>Simpsons executive producer James L. Brooks told The Wall Street Journal that the season 3 episode “Stark Raving Dad” will be pulled from circulation. Not only will it be removed from syndication, but the episode will be pulled from streaming services like Fox’s EverySimpsonEver and from all future DVD and Blu-Ray box sets. “The guys I work with—where we all spend our lives arguing over jokes—were of one mind on this,” Brooks said. “It feels clearly the only choice to make. Brooks said that the Simpsons higher-ups were overwhelmingly convinced by the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, calling the behavior of Jackson “monstrous.” The episode depicts Homer being committed to a mental institution and meeting a man named Leon Kompowsky who is convinced he’s really Michael Jackson. Jackson voiced the character under the pseudonym John Jay Smith. “I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
Simpsons to pull episode starring Michael Jackson
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Why the fuck does suddenly everyone give a shit? The exact same shit was circulating before he died, and people cared then, but they quickly stopped giving a shit when he died.
Thank god mj wasn't in season 11 episode 5. I love that one
(((they))) really are taking a hit out on MJ's estate
Simpsons to pull episode starring Sneed
S11E05 is next
who are the jews behind that documentary
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
"Happy Birthday Sneedsa! It's your birthday Sneedsa!"
>i'n against book burning of any kind, but i will burn a book anyway
is he retarded?
(Formerly Lisa's Birthday)
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
This would have crushed Michael. Everyone involved with this documentary deserves hell.
>“I’m against seeding of any kind,” said Chuck, “but this is our seed and we’re allowed to feed out a sneed.”
Why was is formerly okay, but now it's not? What changed?
I swear to god its like i stepped back in time 15 years. He was accused of this shit ages ago and then he was acquitted. Then after he died everyone collectively accepted that he was fucked in the head later in life but the charges were most likely bullshit.
>Who cares if nu-Simpsons is shit, it's not like the old ones won't exist anymore!
Welp, I guess I'm buying that boxset now.
so if i make a documentary about sneedposting and how it destroy your brain they would erase the episode from existence too? is it that easy to convince producers?
Those old farts will do anything for money and attention. This is why The Simpsons needed to be cancelled literal decades ago.
(((they))) will stop at nothing to push their agenda and memory hole Micheal Jackson. Has there been any real tangible evidence? Have the victims gone to court with the Jackson Estate?
So much bull shit
>MJ contacted THEM, was one of the earliest and historically most prestigious guests they ever had
>wrote two original songs for them at their peak
Holy shit, man.
>James Safesneed
>The Simpsons is still going.
That's horrifying I imagine it feels like being trapped in hell working on this crap.
>Doesnt have every Simpson's ever.
That's 2019.
Critical thinking is dead. Society just reacts to whatever Netflix or Disney shovels down their throats that week.
In a couple years there will be another documentary clearing Michael's name, and a rush of love for him.
None of you should be surprised.
forgot pic like a dumbdumb
Now ban Sonic 3
Exactly. Relitigate this while the dead cant defend themselves. Once i never wanted the simpsons to end but they have ruined its impact to such an extent it should of been gone at least fifthteen years ago.
So are they also gonna pull the episode guest starring Lena Dunham, who admitted to molesting her little sister?
For future reference, if a media creator of any kind (writer, director, actor, producer, etc) comes out and says something truly shockingly stupid, 99 times out of 100 they are doing it for the publicity
They made that episode AFTER she admitted that. Current Simpsons staff have no scruples, see
That would be misogynistic, user
Feed me, seed me
Everybody sneed me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you fuck or suck me
All I wanna say is that (((they))) don't really care about Chuck
Fucking lame. This sucks.
Should The Naked Gun Movies be banned from circulation because OJ was in them? Where does this stop?
That episode is literally among the worst Simpsons episodes (of the classic era of course) so I truly don't care. As long as I can still watch E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) I'll be happy.
New shitty Simpsons episodes have caused more net pain in the world than Michael Jackson has by molesting a few kids.
Almost every episode featuring a guest voice was absolute shit. Homer's Phobia was the only good one I can think of
Mother fuck, this was one of my favorite episodes. It’s like Cartman getting Family Guy cancelled all over again.
OJ wasn’t a pedo. He just killed a white woman. she paid the toll. we don’t hold children to that standard.
You're just putting that in because it's commercial.
Sneed is next LMAO
Those songs, though.
Seriously just cancel The Simpson’s.
Nobody watches this crap anymore.
Everybody has moved on.
Even the original fan base is gone.
Definitely end this garbage already.
Yeah that episode was shit.
fuck and suck
THIS. We're coming for you next, sneedposters
Can't stand them desecrating its corpse though.
How can they not realize what they're doing?
Unbelievable that they'd fuck with old eps even.
Cancel the show and move on.
Krusty is the only good part anymore.
It’s a good excuse to set some precedent for depersoning.
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
i dont get this outrage didnt one of the victims claim that MJ never touched him and it was all a lie? why would they even trust what theyre saying now?
Getting the episode off all the platforms and outlets that carry the show—including streaming services, TV stations and Blu-ray/DVD box sets—won’t happen overnight, Mr. Brooks said, “but the process has started.”
fuck off
jews are so evil
>caring what's on TV
Classic Simpsons is always zoomed-in and smoothed out on FX so it looks like someone turned the noise filter up too high. It's an eyesore on TV, why watch it there?
Based Jews
Yeah that's true. It's the principle of the matter though.
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
That's incredibly stupid, but it's hard to believe this is true. Are we actually in an age where it's okay to un-person people? Dead people? I don't think they ever even officially accredited that character to Jackson.
I never liked the guys music, but shit.
>proven innocent in court
If only there was some sort of metaphor for this coordinated smear of someone all over the media.
The episode was pretty cringey and pretentious. Celebrities in the simpsons are always shit Sneed
He wasn't, he used a pseudonym and didn't even do the singing part.
I miss the Jon Lajoie before he went popular and disappeared to New York.
cartoon people too!
I've always liked the episode personally, maybe nostalgia plays a big part though.
lmao I bet you think OJ didn't murder his wife
it's amazing how everyone has known Michael Jackson and R. Kelly were pedophiles for years now, but people only virch about it now that new documentaries are out
There's a somewhat plausible theory that his son did it.
Anybody that believes he did it should be killed desu useful idiots like this ruin everything for people with brains
They'll have to remove these scenes too
I hope Jackson's ghost haunts the fuck out of those 2 accusers.
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but this is our book and we’re allowed to take out a chapter.”
He's burning in hell as we speak
Getting more retroactively kino every day
Pretty lame desu
Either way, he'll come back
I wonder (((who))) is responsible for this smear campaign
>doing this a decade after Michael Jackson died despite years of allegations turning out to be lies for money
Why is the media just now hopping against Michael Jackson again? It's fucking bizarre, he still has a huge dedicated fanbase that would still kill for him.
nice whataboutism
i don’t have to worry. i’m not a little boy.
What about all the kids Mikey raped?
Post the whole shit ffs
>I'm against book burning of any kind, but I AM for rewriting sections of the book to create an false narrative"
Fuck you Sonic 3 is legendary.
>have you seen my wishing sneed?
Jews drove him into his grave and now they're pissing on it. Sociopathic subhumans.
Same reason they still have to hide Cromwell's bones.
(((They))) want you to care right now so the sheep will care.
Isn't James L Brooks like 200 years old by now?
The guy is senile, give him a break.
Seen it over 10 times already so why does it matter
That was before social media ruled the world though
Great work Fox, now the kids will be un-molested!
dude, im not smart enough to understand this or look it up on wikipedia . please explain?
I hate these people and in a civil war scenario I would not hesitate to kill them
>n-no you're le basement dweller! LARP!
fuck off, I would kill you too.
They feel like they can slander them after (((they))) silenced him and his daughter
She said (((they))) killed him
>The singer died from an overdose of the powerful anaesthetic propofol. His doctor Conrad Murray was later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
>But Paris believes there is more to the story. "He would drop hints about people being out to get him," she said.
>"And at some point he was like, 'They're gonna kill me one day.'"
What else can you expect from a dying show that hasn't had any good press for years? Fuck them.
did they pull the sneed episode?
also mj did nothing wrong
Funny how geffen was just in a different highly publicized HBO documentary too
distraction from Weinstein trial
It's pretty hilarious that there has never been one single shred of evidence that MJ ever did anything but be a weirdo and an unsourced hit piece documentary is completely going to ruin his legacy for all time.
thats some evil CIA shit or something
someone who runs hollywood really hates michael jackson jesus christ. mustve pissed off some billionaire saudi or something years ago.
It's funny until it happens to you
Safe CHK
was probably one of the puerto ricans, puerto ricans run hollywood.
Spread em wide, w*hite boi.
The kikes have a grudge against Michael Jackson that continues even a decade after they murdered him, because Michael Jackson outsmarted them. Michael Jackson exposed them in songs like 'They Don't Care About Us' and also bought the Beatles catalogue to gain creative independence from them. Michael Jackson didn't rape children for fuck's sake, the FBI never found any evidence that Michael Jackson raped children and one of the accusers committed suicide shortly after Michael Jackson died. Fuck the kikes.
We have twitter court now. Hope they don't go after (you) next.
I completely agree with you. Jews are evil as fuck.
People on Twitter are also defending him.
I completely agree with you. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game of all time, in my opinion.
>puerto ricans run hollywood.
go on...
>“I’m against book burning of any kind,” said Brooks, “but I'll do it anyway.”
why isn't media allowed to exist to remember our history?
If we cover up the fame celebrities like Saville and Michael Jackson had then it's going to be harder for future generations to understand how these predators thrives in the lime light.
>puerto ricans run hollywood
Is this the final rainbow pill?
This, I think it means people need to tell Brooks and others that. Daily!
puerto ricans also control all banking.some say it was the puerto ricans who invented usury
Jews are fine
dont think so chief
Here is one reason
>The New York Times reported the song contained racist and anti-Semitic content on June 15, 1995, just a day before the album's release. The publication highlighted the lyrics, "Jew me, sue me, everybody do me/ Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me. Jackson responded directly to the publication, stating:
>The idea that these lyrics could be deemed objectionable is extremely hurtful to me, and misleading. The song in fact is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man, I am the white man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them. I am angry and outraged that I could be so misinterpreted.
That's a classic, memorable Simpsons episode they're pulling for no fucking reason.
Literal NPCs creating outrage over a dead man. Meanwhile there's loads of ALIVE predators still in the entertainment industry.
(((entertainment industry)))
(((They))) are pulling one of the genuinely good, classic and heartfelt Simpsons episodes simply because (((they))) have a grudge toward a man that continues even a decade after (((they))) murdered him.
Because there's obviously a personal grudge here aswell. These people don't function on reason, they function on coke.
You don't know why?!?? I just told you but you won't accept it
Daily reminder that the kikes character-assassinating MJ even after they killed him are the same kikes who were chummy with that kike Weinstein until they made him their fall guy (yes, kikes even betray their fellow kikes) and they also protected Savile (who was a REAL pedo, unlike MJ who was just a manchild) until his death from receiving justice.
>Michael says Jews are using him
Decade after his death kikes still shit on him
They gonna make him into next Hitler over some petty shit.
As is tradition
why are liberals such snowflakes? these are the guys that made fun of christians like flanders for being boring and uptight.
Turns out Christians won't bomb your office or behead you