that's me.
still optimistic about my 2nd favorite sci-fi setting given proper justice. I still liked the '84 one though.
Should have asked for the poster. I'm gonna start pestering my theaters to see if I can get ad pieces.
Should've said hola, mexibro
Alita: La Angela Del Muerto (pardon my Spanish)
Would have been a better Spanish title then
Battle Angel: La Utlima Clerrera (sp?)
Bringing back a few images from older Alita threads
did br2049 get generals like this?
Man, so I just rewatched Spy Kids 3 after a forever amount of time, just cause I got a nostalgia craving when thinking about Rob, and...well it was interesting to say the least.
I won't comment on the writing itself, I think people can form their own opinions on that, but I from a directors perspective, I think I can see what Jim saw in him way back when. The whole movie is just a blast. It's so unbelievably stupid, but it's also really fun. It was such a stark contrast seeing this absolutely dumb film was made by the same man who just directed Alita. The tones are entirely different, principally because of the actual authors of the script, but I began to see the elements of Robert in both.
He knows how to direct film that ends up entertaining as the final product, writing aside, and he can apparently do it on a manageable budget. His work doesn't come off as pretentious "auteur-ship", it comes off as somebody who enjoys making entertaining films, and I think for this reason Jim picked Cameron, cause I think if Jim did it, it may have come off as too brooding or serious which would seriously hamper the potential audience to pull from and could never justify the budget required to make it.
I just thought it was an interesting contrast between the two. For sure, Robert has matured since 2003, which I think coincidentally happens to be the same year Alita was announced to eventually become a reality, I think.
Also I found it weirdly humorous that Spy Kids was sponsored by Harvey Weinstein and co. of all people.
It's "La última guerrera". I prefer the euro spanish title, which is more loyal. Alita: Ángel de Batalla.
not 100+ generals that all reached bump limit
Not like this. Never like this.
Was cute and endearing at the same time.
just got back. Yall were right. movie is beyond dank. thanks Yea Forums
The kiai is crucial to martial arts. Japan understands this.
There was an interview, I don't remember which one, where Cameron basically said that and that's why he liked his style. Very simple but good style that focuses on objects, so if a character is throwing something the camera will show that object. He also said he liked that Rodriguez doesn't use shaky cam at all, apparentely Cameron absolutely hates that in action films and I can see why. Can't see shit and all the takes are spliced together to fake fighting moves in very short intervals.
I should learn to draw so I can draw cute cyborg girls.
Alita - Death Angel / Alita - Angel de la Muerte
Alita -La Ultima Guerrera/ Alita - The Last Warrior
I understand the sometime have to adapt the names but I really don't why they sometimes butcher them or use something that's completely unrelated to the original. That poster says "Battle Angel - The last Warrior". A subtitle followed by a subtitle. It would've been better if they used "Alita - La Ultima Guerrera" instead. At least that way you still have the actual name in the title. Alita is also easier to remember than a title most Mexicans won't be able pronounce.
The Last Warrior makes zero sense anyway. I want to know why that title was used.
They couldn't call it that, since Angel of Death is Volume 6.
Cheers fellow Hoyts cunt
Planned 3rd viewing on Tuesday. 1/2 price appetizers and $1 drafts merely 30ft from theater.
Same. I feel like just translating Battle Angel to Angel de Batalla would've been perfect.
>Hey Manuel, you wanna go watch Alita - Angel de Batalla?
> Sure, Carlos.
Kino title right there
Grats on not getting murdered
I love you too user
Doing the Alita challenge rn
Cinemark? Mine's still playing 3D too into next week, and I know I'll be alone.
i just saw it for the first time, i'm actually really glad you guys memed me into watching this movie i loved it
Thanks user!
I want to bully Alita and watch the cute pouty faces she makes.
Catch it a few more times before it's gone. Was your theater empty?
Has anyone got a screencap of Rosa's cameo as a different character in the Kansas bar yet? I only remembered about it halfway throug hthe scene and couldn't spot her. Could just be a myth at this point I can't even remember about where I first heard of it from
I heard rosa herself mention it but I didn't notice her in either one of my viewings
321, see you there.
I think you'd be the one ending up being bullied, user.
Also if someone has a decent rip of the movie I would love a webm of the moment where Alita is following Ido because she thinks he's the one murdering the women, and she exhales uncontrollably because of how angry she is before moving out of the shot. Hopefully someone knows the part that I'm talking about
Speaking of cameos, is Erica actually in the flashback scenes? I read it in one of these threads somewhere but I never could spot her.
i went with one of my buddies and there were probably like 4 other people there
You're probably right but she's cute so I would forgive her. It'd be worth it.
I tried looking for her on re-viewings, but without the ability to pause the movie and ZOOM ENHANCE I couldn't see her anywhere.
If you mean the character that Michelle Rodriguez plays she's the one who is sparring with Alita in the second flashback and grabs her arm to pull her up in the third flashback. If not then I have no idea, I haven't read the manga before
is alita more of a win for the Hispanics or the weebs?
Latin Weebs, both, all. Latino director and star, set in Panama, director and main star can do press interviews forever across Latin America and Spain.
What Alita image should I turn into a custom set of sleeves for Magic?
What thread # is this?
99 squared
We're all 99 now.
This one, if you can find a version without the watermark
Tried as hard as I could to find Rosa in the bar scene. She's either one of the waitresses in the background or the girl in the background behind Zapan. Wish she gave us more hints.
Once the bluray drops and there's a higher quality version someone will probably find it, the cam version makes it tough to pick out specific details in the background
That's pretty rad. I could just Photoshop it out but I feel like moving it to the center bottom or right above her head to honor the artist.
So, one of my ideas for future .webms was themed showcases, like each one a new theme, either behind the scenes videos, poster art, fan art made here, etc, to make each one unique to each thread, rather than just clips from the movie.
me likey
Nice, I definetely prefer the 'general thread' over the different name for each one like 'URM ship thread'
That would be Gelda from the manga.
Shit, I forgot she was in Avatar. Cameron probably picked her for that reason.
Jesus, just watching and hearing what an atomic disaster CM is shaping up to be and likely will continue to be, it just makes me eternally grateful that we have this at the very least. It's an almost comical dynamic contrast of abstraction on almost the most basic of levels, good vs. bad.
Just a reminder to you all here to never take things for granted. Blessings come in many different forms.
Honestly, if Alita hadn't come along, I'd probably fall even deeper into depression. Media in general has just become so shallow and meaningless, to see CM come out and with nothing else would be crushing to me. Just so sick of the Hollywood and media game. The fact Alita is here gave me a large boost.
Be healed by Alita. We love you.
Nah, I'm fine. Stuff was just getting really tiring and Alita just gave me so much joy. Came at the right time.
I feel you, Alita to me feels like what casual moviegoers must feel like when they're watching a Marvel movie. Basically it feels like a big budget blockbuster film that I actually care about and is a joy to watch
It was extended by a whole month there, which is great. Lets see how much it will make by the end of its run.
Also, depending on the thread, I could just do a basic picture, featuring a fresh OC from the previous thread. It's up in the air, but worth taking in ideas.
If i ever get a daughter i will unironically name her Alita
And I'm a Slav.
I think Alita will be a popular baby name for a little while.
What's up with this weird cult you guys have going on here
>Finally went to the last 4pm showing in IMAX 3D.
Can't believe there's no more IMAX kinos. Good times
That's real cool and all but go watch the movie though
Wanna join?
Pull up a chair, join us.
Less a cult, more an extended party down at Caesars. It never ends, until it does.
I dunno, i just see you guys posting your waifu all the time
She isn't all that great looking
Does she have a great personality or something
Gimme the sales pitch
I wasn't really planning on it
>tfw didn't see Alita until after Captain Marvel released
>tfw the only IMAX theater in the country is now only showing CM
I hope they do a showing of Battle Angel for the premier of Fallen Angel.
She is soul and you will like her.
In all seriousness, Alita is one of my favorite written protagonists in years. She actually fails, she actually expresses emotions, she has a drive and reason to exist. She's funny, cute, determined, and unique. She's what so many other writers wish they could replicate. And the film itself has a very tight script with many great set ups and emotional pay offs, that you'll think about long after seeing it.
>I wasn't really planning on it
You should though, otherwise there's no point in you being here.
>Gimme the sales pitch
You remember the time before capeshit turned every action movie into bland shit with interchangeable characters with no personality who just react to the script instead of having driving motivations of their own?
This is a movie that hearkens back to those days.
It's breaks down to these factors
1) It's a great movie that doesn't get old after multiple viewings
2) Alita has tons of personality and feels fresh. Rosa Salazar nailed the character.
3) James Cameron produced it so it has amazing visuals. It was natively shot in 3D unlike 95% of 3D movies.
4) This movie is a passion project from James Cameron and RoRo instead of a soulless cash grab. The know the source material well and were very faithful when adapting it. Fans appreciate that.
5) There is an underdog theme going on involving Disney trying to bury this movie. Of course we side with the underdog.
imagine if they got ana de armas to be in the second movie.
She is the long black hair girl in the middle at the table right in front of Alita during her first look at the bar.
Post cute Alita edits!!
I think what made this movie for me is number 4, its a movie made out of pure passion with a director who isn't afraid of critics. remember how bad the backlash was because of her eyes? Robert and Cameron seriously have some balls.
>remember how bad the backlash was because of her eyes? Robert and Cameron seriously have some balls.
>James , focus groups are concerned about her eyes being so big
>We have to go bigger
>but... but.... james
Cameron bought the rights in the late 90s and has announced his movie intentions in 2003. Typically shit like that just doesn't get made.
These are the men who shape history and drive mankind forward.
I mostly have .webms, so here you go.
I can't be grateful enough for them sticking with the eyes. Not only did they take a gamble, but they actually moved earth, sea and sky to make it work instead of just crossing their fingers and praying it would pay off. James Cameron raised the bar and opened many doors when it comes to visuals once again. No one had even tried to blend CGI characters with big eyes to normal actors since Gollum, which funny enough was also done by Weta.
Anyone got any got desktop backgrounds, preferably from the manga?
Not from the manga, but this could function as a wallpaper.
It's beautiful.
>and you can order food to be brought to you at specific points in the movie
That would have totally defeated the first clss concept of the theater. One thing I hate during movies is being distracted by some fatass who can't stay 2 hours without shoving some food down there. And the smell of food is the worse.
Goddamn beautiful work. So much passion put in to something as simple as girl's cyborg body. It's funny, my mother pointed out at our screening, she could guess the body was for Ido's daughter because of how meticulous and special the design was. Such art.
That's why the theater is smaller so there is fewer people, there were 3 others at my screening. Also the high price weeds out a lot of those degenerate movie goers that ruin it for everyone else
Fuck this smug cunt
Alright anons, have a good night. Be on tomorrow. Be sure to go see Alita this weekend sometime, show her your support if you can. Love you all.
>Took 3 autists to watch it in 3d last week, and drove 3 hours yesterday with 2 other autists to watch it in imax 3d
Implying you aren't one of them.
As for the jumbled flashbacks, I also feel like it was awkward. I believe the flashbacks and the Nova scenes were added last minute. I remember the film's released date was pushed back a few months, that means they weren't happy with it and made some editing.
There is a feminist strike today and I can't see Alita
Makes sense, it is a luxury experience.
literally made for fellatio
>That's why the theater is smaller so there is fewer people, there were 3 others at my screening. Also the high price weeds out a lot of those degenerate movie goers that ruin it for everyone else
But if it's small, the screen is small as well, and you are closer to the other moviegoers that are eating not so far away from you.
Why is Alita so rewatchable though?
It just doesn't get old
I never experienced this in any other film
Absolutely stunning work, it really is. I wish it had lasted a little bit longer in the film. Berserker body is cool, but the doll is just next level work.
Really hoping Hot Toys or Prime 1 do another Alita figure/statue with the doll body.
Wow, holy shit. Just found this in a random wallpaper folder I downloaded from /wg/ some years ago. Didn't even know. Shit, talk about pleasant findings. Never even knew it was there, much less what it was.
What software do you use to make the videos?
Wait, it's real?
Looks a little cluttered with all that color.
The seats are way more spaced out than a normal theater
Yeah, obviously some deviantart artist messing around or something. But still, thought it was interesting. 145 timestamp puts this somewhere around 2014 or 2015, I think.
I'm going to bed, frens. Tomorrow will be my third time watching Alita but until then, gute Nacht.
>go see captain marvel
>blockbuster scene
>she gets scared at a cardboard cutout
>shoots it
>its a cutout of arnold from camerons true lies
What kind of cheap shit is that?
What are you dreaming of little angel?
Was that supposed to be the Maus attacking Jim?
One gorillion hours in gimp (it's shitty, but whatever)
godspeed, sweet dreams guys.
couldn't have said it better myself,hard work pays off.
this is the power of one mans dream and vision, probably kept beating in his head like a drum, he didn't want to be on his death bed and know he could have made alita but for whatever reason couldn't do it.
That's pretty damn good for 1 gorillion hours.
That was my impression. Kinda pissed me off.
How do you draw it? Do you use the mouse or some pen and a special board?
>this is the power of one mans dream and vision
hes truly based, spending millions to bring his perfect waifu to the silver screen for us to meet. just look at the fans reaction , people are seeing the movie many many times with reports of some indivduals going a dozen times or more, its unreal i havent read about such passion since perhaps Avatar where fans were reporting depression after.
Thanks I'll keep an eye out for her next time I see the movie with my friend.
>When you see how big a heart Alita has
>the absolute madman meant it literally
I can only imagine how many petty jabs like this that the movie takes at 'toxic masculinity'
hes undoubtedly a madman and Rod isnt too far behind, thank god Rod saw the potential of the project and went for it, what a champ.
I bet they added it in at the last second.
>all powerful oc donut steel
>gets scared seeing cardboards
so empowering!
>awesome sci-fi action movie that literally no one I know IRL likes or has even heard of
It's Tron Legacy all over again
Maybe she just got PTSD from IMAGINE
I know two people who liked it and neither of them would've know about it if I hadn't told them to go see it. Not sure how to feel about this.
So how many of you have started reading the manga?
My new wallpaper.
I'll start as soon as the books are delivered.
Yes, I remember that. Disappointment, urgency and anger. So good.
Guys, I didn't get my paycheck for shilling this garbage and I've been posting fan art with a comment 'Alita cute!' in every general since the start! Who do I contact? Carol?
The podracing cover maybe? That is BIG ENOUGH
gee wee imagine my shock.
Uhh, didn't you get the memo? Nobody gets paid, the movie flopped.
>your waifu
She is our daughterfu, not waifu. At least that's how many of us feel about her.
Our kids will literally be the ones who decide the future of this world - at least as much of it as human enterprise can affect.
China number one!
Stay safe, cyberpupper.
>360 million WW
Moving on up
Swan soooong
Yep, this shows an understanding of the uncanny valley effect. If it looks uncanny, you can try making her look more human-like, or less human-like. It's also interesting how micro-experssions and human movement helps make her more human.
So a character who moves more like a human, and looks less like a human, appeals more to us than if they had done the opposite.
It's bound to be one eventually.
Off by one.
>McTeague in the back
Feels like shit man. Thinking about it, Tron was actually last movie I saw in IMAX. Finally got a theater within reasonable distance just in time to see Alita in all her glory in IMAX 3D.
Just started yesterday, digging it so far.
I ordered the books after watching the movie, they should arrive Sunday. They better be fucking good, amazon charged me $111.23 for them.
You're going to experience an exquisite hell.
He will be written out, right?
My dad will be fucking pissed when he realizes that even with Hugo dead Alita's still going to get a boyfriend.
Honest question:
Why is this a general and what discussion sustains it?
hahahha , sounds like your dad found his first waifu. ~ wonderful
1. Because people like Alita
2. Go see the movie
Bruh look at this absolute CHAD
NO, Rosa would literally riot.
Now the non defensive incel answer please
I hope so, I don't dislike him but he adds 0 to the story and if to be added lets say in the next movie it would make it look like Alita did not actually care much about Hugo. They also made Hugo/Alita romance much stronger in the movie, in the manga Yugo doesn't really care about Alita. So again her switching quickly would look bad. He is a very plain and boring character so not having him only improves the story to be honest.
Alita is a very engaging movie centered around the coming-of-age of our favorite girl. It's a one-of-a-kind movie that has a strong fanbase.
This is some of the best Alita OC I've seen yet, bonus points for including Gangsta
Can we send this movie back in time to 1999 so we can get this game? Please?
But it's an honest response. If you want to discuss a movie, you should watch it.
>thank god Rod saw the potential of the project and went for it, what a champ.
I do want to hop over to the universe where Jim made this movie just to see how different it turns out with him at the helm.
I've been waiting for this image for three weeks.
Adobe Premiere
WebM for Retards
>Up there
Someone make a pic with it.
>solo: a star wars story made 200M in america
>Alita will probably stop before 100M
What's up with the states?
Figure is really based. Giving back Alita's smile.
Yeah he did. It was weird.
The ultimate goy onions nation.
everyone knows StarWarz
normies have no idea who Alita is and only Camerons huge reputation pushed it into view.
Just let him have it, her beautiful eyes and smile make his day a little brighter even if she isnt real.
>in the manga Yugo doesn't really care about Alita
Gonna keep posting until you faggots stop parroting that bullshit.
Good morning. Told ya.
Made a second Cameron Nova because I was bothered by the first one I made having a small beard since Nova doesn't have facial hair. The first one is still probably better though because the goggles I used this time are way too detailed and complex.
I want to make Gangsta content but I can't come up with any good ideas for Gangstaposting
I’ve been wanting to see Alita a second time but my local theater is shit and was only showing imax 3D for a while, thing is I hate 3D and all their glasses suck ass. I just wanted to watch Alita in normal imax :(
Memes aside, is this movie really worth watching in IMAX?
Rosa is acute angle
I can't think of anything else in theaters right now that'd be more worthy.
Very nice.
it's down to 37% now
>Memes aside, is this movie really worth watching in IMAX?
holy shit man go before its out
The movie made him less of a shitbird but yeah, the romance was definitely mutual in the manga as well.
That would have literally turned it into capeshit. Alita is not a hero. She is drawn to conflict purely for selfish reasons, and I mean "purely" in the moral sense, she seeks self-knowledge and personal integrity.
The statement:
>I cannot stand by in the presence of evil
is not a charge to go out and target evil for the purposes of doing good for the general public, it's a declaration that she finds the presence of evil in her vicinity offensive and she feels it necessary to assert herself.
People find that line heroic when in reality it's her character flaw. She can't help seeking conflict because that's what she's trained to do and that informs her problems.
>Alita is not a hero.
Manga Alita sure as shit isn't. Movie Alita on the other hand, is a hero.
The romance is still much stronger in the movie
She is tragic figure, she has no memories, she doesn't know what she is, she doesn't even know her own name
Then only thing she has from her old life, her only connection with her past and true self, is her panzer kunst
She if fighting to remember
>you have a chance at a new life
She had a chance at a new life, but he's gone
This makes her even more tragic
I expect in the sequel she is going to double down on fighting and seeking conflict which is going to be her downfall (fallen angel)
oh my fuck
It's obvious from this picture
The anouncer said it's 2 months since the event of Hugo's death
And she has this angry, obsessed face, no joy, no optimism, only hate
Expect a really violent angry Alita in the sequel
Cults are fun as long as you keep them balanced
Ana de Armas as Shumira?
Have you seen my movie yet, user?
Ah! We should go!
The meltdown when Alita Fallen Angel is released and Alita isn't the cute naive optimistic girl is going to be glorious
>Expect a really violent angry Alita in the sequel
stop... stop, i can only get so hard.
I still can't get over the fact that she created arc plasma with her motorball body
Or Ido or someone else reverse engineered parts of the beserker
Hello fellow ausfag
I also watched it for the 5th time tonight, with a girl from work (no homo)
It was just a normal 6:30 session, theatre was almost sold out, not bad.
You can always tell how many people are watching it for the first time by the amount of people laughing/crying
Pretty good that it was almost sold out, if I do go again I'll probably try to get a busy session to emulate the feeling I got when it first came out and there was a strong audience vibe.
shes using a different body? I thought that it was the same body with skates, some pads and purple paint here and here
3D is worth it bro. I hardly ever do 3D because of the glasses, but this is something special. See it while you can.
Based James Cameron made anime real and the world is just standing around dumbfounded.
Look into her joints - there's no berserker body underneath. Unless she ripped off her own arm to integrate the plasma generator with the motorball body.
Second League and The Champions League has stricter rules than a tryout game with criminals.
In the manga she has a different motorball body but I think it's possible that her image of herself changed in the movie universe and that's why she looks different.
Nah, beserker is all about smooth curves, almost organic looking
This body is much more crude with visible joints and linkages
>it's possible that her image of herself changed in the movie universe and that's why she looks different.
That would fundamentally change the story though.
The Funko Pops have a "Motorball body" variant as well as the doll body and berserker. It wouldn't be the first time that toy makers weren't told the full truth about what happens in a movie - but in this case I think they're correct.
What the fuck, literally needs one fresh review to reach 60%! Fuck Disney, critics, shills, betacuck basedboyS
Cast this guy
Don't worry boys, last Sunday I watched the movie for the first time with my girl and it was like 95% packed. Also, there was this elderly couple there and the guy knew all about the manga and discussed the movie with his wife, pretty cool if you ask me. This was in portugal for reference
>83% (rotten)
The absolute state of access journalism and their Silly-con valley allies.
Maybe you should stop paying attention to rotten tomatoes because it's rotten to the core
>60% = fresh
>59% = rotten
Rotten tomatoes is nightmare fuel for mathematicians and data analysts
We all know what it's like to love someone more than they love us. Even if it's not totally unrequited, even when that person responds with love, both people can tell which one loves the other more. That's Both the manga and the movie are firmly cases of where Alita loves Hugo more than he loves her.
That's not always a bad thing. Sometimes it leads to balance, sometimes tenuously. It's a dynamic that exists in every relationship. Hard to imagine one without it. But it's a dynamic that precedes conflict and it definitely preceded the scene on the tube.
I seriously don't understand how you could give this movie less than a 6/10 even if you weren't a huge fan. It's very competently made with fantastic performances and amazing CG.
Of course it's utter shit of a website, what kind of a rating scale is x/4 for example, Jesus christ. I saw 2,5/4 was "rotten", fuck those bitches who run that site.
In both she is her own hero. She saves herself. That's cyberpunk.
>Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity, it's about saving yourself.
>Doesn't preach about [yesterday's political issue]
>Not made by Disney
>Competes with an IMPORTANT FILM - so important that they'll be busing school children to the theaters and giving away free tickets to shoppers
>Tells a very traditional, even archetypal, story without complete sincerity
Yeah, this won't please hack reviewers at all.
>Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity, it's about saving yourself.
Not too familiar with cyberpunk, so I'll take your word for it.
>with complete sincerity
and without constant quipping
is what I meant
Imagine what it's like to believe that the very notion of personal integrity is mathematically incoherent and cannot possibly exist. You would not see it even if it were in your face. Now imagine watching a movie where the protagonist's struggle is in building personal integrity. What would you see? It would be incoherent. Your brain would not allow you parse the statements made in the film, like trying to run a Mac program on Windows.
Why don't you lads have Cinefex issue #163 yet? I might take pics of the entire article and slowly dole them out in the generals if I can figure out how to do it without fucking up the magazine. But do not count on that. If you want affordable Alita movie shit to buy, there isn't much out there besides this.
Forgot pic of cover.
There are 3 trading cards that came with certain blu-rays at Walmart. The card for "pro-motorball body" card just shows the Berzerker body with clothes and padding, not the shiny purple body. So yeah, somebody fucked up.
>Local news is covering Alita vs Captain Marvel narrative
Honestly this can only be good for the movie.
Does anyone know when we're going to get details about the bluray release? How long does a movie usually take after its released in theaters to reveal its bluray?
>busing school children to the theaters and giving away free tickets to shoppers
Are you memeing or is this the absolute state of?
Surely you are memeing, this can't be real
pic from russian board
It was his 7th date with Alita
Why don't you upload a bigger version?
Thanks for the tip, user. Looks pretty neat. Might buy some older issues now.
>give away tickets for free
>nobody STILL wants to see it
>FORCE kids to go see it
Mickey, pls. You won't get rich that way.
I love these threads. I feel so safe and comfortable with you guys.
There's nothing cozier than Alita threads user
As much as I political faggotry and shitflinging over art, I agree. Most people don't even seem to know about Alita at all. If it gives them the chance to see it and make up their own mind, then that's great.
Why? You want to eat the bluray or what?
I definitely wish to consume the bluray.
These threads are comfy as well because of people like you
The art in Last Order is kino as fuck.
The eighth, most of the spectators are girls.
Judging by the comments, at least two next to me wanted Zapan to kill Hugo before Alita would save.
Alita Bluray will be available in late July.
Unironically am going to name my daughter Gally
No the Goose will play him.
Captain Marvel has declared WAR on James Cameron. I saw it last night so you don't have to. I know you're not going to see it, but I'll spoiler it anyway. When she crash lands into a Blockbuster Video, she destroys a cardboard True Lies standee by blowing off Arnold's head.
Comfy threads for a comfy movie. We love you too user.
Because image showed the cover price.
I have issues going back to the '80s. It's breddy gud. 4 issues per year.
Please no, I can't endure a second time of my cute animu waifu getting together with someone I like too much to hate.
This shit was blatant as fuck. /ourgirl/ will prevail though.
You didn’t pay to see it did you?
>How do you do fellow rollerballers?
i think i'll go see this on sunday frens
They're afraid. They're afraid!
>>Local news is covering Alita vs Captain Marvel narrative
This is gentlemen
Good idea fren
>make a 2/10 film.
>declare war anyway.
>what can possibly go wrong?
Damn, Alita looks so good here
Autism has escalated