Why doesn't Hollywood cast Asians?

Why doesn't Hollywood cast Asians?

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She fucks black men user...

So does your mom.

We've been over this, their emotionless bug faces with their slit eyes are shit for portraying emotion on film
>that time a couple years back when a director got in shit for saying this and Asians took to twitter to post selfies of them looking mad in retaliation, only proving his point right.
comedy gold


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because none of the Asians in America can act

oh fuck I remember that
wasn't it for GiTS live action?

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>We've been over this, their emotionless bug faces

these emotionless bug fac are still better than most of hollywierd

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Why don't I have a gf?

tbf , Kurosawa was considered a very western styled director

you're obviously gay

because their bones are broken ?

because hollywood only wants diversity = black people

Thank god someone's saying this. Remember when Lucy Liu was hot shit even though she has the acting chops of a manakin? For fuck's sakes her cameo on Futurama could act better than her.
Asian bug people can only express emotions convincingly to their own kind, like how you can't tell what a deer is feeling just by looking at it.

american education, everyone.

Whites are super insecure about superior asian hotness

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you just want the live adaption of what any shitty anime you watch

I grew up in an area with 50% Asians, that's some bullshit right there.

Boooom, got him.

Good Film


Amerifats are stupid

Jews fear the samurai.

samurai stopped existing by the meiji era

This board conditioned me so badly I'd rather marry a Japanese pornstar who fucks niggers than an actual virgin white girl, because in my mind they are more pure

The Japanese government and corporations bend over backwards to Israel and "American" businessmen

>t. uncultured /pol/tard hasn't seen any jackie chan kinos or korean films
There was also that Crazy Rich Asians movie that came out last year that amerifats went nuts over.

anri fucks black guys? No she doesn't

I hear Latin guys give her multiples