Look we all know lefties love saying idiocracy is gonna be the future but lets face facts; As long as degeneracy is cleansed and Jewish influence is non-existent, we can become an intelligent and artistic culture again
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You should have made this thread 2 years ago man. The ship sailed long ago.
It's the present. Wouldn't be surprised if amerifats elect Dwayne Johnson as their president next and start having legal procedures replaced with monster trucks.
I haven't seen this stupid ass movie in a long time. Might smoke a marijuana kush and watch it. Got nothing better to do with my life
We're actually saying it's the present. Since, you know, a large group of inbred idiots who couldn't adapt with a changing world elected a reality TV star to be the leader of the free world because he told them the lies they wanted to hear. I had to explain this to you because you're an idiot.
no one had to explain shit to me i saw this movie years ago, and attributed it to the society of the bush era. Also Im just passing the message along that its being streamed, dont be mean to OP.
You write like a black kid. People have had to explain things to you all your life, you just never paid attention.
Blacks are making the world like this movie
Sure, but what are the chances of that actually happening? Only thing Idiocracy got wrong, is that the idiots will be brown and black.
>Orange man bad!
>reddit space in a phone post
Hey, election tourist. You realize that you're an unwelcome refugee here, right? Pretty hypocritical, all things considered. Why don't you have any integrity, kid?
mike judge is so fucking trash
idiocracy is just a result of capitalism, fellas. sorry if i have to be the one to break it to y'all but that's the way things are.
>inbred idiots who couldn't adapt with a changing world
Daily reminder that this smug and provably uninformed attitude is why you dumbasses lost the election despite having EVERY possible advantage, and it's why you will continue to lose elections.
Capitalist nations consistently feature populations with higher average IQ's than collectivist ones.
It even becomes transparently obvious when a previously homogeneous region gets divided into a collectivist and capitalist sector.
See: North & South Korea, Zimbabwe & Botswana, etc.
>Wouldn't be surprised if amerifats elect Dwayne Johnson as their president next
The Democrats are going to nominate Kamala Harris who is literally has the same name as Kamala (Harris) the Ugandan Giant.
>Orang man reality tv star, he never done anything else aside from that
>Orang man's supporters are rednecks
>Orang man lie, he say facts I don't want to hear
>MSNBC said so, it has to be true
Meanwhile Liberals like you are the ones importing low-IQ masses that breed out of control on welfare, and unironically get your facts and beliefs from infotainment garbage (Jon Oliver, Adam Ruins Everything, Daily Show, Seth Myers, Crash Course, etc.).
Plot Twist: People like YOU are the ones making Idiocracy a reality.
The irony is staggering.
Liberals are on average more educated than conservatives. Liberal leaning states contribute more to the economy than conservative leaning states. Conservative leaning states use more welfare than liberal leaning states. The health care burden of conservative leaning states is far higher than liberal leaning states.
The country's problems are only because of conservative states. Regardless of what you feel about immigrants, the burden of the conservative population is statistically far higher.
Imagine believing this when places like Chicago and Detroit exist.
You're really trying hard to be the left dumb Trump supporter strawman
Imagine believing otherwise when entire states like Alabama, Mississippi, and, Kentucky exist.
Liberal state have their problem areas but conservative states as a whole are their own problem areas.
white liberals might have more educational credentials but that's about it man, more of a statement about what neighborhood you're from... not your ideas
>all of america's black and historically black areas have horrible test scores and lower IQs, more single parent households, dependency on social services, etc....
WEIRD STUFF! haha but it doesn't mean anything lol
Remember when we elected an actor president back in the 80s?
You do realize you're just trashing the nigger belt, right?
Right, and you do a technical, highly skilled job based on your education. You water plants with Gatorade if you're a bunch of uneducated hicks.
absolute and total bullshit
>Forgets to mention that all the historically black areas are also highly conservative states.
I know super weird man. Like I said, conservative states are trash.
Does fucking everything have to be about politics? Can't you go five fucking seconds without bringing it up or injecting it into a conversation? Don't you have anything better to do? I want to go back to actually talking about things instead of yelling identity politics into an echochamber.
Sure, I'm fine with that. I couldn't care less.
they have already elected Arnold Scharzenegger for office before
American stupidity is unquantifiable
Its all the hero movies over the years. Its indoctrination and it worked on everyone eatching it. People believe politics is what will change the world and everyone wants to be the hero to do it. So they get all emotional about because they are the good guys making decisions from the heart or gut or whatever. Either way they are freaking out and its emotionally disturbing them into submission
possibly because conservatives tend to be older
the present day liberals will one day be old conservatives, fighting a new generation of "educated" kids who know it all
god knows what bizarre nonsense they'll be pushing for
Her approval ratings are shit. Bernie is by far the frontrunner
>"I don't agree with the facts so I'm just going to shove my head in the sand and call bullshit"
Most people here don't know anything about politics and think hollywood is an actual representation of the left
This movie is about politics. Find a different thread if you don't like it.
Sneed for pres
>the people in power try to portray themselves as the best and smartest
never seen that before
also, these are just state averages, they don't even say anything about the stats of conservatives vs. liberals in each state
No we #YangGang in this bitch
>Being older means your community is less likely to be educated, contribute economically, and less financially stable
Makes absolutely 0 sense user. Being older should mean you've had more time to earn meaningful education, have higher earning power, and thus be more financially stable (less welfare) and contribute a higher percentage to the economy than your young counterparts.
Age doesn't account for the divide as well as ideology.
>Liberals are on average more educated than conservatives.
Saying someone is "educated" no longer means anything after what Liberals have done to Academia. It used to mean something, but now it doesn't.
You can spend two years taking classes at a degree-mill getting an education in Wokeology or Fighting Cis-Sexism Through Interpretive Dance or some other worthless "study" (that isn't even that intellectually demanding and most anyone else could pass if they wanted anyway) and count as an """"educated"""" person by your definition.
Being "educated" is not a qualifier for knowing jack shit about economics or history or science or any other actually RELEVANT topics that voters should be educated in before expressing an opinion. That's why so many "educated" are still able to spout preposterous and provably, objectively incorrect.
>Liberal leaning states contribute more to the economy than conservative leaning states.
Any area where companies become sustainable successful and wealthy never starts out as Leftist. When companies succeed, legislators crank-up leftist policies because wealthy companies are pretty much the only sector that will tolerate excessive taxation and regulation for at least a while before jumping ship and moving everything at great expense.
Liberalism doesn't breed wealth. Wealth breeds parasites, and parasites are inevitably Liberal.
>brown parasites swarm the states with money
>they outvote the native population by sheer numbers
>this somehow convinces retards that the people who actually make money vote liberal
lmao. Now do it at the individual level.
>saying this when California has spent the last several decades bleeding-out its wealth and is now an Economic Time-Bomb that will inevitably detonate
Conservative work ethic creates the wealth that Liberals waste on boondoggles.
>Statistics make me uncomfortable so they must be made up
>I'm too dumb to get a meaningful education so it must be the institutions fault not mine.
Pick 1 user.
>also, these are just state averages, they don't even say anything about the stats of conservatives vs. liberals in each state
Wanna know how I know you have no idea what statistics are??? The state averages are a measure of every single conservative and liberal in each state. Everyone is accounted for and they're all boiled down into 1 number that is representative of the entire population of that state. It, quite literally, does say everything about the stats in each state.
Do you know what does breed wealth? 1000$ per month. Freedom dividend
>Forgets to mention that all the historically black areas are also highly conservative states.
No he didn't. What do you think drives so many Conservative voters to become Conservative?
Probably the fact that they actually have to live near and interact with black and brown welfare queens, while you instead live in a gated all-white community.
Education doesnt mean intelligence.
Niggets go to school for free, so that contradicts your statement immediately.
>Europoor posting from a nation that unironically elected a Globalist traitor to lead them that is now replacing them with imported brown people
But your leftist media echo-chamber says Trump is dumb because one of his tweets had a typo in it, so you're OBVIOUSLY beyond criticism.
>as long as two things that will never happen happen it'll be ok
Except it absolutely does say "jack shit" about your knowledge of the economy and history and science. Try getting a job in literally any of those fields without formal training. You can't just waltz into a wall street office and demand a job because you read a lot on google. You can't just call ThermoFisher and say hey I watched some youtube videos about chemistry give me a job. You'll be laughed at.
Formal education is far more than bullshit puff piece degrees like gender studies and the country and the world demand you receive this education to be taken seriously in your position. Just because you don't like universities, doesn't make them worthless, and you can take the job market as proof.
But hey, if I'm wrong and you find a job working as a structural engineer because you played with lincoln logs let me know.
Rep 37+39+29=105
Dem 26+23+30=76
Ind 34+35+38=107
So 26% of Dems earn over 75k, 23% between 30k and ~75k, and then 30% at below 30k. What about the other 24%? Why are Reps and Ind sitting above 100%? Not saying this graph when put into context isn't truthful, but it seems like you are hardly providing context.
I dont understand how white college educated liberals identify with low IQ minorities. It just doesn't make sense. The party doesn't cater to you in anyway.
Conservatives understand they aren't rich, but more conservatives move up tax brackets than liberals. Liberals pay over 100k for a 45k job.
>also, these are just state averages, they don't even say anything about the stats of conservatives vs. liberals in each state
The "Red State vs. Blue State" Dichotomy is a blatant oversimplification that retards love because retards love simple "us vs. them" concepts.
The fact is that a state being red or blue does not quantify HOW dominant leftist or rightest beliefs there are. The difference between states going red or blue can literally boil down to a hundred votes.
And yet those states stay liberal. It's almost as if those leftist policies are as terrible as you think they are for corporations and community. If they breed parasites you'd expect the host (liberal states) to die, and yet they flourish far more than places like Alabama.
>and think hollywood is an actual representation of the left
Leftists unironically largely follow the political bend of Hollywood's narrative.
And where is the source to all of this information, user? You do have one don't you?
Muh conservative work ethic?!?! Okay then why haven't any of those conservative states pulled themselves up by the bootstraps? Instead of taking on governmental assistance and getting know where why isn't Mississippi a thriving capitalist center?
In addition, why then are the concentrations of black people still heavily conservative leaning states? Race doesn't account for it. If it did you'd expect to see black states be more liberal.
That's by income bracket. You add horizontally to get 100%
Can the be sources like this one?
Just random images with what could be poor math presented out of context?
Making completely unfounded statements about California without providing a shred of evidence. Sure user, whatever you say.
My drunk ass typed all that out, thanks man.
And yet becoming conservative hasn't helped their states thrive. Quite the contrary, they've stagnated.
Do you know how many niggers are in Mississippi, retard? They are a burden.
>Except it absolutely does say "jack shit" about your knowledge of the economy and history and science.
But it literally doesn't.
You can very easily have a college degree and never have taken a SINGLE class on economics or history or science, at least at above a grade-school level introduction.
>Try getting a job in literally any of those fields without formal training. You can't just waltz into a wall street office and demand a job because you read a lot on google. You can't just call ThermoFisher and say hey I watched some youtube videos about chemistry give me a job. You'll be laughed at.
Getting a trade-education is completely different from just being """""educated""""". You didn't specify actually having a degree in a relevant field. Probably because if you did the stats aren't as flattering as you think they are, as a lot of STEM and engineering people swing hard right. Especially considering what the modern Left is trying to do to things like STEM and other trade-based educations:
They're "surplus" can't even cover a full year in what they spend on EBT.
>Muh street smerts
Oh you're totally right user. Call Lockheed martin and let them know you've got street smarts and see how quickly they hire you. If you're intelligent, but have not education, you can be Bill Gates or Zuckerberg. If you claim your intelligent but work at some shitty low end job, you're kidding yourself.
Please explain to me why someone with a degree in Wokeology or Fighting Cis-Sexism Through Interpretive Dance would know anything, or better yet have a respectable opinion on economics or history or science.
>And yet those states stay liberal.
Because anybody who is smart and economically able fucking leaves.
Look up the current exodus going on from the North East and ESPECIALLY California that is going on right now, with those people resettling in places like Texas and the South East.
Then why aren't your conservative politics helping?
When are you guys just gonna stop with all the meandering and jargon and come to the light? Reclaim your bright right. 1000$
You're not listening, retard. Not everyone who goes to college is smart. Education doesn't breed intelligence. Especially when lefties get useless degrees. Niggers from the hood go to school for free...you think they are intelligent?
Except you can't get a degree as an engineer without taking an engineering class. You can't get a degree in chemistry without taking classes in chemistry. I never said all degrees are created equally. They aren't. Some are shit. But if you want a technical high skill job, you need technical highly specific education.
How can our politics work if all our money goes to taking care of niggers and unemployed retards protesting us all the time?
>Okay then why haven't any of those conservative states pulled themselves up by the bootstraps?
Because we've had our population-centers turned into dumping-grounds for the blacks and Mexicans that Liberals claim to want but don't want to live near.
They don't. They're fucking retards. But the people who went and got a degree in finance and chemistry and statistics absolutely know their shit, and have a far more factually correct opinion, than those without that education.
So you're reason is conservative incompetence to deal with issues.
>support any retard that jumps our border
>more retards come
>lower standards to nigger-tier in academics and law
They have literally had several towns/counties declare outright bankruptcy you mong.
Even with sky-high taxes and the most profitable company HQ's in their state they STILL can't afford their welfare-state goals.
>I once noticed a gated community in California, allow me to bitch about it for the rest of my life.
Nothing environmental can fix niggers because their problems stem from a genetic deficiency.
>And yet becoming conservative hasn't helped their states thrive. Quite the contrary, they've stagnated.
Conservative legislation has already massively reduced unemployment in several southern states.
That's a lot more than the Democrat policy of "just import brown hordes to outvote them and then throw welfare at everyone after taking their guns" will ever do for them.
Useless degrees equate to useless people. But for every useless degree, there are hundreds of degrees in STEM that aren't useless. There are more useful educational programs than useless ones. You can't get a meaningful job without being either incredibly intelligent, like Bill Gates, or well educated, like your average engineer. The difference is,your average uneducated person is no where near as intelligent as bill gates.
Tell me more about that liberal wall street, user. Tell me about the liberal FIRE sector.
>But the people who went and got a degree in finance and chemistry and statistics absolutely know their shit, and have a far more factually correct opinion, than those without that education.
You didn't say "education in a relevant degree". You said "education".
You're right user... Your politics can't work. Conservative policies don't work with your current issues and challenges. Glad we agree.
>You can't just waltz into a wall street office and demand a job
Yeah I forgot how fiscally and culturally Liberal Wall Street sharks are.
So what your saying is that conservative policies aren't working? Glad we agree they're ineffective.
>Waaah the banking sector, all social media is stopping alex jones and other conservatives because they are so Lib
>We are Wall Street, though.
Gee, if only some of you Wall Street guys had some money to start your own shit...
It's not incompetence when you're being blocked out of fear of being labeled racist, losing your job. You know this though. Any excuse to get around blaming niggers.
Are you saying all college grads are Bill Gates tier? Do you know how many college grads cant find jobs? The overload of niggers going to school for free is making degrees useless. You're fucking stupid, man.
College degrees dont just make shit happen for you. You have to make it work.
Except they still use less government assistance per person contribute more economically, so your anecdotal evidence means jack shit.
So what your saying is that conservative policies aren't working for one reason or another? Great glad we agree.
Niggers need to go. Leftist policies dont work in detroit or Chicago. :)
Oh, so it's actually pure cowardice? That's even worse, dude.
That's literally just silicon valley. Tech companies are not wall street you retard.
That's false. Unemployment is generally higher in conservative states.
A real idiocracy is South Africa.
You know what needs to go (into my pocket)? 1000$ per month. #YangGang
>labeled racist, losing your job.
Why are you sharing your politics at work you jackass? Its not a social place, you go there for work user.
>I dont understand how white college educated liberals identify with low IQ minorities.
They view them as pets. Not even meming here. They're taught that their "victims" that need to be saved, but since the delusion of a massive conspiracy to oppress minorities isn't a real thing they inevitably conclude that minorities are just too dumb to help themselves and need white liberals to "save" them. They'll never admit this but its obvious when you look at their own attitudes and statements. Case in point: Brie Larson asking why a photo of a black actually reading a book "hasn't gone viral".
>The party doesn't cater to you in anyway.
There's a reason they get called "cucks".
A straight, white male voting Democrat is like a black man trying to join the KKK.
>And yet those states stay liberal.
Yeah, almost as if they were constantly importing a stream of welfare-dependent members of the underclass that will inevitably vote Democrat?
Gee, if only you guys had some money to start your own shit...
They don't need to be politically aligned with the ideology of their state, but them absolutely need that education, which more liberal states are getting.
>proven historical event
Politics and policy don't create wealth moron, the people do. A 100% white society run by literal communism would be more prosperous than any 100% black society.
On a spectrum between 1(Your average uneducated person) and 10 (Bill gates) College educated people on average will easily fall well above 1. It's better to have an education than not, even if you aren't bill gates
Purging them from the state at gunpoint would be against Federal Law.
>at work
>implying conservatives don't get blacklisted/doxxed for expressing views privately on social media
An anecdote is a small story, rather than the big picture. Nice try.
>I never said all degrees are created equally. They aren't.
You said "educated" people were inherently smarter, more informed on any specific relevant topic and also more liberal.
None of which is true.
>But for every useless degree, there are hundreds of degrees in STEM that aren't useless.
The ratio isn't nearly that strong.
Idiocracy has the fatal flaw of not mentioning race and iq
But they do retard that's what lobbying is.
City struggling vs State struggling. You can't equate the 2.
And yet there are protesters outside of planned parenthoods meaning you are a liar or a pussy. If those women can stand outside shouting there heads off and waving around pictures of dead babies, yet you feel afraid. You should realize what a coward you are.
Imagine being this jewed. IMAGINE.
No fuck you, it's a life or death matter faggot
No argument
No argument
Ok, i can agree on that it will improve your chances, but it doesn't make you Bill Gates. Plus it doesn't negate what I said about degrees becoming useless since so many low IQ niggers go for free.
Yes I can. Those cities hold the same populations as some states. You little bitch haha :)
That wasn't an argument, I am telling you to do your job when at work you lazy fucktard. That is a statement.
I thought it was conservative states that were taking in all the migrants???? Guess not.
Where are all of the conservatives going then? Or are they just dying out because it's mainly an older population that are failing to convince people to vote for conservative policies that they'll be long dead before they see?
Why aren't conservative states Alabama and Kentucky without the immigrants thriving???
Do you not know what anecdotal means?
No argument
That's because the general public didn't go through 13 years of anti abortion indoctrination in the same way they went through 13 years of anti racism indoctrination. No one cares if you wave dead baby pics around, the programming only kicks in when you say the nigger word.
Lefties think this movie is offensive because it implies that poor and stupid people are the way they are because of genetics. Look it up. This movie supports eugenics even if it didn't mean to.
>implying it's not true
White vocal Democrats are statistically likely to live in affluent areas with very little actual racial diversity.
It's a trend people aren't just going to forget, cuck.
Conservative policies aren't what dumped them here in the first place.
>Politics and Policies don't matter when it comes to the economy.
Come on lads you can do better. You're smarter than this.
So basically you are saying historical precedents and predictive examples are invalid for arguments now, huh?
No wonder you cucks completely ignore inconvenient things like Detroit and New Orleans so easily.
So you agree conservative politics aren't working for the sates population? Cool. Nice talking to you!
>actually supporting censorship and discriminatory deplatforming
We really just need to start expunging leftists like this at this point. They are unironically Stalinists.
They do work when niggers arent there. Why dont leftist policies work with niggers?
No, I said liberal states are better educated. Even if a % of those educated have worthless degrees, the vast majority still have a good education, and by all accounts, are smarter. There is no metric for intelligence that doesn't account for education. You can't make up your own standards and declare those who don't meet it to be dumb.
>13 years of indoctrination
Gee, Bush's No Child left behind is included in that huh? Ok. Why would Bush do that? The Federal education standards were set by Republicans and they choose to include indoctrination of all things? How odd.
Leftist policies dont work in Illinois or California. Why dont they work? Incompetence?
Look at the class sizes for Stem fields and womens studies and you'll see it is.
>"Of course the Earth can be struck by a destructive meteoroid. It's happened before in the past, like in Siberia and Chelyabinsk. It could easily happen again."
Well what did? You seem to be implying something, why beat around the bush and just say it.
State-wide stats are what matters, dumb-dumb.
>Why are you sharing your politics at work you jackass?
I'd like to ask liberals the same thing considering there are rainbows and posters about diversity literally fucking everywhere.
But it's different when you do it. Especially when you're the ones in charge in a given situation.
And yet your politics still aren't turning your states into thriving capitalist centers. Conservatism is ineffective given your population. Glad we agree.
Wow people who spend 4 years in liberal indoctrination camp vote liberal color me shocked. There's nothing inherently intelligent about leftism. Plenty of retarded mongrels (mutts and niggers) are leftists. Blacks are overwhelmingly leftist despite bringing the average IQ of the entire country down.
>meaning you are a liar or a pussy
So leftcucks are just outright denying reality now, huh?
>actually supporting censorship and discriminatory deplatforming
Did no such things faggot.
Gee, if only you guys had some sort of resource that could allow you to re-platform him...
Ah well, just sit around bitching rather than doing anything positive.
Degrees aren't useless so long as you still need one to gain meaningful employment.
Imagine not being able to google things.
The population of Detroit is 670k and falling. The population of alabama is 4.8 million and rising. Sure got me there bucko
That is a terrible example, it would be more like.
>all meteors kill dinosaurs, look this one did!
Just because something happened once doesn't mean it is the standard.
>this one leftist faggot that keeps posting the same shit over and over again in response to multiple people
Totally not being raided though, guys. It's totally a boogieman invented by /pol/.
>people should be fired/doxxed/blacklisted for protesting their conscience on their own time
imagine if sjw standards were applied to sjws
Nigger history month predates no child left behind. For children to not be indoctrinated under bush, he would have had to have actively removed it from the curriculum.
and they haven't done anything to help the state either.
There are no sound statistical projections that show cities en mass declaring bankruptcy in liberal leaning states.
It's not exclusively "womens studies" that's worthless, you dingus.
It's the entire field of soft-study grievance-degrees and shit-tier "sociology".
They do work, and they've shown to work
Guys, we can all agree on what the problem is. Jews and niggers
>Its different when you do it
You will always be the victim, you will always be the victim. There you go, just walk around saying that to yourself. I am sorry you had to see a rainbow poster, that must have been hard for you.
I think those people are jackasses as well as the republicans who express personal shit at work btw. Keep you politics in your fucking pocket.
Except in this example the situation is the same instead of radically different.
There won't be another dinosaur-killing impact because there aren't any dinosaurs to kill.
Conversely, after three major Californian cities have gone bankrupt under similar governance in the same state, why would it be incorrect to expect a fourth?
You either suck at basic logic or you are intentionally deflecting to waste your opponent's time.
>Get education at liberal college
>Get good job as chemist
>Vote for liberal policies in my liberal state
>liberal State is statistically well off
It's almost as if... There is something intelligent about leftism...
>I know I'll green text the opposite of my opinion and act as if someone actually said those things!
Desperate faggot trying to feel like a victim.
>They do work
Oh, so that's why they're shitholes with constant declarations of bankruptcy.
My bad. Clearly it's working.
By that metric conservative masures are also working in Bumfuck, Alabama.
wall street was one of the earlier adopters of sjw bullshit
or did you not see how they used you mindless puppets to divide occupy wall street along "intersectional" lines and tear it apart from the inside?
you didn't think social "justice" advocates were the good guys did you?
wall street would've been held to account years ago if leftist millennials would protest what matters, instead of being led by their self-righteous middle class noses by the literal 0.0001%
Sociology degrees are required for many jobs as policy analysts, urban planning, fund allocation, ect. Not entirely worthless. Many positions at the United Nations and World Health Organization require such a degree as well. Just because you don't know what the degree is for, doesn't make it useless.
Besides, those are still a minority to STEM degrees
>Did no such things faggot.
>Waaah the banking sector, all social media is stopping alex jones and other conservatives because they are so Lib
Why do liberals feel zero guilt over lying? Is it because Marxist doctrine teaches that there is no "objective" truth (aside from Marxism) and anything can be correct if it forwards your agenda, allowing for Double-Think?
3 to 4 cites among how many? Is a city declaring bankruptcy rare? How many cities a year? How do you define 'major'?
You avoid the big picture and focus on anecdotes for a reason, you either suck at basic logic or you are intentionally deflecting to waste your opponent's time.
Daily reminder you really just need to ignore smug leftist cucks gloating about how "intelligent" their party is.
You can't be the "party for every uneducated welfare cuck" and the "intelligent party" at the same time. It's one or the other.
Detroit is showing signs of recovery under liberal policies. Michigan showing growth under liberal policies. conservative states still struggling under conservative policies.
Weird how this works
You faggots can't even maintain a fucking narrative.
Where is the lie? What did I say that was un-true? I think you are confusing me mocking the reaction to Jones' de platforming with me denying it happened? Faggot.
>Detroit is showing signs of recovery under liberal policies. Michigan showing growth under liberal policies.
I will believe it when I see it.
Funny how after literal decades of being ruled by Democrats they are only "starting" to recover just now.
one side is being fired, harrassed, blacklisted, even violently attacked, for expressing their views PRIVATELY
the other side is ramming their views down everyones throats, constantly, everywhere, even forcing it on children where possible
and only one side is really demanding special treatment for victimhood
Holy shit these are pathetic.
The Left really can't fucking meme and probably will never learn.
Idiocracy is the present, but it's not just lower classes, it's the establishment neolibs
there is no rational defense of capitalism, so they have resorted to smear, lies and willfull ignorance while humans cook the planet
you're making excuses for that happening though
you know it happens and you gleefully deny it, or pretend it's fair
>one side is being fired, harrassed, blacklisted, even violently attacked, for expressing their views PRIVATELY
I remember Trump's speech where he said punch protestors in the fucking face you faggot. Don't now act like the right cares about free speech.
Said that already
Why do you think the population is falling, you little simpleton? Leftist policies dont work.
>make excuses
Green text that then you goal post moving faggot.
That's not proof it works. Detoit went bankrupt as well. Plus many other leftist cities are shitholes. NYC wasn't safe till Giuliani came in. Retard haha. Leftist policies in Baltimore have spent over 19k per student or inner city youth and 60% still cant learn or continue school.
>detroit is showing signs of recovery through liberal policies after decafes of liberal policies.
they don't believe in it, they just know what it's good for
ie. holding down the working class while they fuck them in the ass
great work "leftists" and "liberals," you pushed the working class into the arms of the republicans
and you keep doing it
Wow you're right this is totally comparable to everything that happens on youtube/facebook/twitter/leddit/etc
>Leftist policies in Baltimore have spent over 19k per student
>i'm not saying it's right i'm just not saying it's wrong tee hee checkmate uneducated nazi f-faggot
Leftist policies dont work anywhere. Loom at California, Illinois, or any major city under leftist policies....they are shitholes!!!!
>I...i just cant...admit that....niggers are bad! Nooo no no muh leftists muh leftistssss reeeee reeeeeee
>doubling down on WS are SJW.
Again, you faggots can't maintain a narrative.
>complain about politics
>post this gif
You do realize that line is Kurosawa complaining capitalism has destroyed japanese nobility you fucking dumb?
You could've tried a bit harder
So we have to accept that this movie will be constantly brought up by leftists when someone they don't like is president?
Saying what is right or wrong? You actually have to make a coherent statement if you expect me to understand.
Let me guess what you dumbass means though, before I can ever address any topic I must first share my feelings on it, that is what faggots like you do, maybe.
>reading this thread
It really was a documentary
so that justifies actual physical violence against any and all of his supporters?
you just did exactly what trump did, you made excuses for violence
that justifies my actual physical violence against any and all of my opposition, by your standards
so if there was real (not faked) physical violence after you made excuses for yours, it would be completely justified by your standards
in other words: you're a hypocrite
Muh niggers :(
Your own sources prove you to be full of shit. It was NY that was spending 19k, faggot.
>the only thing that matters is how much money is being made
Your game is so transparent here, Shekelstein.
You didnt read the othet source that says the niggers can even do math or read at their grade level. Baltimore is right behind NYC in spending on youth you fucking little bitch.
>so that justifies actual physical violence against any and all of his supporters?
Does protesting Trump justify actual physical violence? Fucking faggots and your strawmen. I never said any violence was justified, in fact it was your president who made those statements.
Dude i was just at a walmart and one of the workers had to go deal with someone sleeping in the bathrooms. As i was walking out a tweaker asked me for a lighter... i said no.
Keep trying to protect your stupid fucking niggers. You got proven wrong, bitch.
B...but smirking white boy in maga hat makes you cry :(
Dumb faggots, who ever posted claiming Baltimore spends 19k was lying, try and backpedal all you want. Yes, I read the other source, that doesn't change the fact that faggot couldn't read and put up the wrong number.
wall street hired sjw agents to tear apart their opposition
and the dems not only played along, they keep doubling down on it
even after it is explained what your narrative was designed to do, you still follow it
brainwashed, mindless hypocrites, being pointed at any opposition to government corruption and set on them like dogs
is it to compensate for your actual deep-rooted racism and bigotry?
or do you think you have something to gain by attacking the working class for not being as "educated" as you?
You can't even type a proper sentence and you are claiming what? Is grammar a communist conspiracy?
Should've stayed in school kiddo.
>get called out on being unable to read
Faggot, between the two of us you are the more nigger-y. 16k, and 19k are two different numbers, baltimore nigger.
Put effort into your craft. Screaming nigger is not edgy. Visit /pol/ for tips on trolling
The wrong number doesnt negate that with Baltimore spending all that money still doesnt help your little monkey. Leftist policies dont work. They are second in the nation on spending. Right behind NYC.
not an argument.
The thing is that the left, and Hollywood, have a huge problem with projecting
>also we can't have voter ID laws because blacks and hispanics are too stupid to have ID
>also we can't cut welfare because how would blacks and hispanics ever survive without us giving them free stuff?
>the industry that turns out to have the most sexual corruption is Hollywood which is overwhelmingly Left
Don't split hairs faggot 16k is still a stupid amount of money.
The niggers still arent learning. I was off by a few thousand dollars and it doesn't change the fact.
>wall street hired sjws to tear apart their opposition.
If you can be torn down by SJWs, you deserve to be torn down. Not that I believe the shit you are saying. So WS is totes-ma-goats super duper conservative, but they use the weaponized SJWs to attack. OK. Thanks.
16k is still a lot you fucking moron.
Never said it wasn't a stupid amount of money, and I am not splitting hairs, I am mocking the person who can't read.
fine i'll explain it in the simplest terms i can so that even you can understand it:
there is a clear imbalance in how the different political sides are treated by their opposition
one is physically attacked, harassed, denied work etc for sharing their (moderate) views privately
the other is occasionally grumbled about for forcing their (radical) views into every aspect of society, usually as obnoxiously as possible
you made excuses for this imbalance, then played dumb when i called you on it
was that coherent enough for you or do you need a diagram?
Ok, but he still proved that Baltimore spends a lot of money on niggers for nothing.
You're derailing about a slight off number because you cant admit leftist policies like the one in Baltimore spending stupid amount of money on niggers who still cant read.
The imbalances you see are due to your victim complex.
>one is physically attacked
Yeah, Trump telling people to attack protestors was shameful, conservatives should be ashamed of themselves.
>there is no rational defense of capitalism
>muh global warming
Getting some real ironic opinions on Idiocracy ITT.
He also proved he is a Baltimore-tier nigger when it comes to reading and understanding news articles. Which was my point.
>Does protesting Trump justify actual physical violence?
The leftist definition of "protesting Trump" is showing up in mobs to assault people and throw bricks at their fucking cars. So probably yes.
Chicago and Detroit are cities that went to bankruptcy because the industry moved away, and the mayors where corrupt. Yet some people still believe that was because of niggers.
Uh ok, but that wasnt the main point. You changed the point because you got proven wrong.
To be clear, they shouldn't spend that much on education and get so little in return and niggers can't tell the difference between 16k and 19k.
>I remember Trump's speech where he said punch protestors in the fucking face you faggot.
Was that after "protestors" had been showing up to pro-Trump events for months to blockade people, harass them, assault them and threaten them?
Was it after the Left's quaint little "#PUNCHNAZIS" rhetoric?
>Does protesting Trump justify actual physical violence?
no and there wasn't any actual violence
the vast majority of republicans oppose violence from both sides, and don't make excuses like "it's fine to punch a commie" or "leftist words are violence, so our physical violence is self-defence"
typical double standard "no u" bullshit
as if trump saying that is comparable to the wave of violence against republicans all over the usa
No thats what leftists say. The greedy unions and leftist policies where too much for the companies to hold.
Why the fuck would Ford want to pay some nigger $40/hr for assembly line work?
>I remember Trump's speech where he said punch protestors in the fucking face
Citation needed.
You can't take anything a leftcuck like you says on faith, ever. You maintained for literal YEARS that Trump called all immigrants "rapists".
>proven wrong
Did nothing but ask for the source then point out the guy lied about the numbers. I am guessing you faggots think I was 'proven wrong' because I didn't bother to address the other article? I never actually said anything was false other than the numbers, you guys are just low reading skill fuckers.
You guys are fucking terrible at this.
Look up that word, I don't think you understand what that means. An actual attempt to get people to assault people like Trump's is worse then a rhetorical punch to the face.
What is a rhetorical punch even look like?
>leftists accusing anyone else of being obsessive/overreacting
Fucking hell. You cucks literally went berserk over a kid in a MAGA hat doing fucking nothing while being harassed.
>If you can be torn down by SJWs, you deserve to be torn down
look into aspd, you may have it
victim blaming is a common indicator
>but they use the weaponized SJWs to attack
yes, and it worked
is there an organised resistance to wall street any more?
why not?
what replaced that protest movement?
people getting pepper sprayed for wanting to hear a conservative talk on a university campus
and it has the desired effect, hence trump's election
Yeah, but you made that point about him misreading it because you have no other argument. You were saying that leftist policies work, he made that claim and showed you sources. The fact that you're clinging to someone misreading something is showing you dont want to talk about the original point.
So you're not going to defend liberal policies such as that one?
So true, it's not like people who've (who have, in case you didn't understand) been farming for generations don't know what they're doing
>You cucks literally went berserk
was it anything like you and all the other fissured asshats in this thread?
>victim blaming
You will always be the victim, you will always be the victim.
Cope. Hillary was an unlikeable stooge who destroyed the democratic base and she still won the popular vote. Trump hasn't done shit and is gone in 2020 and there will never be another republican president.
>The imbalances you see are due to your victim complex.
It's due to an ability to actually see the quality and quantity of different events in real-life, actually.
The violence around the 2016 election was fucking overwhelmingly perpetrated by triggered leftards and everybody knows it, and it's fucking shameful that you're even TRYING to play the victim because Trump said people should defend themselves.
now you're just being obtuse
>Trump telling people to attack protestors
i'm sure you can provide an example of this since you're claiming it happened and we both have access to the internet right now
and i'll start compiling a list of the hundreds of instances of people being ACTUALLY attacked for their views shall I? not one instance of which is condemned for a second by the leftist media or political establishment
Mass immigration fuels capitalism. Not very complicated. The question is, at what cost?
Maybe you should go be outraged over some congresswoman criticizing Israel.
>What is a rhetorical punch even look like?
I wouldn't know. The left makes sure all their violence is physical.
average liberal IQ is literally around 4 points lower than average conservative iq
do you know why that is user?
I don't defend the policy, and I am not trying to mislead anyone. I just happen to be shitting on a conservative for being stupid. You guys have to jump to his defense and pretend misreading articles isn't stupid as shit.
He went so far as to link them as a source with out a quick once-over to prove they were even correct. That guy Baltimore-tier Nigger stupid, I have said it before and I'll say it again.
So true, and it's not like the people you're mocking not only produce the majority of food that you consume, but also have done so for generations.
Way to sound like an idiot
No, it was actual grown-ass adults calling them Hitler Youth and demanding that they be blacklisted from education/employment, arrested, killed, tortured, etc. That's what it was like.
Good to see you're not even trying to make actual argumentative posts any more and are instead just throwing lazy and deflective ad-homs.
gj there fucko
>The violence around the 2016 election was fucking overwhelmingly perpetrated by triggered leftards
"If you see a protestor about to throw a tomato, wallup(punch) them."
later to police removing a protestor
"... if you hurt him, ill pay for your lawyer."
and i deserve to be a victim for allowing myself to be victimised, right?
i'm not claiming to be a victim of anyone
i think you're a victim of indoctrination
but what i was referring to was ows being victims of deliberate infiltration by sjw actors
people who pushed a social justice narrative so toxic it stopped people from challenging literal criminal bankers
but not so toxic the democrats (and you) won't try to keep pushing it as far as you can
>Trump hasn't done shit and is gone in 2020 and there will never be another republican president.
Whatever your fatass has to tell yourself.
People have learned to not take your Election-predictions seriously, cucks.
remiss of me to forget that's only ok when you hysterical male women do it. every day. on Yea Forums.
Buddy he posted the number before he posted the source it probably came from the top of his head. Why do you make such a big deal of it?
Literally any news-source or video-hosting site that wasn't censored as fuck during 2016.
Sorry I replied to the wrong person, fucking sue me please, I have way too much money
>Don't blame the victim
You are a victim?
>No you are, and I blame you!
>physically defend yourself against violence
EXACTLY the same as
>physically "defend yourself" against "nazis"
You were disagreeing with him up until that point then you derailed about "hur due misreading." It's a classic defense mechanism when being proven wrong.
I recommend crying more.
the movie was made long before Trump...
>As long as degeneracy is cleansed and Jewish influence is non-existent
>waah waah everyone calls us Nazis, it's unfair
>literally do Hitler salutes, blame everything on Jews, talk about racial purity and degeneracy
You can't have it both ways dipshits.
Friendly reminder. Conservatives are less educated and dumber in general.
i don't blame you for being indoctrinated
some people are weak minded
but at some point you have to take responsibility for your own words and actions and stop relying on proven bad faith actors to give you your agenda
>disagreeing with him
Greentext the part where I said "No, Baltimore niggers are smart."
You can't.
>facetiously telling people to fight back against violent lefty terrorists that literally show up to throw things at Trump supporters
Meanwhile Democrat politicians were literally advocating assault on anyone voting Republican that year because that meant they were "Nazis".
It's really telling that Rightists have literal hours of unedited footage of Leftists being violent terrorist chimps, while all the Leftists have is "B-B-BUT HE TOLD PEOPLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST OUR VIOLENCE REEEEEEEEEE".
>i have to make shit up to have a point
So who has indoctrinated me? The weaponized SJWs sent by the conservatives? The conservatives? So who has indoctrinated me in your view? Oh wise centrist, share your ways.
>around 50% of americans are actual creationists
>including 38% of democrats
Lmao coming from the party that believes evolution didn't happen in humans and attempts race denial.
>leftist trannies
>saying any of their opposition are the ones that should consider suicide
Don't make people start posting statistics.
Notice none of you guys acknowledge the part about the cop. I'm sure you would be ok with Dems saying that right? Faggots.
What do you think nigger history month is?
>It's really telling that Rightists have literal hours of unedited footage of Leftists being violent terrorist chimps
Literally the same for leftists but Right wing tossers just ignore the evidence or blame it on a nonsense Jewish conspiracy
>the movie was made long before Trump...
Then why do leftists keep using Trump's presidency as proof that "LOLOLO IT CAAAAAAAME TRUE!!!1! XD"?
you'd know better than me
was it the news media?
the education system?
your social media bubble?
i can't hold your hand all your life user, figure it out for yourself like the rest of us
>le 40% face
What do you think Title 9 is? Honestly, I am not sure what point you think you are making. Why can't you fuckers just be direct? All this faggot beating around the bush shit.
>people disagreeing with my religious beliefs is my metric for "intelligence"
Holy shit, tip that fedora harder you greasy sperg.
Also that chart's going to change real fucking fast if Liberals import as many Muslim fundamentalists as they claim they want.
>Notice none of you guys acknowledge the part about the cop.
The part where he joked about a criminal getting what they deserve?
That's a pretty tenuous thing to get triggered over, lefty. I thought right-wingers were the REAL snowflakes?
>>people disagreeing with my religious beliefs is my metric for "intelligence"
Yeah, believing the earth is 10,000 years old is pretty dumb, user.
>Then why do leftists
irrelevant. The Simpsons had the same theme people still don't give a fuck.
Stop attributing shit neolibs and random twitter accounts do and say to leftists.
>Notice none of you guys acknowledge the part about the cop.
Notice you didn't acknowledge the part about the comment.
So just an Alex Jones style 'they.' Good job buddy. Maybe it was the illuminati? Is everyone who disagrees in any fashion also indoctrinated? Or do you just save that term for strangers on the internet? It becomes a meaningless word when you thrown it around to mean; "Doesn't agree with me."
We will have Idiocracy not because of the leftists or Drumpf. But because the mass of human brain is slowly dropping. Past 50 000 years it lost like 200-300 g and more to go. The brainlets are winning this race.
>>also we can't cut welfare because how would all the fucking white people on it ever survive without us giving them free stuff?
Nigger history month is white guilt indoctrination month. Its been fed to you every year since you were 5, all the way to the end of high school.
then (leaving out republicans for a moment) how come 38% of the intelligent, sophisticated, educated democrats believe it?
over a third?
that's insane
>getting what they deserve, which is to be physically assaulted apparently
>no, republicans are not in favor of physical assault
Again, you guys can't even keep your narrative straight.
>Literally the same for leftists
But it literally isn't you scheming little weasel.
You're outright lying. The BEST liberals have produced so far is inevitably shit like people having the nerve to punch Antifa thugs back after they tried to blockade/suppress a fucking group prayer or something.
Again, your opposition has literal hours of footage of you thugs rioting and assaulting property, people, cops, etc.
Go find a playlist and have fun. YouTube probably hasn't even purged them yet.
That would mean well over a third of Democrats are dumb.
Believing in 30-million genders and a mass invisible conspiracy to oppress blacks is also pretty dumb.
>american education
> Antifa
>America is the world and liberals are left-wing.
You bloody idiot, why is American education so shit!?
The Union has failed. America must be destroyed.
>believing that God created Man = believing that the earth is 10,000 years old
Why are Fedoratheists so incredibly fucking stupid?
They literally don't even understand the beliefs of the people they criticize.
>Is everyone who disagrees in any fashion also indoctrinated?
if their argument persists in irrational conclusions or being based on clear undeniable falsehoods, it's safe to say they're working from some kind of dogma (or schizophrenia)
if you think the democats and republicans face an equal level of violence from their opposition then you fall into that category
Where did you come to that conclusion?
>Black history month, passed by Ford a republican.
Damn republicans for their 1970s SJW actions!
>getting what they deserve, which is to be physically assaulted apparently
If you show up to a political rally to throw things at people, yes, you deserve to get your shit pushed in you estrogen-filled weaselly little marxist.
What is it with Leftists and being totally willing to dish it out but squealing like a little faggot when expected to take it?
>if you think the democats and republicans face an equal level of violence from their opposition then you fall into that category
You do have to prove things to me, you know that right? I get you don't need proof, but I do. That is not indoctrination.
an isolated incident, universally condemned by republicans
as opposed to the routine mob attacks by antifa and other deranged democrats, none of whom face condemnation by other dems
Can you post something relevant and not just deflective non-sequiturs?
Actually, no matter what you political leaning, police should never assault you, faggot.
Did you ever read the book of genesis?
Debunked by /pol/ the day of, faggot. Some retarded protesters attacked the back of the car and the driver panicked and floored it.
do i need to prove the sky is blue?
what kind of rock having you been living under if you honestly think the violence has been generally going both ways?
that kind of delusion can only be the result of constant vigilance against reality
>universally condemned by republicans
Source? Oh, right, its your ass.
>universally condemned by republicans
Not on Yea Forums(nel) though. Quit the opposite.
Pic related. Also "isolated incidence"?
No you don't have to prove the sky is blue, thanks for the offer faggot. What you could do is provide your source for the claims about violence.
>Violent terrorists shouldn't be treated to violence! Don't even JOKE about that! WAAAAAAAH
I'm really kind of shocked that you cucks ever try to play the "right-wingers are the REAL snowflakes!" card. Apparently even JOKING about commie terrorists getting a well-deserved slap is off limits for you.
Shame that mass and consistent physical violence isn't.
>Debunked by /pol/
See >universally condemned by republicans
>one incident
>where commie terrorists chase a guy with fucking assault-rifles
>the only person that died did so because she was a leftist that was 200 lbs. overweight
Wow, truly the second Holocaust.
Meanwhile we have routine mob-attacks by Antifa on people for being on the wrong street at the wrong time.
> "right-wingers are the REAL snowflakes!"
>Anything I don't like is degenerated
t. Right wing pearl clutching SJW.
Kindly shut the fuck up.
>trusting the leftycuck definition of "right-wing"
It's about as accurate as their definition of "white" when it comes to criminals.
>back peddle back peddle back peddle
Why all the randomly capitalized words? Your language skills are weak if you feel the need to do that as often as you are.
I don't think he was joking.
>commie terrorists
>universally condemned by republicans
>presenting additional facts = not condemning it
I wish leftists were this obsessed with "condemnation" every time an Islamist starts shooting people. You guys are always light on the "condemnation" then.
Him ramming into the crowd was photographed and filmed, could you show me the 'assault-rifles'?
You are a faggot for using the term assault-rifle by the way, just so you know.
You don't know what "back peddling" is. That's hilarious.
Watch for yourselves faggots.
Right wing terror kills more than islamic terrorism in America though. And that's a FACT.
Your "facts" also said Heather Heyer died of a heart attack. Protip: she didn't
You have some sort of metric for measuring the amount of condemnation? I think you might be full of shit.
i could cite breitbart's list of 600+ specific incidents but i suspect you'd dismiss the source without considering that they're all definitively confirmed
so how about this?
It's right here.
You know, the kind Antifa fucking BRAGS about having? And having threatened the driver with?
Daily reminder that this turd is the reason that woman is dead.
Well, also her 200 extra pounds of cellulite. But also this turd.
>Random vid on Yea Forums used by /pol/tard as evidence of anything
Do you have any good stuff on Pizzagate?
Your investigative skills are unparalleled
>You have some sort of metric for measuring the amount of condemnation?
Neither do you, faggot.
>cyclist not scared or shocked, you can totes-ma-goats tell dudez!
Leftists don't even like the Idiocracy. It places the blame on the common man rather than the very real system that is fucking the world.
Neoliberals and technocrats however, like the movie for the same reason.
Why do americans use Liberals, Antifa, Communist, Leftist etc interchangeably? Have words lost meaning in that country?
find me one republican (not an edgy teen on Yea Forums) who says running over those protestors was justified
people deny it, or they condemn it
few outside of stormfront /pol/ celebrate it
you know, the way the left celebrates women and old men being assaulted in the street for wrongthink
Unlike the faggot I was responding to, I have never claimed to, in effect, have one. Faggot.
tranny suicides aren't caused by "right wing terror" user
>Don't generalise the Right it's not fair or accurate
>Does it to the Left
Are we moving goalposts?
Here is a guy that struggled with condemning it.
i am generalising the right
the right generally condemns it
sorry i just assumed that an anonymous post on Yea Forums wouldn't count as a serious political representative of a political party
didn't think i needed to point that out but here we are
>I literally don't have eyes and am incapable of processing information in front of me
But he isn't retard. Here's a video of some random isis truck attack. Skip to 0:20
Notice how everyone who saw the truck panicked and started running around? Notice how no one in started running around until after bat boy hit the car?
What would him being panicked look like? Should he have his arms raised above his head Kermit-the-frog style and going 'Aaaaaaah!'?
>If you don't see things my way and accept everything I said as the gospel then you are incapable of critical thinking.
I'm not a Right-wing sheep and I never will, tosser.
I literally just gave you a video of what panicked people do when a vehicle speeds towards/past them. The bicyclist doesn't even bat an eye. The car is so uninteresting to him that he doesn't even turn to look at it.
You don't even attempt to refute the video like this guy . You just put your hands over your ears and scream lalalalala. You are actually incapable of using your eyes to process information.
>sorry i just assumed that an anonymous post on Yea Forums wouldn't count as a serious political representative of a political party
I mean, Tucker is basically just spouting /pol/ memes on cable every night.
did tucker carlson celebrate the charlottesville death?
So what's your point whit this, it was a false flag?
Watch the vid, don't agree with your interpretation of events.
How hard is it to understand that people can think for themselves, unlike you my based and /pol/pilled friend?
A false flag would be if a leftist was driving the car. This is a vehicular ramming without intent. Its the difference between murder and manslaughter. My point is that this is not the right wing ISIS ramming people try to claim it is.
Yeah, let's look at his spin on this, shall we? Ridiculous.
not that user but it's pretty obvious his point is that the protestors who attacked his car share responsibility for putting the driver in a situation where he had to choose between his own safety and that of the protestors in front of him
personally i think it was a gross disregard for human life and he should be imprisoned but i won't say it was definitely a premeditated murder
it was at least manslaughter but not necessarily murder
>This is a vehicular ramming without intent
But that's wrong.
Then why don't you post why it's wrong, faggot?
>assertion without supporting evidence
But its right
Why should I? I'm not interested in convincing a person sympathetic to Neo-nazis. As far as I'm concerned, you're all beyond reformation should hang.
>people can think for themselves
some can even explain their reasoning
I can, therefore, I must.
>discord tranny argues in bad faith
Just neck yourself already
Convicted in a court of law but the law & order party doesn't believe it.
1. that user isn't necessarily sympathetic to neo-nazis, he disputes the details of that case as they pertain to motive
2. should hang? ah yes, you couldn't quite hold the mask in place for an entire thread could you?
so we're killing everyone who disagrees with you on what was going on in someone's head when they drove a car into a crowd?
>argues in bad faith
Just like you.
if you want to be taken seriously, you should
or are you just a child who spouts their opinions at people and then runs away from any argument?
Where faggot? I can point to you doing nothing but posting smug anime images and ad hominems. Can you do the same?
mindless, bloodthirsty, bigot
no better than the man who drove that car into the crowd at charlottesville
Day of the rope. Gas the kikes. Race war now.
>he actually believes that kangaroo court was legitimate
Catchy throwaway shitpost lines.
so you admit you're no better than the worst of your opposition
Forgot pic
It's literally word for word what is spouted here daily.
Why can't you into irony? I'm not the one excusing a fucking terrorist itt.
nobody is excusing a terrorist
denying that someone was motivated by intent to kill is not justifying the killing
and you know who spouts day of the rope nonsense?
false flaggers
check this site:
know when you're being maipulated