This is fucked up

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you think that's fucked up you should have seen what the Jew Bear did to a Palestinian kid

So is killing 6 million people

How many times do we have to go over this

oh sweetheart. You have not seen fucked up yet. duration: 8 hours

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the blonde guy didnt kill 6 million people
he probably just followed orders, he probably killed someone just like any normal usa soldier

>8 hours of "it was real in my mind, goy"

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Yeah, Stalin was pretty fucked up

>Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park!

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hi, i’d like to introduce you to the concept of warfare. if you think it’s noble, get fucked you stupid cunt.

he helped kill millions of innocent jews. fuck him

>knows the youngster behind him would sell him out
>insists on getting batted anyways

he just wanted to avoid the forehead carving


Really makes you think

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I always found this scene anti climactic. They build up this badass bearjew monster but then some midget with a baseball bat and pussy voice comes out. Coulda been cast far better imo but I guess tarentino is friends with roth

>tell me about your uniform! why do you wear the medals

im pretty sure that was the point of the scene

he wasn't typhus

6 million people wouldn't have been dead by this point in time.

What makes you say that?

The Sergeant was old enough that he likely fought in WW1 as a teenager. To him it was always about protecting his home and countrymen. A large chunk of the Wehrmacht were German and Czechs citizens that had no idea the war crimes being committed.

not him but because the gave him that intimidating intro of him creeping through that dark tunnel before you see what he actually looks like

now imagine 110 million people

Yeah a soldier had a hand in killing 200-300 thousand prisoners you fucking lemon headed twat

The holocaust actually killed 17 million people. Maybe people wouldn't hate jews so much if they didn't try to gloss over the 11 million slavs, gypsies, homosexuals and disabled people that were also killed. Literally less than half the people the Nazis killed were Jewish.

They killed 11 million people. Which is the total death toll of the holocaust minus 6 million subhuman Jews.

The Holocaust never happened, but it should have.

Lmao brainlet they explicitly state the whole point of the Basterds is to spread fear and rumours.

Yeah but no one acts surprised. I just have never thought that was the direction tarentino was going.

>6 million

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I love this scene because how much it accidentally reveals about jewish psyche. It's clear that in a jewish mind, it was supposed to be a badass punishment of a filthy nazi goy from the hands of a terrible and strong figure. But looking at it from an aryan perspective, everything changes 180 degrees. The Bear is not powerful vigilante, but a pathetic and somewhat frail-looking thug. The officer is not an evil nazi, but a proud warrior who faces his enemies with dignity and honour, to the very end. And the scene, which was supposed to be a triumph over goyim, is revealed to be nothing more than perverted fantasy of a sick, demented jewish mind.

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Except Hitler spoke openly about getting rid of the Jews in his speeches. They knew.

This. Jews act like they are the only victims of the Nazi war crimes. The German's absolutely decimated Eastern Europe and so few people talk about it.

“The final solution” could mean anything really

jews are filthy rats

Dresden was never bombed

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What did Himmler mean here then?

>I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person — with exceptions due to human weaknesses — has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of.

6 October 1943

fake news

at one point they were going to ship them all to madagascar

Dresden was never bombed but i wish it was

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kulaks aren't people

They might as well have said they were going to ship them all to the moon, because the proposal was not a serious one at all.

People keep forgetting that the real number for the holocaust is 11 million but the only number remembered is 6 million jews.

It was all metaphorical, don’t take it as face value

6 million jews, very different

What was it a metaphor for then?

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Typhus and war time starvation is pretty fucked up, but I don't have sympathy for commies

It would've been funnier if Adam Sandler had taken the job. Roth is just the torture porn guy, despite looking very kikey. No screen presence whatsoever.

to save billions

if the nazis didn't kill all those jews how would they fit into israel

lol...what the fuck. A bear and an eagle just chilling in a cage where they threw people in every day. This reminds me of the peddle powered brain bashing machine. And the soap bars and lampshades. How did anyone actually believe this shit? It's so preposterous.


it was a prank

that's what it intentionally reveals you retard. he's a monster. he's called the 'bear jew'.
meanwhile yes, the nazi soldier faces death with grace, he even has a medal for valor.

that's kind of..... the point of the fucking movie lol

the same people that eat up the "war is hell" movies seem to turn their brains off when watching this movie

U don’t get it dude ur not redpill

holy shit you fucking retard, the whole point of the movie was a criticism of senseless violence being overexposed and meaningless and the eli roth is intentionally both unintimidating AND a fucking psychopath

the whole movie is, effectively, an american version of the Nazi propaganda movie in-universe where its just a nazi sniper shooting dudes over and over again for 2 hours

Never underestimate German Engineering. Triumph of the Will friend.

>Fraw Kom

Ruššian Allaj

Fajghts For Frēēdom

>Whajte Eurojd Nymf Rejped Baj Yelow Mongolojd Satyrz

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They could have engineered themselves some tanks that would go 50 meters before breaking down

I don't understand why some people give tarantino so much credit and think he was criticizing senseless violence, instead of reveling in it. I can only assume you haven't watched django unchained and/or don't understand nahtzees (and slave holders) are seen as acceptable targets.

Who was the audience supposed to sympathize with here: the brave soldier stoically facing death straight in the face, or the war criminal cruelly bashing a unarmed, surrendered man in the head with a heavy stick?

There is no evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave express orders to Himmler to exterminate the Jews. According to Irving, the historical documents indicate that Himmler did it out of a will to serve his nation and subverted the legal system to carry out his own version of the Final Solution. The Jews who died were fewer than we are told, and were executed by firing squad, not gas, in Himmler's Fief.

t. butthurt jews

They don't fit in Palestine


>Kupiec Koba Nihilista

1 Man, 1 Problem

0 Man, 0 Problem

>Bolshie Ethos

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was this acting?

It's a trademark of his, look at the torture scene in Resevoir Dogs. Tarantino is a total degenerate, it just turns out that Inglorious Bastards plays more like an expose of Western Ideology.

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some people deserve to be bashed with heavy sticks

how am I butthurt at you accurately describing a scene in a movie lmao. you just thought you were a fucking genius for figuring out what a filmmaker intended.

>the whole movie is, effectively, an american version of the Nazi propaganda movie in-universe
I love that. there's even parallels with carving the swastika into the wood in the film within the film and carving swastikas into the heads of the nazis. it's slowly becoming my favorite tarantino flick

He's the most respected Holocaust historian to this day and age. He ran circles around all of his accusers in a British High Court, which is 10x more strict and severe than a US civil court. If he would have made the slightest mistake he would be in prison for the rest of his life. The fact that he is a free man should tell you something.

Ales fyr Wall$ťreet

>Ðhe Sygnal Korps

Attached: AllesFürWall$treet.jpg (880x640, 81K)

While Tarantino admits loving graphic movie violence, he has also said that he likes toying with audiences emotions. It would have been easy to turn the nazi. officer into a frail coward, but he didn't, and that makes the scene (and the whole movie) more interesting. Tarantino ain't some secret genius with hidden meanings, but he does have self-awareness.

This looks hard core

i love the narrative twisting here
peopel complain we take tankie account seriously, but he literally ate shit that the OKW and OKH throw out
tell me user, do you believe manstein came only a few miles away from winning Kursk?

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Um sweaty, that's 6 trillion

Have you read Goebbel's diary? If so, your theory that hitler was blameless for the holocaust would go right out the window.

Saved for whenever I want to fuck with stormweenies :)

>He's the most respected Holocaust historian to this day and age.

Please user, you're killing me....How could you confuse Irving for Richard J Evans?

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>So is triggering 6 million people

Sounds like a lot of fabrication and movie magic lol

The holocaust killed 1 million people max, of which maybe half a million were Jews. And that's a good thing!

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>He's the most respected Holocaust historian to this day and age. He ran circles around all of his accusers in a British High Court, which is 10x more strict and severe than a US civil court. If he would have made the slightest mistake he would be in prison for the rest of his life. The fact that he is a free man should tell you something.

sorry to pick on you user, but nothing you wrote is true.

He was not the defendant, he was the one who brought upon the Lawsuit against penguin publishing. He chose the British high court because the burden of proof was on the defendant, not the Irving. It was a civil trial, so he was in no danger of going to jail.

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I am sure you have some source for the numbers you pulled out of thin air.

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He is unironically a better director and screenwriter than actor.

>look it up
>it actually happened

why are there so many retards on this board?

the character was unironically supposed to be played by Adam Sandler originally

Regardless of whether or not it happened, who gives a fuck? Seriously. There are people on this board who weren't even alive in the century the holobunga took place in. People should stop questioning whether or not it happened, and start questioning why the fuck we have to keep hearing about it everywhere.

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holocaust didn't happen and none of your infographics are going to change that


baby soccer and holocoasters are my favorites

>muh infrographics
Cringe and yikespilled

What do you expect. Jews are insecure as fuck.

>he didn't look into it
>he didn't run the numbers himself
You really are a stupid nigger!

Why do American films like to glorify the murder of white Europeans?

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That seems to describe most social media arguments.

fair enough


You can still get a bachelor of arts degree in a STEM field

Holocaust never happened though.

>he still thinks it happened

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Jews literally CANNOT be anything else other than little sniveling goblins

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poor brainwashed 70iq puppet
