Why doesn't hollywood cast asians?

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She's not Asian

she is altleast half

I wonder

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This guy above is an Idiot.

They all look the same.

arr rook same

The only globalist "Asians" are from India.

No,they don't.


Why are women so vile and jealous?

>tfw just learned she is six foot tall
mommy please

yes they do

Stop keep making this kind of stupid threads

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There’s a chinese movie called
‘The Bullet Vanishes’
Sort of a chines mild action film mixed with a classic British mystery type plot.
All the actors looked distinctly different though, in looks, facial hair, costume etc.
It made it easy to differentiate and follow the individual characters, especially when trying to read subtitles while watching the film.
I wish more Asian films were made this way.

>have their own film industries
>parents usually push them hard towards STEM

not part of the plantation, dumb goy

that's not good enough
they need to be in empowering hollywood pieces produced by god's chosen people

>there isnt that many Asians in the USA
>of that population not many go into acting
>of the few that go into acting few are decent
>the very few that you do know are about it.

But Hollywood casts lots of Jews

Those lips!

How I want to kiss her in a slobbery manner the same way an old balding fat hard working middle aged salary man does in hentai.

Not a globalist... not on the team. Simple.

Sabina is from Kazakhstan she is not a nip you fucking dweebs

internalized misogyny

>she is not a nip
Who said anything about nips, you fucking tard?

>tfw no no kazakh goddess gf

>South Korea
>not globalist

ayy rmao

Me when I came on your moms nips last night bitch

All “Asians” don’t look the same, but scientific studies have shown it’s harder for people from other ethnic groups to recognize differences and other differences amongst similar individuals from a different ethnic group.
Ridley Scott, when directing ‘Black Hawk Down’, had the soldiers wearing name tags to differentiate the characters, despite it not being accurate for soldiers, because he though it was too hard to differentiate some of the actors who were all wearing the same military uniforms.
If you look at the casting for ‘Saving Private Ryan’ the actors distinctly look different, which might have been one of the points of the casting.

They know their only value is their appearance


Why does she look chinky?

People have no inherent value, millennials prove it.

kazakhs have asian genes in them.

All kazakhs look chinky

Is like to get in her genes if you're picking up what I'm putting down

>not Asia

She's from east of the Ural mountains, she's Asian.

>tfw she's ugly now

all russians are asian

>She took the pill

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What's the Insta?

>be perfect qt asian
>destroy yourself turning into a thot
Jesus, why?

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It’s just bad makeup

She saw that Facebook post.

What post?

this along with some age and maybe playing less volleyball


Her facial features are still the same and don’t see any Wrinkles.its mostly the Thot makeup

White women fear the superior Asians

Thanks user-kun, nice trips as well.

to be fair they are all women passed their peak which is going to add some bitterness points

another one bites the dust!

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tfw no kazakh gf

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she's only 22 you retard
It has nothing to do with her age


is she still pursuing the olympics?

It’s the makeup you dumb pedophile

>there isnt that many Asians in the USA
yet jews are like 1% and they compose 80% of hollywood

>being this deluded
She's 8 years past prime.
Look at her insta she looks like average asian thot.

Israel is on Asia. Dumb op

For me? It's Aya

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Asian features+grey eyes is a killer combination

>blue eyes
>oriental facial features
How does that even happen?

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central asia is a magical place

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Men are exactly the same, just look for any picture of a male model and you can find the usual
>lol his dick is small i bet not like mine!
>he's too feminine
>not even manly like a real man like me

I agree. "asian" is what chinks call themselves because they're ashamed to say chinee
She'd call herself Kazakh

contact lense technology have become pretty sophisticated

Who is she?

this is incorrect
Men give shredspect far more than roasties give roastiespect

Asian refers to having mongoloid facial features.

my gf (me on the right)

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What is your girlfriend’s name?

Asians don't need Hollywood. Asia already has a massive internal market for movies with Asian cast already. Hollywood needs the Asian audiences though.

>post her worst pic with terrible light and make up
why are you like this, faggot?

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hapas breeding with hapas breeding with hapas

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>posts pic of her far away
Dude you can still see a marked bogging in this pic anyway

This pic is newer, wtf are you talking about, because the lips are the same than pics from years ago..

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she looks like a penis head now user

Actually from personal experiance they HATE being called Asian. Because they're rolled into the same races as middle-east/Indian, and they see those races are a bunch of dogs not even worth their time.

They just want to be called by their country of birth.

jesus christ.

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>check her insta

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keep wanking to your kardashian folder

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she activates my primal caveman genes more now but I wouldn't wife
She shouldn't have been allowed to do this to herself. I just wanted a six foot tall cute mommy to pick me up and give milkies. This is just not on. I blame the whole kardashian meme. This just isn't on at all.

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>a nation of hapas


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Bc niggers are whats special to Hollywood.

>4chin wincest
Ah yes, I do recall the wincest saga of neb that spawned a 15++ consecutive threader on /adv/ back when that board was fresh and unsullied by the weary relationshit problems of anons.

more like ayy lmao


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kek, dramatic faggots, this pic is like from 2014 and looks the fucking same, except obvs looking older.

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That seems pretty fair.

Literally never happens.
Even go onto /fa/g and this never ever happens.
Gays won't say it, because they'd be too busy fapping.
Straigtfags won't either because they don't give a shit.
Looks like it's only you, trannyanon.

noice, but those really shorts vids are a bit irritating desu

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>why don't studios cater more towards a box office market they only get 25% of the profits from?
Studios like the big numbers from China which is why they have started to push more Chinese actors, but until the ChiComs stop fucking them in the ass and making 75% of the profits disappear you won't see Hollywood go full Chinkboo.

true they should be full length

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>tfw my best friend is a woman who looks like her
>she's over 6' tall (still tiny compared to how tall I am but she's tall compared to an average woman) and she's also athletic
>she is a pale skinned brunette with blue eyes and vaguely Asian features
>we often play volleyball and basketball together
>we even dated once
>me and my wife (who is also a blue-eyed brunette with bangs, but she's 4'4" and looks like a child) even have orgies with her
Life is really good.

no ass

>Bruce Lee>>
They're not wrong

>needs to point out that he is taller than six foot and not a manlet
Fucking kek

aya ass is best ass

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more asian cunny please

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And they don't like it just for having asian faces on it, see Crazy Rich Asians with meh reception. The idea of race tribalism with muh representation and all that faggotry is an american thing, the rest of the world cares about their own country and culture.

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For me? It's Aya

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>poor country south of the border populated with interracial babies
They're the original Mexicans

What are you doing on an Central Asian qts related thread Shaquarius? this isnt your thing obviously

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The white man fears the samurai

They're right, though

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Central Asia has always been a melting pot where the East meets the West, so the Steppe nomads have always been fairly multi-ethnic, that's why you have Uygher's that look like redhead white people, Turks with blue eyes, and Greek ruins in Afghanistan the predate Alexander the Great.

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borat doesn't

anyone got the other version with men?

Too bad Uygurs are going to be removed, Han zerg style.

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come on man stop pretending it doesn't happen

Bad goyim who cant be controlled by guilt.

My height is 7'4".
Also, my wife looks like said best friend (but without Asian features) and many people say that my wife is a miniature version of my best friend.

Probs, but some pol neckbeards get super mad if you like Asian girls for some reason, they start posting titcows and wheat fields.

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