VFX Masterclass

Let's see some rubbish special effects.

Attached: 1537940434986.webm (1280x540, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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what is this from lol


what SNES game is this

Air Force One (1997)

Attached: 1537823982135.webm (1920x782, 2.83M)

bad cgi that you can understand since there's not really a better way
bad cgi that has no reason to exist

Attached: tombstonerain.webm (1280x532, 2.77M)

>bad cgi that you can understand since there's not really a better way
Scale models would have looked better

Was a couple more rain machines really too much to ask for?


Attached: 1510016816391.jpg (1742x879, 124K)

>he survives

Attached: who framed james howlett.webm (1280x720, 713K)

Attached: xmen origins wolverine - workprint 7.jpg (639x359, 17K)

that is from the test reel though

Attached: Enchantress A.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

Attached: Enchantress B.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

dat filename

Attached: 1528033861072.jpg (1200x1195, 186K)

Attached: 1498421828515.webm (1200x504, 2.85M)

Holy tits

Out the same year as Starship Troopers

most sad guy in the whole town

I wish I had a webm of the dancing scene from the second Fantastic Four movie, it was wretched.

why would they give a group of soldiers pump action shotguns

they look like taser rounds or some shit but why pump action

this movie was the only time I found Cara really hot

I see nothing rubbish about that effect. Makes my heart race a bit.

Why doesn't he use his electricity powers after this scene?

I have yet to see in any movie a vfx that would do Mr Fantastic justice. I think he's probably one of the hardest superhero to do in live action. He works so well on a comics page, but in front of a camera he is just super difficult to convincingly visually pull off.

Did they also chain him to the chair? How the fuck did he stay on?

Attached: 8w5S.gif (320x240, 2.07M)

I don't think this looks that bad. Small shit like that is way more believable than impossibly-large alien spaceship exploding Marvel garbage

I don't hate it.

Didn't this get a win or nom for an Oscar for vfx?

Kek, at first I thought it was don't be a menace to society while drinking Jin and juice

Titties are too distracting

Where's the bad VFX?

That whole scene is a joke, especially the actress's acting

bad compositing

Attached: obi-wan-mace-windu-e-yoda-star-wars.jpg (1916x808, 185K)

look at their faces. clearly edited to not even be the real actors

are you saying the tits are cgi?

No, VFX Oscar that year went to Titanic with Starship Troopers and The Lost World as the other noms

Oh shit I remember this. Wasn't this plane tethered to another plane at one point because it ran out of fuel or something?

fuck I forget the name of this movie

yeah but it's about bad effects not bad acting

prequelmillenials unironically defend this.

yeah but it's about bad effects not bad acting, hence my question

>Shadow on every pillar
>Except the one near them

No, the terrible greenscreen. Look at her hair.

I'm more annoyed by the shitty editing

I'm counting this shitty wig as bad VFX

Attached: 2A867AE300000578-3161018-image-m-12_1436887345739.jpg (634x395, 28K)

what is it with sue storm and shitty blonde wigs?

Attached: 46676314.cms.jpg (600x600, 53K)


>totally not reshoots

Attached: 07-kate-mara-f4-wig.w710.h473.2x.jpg (1194x796, 143K)

No idea. The magic effects and shit look fine.

good catch. no surprise nobody noticed that

Some shots in Titanic were not meant to be reproduced in HD

Attached: 1523047597597.jpg (1920x1080, 963K)

Wigs count as special effects I think.

Attached: quote unquote young dexter.png (500x281, 120K)

Most were, however.

Attached: 1551082787556.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

rip in peace propeller guy

Holy fucking shit.



What's meant to look bad here?

It doesnt even look like vfx. is that the joke

Fucking Christ. Was this during the strike in 2007? That's literally N64 tier.

good point but I think you might be gay

Are you blind?

Attached: 1479441180771.jpg (620x433, 87K)

are they stupid? why would you do this in cgi

maybe they don't make enough pressure

Attached: bigguy.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

only in the context of unfairly generalizing the quality of this and a few other shots to the whole movie

Attached: VFX masterclass.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

my sides

what playstation game is this?

Lost my sides

what the fuck

Sorry but if that's vfx it's a masterwork of vfx. It looks like old-timey real movie fuckery.

i mean, the cgi is not the problem here.
Design for the guy is terrible but nothing really atrocious tech wise.

Much of the background is CG, it looks bad. Same as too much greenscreening for no reason

Why the fuck didn't they just use the same effect they had from the original X-Men?

wow vin diesel is so much bigger than the rock

but it is the problem

>Cameronfags are THIS braindead

if you see this at normal speed it's only a fraction of a second, amid a masterfully edited sequence, with a badass soundtrack, in a very engaging moment of the movie
the use of doubles+superimposed faces+real actors in the SAME take was probably bleeding edge, and very creative at the time

Okay thanks bro

Attached: 1550170478850.webm (640x480, 2.45M)

You gay.

Attached: 1476714327007.webm (1280x536, 2.59M)

SS had so many fundamental issues as a movie. it was a fucking disaster
you deciding to shit on some perfectly decent, professional, apt cgi work makes no sense. unless you really hate this cara girl

You don't need to give all those excuses. Even in the webm in the OP is looks good.

Attached: 1450646021509.webm (1040x554, 1.09M)

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Attached: Cabin In The Woods - System Purge.webm (1000x454, 2.84M)

>Cameronfags are THIS fucking braindead

Attached: 2231484619618.gif (285x200, 929K)

Bullshit. At the time it would have been projected in 35mm in the theater, which is the equivalent to about 4K to 6K depending on the quality of the film, lenses, film processing and the projector displaying the final image.

ST was all practical

Attached: Push A Button.webm (922x500, 2.92M)

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I guess the tits were there for a reason.

That does not even remotely resemble an SNES game.

Attached: 1552028595017.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

35mm usually resolves more like 2K than 4K
anyway, at the theater you couldn't pause the film to autistically look frame by frame at unnoticeable, banal seams in the movie magic

My dad loves this movie and is notoriously un-nitpicky when it comes to movies, but even HE got pissed-off at this.

It's just such an embarrassing and inexcusable mistake.

>dodges the shot AFTER the guy shoots
damn didnt know this nigga had super speed too

The cityscape is a photo?

I prefer CGI kino

Attached: Movie Magic_no audio.webm (746x420, 2.88M)

what the fuck is this!?!?

There's hardly even any CG there besides, other than the swirly shit.

Attached: lost submarine.webm (700x388, 1.74M)

Attached: tenor (1).gif (566x480, 3.02M)

It had lots of practical, but also a lot of CG usage for 1997, which looked fantastic for the time.

hollywood is just lazy with rain
there are countless films where a rainy day sport sharp shadows only possible in a not cloudy situation


>the retarded playstation character is not the issue here!!
capeshit fans are literally retarded, kill yourself.

IRL Fortnite

It was a mistake in hindsight

Attached: Capture.png (978x244, 22K)

what the fuck is this comedy?

Not expecting that.

The House that Jack Built
Actually, yes

point out this good professional CG work

Okay I get it. The movies with bad vfx and Titanic and The Matrix.

The only difference is that scene in The Matrix was only shot on a few thousand dollars in order to help attract investors for the full project
Meanwhile, Cameron is a multimillion dollar hack

Cara's body was almost full CGI


Kek those faces are done so bad.

You have it out for Cameron for some reason but no movie has accomplished what Titanic did since. Titanic is a timeless classic and a masterpiece of cinema. One of the best movies ever made. Just accept it.

Don't want to spend money to shoot on location for numerous reasons. Movies are the fakest they have ever been, "realistic" ones just as fake.

Titanic is sentimental garbage

>no movie has accomplished what Titanic did since
What, be terrible and still have tons of nerds defending it because they read about Cameron wasting a chunk of the budget to explore the Titanic wreckage, making their little nerd boners stand up straight?
Wow what an accomplishment

Their faces are clearly shopped on too stunt actors...

Wheres the one her hilarious dancing?

If you gotta go frame by frame while looking for it to notice it, is it really "clearly"?

Low velocity taser dart or some gay shit.

Even for the time it was fucking awful, half the cinema started to giggle it was so bad.

A director should be a perfectionist, this lack of attention to detail only exemplifies his laziness
You'd never see a shot like that in a Kubrick film

shit movie
10/10 cgi

I think they hoped the tits were going to stop you noticing the bad CGI and it almost worked!

It's simultaneously both one of the best disaster films and best romances on the silver screen, and that's on top of it as an authentic, immersive telling of one of the most extraordinary stories of the 20th century.

>that webm
Every heard of a monsoon?

Seems like you moved the goalposts pretty far-- since your definition of bad vfx is now "not perfect".

Bad as it is it happens fast and for comedic purposes so it's biggie.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but yeah, if it doesn't look real (aka perfect) it's bad VFX.

*no biggie

Well it does look real. The only way to make it look fake is to slow it down and look for the problem.

Kek 44

i'm the guy he was repliying to, and now i understand i was being a complete retard, and my opinions where nonsensical bullshit

The jump through the window bit after this was the only bad cgi in the whole trilogy

The more I look at it, the realer it looks

I don't think it's slowed down at all. That's basically the speed it is in the actual movie

>I don't think

The is the only clip I could find on YT. The quality is too terrible to tell if it still looks fake, but the speed is about the same as in the webm

How did we come from this...

Attached: hulk smash tank.webm (640x344, 2.56M)

...to this?

Attached: the thing tank.gif (538x218, 2M)


Ang Lee Hulk had it's share of crappy CGI

It's a model you fucking cunt.

what move is this

great movie though

Attached: small guy for you.jpg (960x880, 116K)

No idea, I wish they had a method of naming files to help guys like us. Filenames, we might call them

Attached: Cabin In The Woods Kiss.webm (1280x532, 2.74M)

>that scene in The Matrix was only shot on a few thousand dollars
lmao no it fucking wasn't you moron.

read the filename nigger

Attached: 1548316766469.jpg (640x628, 40K)

sounds fun

newfags, the lot of you

>I was only pretending

Some directors are obsessed about controlling everything in the scene. David Fincher is notorious about it and that's why his movies are so expensive despite there is rarely anything about them that would actually warrant the price tag.

Attached: 310502999727430.png (657x402, 263K)

Ang Lee Hulk only looks as good as it does because he flipped his shit and made the producers redo a lot of the original work. They went massively over budget on the VFX for that movie.

That can't be real.

God damn those tits are fucking amazing.

for you

I feel bad for the guy who got his soul stolen. The other guys at least died relatively quick. That witch is gonna torture his soul for eternity.

>it only looks good because it was made to look good
Damn, really?

This looks fine to me. Am I retarded?

>the one guy who gets his soul ripped out

Attached: web.jpg (600x554, 85K)

My point being that contemporary work was shit too, so it's not as if the field has regressed overall. You get out what you put in.

This isn't your blog faggot.

You can't stop me from blogposting.

la kinographe dans les bois


That's intentional you idiot. Ofc the Matrix engine doesn't render details where objects aren't looking. It's optimization. Incredible attention to detail from the creators though!

Anyone remember that Incredible Hulk game for consoles? great fun

Is that image legit from the show?

For some of it the uncanniness actually contributes constructively because a rubber stretchy man would look very strange. The last punch looked bad though.

what the shit, i have never noticed the static background before.

This is how modern capeshit looks to everyone who isn't a brainlet

That camera shake to add realism.

These are pretty neat. I never really knew there's so much green screen involved in even the most mundane scenes.

I hate this so much

the only thing more embarrassing than this cgi is the brainlets defending it as being fine

Bro, look at the ground 20 feet behind the character.

I see you too are a man of culture.

Attached: zodiac greenscreen.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>N64 level carpet texture


Because they gave that flat tomboy some titties.

Film is HD. Trust me, it would have been rendered at at least 1080p.

It took me too long to realize yoda was floating next to them not sitting behind them

Huh, never noticed that before. What is it about webms that make shit you overlooked a thousand times hyper obvious?

cringe comment tbqh, you've outed yourself as a redditor

Eventually China is gonna figure out CGI and I'm gonna miss all the movies like this.

>tfw I've probably visited this shithole longer than you've been alive
Here, have a shitty wallpaper I saved over ten years ago.

Attached: 1211857251605.jpg (1280x800, 87K)

I unironically don't see what's wrong with this

That was some good shit.

look at their faces


Titanic is an awful piece of shit for simpletons.

Attached: 1550165764777.webm (960x538, 2.11M)

Why didn't they just rent a boat?
Fuck it would probably have been 10x cheaper than hiring someone to do this shit.

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Attached: 1546077403441.jpg (1920x808, 386K)

Holy shit that show

>that one fucking zombie sliding down the road
that's has to be a joke or a massive 'fuck you' left there by the vfx guys

Attached: huutoset.jpg (604x717, 43K)

Attached: 1546100890557.webm (1264x526, 759K)

Attached: the virgin run.webm (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Kurt Russell basically directed Tombstone and the production was far from being smooth. They probably didn't even plan to have rain the day the night they shot that scene.

Attached: the Diesel Run.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)

the background looks fantastic though, there's nothing wrong with matte paintings

Attached: elven tactics.webm (1280x580, 2.65M)

Attached: 1550168181935.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

this is a deleted scene
unfinished CG, doesnt count

They didn't even bother to wet down the rest of the street

it does, when you composite them with the wrong perspective and the wrong lens distortion


what did Titanic accomplish though? It's just the perfect film in terms of marketing.

that looks great

>Just cause 3 gameplay
I saw this exact thing happen in a troll physics comic once

there's a difference in quality of compositing between a Fincher film and a low budget TV show though


You are either baiting or you have a brain of a child.

oh yeah for sure, it's just that everytime I saw that pic posted I thought everyone was dissing on the background

Yep, it still looks like that after what, 20 years?

this is fucking kino though

This was a good film at least

You bet

why was there even a release all monsters button connected to the elevators? fucking zoos have more security than that

you're just butthurt.
you marvel fags are just butthurt you can't even match Cameron's second best.

The face is so badly pasted that he ended up looking like Tommy Lee Jones.

And then Harrison Ford crashed his plane.


Might as well link to the entire movie.

lost my shit. thx user

Aren't the elves meant to be extremely light-footed? This scene would have worked if the bridge partially collapsed under the orc's weight, but Legolas is shown able to cross the remaining sections by jumping between them.

I had the wii version shit was fun

No, it's an example of poor compositing, that's why he posted it