
>lets make affordable prothesis for this young amputee and invite her to the premier and treat her like a VIP.
>All of this was payed for by James Cameron and the companies involved
Captain Marvel
>lets get young girls to see this comic book movie that they don't give a shit about
>Their audience, who was already going to pay for a ticket for them selves, should also pay for these kids that they don't know
What were they thinking?

Attached: Tilly+Lockey+Alita+Battle+Angel+World+Premiere+dVooU-txp_Ul.jpg (600x395, 67K)

>both are leftist propaganda

Alita really isn't. They never call attention to Alita being female. She's just another character.

Seriously, go back to your fucking board.

They really should have made her prosthetics based off the first alita body instead

Attached: 1F14B3EB-0D4A-4FAD-A61A-E9F926DD3474.jpg (1920x800, 61K)

>Alita really isn't
Type: Movie
Aim: Sexual Perversion, Betafying Men
Plot: Girl Cyborg wakes up and doesn't know who she is. Fights a lot

Sexual Perversion
>She is a cyborg that looks like a regular woman with giant anime eyes
>The human brain is wired to see faces in different ways
>Bigger eyes in proportion to smaller face is indicative of younger face
>She is adult character in the show who will probably be sexualized in the movie but definitely will online (see Family Guy, Overwatch, etc)
>Name is ALITA, not too far from the title of a book about a guy who has the hots for a child
>I think you get the picture

Betafying Men
>Woman Action movie protagonist
>inb4 she's a cyborg
>She fights and kicks ass in movie
>unrealistic expectations to everyone
>Men will subconsciously view woman as stronger than they are and themselves as weaker
>strengthening any existing cuckoldry that exists
The only reason it was greenlit now was to push for girl power and transhumanism/sex robots.
Same reason why hollywood finally approved GITS after sitting on it for well over a decade as well.

Back to /pol/ you copypasta spamming schizo.

How insecure do you have to be to believe this shit

no. i belong here.

>Makes a high quality critically acclaimed movie
> So popular that its going to double Alita's entire domestic gross on its opening weekend alone
> Makes a mediocre movie that is rotten on Rottentomatoes
>Literally has to exploit a disabled girl for a positive news story to try to promote their flop of a movie.
Its actually kind of pathetic tbqh

Seek help

For the first time in weeks I think I've witnessed an actual incel post.

i honestly can't tell what's trolling anymore

Those leaking fucks are on ebery board, they cant help but inject their political views into everything and impute opposite political ideologies onto things they dislike

Who is this cute little thot and where can I find more pictures of her. You just know she’s down for a dickin because she can’t flick her clit

Attached: 18FFA821-3619-456A-A4B8-5EF915A7EEA6.jpg (407x561, 107K)

This but ironically

interesting how Alitas been out for "weeks" too
Why did it bring in so many newfags?


She's 13 and her prosthesis are cybernetic and fully articulate

can she self pleasure properly with them?
can she give a decent handjob?

are they accepting volunteers to test the handjob module?

So you’re saying she can flick her bean?

Why I love this place

Would you date a girl with cyber hands, tv?

I'd rather date the chick missing a leg with no prosthetic so I wouldn't have to worry about her running off on me

Attached: 1540934856172.jpg (904x580, 149K)

Attached: best.jpg (1280x727, 134K)

Alita is apolitical except the obvious rich people bad undercurrent that's pretty much true

They didn't just develop it for her alone either; it will be available for others as well eventually.
God bless, Jim.

Exactly. How is this movie so overlooked by the people who want justice for everyone?