Has any liberal narrative criticism against Trump not turned out to be a fake news?

Has any liberal narrative criticism against Trump not turned out to be a fake news?

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literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY all of it

/pol/ is that way retard

Please cite

muh russian bots

>/television and film/

Fuck off

Why do murifats call leftists liberals?

its used as a synonym for the democrat party.

theres a difference between leftism and liberalism even in whatever stupid bog cntry you come from

FUCK BACK TO POL,you stupid nigger OP

That's what hes saying you fucking illiterate. Nice education you guys got going, fatass

SEETHING discord trannys

Literally 8 of his advisors are convicted felons

Liberalism has been leftist since the inception of leftism

They aren’t liberals in the literal sense in most ways. But dems and leftists are called liberals in the US.

It's what they call themselves

Make Israel Great Again

Explain your claim

well to me, liberal is wanting to have certain privileges that aren't gonna make society a shitty place to live. like a liberal might want public drinking to be a thing, a conservative will be like "ah we shouldn't do that, people will ruin the city" and the liberal would say "ok well how about if we section off a part of the city and public drinking is ok there? to which the conservative replies "fine but theres going to be strict curfews enforced with this and when people are told to clear out, they have to clear out."

thats how I imagine conversations went between level headed right/left wingers once upon a time. being a liberal doesn't mean you want hordes of illegal immigrants shitting up your country, and being a conservative doesn't mean you want to instill the fucking 4th reich.

Why do they call themselves liberal, if they're anti-liberal in a lot of ways?

They mean socially. "Progressives" for example don't know and don't give a fuck about the economy, all they care about is niggers and twitter

If you searched hard enough like Mueller, you’d find something to convict any politicians cronies. What they didn’t find, is Russian collusion.

Yea Forums is a YANG GANG BOARD. Fuck off back to /pol/ with your Jewish puppet

7 people accused of lying to congress to make themselves look better. 1 person convicted of financial fraud as part of an ongoing federal investigation against him since before Trump even announced he was running for president. Said person was only affiliated with Trump for a few months, and was fired before the 2016 election even happened once they found out how crooked he was.

This guy is the most substantial link between Trump and the Russians by the way. That's literally all they have.

American liberalism is concerned with equalizing opportunity, and often sees the state as a way to achieve such equalizations. From there, individuals are free to act as they please.
This is contrasted with British liberalism, which is much more concerned with formal equality before the state, even if that means individuals have vastly different "starting hands", if you will, leading to lack of equal opportunity.

Fuck back to POL, you stupid nigger faggot

so this is the power of tranny discord astroturfing

Right wing criticisms seem to be the only legitimate ones, they don’t call him an authoritarian racist who catapults invaders back to where they came from and pisses on judges, they wish he was one and are disappointed he isn’t pulling through on promises. That’s what to criticize him for

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Thanks, 15 year old


I like the guy. He’s fun to be around.

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Based Trump

Once upon a time liberal meant libertarian then eventually social libertarian with higher taxes and spending. Safety nets for society's least capable.

Now liberalism is a giant inferiority complex cult that's marching to crony socialism

Go away rabbi.

Everyone is saying that’s a money making scam run by a gun grabbing china man

Liberals are leftists, even if not all leftists are liberals. Only people who disagree are literal tankies, but these retards claim social democrats aren't leftist either.