On a scale of 1 to 10, how necessary was the scene where the movie explains why Han calls his friend "Chewie" instead of "Chewbacca"?
On a scale of 1 to 10...
1. This number also accurately represents the movie in several other ways, including it's quality rating out of ten.
Just as necessary as the scene where they explain why his last name is Solo.
why didn't they ask for his middle name?
His middle name ironically is Solo
>no appearance by Boba Fett or Jabba
>but fucking Darth Maul shows up
It would have been better if he had tried and failed to pick a good nickname
and so on. It could be a running gag
Ok but why is Darth Maul a gangster now? What is his life? Does he commit space racketeering so make lots of space money so he can buy big space Cadillacs? What parts of his personality does that appeal to?
watch the clone wars, faggit
How necessary was it for them to reference a scene taking place in his future decades in the past?
Fuck that stupid ass retarded thermal detonator shit
No they should have had him basically do what Sawyer did in Lost and give everyone a nickname despite not asking/wanting one
Shows he was always cocky but grew out of some traits. Chewie is the only one who survived out of the group and keeps a nickname young Han gives
Dark Jedi crime lord is one of those things that sounds maybe cool until you think about it. Jedi are such a class of their own that any crimes they might be involved with come off as petty and pathetic
I've been watching SW my entire life and I was never once been led to believe that the movies wouldn't make sense unless I watched a children's cartoon spin off.
If you take away all the blatant pandering (shit with the dice, the name, this Chewie nicknaming, his blaster, etc) for cheap nostalgia bucks (and every one fell flat as fuck) it would have been a much better movie
Fucking this
I shouldn’t have to read a book or comic or watch a cartoon to know what the fuck is going on in a goddamn movie
this movie looks so washed out like its constantly foggy
Its actually better than the prequels.
Truthfully, I don't think I ever realized the Millennium Falcon had dice till they brought it up in TLJ.
>tfw i've only seen the original trilogy and no other star wars movies exist in my universe
You wish.
still not better than genndywars tho
What’s even weirder is they act like they’re some Big Fucking Deal. They’re just some rear view mirror dice. I didn’t give a shit about mine when I had some. I forgot they were there most of the time.
they're only in ANH, someone must have realized how retarded they were because they took them off in Empire and Jedi. Gotta keep shilling the falcon though and sell more products
There were just a little in-joke by Lucas. A callback to American Graffiti.