Absolutely BTFO

He destroyed Capt. Fungus. Marvel Shills BTFO


Attached: tyronewew.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll never forget when this guy said he liked BvS more than Civil War. High IQ.

I've skimmed it
it sounds like the biggest problems are the story/script and captain marvel being not very interesting


Tyrone is the true chad

This honestly. He just knows what's up.

Pretty crazy that he has the same taste as me.

I thought guardians 2 was kinda fucky as well. Too many tension breaking jokes, and shitty CGI.

seriously though, Tyrone is based. I'm a fan

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>Capt. Fungus


Attached: 1550350381196.jpg (588x502, 189K)

Tyrone is unironically my favorite youtuber.


All you had to do was follow the damn train


Well CW is basically unwatchable and BvS kinda is.

Based and woopilled

Needs to work on his presentation, camera was shaking the whole video because it was on the table he was leaning on. Otherwise, whatever, have a bump Tyrone.

That's because BvS actually is better

Never thought I'd see tyrone on this board.


>1/5 wooos
>almost as bad as the predator

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Not surprised that only Tyrone had enough balls to give it a trash rating.

There’s gigachad, then there’s nigachad
Based Magnus

Fuck all that
Based Emergency Awesome Captain Marvel review out!

same, first one was much better

I agree with this too
Entertaining, but the joke interjection was too much. I'm glad it toned down in subsequent movies though.

tweet these images to her

I liked GOTG2.

>DCshills spamming YouTube nog reactors
Is this the final journey of cringe? Is this what capeshit does?

>expecting anything better
>from Damage Control Extended Universe
come on man
you know better

wtf when did cj from gta become a movie reviewer?

Yeah, you would be experts on shilling and damage control, huh, mousies?

Le based! Le based black man!

Fucking pathetic. Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with the ratings and box office numbers for captain marvel? Why can't they just let people go and watch a movie without the need to find reviews that match their opinions?

The virgin polcel tries to post in a chad cuteboy thread.

t. seething DCuck

the anti-pol crew are all nigger twink lovers, wow, checks out

You’re literally shilling reactions from YouTube. Kys

I'm subscribed to this guy,
I'd definitely let to fuck my wife

emergency awesome has a hype of a tomato.

>WTF, i hate niggers now
What did disney moms mean by this?

I agree he's pretty good and hype

Please don't tell me the whole "Captain toenail fungus" thing is legit what they're calling her.....

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Capt Fungus didn't want her movie reviewed by white men but does she allow black men to review?

It's true


Same, Gotg 2 was unwatchable trash

Yes yes, quite based Tyrone quite based, but the real question is can he also destroy my wife's pussy?

He is not a white male, so checkmate, Larson.

based magnus
here's a (You) for ya op

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based black man

the intro to his videos are so cringy

only a faggot or a woman would use this word

I m not black, but i like the dude.
Respected him for being honest on TLJ.

Based Blackie
Captain marvel = *Sigh 1 out of 5

>that deep disappointed sigh at the beginning


Hi there, so how much does shilling for Disney pay?

>be black
>can shit talk women all you want and the white feminists can't touch you
jelly af


Attached: 1536334637742.jpg (329x153, 5K)

>Alita: 4/5
Based Tyrone

Attached: Alita.jpg (694x647, 79K)

Turning Nick Fury into a emasculated goofy sitcom dad is bad enough, doing it in a feminist thing is insane

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at certain point it becomes clear the whole 'feminism' thing is a marie antoniette thing, a 'dont look at me scary peasant' shit

eventually even the protected class of black men have to be brought down a peg (mostly because ultimately this whole thing is about high class women being afraid of blacks and lower class whites)

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>Turning Nick Fury into a emasculated goofy sitcom
How bad did they made a comedic out of Nick Fury?!

Was it Star Wars Finn Bad?!

I haven't seen the film yet...

>loud black man shares same opinion as me

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

the turned him into le useless comedic sidekick man who just exists to show how capable and power Cpt Fungus is.

Shouldn't you be planning how to save yourself from 2020 Election since your "Savior" Trump turned your back on you?

>the turned him into le useless comedic sidekick man who just exists to show how capable and power Cpt Fungus is
So they basically did the Star Wars Finn butt comedy.................
.........Fuck This MOVIE,
It deserved to be flopped and Fuck Kevin Feige for allowing it.

You decide:


Absolutely based

he's old so his action scenes look like shit but besides that he's written as "darn i done goofed, sorry my bad strong woman, you know how us men can be" and just being goofy overall (he loses his eye to a cat and pretends it was for badass reasons)

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found the tranny

I'm glad the movie flopping,
Maybe now they can get the picture and concentrate on some other female lead. I still can't believe Samuel Jackson stooped this low of allowing this bullshit.

Oh yes, I'm /pol/, not you retards who are sperging out about Captain Marvel.

you know that they will just double down. And then again, and again.

Says the one sperging on man who you voted for 4 fucking years who managed to bullshit you /pol/s despite the fact of the many telling you he's a fraud.

Get fucked

They let it die anyway
I'm already sick of caped movies and their shitty humor.

Maybe sci-fi (Dune) can keep me entertained.

How do blacks get so buff without even trying

>Everyone I dislike is /pol/
Discord trannies like you are worse than pol tbqh

Thats bullshit dude,
Where did you hear that from?
You just scrawny that's it,
Pump the iron,
Don't flamebait here

>without even trying
are you retarded or a cuck?

>Samuel Jackson stooped this low
Apparently, the lines that he had were better than the one the rest of them had, so it's speculated that he improvised a lot to save the movie.

But he can do so much.


He's trying to flamebait,
Ignore him

At the secret base/airplane hangar, when Fury and Marvel first visits it, you can see people everywhere, then when they've sat for a while in the locked room they "lockpick" the door and go explore the base. The base is now devoid of people and we're introduced to the "cat". The critical of you would think "why is a cat deep inside a secret base?" and you'll be correct in being wary, because that cat seems to have eaten everyone at the base and it's never adressed. We later find out that the cat is some kind of alien creature that can eat people.
The big question now is, how did the cat get there, was it being studied at the base? Are there more of it's species on earth and how long have they been here? Are they responsible for the ancient egyptians worshipping cats? It's possible, since the entire movie seems to be about infiltration/deception.

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It doesn't mean shit.
For example, i get big without even trying.
A friend of mine have to legit bust his ass to get some tone.
It's not a race thing, dude, it's a human thing.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Im not the one who got him elected.


>But he can do so much
He should've stayed out of the movie as a whole, period. His name doesn't need to burn with this garbage movie as old as he is.

>is black
>is based
>is literally called Tyrone

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You blind nigga? He's smaller in the vid than in the thumbnail. Finally laid off the roids.

Not to mention apparently the nigga a manlet.

>thinking this nigga is natty
how to spot someone who doesnt work out

>Tyrone Magnus
My man.

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You brainlets know he literally gave fucking Aquaman 10/10, right? He's just another dumb nigger.

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You're shilling for Disney, much worse

Don't forget about this dumbass right here user

>he gave a good film 10/10
Nothing wrong with this

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