Since there are rumors that Captain Marvel is being recast, and Brie Larson being replaced after the movie...

Since there are rumors that Captain Marvel is being recast, and Brie Larson being replaced after the movie, I think Ronda Rousey would be the perfect Captain Marvel.

>actual trained athlete and fighter

>loves comics and video games

>brings the star power and charisma Brie doesn't have

>an ACTUAL great role model for children

>she's been interested in the role for years now

We need to push this while we can

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>Since there are rumors that Captain Marvel is being recast, and Brie Larson being replaced after the movie

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No need to recast, endgame has already been shot.

the little black girl is going to be Captain Marvel she's like in her 30s in 2019 Avengers timeline

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Is this a plan to accelerate the demise of the MCU?

Bc that’s the most evil shit I’ve heard in a while

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She should have been picked the first time around

>sore winner
>sore loser
>can't act
>is going to quit pro wrestling because the fans like another girl more than her

>implying we have to have a Carol Danvers
here's what could have been

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Brie Larson isn't the problem.. She is A problem but she isn't THE problem.

The actual problem is Captain Marvel is a shitty fucking character.. Who's only real contribution to Marvel is giving Rogue her super powers.

Carol is a tall sexy woman with large breasts, Ronda is the anti-thesis to that.

Katheryn Winnick, obviously
Unless they'll kill Carol off completely and go for Kamala Khan

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>Kamala Khan
no, Monica Rambeau was literally set up in the movie to already be the next Captain Marvel as pointed out.

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Ronda can't act. She can barely do a promo in WWE.

I'll only watch Captain Marvel with Dove in it

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she can actually pull off the ice queen emotionally autistic strong female trope.

It would be easier to teach Ronda to act than to teach Brie how to be likeable and fun


>Killing off Captain Marvel

If the movie really fails hard I'm pretty sure they'll go this route.

>an ACTUAL great role model for children

She was built-up by artificial media-hype for months on end only to unceremoniously get her shit pushed in and was subsequently forgotten about.

A bunch of characters will most likely be killed off in Endgame, and for good.

Captain Marvel's only real contribution to Marvel is an attempt at being their Wonder Woman. This has been a known fact for years before the MCU.

nigga are you retarded lol

But the OG Captain Marvel is legit
I get more hyped by the day for that film

>Since there are rumors that Captain Marvel is being recast, and Brie Larson being replaced after the movie
No there aren't.

>The actual problem is Captain Marvel is a shitty fucking character..
Doesn't matter in the least as long as they do the film version well, which seems to be spotty at best right now.
Literally the same argument for every mcu character dumb fuck

have you seen her "act"

she can do one expression

>rumors that Captain Marvel is being recast, and Brie Larson being replaced after the movie

Don't be retarded, she'll have a multi-picture deal, they can't just replace her, no matter what you incels whine about.

>A bunch of characters will most likely be killed off in Endgame
sure, all those whose contracts are fulfilled and who have become extremely expensive. definitely not brie though, since marvel has everybody sign multi-film contracts. she's going to be in at least 3 films, most likely more.

They are going to be replaced by a reality shift.

They can just use her for three second flashbacks the replacement has.