Do you ever just watch a film about the Vietnam War and find yourself wishing you could have been there...

Do you ever just watch a film about the Vietnam War and find yourself wishing you could have been there? Escaping all of your mundane issues at home, no longer worrying about roasties texting you back and being alone, becoming an inhuman killing machine, a god of death and destruction, as you slowly succumb to madness? To become a man, by being bathed in blood and flames. Wondering how God may forgive you, but you'll never forgive yourself.

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Join the army then, pussy.

Just read HoD and shut the fuck up, gtfo my board newfag

The Vietnam war is definitely the most aesthetic of all wars
Would've joined up just to live and breathe the sheer kino of it
Drones ruined war now it's all gay and shit

Plus the middle east is shit, give me the tropics so I can turn the trees red with the blood of my enemies

flying helicopters over that landscape and seeing those views must have been extremely kino

it really is amazing how unkino war in the middle east has been

>ITT: autists day dreaming of dying in a war they realistically would try to avoid irl

It is one of the more interesting wars but it would have been pure hell to be there.

>everyone's as big a pussy as I am

Wrong. >implying desert storm was not absolute kino

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Lessons on Darkness is the most kino documentary of all time

yea im a pussy because i wouldn't want to die horribly in a meaningless needlessly killing innocent people and raping kids

Well go ahead then join the army

Apocalypse Now is the least realistic Vietnam War movie in existence.

it is the biggest try hard war movie.



it's not a Vietnam war movie. It just takes place during the war, and even then they literally are LEAVING the country in the film
it's a character piece. It's a copy paste from heart of darkness and could have taken place anywhere.
it's not a Vietnam film, same as Heart of Darkness isn't a Congo novella

I assume the guy is referring to Heart Of Darkness the book Apocalypse Now is Loosely based off of

>asians are robotic psychopathic killers

was alex jones right?

That movie looked like hell on earth. No way I’d ever Day dream about fighting in nam

That's not the point. OP said "Do you ever just watch a film about the Vietnam War and find yourself wishing you could have been there" and used this film as an example and it's a bad example.

no but I probably would worship a fat Marlon Brando in the jungles of Cambodia

>and even then they literally are LEAVING the country in the film

You know the Vietnam War wasn't entirely within the borders of Vietnam? There were campaigns within Cambodia and Laos.

>Join the army then, pussy.

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The Huey is just way cooler and more iconic than the Humvee. Plus Vietnam had the best soundtrack.
>Name 1 (one) song for war in the middle east.
>Hard Mode: No Isis theme song

>Joining the army when we're not at war
I'd rather die in combat than die of boredom

>best soundtrack
Never thought about this before
can't even think of a single It Ain't Me equivalent

>It's not a Vietnam war movie, it just takes place during the war
Reddit: The sentence
>The Dark Knight isn't a Batman movie, it's a crime epic that just happens to star Batman

I know the Q is supposedly an insane conspiracy theory, but.
One of the things the Q posts over on pol got me thinking of.
What if the IS didn’t “lose” in Vietnam, or at least, what if the public loss was intentional, by certain sectors of the intelligence community.
The US spent 20 years in the country.
20 years would be enough time to thoroughly infiltrate the Vietnamese factions, take out the leadership, replace those leaders with double agents, and possibly set up other operations such as drug running and supplying routes.
Strategically, Vietnam is similar to North Korea in regards to China.
The location would give an optimal location for control of the South China Sea, especially if combined with North Korea, which could be used to control the East China Sea as well as the Sea of Japan. Add in Taiwan, and possibly the Philippines, since Ferdinand Marcos was a US ally and came to power in 1965.
The countries Vietnam, North Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines could be used to control sea access to China, as well as give range to bomb most of mainland China, within the range of US bombers of the time period.
The US also had OSS/COA operatives and trained locals in Tibet during this period.
Considering the above, What if the US just feigned losing in Vietnam.
China might know we had turned North Vietnamese leadership, but the philosophy of saving face, might have prevented China from revealing this publicly, since the world leader, the USA, losing to simple farmers might have been considered more important.


*takes a bunch of LSD*

All right, here I go!

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it would have been horrible
we're extremely lucky not to have fought in a war like that

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I would read this but the way you spaced it literally hurts to read.

Any 90s grunge rock

>be drafted in Vietnam
>Platoon consists of a bunch of mentally retarded people (look up project 100k) with you as a control subject
>Food is filled with psychedelic drugs
>Viet Cong know the jungle and the caves, booby traps with pungee sticks everywhere
>While tripping your face off, get kidnapped
>Tied to the roof of a pit while bamboo grows up towards you
>At least it was aesthetic



I am failing hard at life, lads. People around me do not realise it yet but I have spent a lot of time thinking and I am quite certain I will end up a parasite at best. Sometimes I wish my country was at war so that I could just get drafted and drone away doing what I'm told to do. I am not good at making decisions. Do the US accept foreign fuck ups that want to join its military?

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>tfw Irish
>we are not currently at war
>our army isn't even recruiting because there's nothing for them to do
>have dual British/Irish citizenship so I could join the English army
>would have to swallow my pride and be cucked by the brits, fight their gay wars
feels bad man

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join isis

>bunch of Yea Forums anons in a chopper killing asians while it aint me plays

Nah. I may be a failure but at least I have some values.

Can I join your alternate history fanfic club? I love larping.

According to the Q posts, North Korea might have secretly been being run by the CIA or something.
It sounded far fetched, but strategically at the time, if it was possible it would have made sense.
The US had been fighting the Japanese during WWII in the Pacific.
The OSS might have had people in Korea trying to organize a resistance to the Japanese, who were occupying Korea.
The North Koreans supposedly invaded the South to go after collaborators with the Japanese.
If the US was unsure of Japan’s surrender, then having troops and possible air force bases in Korea made sense. The US bases in Japan would be the first thing attacked in case of Japan breaking their surrender, but troops in Korea would be at a safer distance, and could be used as a safe retreat location, as well as a take off point for bombers.

North Korea winning the war would save face for China, who assisted them, and prevent a major war between China and the US.
If the leaders of North Korea had been turned, then NK could be used as a boogeyman for future US negotiations with other countries in the region.
The totalitarian regime in charge closed the country off to most foreigners and kept the local population in check.
The large brainwashed populace and army could also be used as a check to other powwers in the region.
NK is well located for bomber take offs and landings if you in the future needed to bomb large areas of China.
The location of NK might also make it a good area for communication gathering, since it’s closer to China and Russia than Australia is.

Later, the Vietnam war went the same way.
China has supposedly been worried about things in NK getting so bad, that the army tries to invade North into China. Maybe this is the reason.