Kylo Ren is a terrible villain: He's a pathetic, one dimensional character who does bad things because plot...

Kylo Ren is a terrible villain: He's a pathetic, one dimensional character who does bad things because plot. He has nothing to lose, nothing to gain, and no reasons for any of his actions. He is also really ugly.

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he's actually unironically the only good character in nu-wars

no hes epic you see hes conflicted :) should i do good stuff or bad stuff? :) good writing

>He is also really ugly.
Based. Many people in my kinoplex laughed when he removed his mask in TFA

no, he is the best character in nu-wars but that doesnt make him good. He is still absolute dog shit, horrible, trash

just like the other guy said.. when we first saw him without the mask I thought this couldnt possibly be a movie for adults, this had to be one of those disney productions with teenage drama

he's the only reason anyone would want to watch Episode 9

look at this sexy bastard

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All true, op. He's another annoying, whiney brat along the lines of Hayden Christiansen. He's probably like 35 in real life but his character acts 14.

I know it’s better to be tall but i was in a room full of people watching Girls and there’s some dramatic scene and at the end he walks away and it just looks terrible like a giant old animal trying to look upright and normal, everyone laughed


Anakin was an angsty teen while Kylo is almost 30.

I giggled when he went shirtless. Like...was that supposed to be impressive?

This is definitely a major flaw in the film. His character isn't threatening at all. Rey has already beaten him and he just doesn't project anything particularly fearful. I don't even know what he's going for as a character. He doesn't look that interesting and his back story isn't particularly interesting either. Driver is doing the best he can with what he's being given but it's not much to work with. If he were more like the Joker from The Dark Knight movie or something like that, like he had some ethos or something he was pushing for maybe it would have enhanced his character. He seems aimless and kind of makes no sense just like this whole sequel trilogy makes no sense.

And yet he's the best character in Disney Wars.

Kylo is the protagonist

>what if we made the main villain a brooding manchild who throws temper tantrums and has no goals or specific motivation besides lashing out violently at everything around him?
Gee I wonder why the sequel trilogy stalled out.

elitist overeacting motherfucker. Hes a shit actor in everything.

This. I actually thought that Rian's idea of him and Rey starting something together neither light or dark side was intriguing. Not sure where you'd carry the story from there, but it felt like something new and interesting. It's the only thing that I can honestly say I liked from the Last Jedi's writing. Unfortunately, it was just thrown in the trash seconds later as he reverts back to a one-dimensional bad guy against a one-dimensional good guy.

I don't mind the way Kylo looks now that he's bulked. I consider uniqueness to be more important than being classically attractive for his type of character. Everyone else is so bland.

Happened in mine as well

Whether his physical ugliness was meant to be symbolic of inner corruption or not is debatable; however it does illustrate how importance facial symmetry is in the biological estimation of a person's "power" is subconsciously.

The fact that the viewers are safe in a theater also illustrates how this superficial aesthetic acts a valuation modifier in the absence of ability to actually project physical power; and thus induce a state of fear; ie if he was able to strangle people with a thought, throw them around a room with telekinesis, and skrew/slice people in half with impunity due to being in charge of the power apparatus of a totalitarian military state run by a sect of corrupted evil space-wizards who worship maliciousness for its own sake.

TLDR: beauty is also a form of power

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>I actually thought that Rian's idea of him and Rey starting something together neither light or dark side was intriguing.
very clearly how the movie should have turned out. there's no reason why Rey had to be loyal to a gang of old weirdos she has known for like a few weeks

hes good because of unintentional reasons

Can Matt Smith out-kino Adam Driver in IX? If he really is playing Snoke he's going to make Kylo look like a bitch.

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He's probably the only good thing about the new trilogy desu

He's finna bout to be slaw

>Can Matt Smith out-kino Adam Driver in IX?

If he doesn't, it's strictly because he's choosing not to.

Matt Smith isn't in IX.

Easy mistake to make, he's gonna be in Episode XI

related to dath vadar.
runs in the faimily.


They could've made him so much more intimidating just by not revealing his face and more carefully choosing which scenes to include.

I think he could've worked as a more temperamental version of Vader, somebody who was dangerous because he could just explode without warning, but instead they made him into a joke. His subordinates treat him like an angsty older brother throwing a fit in his room. They should have made his temper into a bomb, when it goes off the destruction is serious and has terrible consequences for anyone nearby. Make him explode twice in the movie. Once to show what he's capable of, have him go nuclear on Rey's allies, hell even let him kill Han, anything that leaves a big impact, but make his anger something to remember, something to be feared, not a comedic trait.

That way when you see that anger building in his confrontation with Rey, you feel afraid instead of relieved.


he was a fucking US marine you nigger that's the least elitist thing you can be

>”The film also offers the opportunity for a reunion between Grant and former Doctor Who star Matt Smith, who has also been confirmed to star in Star Wars IX around six years after the pair clashed as the Doctor and The Great Intelligence in the BBC sci-fi series. “Yes, we were in a Christmas special and another episode together,” Grant says. But will they share any scenes again? “I would be fired if I told you anything about that,” he smiles.

If Smith isn't in his part either got cut or something is up, which wouldn't surprise me given how much of a mess things have been behind the scenes for the Sequels, there's a reason they stopped J.W Rinzler from writing that Making Of TFA book, I can only imagine the amount of shit that's been going on.

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>couldnt just join the normal army
>had to join the elite forces
thanks for proving my point

He isn't ugly but he's not hot. It's actually perfect for a villian.

He's "good" in that he's the least terrible. Kylo's "arc" is really just inconsistent writing, bit it's still better than Finn being radicalized by Shrek, Poe getting woke, and Rey being Rey.

Logically Rey should have attachment issues as her biggest weakness considering how hard she latched onto Han. But Rian threw that out the window for Reylo even though the two have practically nothing in common.


>Kylo Ren is a terrible villain.
That's the point idiot. Because he's the actual protagonist.

Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.

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Kylo is still better than MaRey Sue, FinnFag and Poo. He's the only good thing about nuwars.

>caring about star wars

hes a self insert for the incels who still care about these movies. the male mary sue

He will have 2 minutes screentime and will get bitch slapped by Kylo.

Don't kid yourself. Adam Driver will blow everyone out of the water in IX. Screencap this.

i think it's funny that without sam hyde meeting lena dunham there'd be no driver-kylo kino

Your idiocy is truly astonishing.

shh just buy the tickets goyim

If the movie had ended with him suggesting that Rey join him in making something not jedi or sith that would have been kino.

>He has nothing to lose, nothing to gain
I actually agree with this. Where do you go with him? He has no real way to validate himself by following the dark side, he's the only one left and he's a novice.

He does bad things to reaffirm his commitment to the dark side due to constantly being tempted by the light side.

do you even know what i'm talking about

>He is also really ugly
Girls like him. Ask around

>Already lost to Rey
>Rey seems to be gaining strength faster than him
>Killed the only character that could have completed his training as a sith
How are they going to make a final battle with him satisfying?

You know those vogue articles are just marketing plugs for the movies right? That motherfucker is ugly.

>sam hyde, while at art school hooks up with lena dunham (ny art school brat)
>lena dunham makes Girls featuring character Adam who holds forth about the things sam hyde does, treats women as sam hyde does and capriciously smashes up his furniture. hyde's ex later reveals Adam is inspired by sam
>JJ abrams, having watched Girls, casts Adam Driver as kylo ren
>JJ draws from Driver's performance in girls while writing kylo, e.g. capriciously smashing up his furniture

>face height frame
hearing this around i used to think the Frame referred to a kind of 'presence' since puas also use frame for controlling a conversation. It means broad shoulders it turns out but, presence should be added because the world is full of people who look ordinary in any possible photo but as soon as they're there in person everyone just knows- this is a guy
driver is kind of like that or at least when he's acting

now say that without crying

sex battle

wow I bet Kylo would've thanked Sam if he won the Oscar fucking Green Book

so you're saying...

kylo ren is based on sam hyde?

you have to conclude that he is in part inspired indirectly by sammy hyne

Gyno goblin was a mistake

btw if you don't know nothin about this go to youtube and watch girls adam scenes. if you've seen sam in like kstv you'll be like owo

(season 1 sorry - the character changes after)