We're fucked
We're fucked
I'm honestly astounded at how Yea Forums can have so many threads that are completely off-topic, like seriously fuck off to or some shit.
This would effect the film industry though.
Do you want to talk about movies with me until this thread gets deleted?
where did you find this image of my neighbour?
/pol/ is pure cancer
I wouldn't bet on Sowell living another year, and good riddance
We should all be under China by now but God has had mercy
>broadcasting that you're a retard without an FCC license
US has been practicing socialism for over 200 years, op. The world is not going to end.
What's there to be astounded about?
People are incredibly triggered by politics, myself included.
It's easy bait
Umm no, socialism is literally the best thing to happen to unproductive NEETs with mental problems
but continue being a cuck fox news boomer i guess, i want my neetbux
>omg guys one day I will be the boot, social mobility isn't a meme I can be self made upper class like Elon Musk and Donald Trump, Upper class people deserve to have a better life than me sponsored for by daddy free will isn't a meme guys, just go into debt or wageslave for 10 years, I enjoy my life being worse by every metric because my daddy wasn't as wealthy as a bunch of other guys, unearned wealth redistribution is liek a meme Let chad slay tons of pussy because he gets more material than me for being born. What do you mean I am a cuckitalist one day I will be the boot!
Look senpai, this is happening. Get with the program.
tax the rich niggas i dont give a fuck, what have they done for me? NOTHING!
>animetard is a socialist cuck
Colored me shocked, enjoy losing your job when your business has to make up for higher tax rates.
china will finally become the #1 superpower if socialism happens
Thomas Sowell is based as fuck and so is OP for making this thread.
off-topic threads are what keep Yea Forums alive. they're literally the best this board has to offer. but by all means, you can keep making captain marvel threads if you want.
Literal who?
Black science man?
US is the lighthouse of the world in terms of Socio-Economic policy.
The only reason Canada, Western Europe and the nordic nations can play Socialism is because we are the safety net on which they fall.
Basically, we are the fat guy with the big stick in yard defending all the sissies from the bullies like Russia, China.
Once the US starts to become a commie shithole, theres no fat guy with deep pockets in the yard anymore and WW3 will begin.
This country is a big pile of shit poised to collapse on all of us anyway. Why shouldn't I get an extra grand out of the deal?
>I want to be poor
You lose /pol/
Look at this fucking brainlet that thinks we live in a free market.
It's you central bank apologist's fault everything is so fucked up today.
stop shilling your economic illiterate
The extra $1000 won't be worth anything.
Do you even know what inflation is?
Anyone else here /CommieGang/?
There's objectively nothing wrong with socialism on paper but pic related happens and fucks it all up
he's an economist, brainlet
America can't just "become" a socialist country even if they elect a socialist president. Congress would have to unify behind said socialist president and pass sweeping legislative reforms the likes of which haven't been seen since the FDR era, and hell even a few constitutional amendments. Socialists are brainlets who don't understand how the political system works despite doing nothing but sit around and discuss politics all day.
Last time I checked, communism is dead.
lol bootlicker
I want to throw communists out of helicopters and implement radical free markets with no central bank.
Who? But hes black
This country is shit and it deserves to collapse like the bloated empire it is. If socialism is as bad you all say it is I'm just doing my part to bring that day closer.
which is why we're going to skip all the judicial nonsense and just have a revolution, gabish?
So then theres nothing for you to worry about?
Why would anyone be a proponent of socialism? It's immoral and inneffective.
Yeah, free healthcare is gonna effect Hollywood... Actually proper taxation of corporations and grants for creatives might actually rebalance and improve Hollywood
Thomas Sowell. He wrote a really great book called Basic Economics. He's based.
Please do, it would be nice to have an excuse to finally line up and execute leftist pieces of shit. Remember which side owns 90% of the guns and which side can't figure out their gender.
>tfw currently reading this
Socialism is terrifying.
The average white man already pays into a socialist system for single moms, niggers, faggots, corporations and Israel.
>Thinking inflation arises as a result of increased salaries and not increased returns on investments.
The uppercaste would disappear without government regulation is that what you are getting at? Well enjoy a guy whose dad made better investments before the economy was fucked over having more sex than you I guess cuckitalist.
it's the rich asshole penny pinching capitalist faggots who would be responsible for a push into socialism.
this min maxing dumpster fire of an economy is pathetic.
there's a million examples, and it all points back to sociopathic jerks hoarding money.
America killed the spread of socialism and created the hell world we live in today stupid. We'd be on Mars taking to aliens now if daddy America didn't get spooked my the commie meme
Yes let's stop that.
No it doesn't. The American way is to half ass your work and get in some pyramid scheme early for a pension
Which country was the first to plant their flag on another celestial body? Which country was the first to land a rover on Mars? Which country sent the first manmade object outside of the solar system? KYS retard.
god communists should just be shot on sight
Socialism is horrible when it comes to innovating. The setting of price values alone deters from any form of efficiency.
A lot of good that does normal people. You know the ones killing themselves with synthetic opioids. The ones that will be out of jobs when automation arrives. The ones being replaced in their own countries by a hostile elite.
Fuck lolbergs lmao
It's sad to see lower caste people vote agaisnt their economic interest, socialism in their everyday lives they are too privileged to even see is the only reason they aren't slaving away in a coal mine to pay lord chad money bags the thirds tuition, rent and new car. Well we still have that but cuckitalists are doing everything they can empower the upperclasses, lower min wage, and get rid of benefits and workers rights. If they aren't cucks then either they invested daddies money and make a living off imaginary numbers in the stock market or banks while you wageslave and keep society from collapsing for 10 dollars an hour.
seething classcuck
AND redpilled.
Hoarding money they earn? Unless you're referring to crony capitalism in which case I'd agree, but that's due to the government being overly involved with the free market.
Based user yeeting leftists in his fantasies, very cool
What's the point of an image-macro if it's just going to transparently lie?
>Sociopathic Jews
Fixed it
The only to stop it is by removing the ability to do it by crippling the economy.
This post is so pure and undamaged by the ravages of this board.
>We'd be on Mars taking to aliens now if daddy America didn't get spooked my the commie meme
The delusions of unironic commies are an amazing thing.
You make Holocaust-denial infographics on /pol/ look reasonable.
came to agree
This is so retarded I don't even know where to begin. The majority of the top earners in this country are first generation billionaires, the ultra upper class fluctuates constantly, just compare the Forbes 500 from the 1980s til today. Also, minimum wage is determined by supply and demand. If you set a price floor on wages you're just going to disproportionately disaffect lower class unskilled workers through unemployment.
based retard
I walked into a popeyes chicken that was a disgusting pile of shit to the point that it outta be bulldozed, so why is the CEO earning $4 million per year?
especially when all they sell is SHIT that destroys health.
the USA economy is shit and will break and its going to be funny watching the cunts in the government try and figure out how to stop a collapse.
>grants for creatives
Inflation arises because the government has been literally printing new money, with no actual weighted value behind it, for literal decades to pay for all its boondoggles.
like venezuela and north korea and cuba etc?
capitalist countries build walls to keep people out (to protect their workers)
communist countries build walls to keep people from escaping (to enslave their workers)
if you can't figure out which system is preferable from those incredibly simple basic facts then you're either a child or brainwashed beyond hope
>a handful of trustfund kids leeching off their parents who work 20 hours a day vs. most of the economy because they think the rich will continue working to support them
Kill yourself, simple faggot.
drumpf failed. there is no wall and the country continues to get shittier and gayer so now im voting for free shit.
>Let's give ultimate economic power to the government, the same government in kahoots with the rich elite.
Lmao at socialists
Kill yourself tranny nigger. You're an adult, start acting like one.
My europoor country has free healthcare and some weeks ago a young girl died shortly after an appendicitis surgery because there is a shortage of doctors and equipment due to insufficient funding. Not to mention that even then, those doctors are government workers (since it's a public hospital of course) and many of them have little to no idea what they're doing.
>There's objectively nothing wrong with socialism on paper
People keep saying this but it's completely wrong.
Even in THEORY the flaws of Socialism, Communism, etc. become woefully apparent. The only way to be blind to this is Marxist double-think where you ignore blatant long-term problems that arise in a manifesto.
>dude let's just all vote to be rich
that's what they did in venezuela
Why do socialists always get btfo in these threads? Is it all idealist zoomers?
>America can't just "become" a socialist country even if they elect a socialist president.
This is true, but Socialist leaders can enact Socialist policies that (negatively) effect all the people of the United States, including the people that don't want them and voted against them.
The USSR had the first Mars rover in 1970.
What country went from being a feudal monarchy to first man in space in 50 years?
Would America have gone to the moon without the USSR? No. Because NASA was basically propaganda for capital and as soon the communism collapsed they stopped funding research and started stagnating.
We would be on Mars speaking with aliens with communism had gone world wide. Instead the world is literally on fire.
Price increases happen because more money is chasing the same amount of goods therefore prices increase.
What is your argument you fucking brainlet?
BROS...were saved
Oh no people would actually get decent healthcare and people in poverty might be slightly less miserable!
and yet your nameless country still has better healthcare system despite that anecdote? That is great, good for you.
>there's a million examples, and it all points back to sociopathic jerks hoarding money.
Christ you're an idiot.
Hoarding money or SAVINGS is the lifeblood of the economy.
There would be almost no economic investment without it.
>We'd be on Mars taking to aliens now if daddy America didn't get spooked my the commie meme
If america never implemented socialist policies like high taxes, spending and regulations we would be on mars.
You mean the same rich elite that absolutely benefits from the economy as it currently stands?
If socialism is as bad you guys say it is we crash this living hell into the ground. If it's not we get $1000. Theres literally nothing to lose.
>why is an establishment designed for niggers and run by niggers a disgusting pile of shit???
Hmm a mystery for the ages
like what?
>a policy whereby the government cops your paycheck
>doesn't take money from working people
Greece. Look the story up.
>What country went from being a feudal monarchy to first man in space in 50 years?
and killed millions of people doing so lol
>We would be on Mars speaking with aliens with communism had gone world wide. Instead the world is literally on fire.
I'm curious why you're dumb enough to think this.
Communism brought nothing but poverty to these countries.
Why would it have helped them?
>The USSR had the first Mars rover in 1970.
They were both failures. The first one crashed and the second one died right after landing (also they were probes, not rovers). I shouldn't need to clarify that I meant successful landings.
>either it works and humanity enters new era
>or it doesn't and I can watch burgerland collapse live in my comfy room in HD
Kek communism is extremely inefficient and inherently flawed. Which is why it took twice the resources for Russia to produce copper or electricity compared to more free markets like Japan and Germany during its peak. When the government controls price values the economy goes to shit real fast because they either create surpluses that depreciate, or undershoot the value of products resulting in more scarcity. The proper allocation of resources don't work in a communist society.
>look the anecdote up
What do you think anecdote means?
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.
Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill?
Research is done in universities and stolen by corporations.
Again, Russia went from a feudal monarchy to number 2 in world by organising under communism. Before computers.
So many issues with communism would've been solved by the internet. Instant communication of resources across a state would basically mean you could manage it like you were playing an RTS.
To the point where I definitely believe it'd be a better alternative for the world to switch to it as a system.
>better healthcare
>no on in the US dies from lack of medical care guyz!
I know exactly what it means, it's a greek word after all. It looks like you are having trouble though.
>this living hell
compared to what?
only the delusional fantasy utopia in your head has better opportunities, living standards, levels of peace and prosperity and comfort for so many
you can do literally nothing for society, have zero support network but the state, and live more comfortably than 99% of people around the world, and throughout history
and you have a vote
and free speech
and which system is responsible for these miracles of social progress?
it's not communism btw
Honestly this.
Leftists have become further and further radicalized, to the point where some of them are literally and unironically claiming there's an inevitable "revolution" coming they will of course be a part of as a result of Trump and the "atrocities" he's committed.
I wish they'd hurry up and make good on this threat. In addition to just being tired of constantly hearing about it, it'd be the best thing to ever happen to the right-wing and the ultimate example of Leftists getting hoisted by their own petard.
They'd basically be starting a "war" they can't possibly win. Really it'd be less of a war and more of a massacre. They'd basically be asking for that "Day of the Rope" thing and giving its perpetrators an excuse to commit it.
Think about what the factions would actually be in a "Second American Civil War".
It'd be pink-haired ham-planets and their soi-boy slaves and tenured Commie college professors, all armed with White Privilege Awareness pamphlets. The only ones that would be an actual threat are the poorly-organized thugs, cholos and terrorists that actually have guns.
Meanwhile they'd be going up against essentially the entire military, the entire police-force, hunters, survivalists, working-class militias and pretty much every racial minority that isn't a moron.
It'd be a complete slaughter. Imagine the Battle of Portland but with bullets.
Capitalist countries dont build walls lmao
Based Thomas Sowell.
Who's paying you central bank shills?
>Research is done in universities and stolen by corporations.
Some research is, yes.
A large portion of it is done by corporations themselves.
>Russia went from a feudal monarchy to number 2 in world by organising under communism
So? Countless other capitalist countries went to shitholes to first world developed countries within like 15 years thanks to capitalism and they didn't have to kill millions to do it.
>number 2 in world
In military strength maybe, not living standards for workers.
>So many issues with communism would've been solved by the internet. Instant communication of resources across a state would basically mean you could manage it like you were playing an RTS.
>computers would magically solve the economic calculation problem
You either support the Jew or the proles. Pick a side.
Just dismissive of singular events and like to look at statistics, I am not a giant faggot though. You do you.
>Why would anyone be a proponent of socialism?
Literal years of indoctrination through Academia/Education and the Media.
Plus a burning sense of self-loathing and jealousy that makes you scapegoat people that are smarter and more successful.
You live under cronie capitalism you brainslug. There's no other type anymore, the ruling class know the jig is up and this shit is going down and they are securing their wealth so they're family can breath toxic air and eat onions green after the world turns into the thunder dome
I don't support commie jews.
you're a fucking retard. There might be unironic communists itt but 95% of the people boomers call "commies" just want America to have social spending and standards like the rest of the fucking developed world. stop being a bootlicker
>>show me the lie
>mfw all the_donald tourist's asses are on fire
Feels good
why didn't she go across the border to the usa and get treated there?
it's right on her doorstep
>30 people in Nowhere, Ontario were also waiting for the same transplant
probably yank healthcare tourists
On paper there's objectively nothing wrong with a system where we all sit around and are fed grapes by leprechauns. It's just a matter of finding people willing to work hard without personal gain and/or leprechauns.
If they do it's because they chose not to seek medical care. You might get in so much debt you have to declare bankruptcy but you won't die in America due to a bed/doctor shortage or insanely-long wait times to get your surgery or see a specialist. The hospital Jew and the pharma Jew make too much money keeping you alive to just let you die.
>Not to mention that even then, those doctors are government workers (since it's a public hospital of course) and many of them have little to no idea what they're doing.
In Britain NHS workers literally call the June/July window of the year "killing season" because that's when the newly-hired doctors and surgeons start and there's a huge spike in people suddenly dying during procedures due to a variety of nebulous problems that inevitably stem from inexperience and poor-quality health-care.
>why didn't she go across the border to the usa and get treated there?
That is really great point, why didn't she?
Then they can move to one of the Western European countries they're always sucking off instead of shitting up America.
Such ownmanship, lemme hit a dab to you're majesty my right centrist bredren
Commit suicide
I bet your dad would be real proud of how grown his son is, posting politics on the wrong part of an anime imageboard
>no one in the US dies from lack of medical care guyz!
you mean they want others to pay for it through higher taxes
The free market will always be better at setting correct price values and resource allocation because you have everyone focusing on a few things pertaining to their business as opposed to having a couple thousand analysts "correctly" determining the values of millions of products, goods, and services, which change every day, and are all linked together - it's impossible. Not to mention corporations would have an in with the government to obtain surpluses in labor because they report to central planning that that's what they "need". It's inefficient, and even the leading economists in Russia would make this claim, only to be killed by Stalin.
>they chose not to seek medical care.
remind me how many government-funded bone marrow transplants the average American hospital has? Ontario has 5 per month, according to your article, and it isn't even socialist
>The more low IQ, 3rd World brown people you allow into your country the more and more Socialist it becomes
Really makes ya think...
Reminder that the ONLY reason healthcare is expensive in America is because the government controls it.
A free market in healthcare would solve this issue.
Are we talking about actual "state owns the means of production" socialism or "Oh shit we're gonna have to try something other than Reaganomics for once" socialism here
Yeah man I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to cut my dick off and become a woman. I'm thankful that a woman can kill her child in the womb on a wim. I'm thankful that I'm being replaced in my home country to prop up the GDP. I'm thankful that what I do earn goes to corporate welfare for an elite that hates us. I'm thankful that in the most prosperous period in history all we have to show for it is the latest worthless consumer tech. I'm thankful that I get to vote even if that vote really doesnt matter. I'm thankful that I have free speech that only applies if i agree with the status quo.
Fuck everything burn it to the ground.
>I wish we had a system like the British!
>literal defending maduro
You people are human garbage and deserve to be treated as such.
I was agreeing with you that crony capitalism is bad you absolute retard. Businesses need to be allowed to fail. That's actual capitalism.
I dont understand yuros and others obsession with socialized/universal healthcare. It sucks. I mean yeah..you get cheap drugs and free stitches. However, it takes forever to get specialist for a surgery or operation. The hospitals are often over-crowded, and the quality in care is shit.
I have private health care with my employer with 98% coverage. Drugs are cheap, I dont wait forever in hospitals, clinic visits are like $20, and I waited just 5 days for pancreas removal surgery.
both systems are terrible
I want free markets
Do you think the right-wing knows the difference? Any effort to educate those fucking idiots results in a
>its not real communism!
green text.
>"libertarian" arguing countries without ethnic purity are bound to fail
the mask really comes off whenever you get triggered by commies, huh?
We should have elected Ron Paul.
>not being a free market white nationalist
Do you even politics?
yes sir yang Id like my 1000 please
You are conflating how well a healthcare system works financially with the overall quality of healthcare in the country. The US is horrible in the former and amazing in the latter.
There is zero reason for that supercilious attitude when you're a brainlet.
enjoy your open borders and inflation
This lmao
clumpft tards got cheated and lied to again and again, yet keeps asking for more
Command economies don't work you fucking edgelord fag.
>Before a Lib can pass any law, they must first find a country with our same square footage, same ethnic and religious diversity as the US, wait for them to pass that same law, then wait several more years to see how it changes the country.
>That rule will of course not apply to the right.
how many was that per month? 1, 2? Oh right, its zero and thousands of people starving and dying in the streets not just from cancer but diseases easily treated or cured. All because Chad the pharma rep needs a new gold yacht. Thanks "free" market!
>The US is horrible in the former and amazing in the latter.
So post info that proves your statements rather than anecdotes you dumb faggot.
I don't. My private healtcare gives me pretty cheap drugs. Amoxicillin is like 1.15 and things like hydro or oxycodone etc..range to about $10.
what mental illness/blunt force trauma produced this sad excuse for a post?
Quote where I was edgy. This could be funny.
replied to the wrong poster brainlet
also you're still wrong see:
drugs would be super cheap in a free market because patents wouldn't exist
Implying Republicans or libertarians will ever do anything about open borders
Venezuela's economy is 70% privately owned corporations and even after vicious sanctions and constant bullhorn yank propaganda their dem elected government still has huge mass approval
North Korea is a dictatorship/god monarchy propped up my China as a historic buffer mascarading as socialism.
The tiny island of Cuba, hundreds of miles from the American coast, while poor, is doing fine. After 70(?) years of sanctions and assassination attempts they have higher literacy and education and more doctors(with some great research being done!).
America is the cudgle used by global capital. You have been brainwashed. Everyone would be a lot happier if we just switched over to some nice internet socialism
>making excuses because he can't understand his own hypocrisy.
>off-topic threads are what keep Yea Forums alive. they're literally the best this board has to offer.
Why are zoomers so cancerous?
I'm already getting the cross just wait
>"dude just leave us alone and don't make me pay for your """free""" shit"
Maybe that's why we ask for libs to prove their retarded ideas can work before we implement them
I love how every neckbeard accuses commies of "larping" and then imagines they would be some Ayn Rand titan of industry, if only there were no more regulations! Im so close to being master of the universe, juss like Gordon Gecko! yeah, sure you are
what do you want? state issued blowjobs?
go live in a third world country for a month
there are people who walk miles through a warzone to get water that is full of parasites, and those people don't complain about their situation in a year as much as you did in that post
oh no people are living lives you don't approve of, better kill them all
oh no your vote doesn't grant you ultimate power over the nation's policies, even though you are such a reasonable and rational person
burn yourself to the ground
the rest of us want our families to be safe and comfortable
Wouldn't this make sense due to resource sharing? If there's an overlap in medical resources used to produce medical products (drugs, tech, etc), and America produces better products which cost more, the alternative products will cost more as well since the shared resources cost has to rise to meet the demand/prices of the better products.
Greece is a shit fire. Greece has bigger problems than one little girl dying. You need debt forgiveness and a culture overhaul or nothing is going to change
america is the cudgel that kept the ussr from taking over western europe
>The US is horrible in the financial side
>Venezuela's economy is 70% privately owned corporations
So what?
Their government is heavily intervening in their economy, taking over countless businesses and then destroying them and taking the money.
Do you unironically believe it would be better there if the government owned 90% of all firms?
It didn't work in the USSR or anywhere else.
Come on now, you can't be that stupid.
>The tiny island of Cuba, hundreds of miles from the American coast, while poor, is doing fine.
>doing fine
It's still a poverty stricken shithole that people try to leave all the time.
Also the "doctors" they export are so retarded that countries are telling them to stop sending them.
>You have been brainwashed.
The fucking irony.
You're literally brainwashed.
>"Cuba is awesome guys they're an example of successful communism!"
>Cubans have been building rafts out of tires and milk cartons and garbage to risk their life floating to America and our capitalism since the day Fidel took power
How would a revolution even work out? American radical leftism is largely comprised of noodle-armed students and obese blue hairs and any real muscle would be kicked out for problematic behavior. If the rich ever actually felt threatened, the media would immediately turn on the left and give the government a blank check to suppress it.
>Terri Schiavo was post birth aborted guys!
>Maybe that's why we ask for libs to prove their retarded ideas can work before we implement them
That seems like a burden conservatives should also be willing to take on if it is so great. But yet again its "Rules for thee, not for me" from the republicans.
I agree.
Water is not a human right and should be privatized.
What I don't agree with is Nestle manipulating the government to destroy it's competition.
>Ayn Rand
Why does leftypol constantly use the ayn rand strawman? It's all they fucking have.
No libertarian likes that kike ayn rand and her arguments were dumb.