Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye

Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye

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Other urls found in this thread:

this has a really nice retro sort of vibe to it

t. npc

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love the film grain from the camrip lad
gives that 1940s vibe

Thread theme

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Don't fucking tell me this is what actually happens... Nick fury wears the patch cause a fucking cat scratched him?

This is some next level TLJ tier shit

Are you not seeing the footage of the crime?

No fucking way

I edited the scenes together by the way, that hard cut doesn't happen in the movie, there's tons of shit in between

Made it funnier though

It's an alien cat.



wait til you see the-
oh nonono

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What in the fuck?

it's not using its alien powers

Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Marvel has officially jumped the shark.

Why? Why take such a good scene from the Winter Soldier and shit all over it?


So you're telling me Fury starts the Avengers initiative because of Carol "Avenger" Danvers, not Captain America, aka 'the first avenger'?

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Maybe Carol "Avenger" Denver picked up that name after the First Avenger Captain America? Nobody knows.


>Don't worry. We're not petty. We'll welcome you with open arms when you decide to cross over.

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Kinda. But the point of the pic isn't about creating the avengers but naming them. He was writting the "Protectors" Initiative but changed it after seeing that pic to Avengers.

He’s the first avenger to us. They never called him that in the movie, chief.

How'd they get away with the motherfucker?

>retards reacting to out of context webms
Nothing to see here

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what are you guys talking about? the black buttplug on the side of the plane?

based kkkat

They have gone full retard.
It's undeniable now. They've drifted into self-parody.

who's the clown in the background?


wasn't the lore in-movies that Stark's father started the Avengers Initiative?

Damn they wasted the first “fuck” on this movie

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They really are desperate to make this bitch seem important and have people like her.

They're fucking with their own lore and canon just to prop her up.

Least of the things they've wasted on this movie.

>They're fucking with their own lore and canon just to prop her up
The exact same fucking thing they did with Rey in Star Wars.
They are fucking doomed.

He didn't lose his eye, he just went blind. Why the glass eyes?

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Created S.H.I.E.L.D. not the Avengers Initiative.

I can't believe this Robot Chicken tier shit is where they actually went.

No, he just founded SHIELD.

>orange cats are bad guys
okay this movie might actually be based and not propaganda

Did he also put a massive fucking cut through it?


Wait what? The cat did that? That's retarded.

uh maybe he deliberately got a glass eye that just looks like a fucked up scratched up cataract eye just for the hell of it.

so it isnt a character defining physical trait reduced to a sitcom level quip-gag?

I remember the winter soldier was some x files tier shit with fury in caps apartment and we got the sense that fury had seen some shit.
I'm mildly disappointed that that shit turned out to be captain marvel

Funny how an user leaked this a few weeks ago and everybody thought it was joke. My God, this is too retard even by Marvel standards.

does he say the fuck word?

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The man who laughs

Why is Yea Forums and our brother board /pol/ still blamed for the state of it when it's Yea Forums?

Since it didn't hurt him that much at time, did the scratch get infected?

oh, that's fine then

This just makes me angry on a visceral level. It's literally the worst type of "subversion". It's fucking Luke throwing the lightsaber away levels of stupid.

Not only because it invalidates what the character clearly already told us, but the CONTEXT. Fury says the line "Last time I trusted someone" to Captain America in direct reference to Cap asking why Fury keeps so many secrets and is doing shady shit. The only reason to bring it up is if it is directly analogous to the situation, but apparently no. Fuck all that.

What Fury was ACTUALLY saying was "I won't let you in on my secrets because the last time I did that, a fucking cat scratched my face and I lied about it for the next 30 years."

what the FUCK does this have to do with Star Wars you fucking crybaby

the movie came out 15 MONTHS AGO jesus christ

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>that hard cut doesn't happen in the movie

They couldn't even do that right? The mcu needs to die after end game.

>Cat scratches him
>Has a single long, DEEP AS FUCK scar and some burn/blast damage around the entire orbital socket

Yeah ok.

The Jokester


It took something that supposed to be important or character defining, then subverted it into nothing more than a joke. It's one of the things people railed on TLJ for doing. Subversion doesn't work if you just use it to undercut things people were interested in or cared about.

I can't imagine a decent context to fix this scene.
Fury joking to his daughter or son that a cat is responsible for his lost eye but he tells other people it was something else?

>I have Mondays, but I especially hate those fucking ni-

Wait till she's the one who says AVENGERS ASSEMBLE

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End of Infinity war was the RIGHT kind of subversion.
They left alive everyone people were sure would be killed off in it, and killed off those either nobody expected to see die, or were being theorized as being the ones to ultimately stop Thanos.

Now show the rest

oh no le epic meme black man didn't have a super duper badass story for his eyepatch

at least Luke Skywalker was an actual character going through a depressive arc so I can understand why it rubbed people the wrong way (even though you autists take it way too far), do people have genuine emotional attachment to Nick Fury?

Exactly! You could even argue they subverted expectations by letting Thanos succeed. And that help elevate the narrative, stakes, and characters within the movie, not insult the audience for having expectations.

>It subverted my expectations because it did what I wanted it to do

>You could even argue they subverted expectations by letting Thanos succeed
For some of the audience, sure, but those who already knew about the snap saw it coming in the MCU years ago.

No, because it did it for valid narrative reasons & didn't shit on anything just to shit on it.

>cat claws my eye out
its getting strangled on the spot

you people are genuinely fucking delusional

Yeah, you could totally tell Luke was depressed when he didn't react to Han's Death, threw his lightsaber in a slapstick manner, and loved his green alien milkies.

this is exactly what some so/ynigger would come up with

>End of Infinity war was the RIGHT kind of subversion.
Pretty much. It was decent because we got to see ostensibly core characters with hugely successful series launches die, and got a Bad End, which is not an easy risk to take.

But the reason it was good is not just "important people died, no one expected it.", because that's only half of what makes something subversive, but satisfying. The key is that it opens up more questions than it answers. We now have to grapple with the fact that the team is not only not at peak performance going into the sequel, but that they (and by extension we) have to ask how anything is going to get done with all those people dead. Will they come back? CAN they come back? All the other speculation shit.

The reason TLJ "subversion" didn't work wasn't just because it took interesting questions and answered them in a way we didn't expect, it was crap because it answered them in a way that closed off any possible exploration of what that answer means for the series. All their "subversion" was just used to close off potential story paths and things we might think about, and that leaves us with LESS to cling to and think about. That's why it was bad.

I'm not the user you're replying.
Do you really expected the bad guy to succeed in a Marvel film? A film from a brand that can't keep a villain for more than one movie?
That is why Thanos' snap shocked so many people, everybody expects the good guys to save the day and defeat the bad guy. Thor arriving with his new weapon and new powers to defeat Thanos' army even gave people some hope.

>For some of the audience, sure

Hence the "You could even argue" part, nerd.

>"wait, where's Han?"
>cutaway for absolutely no reason whatsofuckingever
Will never not piss me off.

lmao it pretended to kill off people to provide the illusion of stakes while at the same time advertising the next round of sequels for the characters that just died. The MCU doesn't commit to anything, it is ideologically and artistically bankrupt and no character's arc has meant fucking anything since phase 1

the way you fucking cultureless plebs defend this shit is astounding

YES!!! Pussy power!! Girls rule!!!!

>accounts linked with exactly the same inane shit spammed here about these movies
>n-n-no thats totally not us

First one came out in 1977, and people are still talking about that one. TLJ's ineptitude will be talked about for at least as long.

>absolutely no reason wahtsofuckingever
lmao fucking what? They bring up Han's death and then cut to Kylo in a scene that directly deals with his trauma leftover from that action.

Oh yeah I'm sorry you had to wait another 15 minutes to see Luke mourn instead of seeing it right away and were robbed of a 30 second reaction shot that is mostly redundant by the Falcon scene anyway

>no character's arc has meant fucking anything since phase 1
Tony Stark? His entire personality has shifted since his first movie. Also they're definitely going to kill off some of the original characters for good.

Its technically a SOLO moment.

>BRO those DC movies are TITE
>Yeah homie, DC movies are great now that Marvel faglorded it
>H-hey new DC fans you guys from M-marvel, we can be frien-
>Shut up faggot, we OWN your franchise now
lol you know this will play out if Shazam is good.

Well she IS basically their leader now, the Captain who united everyone

Agreed, especially knowing that they actually shot the scene.
You literally never see Luke mourn though. You only see it in a deleted scene, which is fucking mind-boggling.

It's still going to make 750 mil+

You mean Tony has ping-ponged back and forth between whatever belief the movie needs him to have in that particular moment? Remember how Iron Man 3 ended with him destroying all of his suits, only for him to have a billion more in Age of Ultron and he and Pepper are still having the same arguments in Infinity War?

No arc in the MCU means anything. Thor's whole deal in Ragnarok is about learning he's more than the hammer, his power comes from within...and literally his entire story in infinity war is about getting a bigger and stronger hammer.

user read what you just typed, why the fuck would he do that for a fake eye he's gonna cover? the glass eyes are totally retarded.
you are making a clown of yourself user, stop that.

>You literally never see Luke mourn though

I suppose him looking sad in the Falcon didn't mean anything. I guess he had to say AHHHH I AM SO SAD OH GOD MY FRIEND HAN IS DEAD AHHHHHHH for you dumbshit kids to understand what he is feeling.

ah yes it was so KINO when characters in the prequels wore their emotions on their sleeves and proclaimed I DON'T LIKE SAND and I WISH I COULD WISH MY FEELINGS AWAY

>The reason TLJ "subversion" didn't work wasn't just because it took interesting questions and answered them in a way we didn't expect
I'm another user.
I think the death of Snoke and the hyperspace ramming scene were the pinnacle of this shit.
>Who is Snoke? What does he want?
>It doesn't matter, he is dead.
>Why is Holdo full of secrets and sacrificing her forces?
>It doesn't matter, she is dead.

Lol ok, calm down Rian, you're still getting your trilogy & everything's fine. Just breathe deep & remember you're a white male, nobody can attack you unless you deserve it.

>taking away Mark's reaction shot after he's waited to play Luke again for 30 fucking years & has already given in to playing it "your" way despite every instinct he has screaming that it's wrong & going to backfire
Dick. Move.

Rian stop. You need to let go. Star Wars just isn't for you anymore. Quit being an white incel fanboy

It's funny how you people get so fucking incensed when you're calling manbabies but then this is how you debate

Another user here.
I don't even care about Luke mourning his dead friend, he was a battle hardened jedi after all, I just hate how he became a joke instead of a wise guy who is funny sometimes (like Kenobi).

Yeah Rian just hated Mark Hamill so much, he was clearly being a spiteful asshole the whole time. That scene was cut for the sole purpose of making Mark upset, not because it was redundant or anything.

Like, do you people think Luke's scene on the Falcon was about his emotional attachment to the ship itself? Is that what you fucking got out of that scene?

They never call Cap "The first avenger" in the movie.

Hell, they only added that subtitle to the movie because advertising a movie called "Captain America" in Germany and Russia might have been a little bit "too weird".

They made it big deal about his eye in The Winter Solider.... and they make a scene like it's a big comedy sketch.

Well see, the joke is that the same thing said to Star Wars fans who didn't like TLJ can now be said to Rian when he defends his own movie. You get it? It's pretty funny.

Right, and it's not that those ideas couldn't have been explored. Want to have Kylo kill Snoke? Sure, go for it, that's perfectly valid. The thing is, you need to make us care first. There needs to be a question we want answered, and the subversion needs to create more questions for us to think about.

If the outcome is just "That character doesn't exist anymore, forget they were ever there please." and the story forgets about them, then why even put them on screen? It's a sign of sloppy storytelling, usually from someone who has no actual command over what is and isn't drama.

>how about a powerful scene where Rey gives Luke the light-saber and explains the sacrifice Han and others made? You know, it represents so much to so many people.
>lolno how about you just throw your light-saber like it's garbage and gets fucked by a girl who never trained, plus green milk or whatever
Of fuck it is true
So Nick fucking Fury lost his eye because a cat scratched it???

>Its another Yea Forums freaks out over something fun episode

You mean to tell me that this has all of you rattled and annoyed?
>nigger this
>nigger that
>somehow Fury is fucking sacred and can't have an alien cat attack him

I'm sorry this universe of magic rocks, and talking animals isn't serious enough for you.

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Yeah man, Luke really missed L3-37 and her sensual feminism

>and they make a scene like it's a big comedy sketch.
In all honesty though it’s the MCU, what did you expect? Lots of comparisons with TLJ and both lovers and haters said it’s similar to marvel in that fashion.

>Yeah Rian just hated Mark Hamill so much, he was clearly being a spiteful asshole the whole time

>that scene in the BTS doc where he's telling Mark the title of it & leading him on to believe it's about him
He was not a fucking friend.

He seemed to get over Biggs pretty quickly.

>you're referring to the "avengers" bit and not her cgi'd ass

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Why put Snoke there at all? He had no reason to exist.
Think about it, what would change without Snoke in the films?

Did they really cgi her ass? Please tell me they did.

Yeah let's have two scenes right next to each other of people delivering exposition about the death of Han Solo in an already overlong movie that's a great idea

based and cyrillicpilled

>A character on screen for less than 5 seconds has the same storytelling weight as a character who has been on the screen for three whole movies.
You are a fucking retard.

>it's a dumb bitch misses the point episode

>avengers movies basically memeing steve not saying the phrase since whedon times
that's not happening m8, at least not with based russos in command

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I will never get a cat anywhere near my face and if one ever scratches one of my eyes I will hurt it bad and brutally kill it. Am I alone in this?

>they all thought Marvel films were sacred kino before or something

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Yeah, cut Luke's immediate reaction to Hans death. We need more time for pointless casino world and capitalism evil moralizing!



One of the main problems with all of it, everyone wants to constantly inject all this new shit into THE SEVENTH THROUGH NINTH FILMS of an existing series.
All of them have been jerking themselves off over their OC & sweeping everything that made this shit possible to exist as the fucking 7th/8th films in a series to begin with off the side like it doesn't matter at all.

>cut Luke's immediate reaction

You already know his immediate feeling when he says "Where's Han?" he clearly already knows what has happened. And again, he has his scene for mourning on the Falcon, but I think you manchildren think he was actually attached to the ship itself and not his friend.

Because a good writer/director can't fix this?
Just show Chewbacca, Luke asking about Han and their reaction while he contemplates the lightsaber to give some weight to everything that just happened.

New shit is fine, Snoke was just fucking uninspired. If you replaced him with that Admiral Krennic guy from Rogue One, he would instantly be much more interesting and have more presence because he's something different from Emperor 2.0.

it's not the retcon itself, it's how they did it.

>CAPT Carol
She was a Major in the comics, if anything Feminist should be pissed she was demoted in the movies.

Based cat

I want to keep hope but Feige could just fucking force them to give it to Carol.

It's obvious from Rian's fantastic direction that Luke missed his long alone time sessions with the Falcon's navigation systems if you know what I mean.

a mouse died in my vents and it smells how i imagine brie larson's cunt smells

Holy fuck SW fans are fragile.
Stockholm syndrome much?
They're shitting on something that could have been core to the character. Stop being fucking retarded.

>Marvel gets destroyed forever
>Captain Marvel is a new generations Yoko Ono
>Recession hits
>Democrats have all the power and can basically elect anyone on Earth
>We turn socialist the next year
>Alex Trebek dies
>We don't have a good blockbuster until at least freakin JUNE

Man 2019 is going to SUCK

Look, as long as Jack Black keeps making vlogs

I'm starting to think this is the end of Marvel and a long winter for Disney (if you consider Star Wars too).
I always imagined that Marvel would fall slowly into irrelevance for the same reason the comics fell: Unable to attract new readers while carrying the burden of 60 years of retcons, contradictions, convoluted plots, alternative realities, different writers and other excuses to keep the print working. Instead, it looks like they'll suffer thanks to the hubris and short-sight caused by their ideologies.
It's really amazing.

it's almost as if the mcu was a fluke

SW is doomed unless someone replaces Kennedy and axes the RJ trilogy.
If IW2 and Spidey 2 are good, no one will give a fuck about CM and she'll never get another movie like Strange.

was samuel l. jackson ok with this? they deflated a big part of fury's mystery and badassness.

That's actually an AOA probe, it measures the angle of the nose in relation to the direction the aircraft is traveling.

>SW is doomed unless someone replaces Kennedy and axes the RJ trilogy.
You need to do that and delete TLJ from existence, it's the only way.
>If IW2 and Spidey 2 are good, no one will give a fuck about CM and she'll never get another movie like Strange.
Homecoming bombed and it was shit, I doubt that can make a decent Spider-Man with all those guidelines and limitiations.
IW2 can be good, but how can they make it interesting enough to make people want to watch what is coming next with the characters they have?

That's actually kinda funny

that's fucking dumb

it's an alien cat

Marilyn Manson was idolized in the 90’s, soon after Fury lost his eyeball.

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Let me guess, it’s a running gag in the film where Fury gets his eye scratched and the audience is in suspense to see how he finally lost his eye.

>such a knee slapper


Literally nobody would have that callsign. Callsigns are always inside jokes, they're never cool stuff.

They’re using the entire Thanos arc to springboard a garbage tier character that nobody likes.

Absolutely infuriating.

If you would have told me that the MCU would pull a Disney Wars I wouldn't have believed you. They found a formula and good or not, it sold and didn't rock the boat. Now they're making a huge deal about a character being a woman, pushing intersectional feminism and grrrl power, while retconning stuff like the Avengers name origin. On top of that, the media is attacking the fans exactly how they did with Ghostbusters(2016)and TFA/TLJ. I think not getting to release a film like WW really bothered them, and now they're doubling down on everything to have the most "feminist" and strong superhero.


who I thought thanos was going to be the "focus" again with maybe more ant-man this time & supposedly heavy time travel?

Call me whatever you want, but I feel kinda betrayed. All these years I invested in this franchise. Why couldn't this go to shit after EndGame? Just give me a good final movie to get out of this ride, don't fucking ruin it just yet... Ah, fuck...


>Not mentioning CHADZAM as a blockbuster.

>ima cost Disney a few dollars, Im doing good right fellow DCucks?"

Man I just want to watch the credit scenes

>the chad cat vs the soi owner

Just like real life

Attached: cat owners, lel.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

This, anyone who actually tried to go by a callsign like "Avenger" would probably be labelled "Captain Faggot."

Yes. She's not a Mary Sue and the entire universe has not been retconned to revolve around her I swear.

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the soi fears the feline

Kudos to kitty. And shame on canines for indulge that onions behavior.

>come to terms that you’re a god of thunder
>turns out zappy powers are weaker than a fundamental building block of the universe like power, reality, time etc.
> now you need a powerup
Not that hard user


Dad-tier but made me chuckle, 8/10 breddy gud.

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If you actually care about this you are a virgin.

>We don't have a good blockbuster until at least freakin JUNE
Silly user, May comes before June

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So if Coulson knows about the Kree, then why didn't he recognize them/know of them in AoS?

Also, on that note, is it true that Coulson and Fury meet for the first time in the movie?

You used one of my favorite gifs. God bless Rodan. KotM is going to be my film of the year. I can feel it.

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I am Pagliacci.

is this a fucking men in black movie?

>is it true that Coulson and Fury meet for the first time in the movie?
It didn't seem that way.

"Avenger" Danvers really does not roll off the tongue well

>Instead, it looks like they'll suffer thanks to the hubris and short-sight caused by their ideologies.

But that's exactly the same reason the comics are in a nosedive. Trying too hard to cater to the movie-only and SJW crowd that would never pick up a comic anyway.

>Let me tell you how I lost my eye
>*Han Solo's dice fly through the air, get hit by a cat from Captain Marvel, bounces off the cast of Ghostbuster 2016 and into Nick Fury's eye socket*
>Ugly black lady from Ghostbusters says "Dayuuuuum grrrrrrl powah is stronk!"

sounds fun to me.

Based Rodanfag
I bought this when I was like 5 at a Toys R Us after watching Godzilla Final Wars on DVD 10 times straight when it came out in the US. Been a Gojifag ever since and love Rodan from the bottom of my heart. We are in a Godzilla renaissance right now and man what a time it is to be alive

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Is this supposed to be funny? Screen writer is a retarded sociopath.

Based and Rodanpilled, also check'd.

I will never be seeing another SW movie (never went to TLJ in cinemas, haven't even bothered watching Solo) unless the mouse sells the IP, and the buyer immediately de-canons the entire sequel trilogy.

Maybe in too cynical but once it was revealed to be a 2 parter i imnediately assumed they would give the villain an upper hand at the end of the movie. And in 99% sure someone will sacrifice themselves to use the infinity stones to undo the last movie.

>sends thor on a side quest for the entirety of the movie because they dont know what to do with him
>vision gets disabled for the rest of the movie by an enemy black widow fights toe to toe with
>hulk goes emo for the rest of the movie because grapeman hurt him
>strange cant just use the time stone, even though it works in the best possible sense for the wielder
The way they got rid of their powerhouses to make everyone seem relevant was so poorly handled

wow that's so fucking stupid

A really watered down one, you could say.

>the ride never ends

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last time i watched capeshit, i was 17 years old

>I can't imagine a decent context to fix this scene
The movie has lots of gags where Fury almost gets his eye wounded. This is just one of those gags and not the actual reason. I hope


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Well, it is the 90s, so it fits.

Tyrone hates it

Why are audience actors still unavailable? The movie came out already

This is the worst case of a prequel ruining things that were established in the original since the prequel trilogy


I get Mark's anger and he has a right to be upset. But he did read the script and agree to come back after a paycheck. After that point if you continue to act like a child about a character you play in a movie, and it wasn't done the way you wanted, it just comes off as unprofessional and childish. If he was really that upset and didn't like what they were going to do with Luke, he shouldn't have agreed to come back and accept their money. I think in the end that would have made a bigger impression. He probably just signed an initial contact to appear in however many movies before he knew the script to the second one, but still. He could have asked and put it in his contact that they weren't going to shit all over his character.

You can't make this shit up.

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are you retarded? When did they even ONCE call him an avenger or the first avenger in the first captain america movie? please off yourself.

I mean it's the movie's name, Captain America: The First Avenger.

this is almost as pathetic as the origin of cyclops visor. (beast made it off screen just because)

>beast made it off screen just because
Beast used to be cool like that, now he's all pulling your past self out of time to try and shame you

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I kind of like that the way he lost his eye was a dumb joke. Not gonna pay to see this, though, because Brie Larson hates white people and men.

turn off your brain bro

Superheroes are basically sci-fi under another name. It's also a SHIELD movie. So yeah.

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That is the most pathetic, distasteful shitting on a film series I've seen outside of Star Wars.
Who wrote this shit?

Well damn, that's the final straw. I can't take capeshit seriously anymore!

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>Who wrote this shit?

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The absolute state of that one guy

see the swastika in the city background?....

I think you guys take things too seriously

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Like knew Biggs since childhood. Hell, he sure got over his aunt and uncle getting fried really quickly too. Luke didn’t mourn much in the OT.

>user announces to all that he has a case of pareidolia

Biggs' loss was in the middle of a battle. Not exactly the place to start crying.
As for the loss of his aunt and uncle, that's just the adventure hero effect.
Tons of characters in adventure stories have highly traumatic reasons to set off on the adventure, but the story can't just have them sit down and be miserable when we don't really know who they are yet or what they exactly lost.
Think of Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century where Buck literally loses everything he ever knew. Realistically he should have been in contemplation about that for the first 10 episodes.

Anyone else thought Brie Laurson was incredibly beautiful in this movie? I mean yeah the set photos were bad though.




Second hand non meme review
>Movie isnt nearly as SJW as being sold
>Worst film since Ironman3
>theater legit empty at 7pm showing

Well marvel here's your last jedi. Fucking idiots

fuck this movies so much

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>White Fury
>total Badass that lost his eye fighting for AMERICAN FREEDOM in WW2
>Black Fury
>loses his eye to a fucking cat
the absolute state of blacks

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Doesn't Spiderman go back to Sony after the new film?

Peter will be out the MCU at that stage.

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Jesus I can't believe they turned it into a fucking joke. The MCU is fucking dead once Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr leave.

>Its technically a SOLO moment.
That's as accurate as it gets.

Christ the MCU is going down the shitter once phase 3 is done. If she's gonna be a main star I'm out.

gee I dunno you fucking roastoid retard

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>nigger this
>nigger that
>In the mean while my pockets are gettin' fat

So why is Han any different? Because he’s important to us as an audience? If Luke hardly mourns him, like with his aunt/uncle, Biggs, and Obi-Wan, how is it inconsistent with his character?

>It's real

Yeah man, Infinity War is pretty subversive and deep, kind of like Stalker if it was coated in cheeto dust and faggot cum

Based russian bots

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>build up an ambiguous plot point to be developed upon for a DECADE
>the second the franchise goes SJW they just retcon that concept with a shitty fucking gag
They did the same with Han "Solo", and the fucking millennium falcon

Fury losing his eye to a cat is empirically funnier than "I'm all alone I'll just call you Solo".

I can't read shit, what does it say? Capt Carol "Assburgers" Danvers?


It's not a cat, it's a flerkin. Also, the "MOTHERFUCKING" subtitle is incorrect. He yells, "MOTHERFLERKIN!"

Literally anyone in that pic looks like he could be a guy

The most based black characther in movie history.. Destroyed.
I-is this the famous "girl power"..?

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He says, "Motherflerkin!"

>All those flashbacks of people telling her to fuck off
>tfw you realize even in-universe people think she's an insufferable cunt

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Fucking hell