>mfw someone sides with the pedo principal
Holden did nothing wrong
Mfw someone sides with the pedo principal
The fat serial killer guy partners with Mary j Blije in Umbrella Academy
Agreed, the principal is likely not a pedo, but he didn't make it easy for himself, should've just listened to the parents even if they're being overly protective
Nobody sides with the pedo principal. Go outside more, user.
>Nobody sides with the pedo principal
Lurk more
>did nothing worng
Who's smarter? Holden or Rust?
siding with pedos is fashionable now
There's a reason why he isn't an actor
the principal got what he deserved. footfags should burn.
Ebin crossover when
>Holden did nothing wrong
Damn straight. Even us footfags know that you don't tickle a child's feet. That dude was a fucking pedo....
>force kids to let you tickle them
>literally bribe them so they don't tell anyone
>"Uh, hey, that's a little strange, could you maybe cut that out?"
>"Well the parents got together and now they want you out."
>"Why did this happen to me I dindu nuffin wrong!"
Smarmy fuck got what he deserved
>the principal is likely not a pedo
Big time pedo.
Isn't it pretty obvious holden is losong his shit and is going to become a killer himself? Seems like that's where the story is headed
Where's this footfag business coming from? I thought it was tickles in general? Actually it might have been the feet.
>fucking master detective super brain expert
>analyses every twitch movement of your hands to identify you as guilty
>can't hide the fact he's obviously a fruit
Why does it take so long for season 2 to come out? There hasn't been any announcement of anything about it for a long time.
Nah, Tench's kid will be killing animals in S2 though
The point is that Holden was abusing his power as an FBI agent
He was specifically tickling their feet. He was both a footfag and a pedo.
Well if you go to the police and they do nothing what else is left?
the school needed to fire him or alternatively move your kid to a new school
Holden only became a massive egomaniac in the last episode, that scene where he plays it up for the local yokels at the pub after getting the pedo redneck is pretty great, he's unbearable. But Carr is even worse. She's a cartoon liberal, the type who thinks every human is full of love and poor criminals are forced to kill because their parents neglected them and they're the actual victims. Fucking retarded bitch, I hope she gets zodiac'd the next season and tries to talk him out of it
NO. Wendy cute
Holden's transition was gradual, you're a fucking brainlet if you didn't notice it
He was always a sperg. He slowly became a sociopath, but his ego became massive only in the last episode. He was a little scared bitch when he faced Brudos or Speck
Based Macron
Rust would chew out Holden. Plus Holden's a desk bitch, Rust's a top field agent
No it was to show how naive he was dealing with these serial killers and how full of himself he was becoming by the last episode, he finally gets a glimpse of what Tench was warming him of when Holden realizes he’s alone with Ed and when Kemper hugs him Holden has a full blown panic attack
*warning not warming
You guys really didn't get this part? It doesn't matter if he did or didn't. It's the fact that a new modern era is coming about, at the forefront is a fear of serial killers, among other things. It makes us question our very way of life, what is and isn't appropiate. An entire new set of rules of engagement for society. An underlying fear, intense scrutiny. You now assume the worst about people. a
You see this with Holden. Being so embroiled in it, he fears that he identifies with some of what the killers are saying. He is scrutinizing even himself. Also, the gf is supposed to be a megacunt that's the catalyst for Holden to begin identifying with the killers.
I read the book, and what actually happened was that he was called in to make a recommendation and he made the assertion that he was not safe to teach children after he rationalized it as being innocent.
And you know he never wavered on that. The show seems sort of overly dramatic after reading the book, albeit it still is a great show and very well done, but taking real events and blowing them out of proportion when the reality had quiet resolutions is sort of meh.
What really bugs me is how tench is basically 3 people rolled into one. I don't get how the behavioural unit is only 1 person when it was 4 bad ass marine detectives. And the black guy that they turned down in the interview? They actually would have hired him and he ended up having the craziest fucking story in real life: a hit man actually shot him in his home one evening and he barely managed to survive, and months after he recovered he search for clues on his own and found his wife paid for the hit. The better fucking shoe that, mindhunter is a 10/10 book
Why do idiots think someone couldn't pretend to level with these maniacs and talk the talk, and then snap out of it after? If you can't stomach even listening to a serial killer why even become a fucking FBI agent? Bill was a pussy, and what was Carr's job if any? She never even talked to a single criminal, all she did was complain
What the fuck? No, it's based off a book which is based off reality. Holden is a reinterpretation of John Douglas. He doesn't "think" like a killer, he recognizes their motives and their wants, he reads them like an open book because he realized that they are all extremely predictable. This isn't some gay fucking romanticization of serial killer on late night television, this is true crime.
Killers always will be looked down upon by John/Holden. He was cocky and that's all. To say in the show he is similar to the killers or even remotely resembles them is a massive disrespect to the greatest detective of the 20th century.
I never said he was, I said it was his fear.
It's a dramatic reinterpretation of real events. It's like watching any other docu-drama. Police, especially during the Vietnam era weren't sensitive to the discussion of gratuitous violence.
I don't think you watched the show
But he doesn't identify with the killers in the slightest way, so there is never any fear that he feels like he relates to them. Read your own post again.
>He doesn't "think" like a killer, he recognizes their motives and their wants, he reads them like an open book because he realized that they are all extremely predictable
Yes. So why do we get dead weight like Tench and Carr?
I've watched he show, I'm telling you that I've also heard the book which the show is based off of. Holden is based on a real gentleman named John Douglas, and the events in the show really took place with some exceptions.
They aren't going to say that he identifies, relates or projects onto the killers he interviews. You're confusing his knowledge and understanding of the killer's motives and basic desires with some sort of projection.
Your theory is based off nothing but your own misguided interpretation, probably based off other drama crime shows
The show is very clearly about him going native / abusing his power as an FBI agent. The things the psychos tell him about women make him suspicious of his girlfriend, etc.
Tench and Carr are great. You just dislike their politics.
Also tench is 4 people. Since it's a show and every relationship needs to have some conflict or spice, and they figured it'd be too complex with how many people holden/John worked with they decided to roll 4 of his co-workers in the BS unit for simplicity. Tench would not have been afraid of talking to these killers, Infact John's (aka Holden's) pertner even encouraged him to talk to these killers in prison. The show needs to show us that these events were extremely groundbreaking for the time.
Carr was a real psychologist from California and she gave extremely useful information with her time working with the FBI. She also was a lesbian. As far as that goes, the rest of simply overly dramatic acting.
He has a small part in American Sniper where his gay shines through in about 2 minutes of screen time
Is that black agents story in the Mindhunter book or something else?
>Abusing his powers
No he clearly remained within the scope and reach of any FBI agent, he was just gung ho and motivated to go above and beyond. He never abused his powers.
When the killers talk about fetishizing and their abnormal behavior it only grosses him out. These cases cut code to home and for an agent who constantly hears about murders across the nation to pepper sharing similar descriptions as their close loved ones it can be stressful.
You're projecting a lot onto a character who's simply a reinterpretation of a real person. The guy who wrote the book and who holden is based off of and directly communicates to the director wouldn't be pleased to hear they called him a would be killer.
It's in the mindhunter book. It's very decent.