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What does this mean in English?
I wonder what level this guy is on Runescape
not totally empty, trannies are filling seats
The movie is going to be a roaring box-office success and make Disney another 300 million dollars in pure profit. Don't be fucking morons you know it's true.
cap'n marvel finna be slaw
what a fool, trying to fight beard genetics that strong
Thats a top shelf tranny.
actually its areal language racists
Virtually everyone on the net is talking about it + how they just saw it. Presumably all of them were occupying entire theaters.
Are these really the type of people that Disney want to attract for their movies?
You mean your typical zoomer? Yeah I think that is exactly their target demo.
This is the audience Disney is trying to pander to,
with Marvel and Star Wars, at the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars
never forget
saw it tonight. It was good for the most part.
Guys I just saw Captain Marvel in an empty theater too!
>Get in line early for Captain Marvel
>Finally start seating
>Find seat in middle for best sound and video angles
>No one comes in
>Still waiting
>Rude teen usher tells me I'm in the wrong theater
>Captain Marvel is in theater #7
>I'm in #5
>Go to #7
>It's also empty
It's unwatchable, her face and line reading is so bad and these fucking green space aliens are all talking in Australian accents as an entire race.
Those infamous money-losing franchises the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars
The film is fixing to be (which means "about to be") "[cole]slaw." Coleslaw is a dish traditionally consumed by white, middle class Americans. In some African American groups, this coleslaw is seen as bland, dull, and made with too much mayonnaise (a condiment traditionally consumed by said white people). When an invited white person brings said coleslaw to a dining event hosted by African Americans, the dish goes uneaten by the African American attendees, who find it to be unpalatable. As such, this film is going to be consumed (seen) by no one, much like how the coleslaw goes uneaten at the dining event. It is "coleslaw."
What does slaw mean?
She's right though. Having an entire theater for yourself for just 15 bucks is pretty good even if the movie sucks. No popcorn crunching, people playing with their phones or other annoyances.
I'm honestly convinced that Brie Larson being the star for this movie is the equivalent of that scene from Mulholland Drive where they tell the director who the star is going to be. There MUST be some shady shit that went on behind the scenes.
>Finna be slaw
>theater slick empty
Finna - Fixing to be/going to be
Slaw - Lame
>Disney is literally buying up seats to inflate sales
Finna be slaw
Disney has sunk to a new low.
Even if people milled about and showed up late, NOT EVERYONE DOES. A packed theater will be at least a quarter full by then.
This. You're a dumb nigger if you think otherwise. I went to a 10PM showing on a tonight and it was completely packed.
plot twist
i wish. i thought my country was better than this. must be all the anglo expats
my guess is 88, he’s gotta be a maxed ags pure with the halloween black skintone
what? trump is okay, but americans/aussies/brits in general are insufferable faggots
I've worked food service in the ghetto and niggers drench their food in mayo
Honestly that previous user that searched for this movie on Twitter was right. After 5 minutes of scrolling through nothing but praise, I closed the tab. I think it's going to do well, anons...
>no seats in the middle front of the screen
whose idea was this horseshit
Imagine having this viewpoint and going on Yea Forums everyday.
It won't get a sequel, just like Strange.
Finna be slaw
Based. I bought a ticket for Alita and walked into a screen showing Captain Marvel instead.
It's the old style of theater for smaller screens. Those theaters can easily be retrofit with recliners that fix the issue. My Regal was like this from when it opened in the 80s until late 2014.
I thought it was slay but for niggers.
youre welcome white boiz
It's the only film showing on all 6 screens of the closest shitty kinoplex to me.
I'm annoyed.
Says the anonymous person.
based nigger not giving into an obvious bait and defusing the situation
Nice try, shill. The theaters don't update with new movies until you buy a Captain Marvel ticket from all 6 screens.
My 20 screener is devoting at least 6 screens just for normal format. That's more than any other big blockbuster I can remember. Maybe the Prequels or Avatar? But not some fucking middling capeshit.
This movie was so weak and had no emotional weight to it. Somebody said that the aesthetic and feel would be similar to Iron Man 1, and it absolutely didn't. She had no weak moments, she didn't even have any character-defining moment to develop her. Was this supposed to be a origin story? It feel like a spin-off prequel somewhere between Guardians. I promise you Yea Forums, this movie is not memorable at all. It felt like a filler, I thought they were going to make a big solo film that would blend well with Endgame, but I guess not.
So it's a movie for old cat ladies?
I think it was a joke on how the theater seats' color pattern looks like donald trump's head
That's because Disney is only letting theaters sell one ticket per screen.
Yea Forums anglos are better than the ones emigrating here, but don't act like your people haven't ruined this world more than the jews
>finna be slaw
>all these women going to the movies alone
And here I thought incels were only male
Based gay black man!
To be honest I was up for watching Happy death day
last night but the final showing was at 22:30 and I couldn't be fucked and it's now been pulled from all screens to make way for this crap.
I suppose the ole piracy standby will fix me up nicely.
It has absolutely nothing new. It plays as a humorless GotG with Thor 1 and Winter Soldier mixed in, and her powers are generic shit compared to Ant-Man or Strange.
It's the first one that feels like it's off an assembly line, that's understandable for a sequel like Thor 2 and IM2 but for a fucking origin movie? That's a huge failure.
Gays and blacks are required to love Captain Marvel. It's in their contract.
Was it full?
I've been going to the theater religously for almost the past decade (sometimes going 5 - 7 days a week), and not once I repeat not ONCE did the majority of people show up after the movie started. In fact, most show up during previews.
2 couples and me. 5 people. In Sydney if you're interested.
I've gone pretty heavily for a while too, I'd say most people show up at show time and into the first preview. They used to show up a good 5-10 minutes before show time when it was all general admission, reserved seating has let that be a little more relaxed since your seat is guaranteed.
The movie also has this problem, I want to think it's because they can't have a memorable character, but I don't know. I think the movie's pacing was so fast, I didn't actually care for anyone. She got out of every conflict quickly. It's like somebody just started writing comics.
The fuck? Coleslaw is like a staple of BBQ. I've seen lots of black people eat it, especially on pork sandwiches.
>non single seat
I'm not an anglo, I just think it's funny to have such a fierce hatred for a group of people like that and then interact with them online all the time. But yeah, the Yea Forums version of every race is usually better than the rest of their kind.
huh, guess niggers are the same even across the atlantic
it's not that fierce, it's just a fact of life to me. but you are right, it's probably why i shitpost here
does nobody want to go pay money to watch the chicken dance?!?1?!!?1
I didn't know they were invading the Netherlands like that. I heard the British were spreading to a lot of cheaper European countries recently. Must suck for the locals.
That's cause he's trolling
It means slow, lazy, and weak
just checked venues outside amsterdam, much emptier there (like 50-60%)
Anglo-Saxons revenge
it does. you unironically can't order drinks/food in dutch anymore in 80% of the places. all just scum hyperliberal millenial anglos who come to amsterdam with their immature dreams and aspirations
Folks, just went down to my local. Stuck my head in a few of the theaters. ALL of them empty except for one person, who was taking a picture of the empty theater and uploading it to twitter.
Sounds similar to trying to order drinks/food in English in certain parts of the US.
Except instead of millennial anglos serving you it's latin american migrant workers.
So yeah you guys probably have it worse since the millennial anglos probably don't even give you decent service.
are niggers literally the only people who watch movies/television nowadays?
Fuck off shill
indeed, somehow they feel entitled to a shitty attitude even though they're literally SERVING you
Woah. Just got back from AMC. Theater (100+ seats, IMAX) was totally empty except for me.
ARMED RUSSIAN HACKOR caught blocking the entrance of the cinema.
This explains why there's no one watching
How does he keep getting away with it?
nigga I'm black as pitch and there's nothing better than filling your pulled pork bbq with a fat helping of slaw. food of the gods.
it's shit if eaten alone though
Slaw my nigga
Same thing happened to me. Outdoor amphitheater, +2000 seats. Just me and one guy who bought tickets for lego movie and wandered into the wrong amphitheater. Crickets.
A friend of mine went to watch this
The entire movie is a big shill for the US air force
There is a feminist message in there somewhere, but it's literally an army shill movie
For those that saw it, is she gonna completely ruin endgame by epically pwning thanos in a bullshit way? She seems way too overpowered for her origin stort movie.
She is already taking over, so yeah.
>5pm movie screening
lol of course it's gonna be empty, 90% are working rest will see it 7-10pm
You literally don't know how Twitter works, shill.
It's thursday night retard
It's almost like you incels never go out
This is actually true.
This is literally superhero folder tier from BvS
she cute
I can't believe people are going to pay to see this
>carol was the inspiration for the avengers
i saw this coming since the first teaser
Are you just a brainlet?
All the actual nerds are too busy playing dmc5 at the moment since it's pretty much on every platform.
Thankfully they dont' spend 15 mins on it the way BvShit did
It's expected from women, they have no quality standards.
Please don't remind me it took so much for me to forget that.
Why are the theaters empty?
A score of 9.5 and already cracked baby
Oh shit is that hollywood bodybuilder chloe moretz doing the stunts?
twitter is fucking clingy and filled with trannies
why would anyone with dignity use it seriously
Pc nerds have no excuse for not picking dmc5 over Captain marvel at this point.
They are literally to blame for funding the mouse reign of terror.
Just got back from the 7:00 show at the most crowded theater in my city. Every seat empty except for mine.
Because incels are masochists. Why else would they be incels?
Fucking hell lad, what city you in
My parents love coleslaw and no one in my family is white.
Why did you even go
>co-workers more interested in Shazam and Hellboy than this
even the women, oy vey
CLEARLY YOUR SCREEN WAS JUST OVERFLOW FOR ALL THE OTHER SOLD OUT SCREENS. That's right, the manager gave you just a screen to yourself, ya know, because movies don't run on automated schedules.
how come they did this when top gun 2 is coming out?
I think you're full of shit
>Captain Marvel flops
>every male gets called a sexist pig
>Wonder Woman gets conveniently ignored
enjoy your horoscope that'll be $8.99+tip
>thursday night
>packed theaters
>no picture
You are fake news
thank you
It's not even going to flop, it's the same kind of shit Solo dealt with but slightly more profitable because Marvel
I also made up everything in that post.
All the college kids are leaving for spring break and getting drunk and partying. They’re not going to the movies lol.
When other Disney employees are also recruited to try to salvage this mess
>ruined this world more than the jews
to be fair, the jews have ruined america, but you're the ones who've allowed it and are now jewing by proxy
Empty theaters are a GOOD thing!
>i'm not excited but i know i have to see it
what did this bitch mean?
Most black people don't want to see Captain Becky.
I think he's trying to polish his image afte his row with Ellen Page
>ruining Krautsalat with mayonnaise
What the fuck is wrong with anglos?
People are holding onto their money for Avengers
Woah, this is true guys. Just went to the cinema with my wife’s boyfriend’s son, and there was only me and LaTyrone in a 1352 seat theatre. Good thing we packed our beans to eat. What a way to celebrate International Women’s Day!
In Oslo of all places, on women's day of all days, this is really, really fucking bad.
Holy fucking shit. Hoooly fucking SHIT. Are we actually seeing another Solo here?
This. It being one month away made it pretty easy to wait, Black Panther came out two months before.
Dat jump timing looking slaw
The first screening in the picture with 236 free seats of 238 is starting in 55 minutes. And here in Norway 95% of people order their tickets online. People dropping in and risking a shit seat is extremely rare, so chances are it won't fill up much more than you see there.
I have a couple of free tickets and I'd rather see them go to waste than going to a piece of feminist propaganda shit like Captain Marvel or nu-wars. If you can' buy a ticket once in a while you must be really dirt poor.
Based Alex shitposting on Yea Forums
>being too poor to not even see one movie a month
Do people actually live like this?
should have said the defender initiative. its like they never picked up a comic book.
all these words for a slang goddamn
fuck, my cringemeter is outta scale
>not judging the gameplay though
based thank you so much
>just go see this other movie guys
I love how they kinda sold comics to middle class unattractive fat black people.
Why? They are always the ugly nerdy nogs that nobody wants - kind of like DragonBallz anime fans - niggrs eat it up.
shill detected.
Based. Reminder that if you're a poorfag the game has been cracked and it runs on a toaster. You have no excuse to not play DMCV instead of watching Captain Fungus tomorrow.
My theater and pretty much every showing that was at the same theater was full
the fuck?
>hashtag gender fluid
Hitler was right
Same here in small town in sweden
pepe learned a new word today and it was based
How much is a medium popcorn there, 300kr?
Used my months money on alita
tfw no amount of makeup and filters can hide your beard stubble
I checked the local 25 screen cinema here in Melbourne. Most screenings tonight (Friday) are about 40-70% full, and it's showing like 15 times.
thats bullshit and you know it, Rian.
Why do trannies always pick retarded names like that.
She's shoe-horned too dman much
Coleslaw with extra mayo is disgusting. Vinegar heavy colseslaw is where it is at. Same with potato salad. Show me potato salad.
Disney controls the narrative. Watch as they tell how it got more money that BP on its opening lol
euros are big faggots with no film culture in the 21st century that eat up whatever corporate shit America poops out, news at 11
mufuggin bix nood mo dup mufugga
They don't want to spend $100 for a 2 hour movie
Why didn't she just fly?
20 minutes left till the movie starts, and still only 2 seats are taken.
pig fucking kike says pig fucking kike things
news at 11
Do you even CUHRAYZEE?
If you're a man that calls other men "masochists" then you are the worst type of faggot to exist. Even gay men think you're a huge faggot and women despise you, even the staunchest feminist is repulsed by you
It's great for the moviegoer, it just sucks for the studio.
Lorsa lorsa Massa we talk dis way
To be fair no one sees movies right now. Half the theater being empty at the 18:00 IMAX screening is insane, though.
this is in my hometown at 20:00 today.
Prosto = free spot
Izbrano (red) = reserved
black dot = bought tickets online
Isn't it worse for the theatre.
I feel like that should be a crime
For about a week, yes. Then they realise no one wants to see this movie and cut screenings of it for next week's schedule.
>being triggered by the word "mashochist"
are you okay my man?
>tfw you have a bigger screen than this in your home
dis shit slaw as hell
Ah yes, most people are third weekend movie goers
*gentle nod*
They don't serve real butter.
Than again americans don't eat real cheese and they seem fine with it
"Right now" as in 11:00 in the morning on a Friday.
>seats empty in england
>full in your shithole
Must be all the anglos :-DDDDD
T-they don't?
What are americans eating?
How long until: "Why the empty cinemas are actually a good thing"
cheese "product"
fucking this
I don't know but cheese generally isn’t orange
guess its doing alright here, given that its only 11 am
lol relax ahmed
>more ratings than infinity war
so this is the power of incels
Fake and gay, dumbass nigger. That site hasn't updated it yet.
Whatever it is, tastes good.
>I'm not that excited about it but I have to see it
Why do people do this? Is this why the MCU is so successful? People watching garbage movies so they don't miss out on later when maybe possibly with some luck a good one comes out?
I think at this point even normies know they are gonna have her show up and kill thanos, they just want context for it so its slighty less frustrating to watch
Marvel Studios just shat on 10+ years of MCU legacy, literally right before Endgame, their closing "epic film" for the phase 1-4 arc, all for some feminist points, quick everyone laugh at them
I think a part of this is that there are way too many screenings.
It may still be doing badly for a Marvel movie, but we'll see I guess.
They have to segue into their greatest arc yet
>6 (SIX) films
>new face of the MCU
oh no no no no
>I think a part of this is that there are way too many screenings.
Yeah I was thinking about that too, they made theaters open a lot of screenings so more people would have more chances to view the movie. More people more money in the weekend and they can "break records" and get more people's attention.
Or maybe they thought they would fill all those movie theaters.
Have sex.
I tried leaving a review but it isn't showing.
Anyone experiencing this?
It's not even showing up on my 'reviews' page, though it does say the review was posted when I click the 'post' button.
>u know i sit by the exit...anyone get to shooting im already out the door
Wonder if he added (TM)
what kind of numale nigger is this? what even is this?
It's a pajeet retard
is it a continuation of DONTE game that flopped?
Why are niggers so obsessed with spicy food? Are they masking the shitty quality of their cooking with it?
you slaw stupid ass white boi
Sure it was
>some C list hero is going to be the face of the MCU
>with this critical reception
>for 6 movies
Maximum Over Yikes
ngl I would
It is, they don't know the word 'slew', the same way when they're trying to be smart they say 'legitly' because they only know 'legit' and not 'legitimate'(ly)
>I know I'm not excited for it but I have to see it
good go- I mean Queen
They don't even like spicy, they like vinegar sauce like crystal or texas pete
What the FUCK is a love seat?
Seat where you can fuck your gf.
fuck my fellow pajeets, they're rushing en masse to see it
thankfully the INR is useless so it won't amount to more than 20-25 million dollars.
don't forget the official leddit poll :^)
say it out loud, it's "th-they"
>linking Yea Forums thread.
Is he retarded?
Its literally a screenshot from RT 10 minutes ago numb nuts, try searching it
It's the seat you get for your gf when she needs some BIG help.
it's joey salads, all he does is lie, the grifter little cunt
>go to watch movie
>see some fucks making out
thanks wh*tes, can't wait till it's a thing here
wh*toids enjoy bland food lmaoooo
Yeah I gave up trying. Someone is though, its dropped 2%
>this is who watches capeshit
>hoping Brie will be the next RDJ
good luck with that lmao
Well, individually they can be very enjoyable. No niggers talking through the film and normies not laughing at what they perceive as funny.
Since Manvers will not be making BP money or worse, underperforms, whose ass is toast?
that happens when you shit on your main target audience of while cis male
Fights for the rights of the African Americans and gets finna be slaw'ed in the end.
My nigger
... what?
I hate Captain Cheesetoes as much as the rest of you but if you think this film is gonna flop then you're all crazy. I live in NYC and all the big theaters in the area are soldout or almost sold out for tonight.
Miss Thanos with the ether
of course she just HAS to mention the fact that shes a degenerate lesbian. Fucking idiot, how is that even relevant?
It will flop in China for certain
And it won't have legs anywhere. This weekend is all it gets, then it will be scraps
Name checks out
looks like donald
based tejas understands
White people conquered most of the fucking world to get spices for their food.
Which is true, and would be a point in your favour, except that wh*tey food is still typically flavourless. Just fat and salty, a little sweet on occasion
the N-word
id argue tea desu
Can someone give me the updated version of pic related?
Also fuck the MCU
Same in Stockholm.
Except even the sold out theaters are almost empty. Which implies it's just Jewsney buying up seats in a desperate attempt to make the movie seem way more popular than it actually is.
>I actually wanna see detective pikachu
what's the deal with nigs and going to the theater - clearly said they have no interest seeing it, but they can't help but waste their gibs on it
if I go and watch it in a cinema wouldnt the cinema be only "full" of women?
Can I not act as some cuck to get pussy?
Just imagine you are the only dude there with a bunch of girls.
You turn around and ask for a blowjob.
they start laughting and say no.
but one of them gets the urge to suck cock.
So after 5-10min you go to the bathroom doors and wait
She shows up, a pretty fucked up girl, a little chubby.
She sucks you dry.
You only had to pay 10$ for this.
kek, that is a piece of art
I'm going to be getting my ass fucked tonight instead of seeing captain marvel.
Thank you Yea Forums now instead of international womens day it is international motivation day
>attending local theatrical presentation
>Panthera Onca Africanus
>arise from my seat and declare “Indeed, it seems this African gentleman is en route to a position of dabbage”
>portico is awash with merriment
>moorish fellow proclaims “you are a jovial companion, for one of fair skin”
>overhear his concubine declare “he has a most pleasing complexion”
this is where I put it
>finally go on date with co worker chick after being khv for 25 years
>get the loveseat special
>halfway thru movie she leans over says "I gotta piss"
>must being going to freshen up for fingerblast
>while she's gone all lights in theater turn red and movie pauses
>full theater gets to look at me sitting alone on overpriced chair
>laughter shakes building
>the blacks start hooting/hollering
>can see gf near the exit with Tyrone giggling
Does anyone have the captain marvel checklist? The ripoff of aquaman's one
It's gonna be comedy gold in a while
Her entire career is basically that, she larps as a progressive if you had not figured it out.
How much are you man babies going to cry when it breaks 1 billion?
godamn, the wrong side won ww2
Buy a ticket, stop being a virgin.
If Captain Marvel breaks 1 billion going over Thor Ragnarok, GotG 2 and Spider-Man Homecoming, I'll know this shit is rigged because those are far more popular movies (despite not being favorites of mine)
More like #fiveoclockshadow
>Australian accents as an entire race
Well that's impossible as Australians don't have accents.
>Iron man 3 better than hulk
>doctor strange and spiderman behind bp
nigger you're stupid
Quite the verbose post
40% dont make it to the end
NOOOO it was supposed ti flop!!!!!
Oh nonono, she will be the resting bitchface of the MCU
I saw it last night. It was about 75% full. It was no better or worse than any other Marvel film.
Most people do, yeah. It's not that we don't have the money, but we'd rather use it elsewhere or save it.
>I think he's trying to polish his image afte his row with Ellen Page
>his row
Did he actually respond at all or did he just politely ignore her
It should, in some regions spring holidays are going.
Dont know how many decided to go skiing, but some should go into cinema.
>full of lesbians and feminists
Only if they dragged some slutty "sex with strangers is freedom" feminist friends with them.
have a sex
Mmmm based
It's not going to stop it from somehow making money. The theaters were never full for Black Panther, either, yet somehow it made a billion.
Page: "i had no reason to disbelieve jussie smollett when he made those claims"
Pratt: "maybe that's because you don't know how some people ACT "
holy shit it does
Absolutely based.
It's the closest thing they have to a culinary "culture"
joey is reformed. hes been a good boy ever since he was busted
front desk at theater says sold out, actually only 3 people watching, why allow in if tecnically sold out. who is buying up the tickets if truly sold out?
no it was slaw
45min left till the screening in my town in germany. OH NO NO NO NO