Sucks off your kid

>sucks off your kid
heee heee!

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Other urls found in this thread:

His sound fx remind me of street fighter sound fx


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This is still kino idgaf what anyone says

>someone defends this nonce
>why are you defending this peado? He fucks kids
>he didn’t! They’re lying for money and MJ is innocent!
>but didn’t he settle out of court for millions of dollars with another kid he fiddled with?
>I’m not talking about that incident I’m talking about this one
The absolute state of MJ fans

nothing with being a pedophile as long as you dont violently rape kids or smth desu schmesu

He was obviously fucked up from childhood where his crazy father had him chemically castrated, to the point he could never have sexual intercourse, or even have a sexual desire. Just like Jazz Jennings admitted his parents did to him with all the puberty blockers and hormones. MJ never touched the kids, he was a kid himself because he never had a childhood. If you want to see what I am talking about watch "I am Jazz". I believe this documentary was made at this time because TLC has I am Jazz airing constantly and it shows what happens when you chemically castrate a child.

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>MJ never touched the kids
Yeah alright mate and I’m a flamingo

.005 shekels have been deposited into your account

Settling out of court doesn't mean he's guilty in fact it means that the charges were dropped because the other party accepted money. Hmmmm it's almost as if the accusers want something.

>a court didn’t find him guilty therefore he’s innocent because he paid off his accusers
But surely if he was innocent he could have told them to fuck off and been absolved in the court of law?
Also, you go to court to agree what can be proved happened, not agree what actually happened you fucking brainlet

I don't think you know what chemical castration is.

do your research. his legal adviser at the time gave him bad advise to just pay it.

>but didn’t he settle out of court for millions of dollars with another kid he fiddled with?
That actually shows that they were after money, not justice. If they were after justice, they wouldn't have settled out of court so easily, especially with everyone buying into their lie.

he called out jews and liked hitler, the man was based.

MJ touched the kids BECAUSE he was a child and very closely identifeid himself with them and wanted to make their childhoods better than his was. Being screwed up in the head though, he fell in love with them and found himself in positions where he could exploit them whether he knew he was doing it or not.

>fucks your kid in the ass

Fucking laughed out loud at this, just the fucking juxtaposition of super srs business pedophilia accusations with HEEE HEEEEEE
Good work opee

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>>but didn’t he settle out of court for millions of dollars with another kid he fiddled with?

They sued him right as he was about to embark on a huge world tour. He could either pay a few millions and get it over with, or he could fight it and lose tens millions upon tens millions in lost revenue from his world tour.

Like urine. I see what you did there.

If you think MJ did it your brain fold looks like:

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>plays cave explorer with your kid

>MJ had sex with kids as he was already under trial
Absolute madman

Can you imagine being such an icon that people continue to use you for their personal profit after you’re dead and incapable of giving your own side of the story?

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They could find the skeletons of raped children buried in his back yard and I still wouldn't stop listening to his music.

Honestly, I don't care he's a pedo, he made great music and aspired to be white.
How many black or white men aren't pedophiles, but achieved nothing in their lives?

>those comments and timestamps
I'm dying over here.

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lets say these guys are telling the truth. if they testified in court that jackson dindu nuffin, it means they lied. is this not fucking illegal? whats the consequence of this?

>stop buying his music in order to devalue his estate so we can buy it up cheap.

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Is this fucking real?

I think MJ did it but I don’t really care. I think after you’re dead you’re dead, your legacy should be completely off-limits, it’s not fair to have new accusations you can’t defend yourself against

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First off, you don't understand chemical castration. Second, what male child insists on sleeping with another male in their own bed?

You're a fucking weirdo too.

>he was a kid himself because he never had a childhood

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You may be right, but honestly I'm just glad to see MJ fans seething this much.

imagine if this worked for Hitler

Hitler didn't make good music.

You'd care if he fucked your butt as a child. Or are one of those people that think it's ok as long as he paid you afterwards? Probably. Weird.

i'd be honored to have my son sucked off by the king of pop.

Get off Yea Forums, Joy

I wish public stonings were legal still

>his crazy father had him chemically castrated, to the point he could never have sexual intercourse, or even have a sexual desire.
That is a false rumor.

This. MJ seemed A sexual though.

Fuck you, you pink fuck.

I would be satisfied knowing that God will judge him for his actions. I wouldn’t care if other people believed me.

Not according to the boys who sucked him off and who he tried to fuck in the ass but his cock was too big for their small buttholes. He was not asexual. He was a faggot pedophile.

You don't like hearing moans of kvetching jews in New Jersey minor?

Your fanfiction is getting sicker Mr.Geffen, pls seek help.

>dicks your kid's mouth

not according to the 7 boys this happened to, amongst many more who haven't come forward because of fear, shame or non-disclosure payouts.

>amongst many more who haven't come forward because of fear, shame or non-disclosure payouts.

You sound exactly like a #metoo attention whore.

Ethan get the fuck off this thread! Shouldn't you be working on your "le randumb fat guy xDD" videos instead of your shitty podcast?

>Jimmy, are you okay?
>So, Jimmy are you okay?
>Are you okay, Jimmy?
>Jimmy, are you okay?
>So, Jimmy are you okay?
>Are you okay, Jimmy?
>Jimmy, are you okay?
>So, Jimmy are you okay?
>Are you okay, Jimmy?

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Ok now this is epic

Edgy and brave.

>t. Nonce defence force


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Its not...

t.talented jewish man

Reminder to all zoomers that the love for the King of Pop is unbreakable


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Even if he did it who gives a fuck?


Michael Jackson was a kid on a mans body, therefore any sexual experiences he had with kids is innocent.


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in other words, he was mentally ill

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better get caught watching porn than this vid

5/5 hee hees

Brave of you to stand up for the children like this

>there are literal peado apologists on this board
Go back to /lgbt/ you fucking cretins

>mfw you can just pay some money if someone accuses you of kiddy diddling in the US

You better spread those cheeks, little white boy.

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>new and shocking audio from Michael Jackson’s bedroom at Neverland Ranch bolsters accusations of pedophilia

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MJ was on tour the time the trials happened and his lawyers advised him to settle out of court because his touring would generate more money

This I had a good giggle. Well done.

Am I a terrible person if, hypothetically, we actually find hard evidence that he molested children, I still think he did more good than bad? He wouldn't necessarily be a good person, molesting a child is still one of the worst things you can do, but he helped the rest of world in so many ways and brought joy to millions or even over a billion people in his life.


MJ being a pedo has as much basis in reality as the Trump pee tape.

Not comparable. /pol/ made up the pee pee tapes.

Nice try, tranny

brainless normalfag

Another excuse used by the MJ team. Another is that the cost to defend himself in court would cost more than a payout. Reason changes with the wind, it seems. The Occam's razor choice is that he did it and didn't want any chance of going to jail.

Great retort. Too bad your mom didn't abort you.

>because he never had a childhood.
I don't get this comment. He had a childhood. It just wasn't the childhood he wanted.
A lot of people don't have the childhood they want, they don't try to, and know not to - start inviting young boys to sleep in their beds because they didn't have the childhood they wanted.

>reason changes with the wind
Just like Robson’s story

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That’s the same reason, dumbass. It’s also interesting how the families were willing to settle for cash rather than put him behind bars and they pushed for the cases to be civil rather than criminal so they could get profit out of it.

He seemed a sexual attracted to young boys

Yeah it was totally a business decision and totally not because he was a kiddie fiddler

That is pretty fishy 2bh. If I had a kid who was abused, I wouldn’t be shut up with cash, I would want the criminal in prison.


Everyone’s morals have a price user. If it was my kid that got fiddled there’s no amount of money you could offer me, peados deserve the fucking rope

He diddled those kids, and his music sucks.
His songs of a multicultural paradise is disgusting.

>wade's armpits as he sweat profusely telling his fabricated stories in an interview with oprah

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One of the “victim’s” father’s coaches him to lie and even drugged him. Crazy shit all over.

So James is telling the truth?

Michael Jackson was a pedophile

the king of pedophiles

He had "art books" that had women and little girls in them too.

in the new documentary he says that he hates women and that they are evil.
probably because mothers want to protect their sons buttholes.

Yeah but loads of these parents wanted Jackson’s cash so they filed civil lawsuits. Weirdly enough they didn’t care if he was in prison even if he did rape their kids.

>the king p(edophiles)op

>I wouldn’t be shut up with cash, I would want the criminal in prison.

I wonder if I'll ever resolve that in my own mind. Jordan Chandler's parents must have started out feeling the same way but if the inglorious career of Max Clifford proves anything it's that people do have their price and in depressing numbers.

>It is sheer joy seeing children all over the world with my disgusting penis
What did MJ mean by this?

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if you ever heard the singing or speaking voice of a castrati (do you even fucking know what that is?) you would know that's what he is
and you would know why someone would do it to a young singer

They weren't just artbooks. He had hardcore homosexual pornography. In the 2005 trial they showed some of it to Wade and asked him if it would upset to know that this was located inches away from the bed he shared with Michael. Wade looked visibly distressed and answered "Yes, that would upset me".

if michael jackson went in the prison would other prisoners give the "Poz Party" with much AIDS cum in the ass of him? or would he escape their maltreatments by entertaining them?

Perhaps it was because his mother never did anything about his own abuse and many other "mothers" in hollywood would rather exploit their children than love them.


Probably because hes never seen shit like that

What was it specifically brought you guys round to this hostile attitude? On Yea Forums in the past it was generally dismissed as a beatup and the various litigants as lying opportunists. A lot of you also got quite hilariously blubbery when he died.
(Myself I've always believed he was a giant nonce.)

Someone has to suck off my kid.

You expect the idiots on here to do research?

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The accusers in this film have zero credibility if you spend even one second looking into the case.

Someone that wealthy wouldn't have trouble buying protection from one or more of the major prison gang leaders, user.

Probably because Jackson showed it to him and gave him wine with benzos in it, and sucked his little wee wee and diddled his bunghold and had him fist Michael with his little baby fist.

I’m very suspicious of Robson. He said MJ never touched him but after getting rejected for choreo director MJ ONE he tried to sue the Jackson estate by claiming that he suddenly remembered being abused but judge kept throwing his cases out for being ridiculous and lacking evidence. He was also in financial trouble around the same time and he was getting desperate for money. He wasn’t paid for the documentary but he agreed to do an interview with Oprah if she provided 600k and he set up a fund for himself in Hawaii.

the yous

you are fucking demented

damn Yea Forums, where have you been?

Oh yeah set up a fund called the “Robson Family Fund” or something like that and was begging for donations but after backlash he changed the description and name and said it was for child sex abuse victims lmao


>many other "mothers" in hollywood would rather exploit their children

Just so. There's never been any shortage of harridan stage parents.

Nowadays if you can’t get the legal process to do what you want, you just turn to the media and let the sensationalism do everything for you.

This bitch said she was celebrating when Michael Jackson died because that meant he can't harm children anymore. I thought James confessed only a few years ago, not before Michael Jackson died. This doesn't add up. Am I missing something?

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According to Safechuck's dad when he was defending MJ, he said MJ would always wear feetie pajamas in their house. Take that as you will.

Not american. What are they trying to achieve? The guy is dead. They think people will stop listening to him or something? lol

Some of the dates they recall are wrong too. They said abuse happened at specific dates at Neverland Ranch but that couldn’t have been possible because Michael was overseas at the time.

based non-white pedo

What was in it for Safechuck though? Is he getting something out of this? Not debating just want to know.

They all try to sue to get money out of the estate rather than just do the whole criminal proceeding. Even the police thought this was fucking weird.

Money does not die

Robson is a pedo himself. A lot of the young girls he used to teach dance classes to have said he always acted inappropriately and tried to grope them. Would be funny if they made a documentary about it too.

MJ and his team contacted Safechuck during the 2005 trial and asked him if would be a character witness for Michael, which he refused. Safechuck then told his mother that MJ was an abuser, but didn't admit to her that he had been abused.

People are saying Safechuck did defend MJ in court and he's lying but idk if this is true

Nah, that was Robson.

Safechuck also has money troubles. He is a failed actor and a lot of anons have said his descriptions of abuse sound like they would pulled out of the Gutierrez book.

Molestation is like a virus that keeps spreading

Yes, Safechuck had previously testified for Jackson

>well he didn’t immediately come forward with the fact he was nonced therefore it’s false
Except when the historical allegations came forward against Harvey suddenly everyone is telling the truth and should be listened to and believed?
Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If you’re gonna demand certain rules around allegations enforce them across the board

I wouldn’t be surprised. Robson was always cheating on women and then he had that famous affair with Britney Spears.

>Yes, Safechuck had previously testified for Jackson
Yeah in 1993 but in court? I need evidence that he was at the 2003 trial as well as Robson

When he was fucking 11, not during the second trial in 2005.

Sorry, I like the idealogy, but I just disagree. Had this been an out of the blue allegation then I may consider that outlook, but Michael had all the opportunity during his life to admit the things he had done when being questioned and instead chose to lie and tell children to lie for him. He took advantage of starstruck children thinking they're going to be hanging out with one of the most beloved celebrities all the while performing sexual acts on children a room away from their parents. The very act of deception reaches extreme levels of narcissism and it should disgust anyone that this man ruined so many lives for his own personal issues with no remorse of guilt.

He COULD have defended himself, but instead it's made clear that he never felt like he had to in the first place.


What? Safechuck defended Jackson too and he did so for years but then he and Robson both remembered they were abused around the same time and tried to sue the Jackson estate but judges threw their cases out of court so they turned to the media.

Wash he actually chemically castrated by his parents so he could retain his high pitch voice? That's fucked up.

he was trans

>settle out of court for millions of dollars
i don't give a fuck if i am a simpleton but the moment you take a check i don't give a fuck what really happened anymore

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I have felt confused my entire life why people think his music's that good. The only song I genuinely enjoy is Thriller, but the rest of it just doesn't sound that great to me.

I don’t know the facts and I don’t have an opinion, but I am surprised to find so many people on Yea Forums on MJ’s side. I would’ve guessed the opposite.

>both remembered
Why do people keep saying this? They didn't just "remember" shit out of the blue one day. They knew about everything that happened, it just took them years to accept what had happened.

It's more likely Old Joe regularly beat the fuck out of him until he couldn't communicate in anything but a high-pitched squeal.

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They told the lawyers in their initial lawsuits that they had repressed memories

This is so bizarre

Nah dude, they said they remembered more of the abuse during therapy. Obviously when you're forced to confront abuse you suffered in childhood and had been denying for years you slowly remember more of what was happening.

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Of course the paedo scum of Yea Forums will defend this nonce.

I love how Robson says MJ is great and a wonderful person who was always kind then 2 months later goes on about how he would tongue his ass

>therapy unlocks repressed memories
Colour me shocked

Why would you have thought the opposite?

I used to believe it blindly myself when it happened, but now I see through the bullshit.

Right on mate

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Straight out of Jagten (The Hunt)

What's his name again?

Repressed memories are a lie.

Michael 'But I never touched her son' Jackson

ffs lads woke up this morning, turned around and MJ was there tongue fucking my shitter

Is there any evidence MJ was guilty apart from “because I said so” claims

Regardless if all of the accusers are liars.
It was Michael Jackson that decided it was a good idea to hang around young boys, sleep with them and have them as his friends.
Despite being warned by his friends and relatives that this was a bad idea.

He was the one that kept on doing this, when the first accusations started. That continued doing it after. Despite everyone telling him not to.
There's being a manchild that feels you never had a childhood and buying toys and anime.
Then there is having some sort of deep need to sleep in a bed with a bunch of young boys.
And it was never ugly or fat children. Usually just young boys that looked similar.

No. But it’s fun to meme about.

Even if he did, the children consented so who gives a fuck.

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made me laugh out loud

Why would you let your kid sleep with MJ?

How are the living parents not somehow complicit in this case, while the dead person's estate has to pay for it?

Legally if there is a case it should be against the parents of everyone who allowed an intellectual impaired man to sleep with their children for fame.

its called perjury. a felony.

my thoughts exactly btw as im watching these guys and get to the part where they actually testified on his behalf.

if I lived in california i would be petitioning the district attorney to file perjury charges on these guys in light of the documentary.

Michael was such a manchild he continued sharing beds because he saw nothing wrong with it and hoped that eventually all people would realise he was innocent. He thought is he was doing nothing wrong then he would need to hide it.

According to safechuck's dad he would wear feetie pajamas in thier house all the time.

he more than likely diddled kids, stop trying to change this, he was a monster.

Then he's either retarded when he is already in trouble for that, and all the people around him are warning him not to do it.
Or there's actually reason to suspect that he might be a pedo, but never molested anyone.

all this is really funny, because youtube is plastered with videos rebutting every single thing about jacko, while old media is considering it a given, and "cancelling" him for life
old TV is basically judging the documentary as true, and supporting it, while everybody else, from actors, to musicians, to family.... is denying the claims and even mocking it for being blatant lies
what is going on?
is virtue signaling going to finally put the last nail on the coffin of old media, that instead of following the truth, prefer to follow along, just in case?

*not need to hide it
Because he saw sharing bed as an innocent thing. His brothers would try to encourage him to sleep with prostitutes too but he would read them Bible stories instead and shared a bed without sex and he tried to stop them from whoring around. Some prostitutes actually cried because they thought Michael was talking to them instead of fucking them because they thought it meant that Michael thought they were ugly.

Michael was too shy to be naked around most women even ones he liked a lot, and people say that he just wandered around naked with an erect dick near kids? That smells like bullshit lies to me

Testimony is evidence

>couldn't even guess if he was cut or not
These kids are full of shit.

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Like that one maid who said she saw Michael fucking Macaulay in court?

Yea Forums will allways be in every oldfag heart and soul

this is speculation, you are retarded.

It’s just theatre, the old media is about to die so they are letting it look like the bad guy to make the new media look good. Basically no media sources tell the whole truth, so don’t go thinking the establishment isn’t online

>not old enough to consent
>old enough to give testimony that's considered evidence
Something about it doesn't sound right.

you keep mentioning this as if its supposed to mean something but I don't understand what you think it means.

Didn't a kid make a drawing of the vitigillio marks on the underside of his penis which was then sealed and compared to Michael's body after death. They matched up.

His shyness with women is actually verifiable, while all allegations of him being a child molester have been for money

*molests you*

Lol. Defending himself while sleeping with children along with having these in his house :

Good idea. Why are MJ fans so cult like with their defense of him.

Michael "Jimmy S is not my lover" Jackson

it is just that I thought a lot of old media would take this shit with a grain of salt, the same forbes has done
instead, they are giving the image that the world believes it as true, and cancels jacko
nothing further from the truth, judging by for example, twitter
this is all pathetic

They matched up but jackson somehow didn’t go to jail? It’s horseshit, the FBI and police worked for ten years and found nothing but some naked art photos and lying testimony from kids whose mothers wanted money

Uh huh,

I thought he didn't diddle kids? How on earth would this child be able to do this?

Michael was extremely prudish because of his religious mother who kept telling him premarital sex was a sin and he was traumatized with how his brothers kept fucking groupies and Joe sending him to sing at strip clubs as a kid.

According to safechuck's dad he would wear feetie pajamas in thier house all the time. Take that as you will.

His house was full of graphic porn, dude.

>Boys Will Be Boys
Wtf people really thoug this was CP?

I have no idea how to take that, or why even mention it.

What's more likely, a child abuse victim who grows up to have unlimited power sleeps in beds exclusively with male children because he's abusing them, a pattern typical of abuse victims. Or because he's actually SO innocent that he couldn't even comprehend the notion of abusing a child?

The Peter Pan defence of Jackson is honestly the biggest case of mental gymnastics in popular culture.

you quoted the wrong post kiddo.

does anyone else get the feeling that the parents were basically whoring out their kids to jackson? The one slut literally lives in a house jackson bought for them, and the australian bitch destroyed her family and took her kids to america to "make it big!" , and they specifically sought out jackson

Literally authored and edited by two convicted pedophiles and distributed by NAMBLA

I think he's bringing that up as an example of how Michael truly thought of himself as a kid.

I thought you died

Yeah you can find it in libraries and online bookstores easy.

he's a freak, get over it.

Literally authored and edited by two convicted pedophiles and distributed by NAMBLA.

Its a veil so they can peddle that shit publicly.

Old media aims at boomers who are ridiculously old, they love sensational stories and have been fed the molester line for too long now

Once the boomers are all dead, the old print media will soon be dead. Possibly they will be replaced by new print media as it gets cheaper and cheaper to produce, but certainly the Daily Mail, Sun, Express type papers will no longer get sold and will die off. I don’t know what the US equivalents are

I wish :(

Word has it he chemically castrated mike to make his voice like that.

but having those types of pajamas is not uncommon

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Da Vinci also fucked kids. Get over it.

word is that Mike was trans and had puberty blockers to start his transition as an adult and that is what MJ gradually did he just never came out

>I'm happiest when I'm with Jimmy Safechuck
>I hope that we will be friends forever
What a fucking liar

Chemical castration is the use of chemicals that reduce libido in men, it is usually reversible with the discontinuation of these chemicals. Do you know what kind of chemicals are used? Usually variations of female hormones. I’m fact Jazz’s chemical castration is more apt because not only was he given chemicals that literally blocked his puberty, they fundamentally prevented the biological development of his gonads, this is far closer to the original meaning of castration which was done to boys to produce eunuchs, except it was done with chemicals and not a blade. Ergo chemical castration. The reasoning behind a choice does not alter the fundamental properties of a choice.

If I say so it must be true.

Don't blame it on the sunshine
Don't blame it on the moonlight
Don't blame it on the good times
Blame it on the Children

Remember when Latoya Jackson came forward to say he was abusing kids. Good times.

When do we ban David Bowie’s music for touching little girls

She also said MJ paid Safechuck's dad a million dollars

You’re a total cuck and useful idiot for media corporations because you think pop culture brings joy to millions. unironically people like you are the worst people of all, soulless automata that can’t find joy in life if it doesn’t come out of speakers/screen.

Didn’t she also say she was forced to say those things about Michael because her abusive husband forced her to and that she was on drugs? The whole Hackson family is fucked up.

>That actually shows that they were after money, not justice
That line of reasoning didn't save Bill Cosby, qnd it won't save MJ's legacy

She didn't give any information that we didn't already know, aside from MJ's mom calling him a faggot because he was stirring trouble having little boys around all the time. She said was he wrote checks for the families, and she doesn't know what for.

you didn't answer my question

Didn’t La Toya say Joe Jackson molested her as a kid? Holy shit why do all these problems stem from Joe...

LaToya and Joe had a relationship

All I'm hearing is fondling. Was MJ buttfucking these kids?

Because Joe was an awful father who regularly beat his kids and forced them to sing in fucking dive bars. I wouldn't be surprised if he raped La Toya and sold Mikey's ass to the highest bidder.

> MJ is a pedo
Funny, OP.

that is the claim now

Yes, La Toya said in 1993 that her father molested her and she defended her brother Michael in the sexual abuse cases. I’ve never heard her say Michael was molesting kids.

What I don't understand is that people are banking on these two alleged victims testimonies being truth when - like every other person who has ever accused Jackson - they have shown to not be trustworthy with their lack of consistency, both in how the abuse went down and whether they were abused or not abused. Meanwhile the only evidence I see that could actually sway me, police/fbi reports with seized assets, which greatly range depending on the report from a handful of magazines with nudist material right over to hurtcore and mutilation. If these documents are real, how would he have possibly got away with any of this? You hear "oh he was found 'not guilty' not 'innocent', there's a difference" but out of the many many charges in which he was found not guilty, surely one or several of them were for the crime of grooming children? By that I mean not all of the charges would have to rely on evidence of direct physical abuse in order for him to be declared guilty?

Stop acting like you are some sort of expert when your knowledge on the subject is whatever infographic you found reading /pol/

>I’ve never heard her say Michael was molesting kids

>both in how the abuse went down and whether they were abused or not abused.
That is the norm in cases of extreme child molestation and rape, such as this. People simply can't cope with the shame and trauma and don't come to terms with it until well into adulthood. That is why there is no statute of limitations when it comes to sex crimes against minors.

Joe used to have his kids perform at strip clubs abd arranged his sons to fuck groupies and he would fuck his own son’s groupies

and he would then fuck his sons and have them eat his grits

no i did research years ago

sounds like a creepy fetish post

Two different witnesses said he was molested, but Culkin denies it for whatever reason. Many of his victims were children working in Hollywood who later took pay outs from him, allegedly over 20 kids who accused him and were paid to shut up in various settlements Jackson did

LaToya saying that her and her mother knew Michael was writing out checks to accusers all the way back in the mid 1980's .

The two current accusers featured in the new documentary Leaving Neverland state that they too had in the past denied being abused to help Michael at his trial.

MJ is like the least trust-worthy fucker on the planet. He blatantly lied to Martin Bashir's face about the most petty shit. Like over how much plastic surgery he had and whether Blanket's surrogate was white and if he even knew who it was.