
based bale is /ourguy/ every step of the way

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Other urls found in this thread:


We dont care about his dick, op. You do.

hes not americucked what did you expect

Well, he IS Christian.

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I've seen this movie countless times but this is the first time I've gotten a clear glimpse of the dick

i also care about his dick
and you all care about these digits

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that doesn't work most Christians in the world get circumcised, even though it doesn't make sense for them to

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Couldn't this be a fake penis?

impressive, very nice

Source: user's ass

but he was a menorah spinning kike shill earlier

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makes zero sense for it to be a fake penis considering it seems to actually be average (around 4.5 inches) in size

Dicks with turtlenecks look gross.

t. girl

That’s a circumcised penis you tard

of course
he was born in wales

why would I care what a woman thinks

why are you lying out of envy

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Just because you cut your dick off and take hormone treatment doesn’t make you a girl you faggot

Imagine not being jewish and having your penis mutilated. Fucking lol, they brainwashed christians. biggest cuck religion ever.

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its pretty clearly uncut. he looks a bit erect even

If I restore my foreskin can I get welcomed into the foreskin club or am I still a mutilated fag?


True in America tbqh

i prefer uncut penises because my fiance’s penis is always soft and moist and it looks real nice once it comes out of hiding. we also don’t require any lube and my wetness is enough.
t. actual girl

>girl (male)

You'll have to pass inspection.

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post hand

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fucking gross.

its a prosthetic you retards

why are we judging a penis

Cast him

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Why does it make me like him even more knowing he has a regular sized, uncut dick. Just an average dick, nothing out of porn.

Carlos you silly beaner!

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>most Christians
You think 'murica has most christians or something?

If it's equality you want, you have to be for (cosmetic) circumcision for both sexes.

Your bone structure is still male.

>ah bloo bloo i like my dicks dry and scaly
now that’s gross

Sure thing fag.

What does a penis feel like

>most Christians in the world get circumcised
.t American

foreskins can sell for up to 100,000$ each. There's a reason they push it on people.

bag of salty shrimp

I dont remember seeing dick in the movie....is this shopped?

It would be really cool to have a foreskin for your head.

>tfw uncircumcised American
>the topic comes up with co-workers
>I say that circumcision is wrong and unhealthy
>everyone tells me I'm wrong and it's perfectly fine and normal
What happened in America for people to think this? My body is as it should be yet I'm called the freak.

Most Christians in Americans are protestants, so they aren't real Christians

Because that would make him more relatable.

>tfw you find out most penises in movies are fake

I've probably jerked off to so many basically dildos or CGI, what a waste

>most Christians in the world get circumcised
t. jewish christian

It looks nearly the same when erect. I wish my parents didn't have me snipped.

im cut and my penis looks like that after i lost alot of weight

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Which actor has the most beautiful penis?

its not shopped i’ve seen it every time i watch the film. go to the scene where he’s chasing the prostitute in the hallway and turn your monitor brightness up, its hanging full frontal.

How could you be able to tell if you’re circumcised without asking your parents or looking up pictures of other dude’s dicks?

>regular sized
delete this

>yea bro, it just looks and feels better you know
Cut cope is the saddest thing ever. Come to terms with it, user. You were mutilated as a child due to jewish tricks. Stop the cycle of violence and leave your children be.

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being uncut is fucking nasty. you got pic related swirling around your pinched cock. yuck, no wonder disease risk is so much higher for skin tag fags

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Do any other cutfags get a sense of hope when they find out that a successful person is cut and a sense of despair when they find out a successful person is uncut? I think to myself that if a cutfag was able to achieve success despite being cut then maybe I can too. And when a successful person isn't cut, I think to myself that maybe they achieved success because of their foreskin. That probably sounds fucking nuts, but it's something I think about. I wonder if Alex Honnold is circumcised.

If you have to ask...

dont buy the slimedick agiprop bro. manup enjoy the benefits of the modern cock

that wasn’t the first time he showed us his beautiful uncut pp. look at his natural bush

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I think it is simple to figure out.
Try to fap -> feel pain, can't do it without any moister creams.

is there retractable skin covering the head of your penis yes or no

stfu kike

christ, imagine being this much of a closeted gay. just google it, fag

well he is british

that pic is very problematic

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Are you retarded? Either you have a foreskin or you don't. Do you have to pull skin back when you pee? If not, then you're circumcised.

>uncut but no dubs

baka desu famalam

>Do you have to pull skin back when you pee?
Dude what. That's not normal for being uncircumcised.

giv christian

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Nigga go see a doctor. Pee is supposed to come out fine without pulling the skin back.

What the fuck

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yes it is you disgusting human

Nice hips, would fuck his boipussy no homo

>Chopping of a part of your dick for a girl

I couldn't think of anything more beta.

he looks a bit like paul here

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Vaginas look gross

Bruh, I'm uncut and I don't have to pull my hood down to piss.

>Do you have to pull skin back when you pee?
literally no one has to do that

>the topic comes up with co-workers
are you a male stripper?

Circumcised. Never needed lube.

I think circumcision is fucked up too, but don't be a dumb cunt.

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What the hell am I looking at. I''m not circumcised and I never had a piss like that.

>cutfags literally don't understand how actual penises work before they're mutilated by jews
Jesus FUCKING Christ

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>cock isn’t pointing towards dubs
is this shooped?

Ahh, another night on Yea Forums, arguing about dicks.


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Women love it uncut.

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>dad was cut, I wasn't
>this is a very good reason as to why I needed to research whether I wanted to have it done or not
>able to fact drop the increased need for erectile dysfunction medication
>literally nothing they can say against it

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looks like a literal wound

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it’s not dumb, cuts can’t masturbate without lube or even have sex without it most of the time. if you ever have a child just don’t circumcise them and break the fucked up chain.

user, you know deep down your dicks look disgusting, it's why you guys cope so hard like this or conveniently grasp at the jew thing to try and get all the (you)s.

>t. Girl(male)

Otherwise, TITS OR GTFO!

you know your dick is mutilated and unnatural right?

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>his foreskin doesn't even pull back when he's hard
>able to make absolute whores weak at the knees
>they end up getting emotional and try to kiss him because he brings them so much pleasure
bloody legend

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I'm about to jerk it right now with a towel, like I've down for the past 20 years and guess what, works just fine. Also sex works just fine too.

Imagine being mutilated from birth.
Imagine going onto an image board and defending your parents for allowing some jew doctor to mangle and suck your cock.
Imagine pretending to be a girl and telling everyone how women love it (when they really hate it)
Imagine being so insecure you google uncut and cut dicks.
Imagine cherrypicking your favourites to make yourself feel better (which btw you can't feel at all because your dickskin was sold to the highest bidder)

Cutfags truly are the worst

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Who cares? I was a baby so I have no memory of it and it looks better as a result so theres literally no drawbacks to it.

Goddamn, is Rocco really a One Piece fan?

Why can’t cuts and uncuts come together in peace? Why must there be war?

>cutfags have no choice
>all seem to think being cut is best
>uncutfags have a choice
>hardly any of them get the surgery
really makes you think...

thats manu u faggot

A towel? Wtf

he does streams and brings female pornstars in his room full of anime figures.
he's too man for it to matter.

Are you actually this retarded? I am a cutfag and have jacked off without lube since i was 12. I NEVER need lube with my gf. But i suppose a smegma sock owner like yourself probably has a gf so fucking disgusting that you can't get it up in the first place so no lube is needed regardless. Christ almighty are all smegma socks this delusional?

>Looks better
Do you think foreskin can't be pulled back or something? It looks the same way a cut one does without the scarring.

No idea desu, in my experience uncut guys tend to be more defensive and as a result lash out on boards so cut guys fire back. Perhaps we'll never know who struck first.

Do you even feel anything during sex or fap with fucking towel. Seems like you just doing in for orgasm in the end.
This is the life of cutfag.

if you think your dick looking “better” while its limp makes superior compared to uncut dicks your cope is genuinely sad.

imagine making this pic

>It looks the same way a cut one does without the scarring.
not really, a cut glans is much drier looking.
Pretty gross.

It feels perfectly fine man, you can give it a try if you don't believe me. Since your foreskin is more sensitive you'll probably have a better time anyway.

Based Rocco

>>uncutfags have a choice
>>hardly any of them get the surgery
Well who in their right mind would look at their penis and will say. You know what. I will go to a hospital tomorrow and will ask jew doctor to cut skin from my dick.

nice larp, but no cutfag can jerk it with only his hand without a serious carpet burn on his dick. sorry your parents hated you enough to mutilate you.

these threads can't exist on boards with flags, every time it's attempted it's revealed that all the people defending circumcision are Americans and the shitposting can't really go anywhere.

I'll bet one of these gold sovereigns this thread never gets deleted before it dies naturally.

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How would he breath or eat or see or hear if he had a foreskin covering his head? He would live the majority of his life in the dark.
It’s like that pic is saying circumcision causes scarring but it’s totally necessary.

>Well who in their right mind would look at their penis and will say. You know what. I will go to a hospital tomorrow and will ask jew doctor to cut skin from my dick.
well if it was better and women preferred it surely there'd be no hesitation in arranging it, right?

>most Christians in the world get circumcised
Laughs in Roman Catholic.

Yeah, IF.
It isn't.

Yeah but ya see that's the difference here, I don't find my dick superior and I don't have any reason to cope because cut dicks are widely considered to be normal in this day and age. I say be happy with what you got, just because I think it looks better cut doesn't mean you have to.

>Since your foreskin is more sensitive you'll probably have a better time anyway.
Thing is, I feel even light finger touches on my dick. Fapping with a towel, it would be just painful. But it seems you can feel anything only with such extreme measures.

literally the only people who defend circumsicion are americans, and sometimes australians for whatever reason. i’m guessing the latter is just shitposting.

All I do is ask them why they continue the cycle of cutting their dicks by allowing it to be done to their children and they sperg out.

>most Christians in the world get circumcised
gringos actually believe this

That's all fine and dandy but I think going forward this is a practice that should stop. A man should be given the choice, and I think we'd find almost no one would take it unless it was for medical reasons.

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it would hurt a normal dick to masturbate with a towel lol your penis is paralyzed

Yeah, makes sense

so just because you think it looks better you would do it to your own son?

>Posts literally the best looking pussies in the world
>one looks like the slit of a dick hole stretched over a flat patch of skin
>The other looks like a healed stab wound of flapping curtains of flesh
>You will never see a vagina in real life that looks as clean and tidy as either of these
Vaginas are fucking disgusting and unsexy. I'm not even a faggot, I'll jerk off to women's ass, legs, tits, face, abdomens and feet all day long and I'd rather fuck a pussy than an anus 100% of the time, but I wouldn't jerk off to a pussy. Vaginas are body horror tier foul.

So if women would prefer 1 arm men you will go and cutoff your arm or something?

As an Australian it's definitely shitposting.
When I went to the doctor and had to do a urine test he told me to pull it back for the sample, didn't even consider the possibility that I could be circumcised.

>I don't have any reason to cope because cut dicks are widely considered to be normal in this day and age.

in one backwards-ass country in the entire world.

being cut is not normal, no matter how much the jews try and push it

there are guys on Yea Forums that would no doubt literally give an arm and a leg for a girlfriend.

the drawback is furthering the jewish agenda user, literally

>in one backwards-ass country in the entire world.
Make it 2.
Israel and USA.

>in one backwards-ass country in the entire world.
its normal in lots of backwards muslim and africans countries

>footfaggot is literal faggot who hates delicious pussies
As usual.

>intellectual dark web
this is probably the gayest most pretentious name i've ever heard honestly

4,5 is small
his penis looks slightly above average.
take into account that he's pretty tall

A fucking towel?

Cutfags will never smell the intoxicating odor of ass and sperm trapped overnight under a foreskin after a buttfuck. Gentlemen, you are truly missing out on a unique visceral experience

Well if I ever have a son I'll probably think it over because on one hand western women typically like cut dicks more but on the other hand he can have better sexual experiences if I choose to leave it as is so I don't know man I'll cross that bridge when I get there. But I have no problems with mine or my parents decision to cut it.

He would just pull the foreskin down over his face and live his life normally. When he was cold or went to sleep he would pull it up and keep his face warm and moisturised.

It's bizarre to me, cutfags literally don't understand the basic mechanics of their own dicks because all they've know is a life of mutilation. It's like if you took a population of elephants and cut their trunks off at birth, they would be confused and not understand how a trunk works if they saw a normal elephant. When you think about it logically, circumcision victims aren't really men.

Attached: hitspipe.jpg (200x247, 13K)

>fassbender in Shame
Why are black directors so obsessed with male genitalia? This scene was necessary, you didn't have to get him to actually urinate on-camera.

Attached: Shame.2011.BDRip.720p 00.05.02-00.05.54.webm (1280x544, 2.97M)

Only Americcan women care about cut dicks and you wouldn't want one of those in the first place

Not the original user but I've tried the towel as well, It's easy clean up and efficient

omg, is that how big a flacid dick is supposed to be?

I'm fucking tiny, holy shit.

>western women typically like cut dicks more

Attached: 1517650670092.png (218x231, 6K)

Imagine if Amerifat tried to cutoff skin from his dick in EU.

>Doctor: So why exactly you want to do it?
>It is just cleaner that way?
>Doctor: Did you tried to wash it?
>Well, even women prefer cut penises.
>Doctor: Where you heard this? How they can prefer unnatural looking penises? Besides in erect state they look the same.
>Doctor: Sorry if you do not have medical condition for it - phimosis, I can't help you with that.

And and in US.
>Please cut it off.
>Doctor: Ok goy, it will 199.99$ plus tip

4 inches is the average size, other figures are extremely inflated due to lying and shilling
he is pretty tall, i’d still place it anywhere from 4.5, to 5.5, when he’s fully erect maybe 6 max

I'm sure, but it's still fucking a towel. I would feel like my dick was getting shredded off

>plus tip
They don't even let you keep the tip?

Attached: file.png (498x372, 322K)

>western women typically like cut dicks more
>braindead american girls like mutilated dicks more
don’t go to europe lmao

Now I want a head foreskin

Make sure it's the type of towel that's very thick and Brisselly if that makes sense, if it's a thin rough towel that yea you're gonna have a bad time for sure.

When I first heard about circumcision from US fags, I assumed they were all just kikes. It was not until later that I discovered even healthy white children are regularly mutilated in a disgusting, almost ritual-like way by their jewish masters in the land of the dumb and home of the fat.

Attached: 1551969230173.jpg (1080x720, 420K)

Asia too.

>4 inches is the average size, other figures are extremely inflated due to lying and shilling
from Wikipedia:
>As of 2015, a systematic review of 15,521 men, and the best research to date on the topic, as the subjects were measured by health professionals, rather than self-measured, has concluded that the average length of an erect human penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 inches) long

>it's an user with massive amounts of depression and insecurity over his mutilated dick enters a thread that he knows will do nothing but make him feel like a piece of shit and inferior episode
Why does he keep doing this? When's this arc going to stop?

th-that's not average size

Attached: jwx1jdxkknvz.png (657x657, 34K)

we are talking flaccid penises

What exactly is the purpose of this scene?

that's actually tabasco sauce. not sure what's in the bowl though.

user, i said
>when he’s fully erect maybe 6 max
please learn to read

Muh dick

To give us all penis envy I guess.

who cares about flaccid, erect size is the only things that matters

Mine practically retracts into my body when flaccid.
And I'm only 5" erect. And that's only on a good day, when I'm super aroused.

he's very likely a shower, so it doesn't grow that much when he's erect.


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ur arent a girl they HATE that word

all true except the part where women don't like it
they definitely do, it's the whole reason it's done.

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really not true.

The main proponent of infant circumcision is almost always the father.


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>trusting academics
shabbos goy

dumb heeb