This board doesn't respond to actual discussion it just responds to memes fuck you.
This board doesn't respond to actual discussion it just responds to memes fuck you
nice contribution
Who’s that
And that's a good thing
do women really do this?
How big is xir's cock? Wanna know if it's ok to fap
Lets see her dick!
how else do they eat marshmallows
Pretty sure that's how you get pink eye.
You better not!
That is a man
you have to rub your eye after.
I like this meme, so I will respond
fuck this meme and all you incels who like it
She's a woman you dumb faggots.
How do you know!
shut up transphobe
it's a tranny. i jack off to her videos all the time
this, where is her feminine penis??!?!?!?!
are there any more like the webm?
never gets hard.
i guess i want to fuck a man's ass, then
Baneposting did ruin this board. For years I've had people telling me I'm a liar and that Yea Forums has always been the shitposting board, but the archive actually now goes all the way back to 2010. Completely different culture. A lot more """"reddit spacing"""", too (something I've now had to rectify so retards don't accuse me of it , even though I've been doing it since 2009).
that hairline tho
Go to reddit you absolute faggot
where can I find a girl who will do this for me?
>something I've now had to rectify so retards don't accuse me of it
You could try entirely ignoring them & not giving a fuck.
Works for me.
Yeah because of Yea Forumsedditors like you OP