Based Louis

>both boys graphically described how he loved getting his nipples touched

>both describe them being asked to spread their ass for him

>literally has a fucking Disneyland style house with tonnes of secret rooms

>piles if evidence showing that he spent tonnes of time alone with kids at night regularly for years on end

There is so so so much more pointing to him being a peadophile i literally just can't be bothered green texting it all.

You are honestly a fucking BRAINLET pedo sympathiser MJ white knighting cuck soiboy if you think he wasn't a peadophile fucking kys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

R. Kelly had a tape of him pissing on some girl.

Show me the Michael Jackson tape.

>Show me the Michael Jackson tape.

The only reason this stuff is brought up is because MJ was black. "Louie theroux" The faggot frenchman is sucking Roman Polanski cock in France so he obviously doesn't care about pedo shit.

Louis "Jimmy Savile is not a pedo" Theroux

He's a kike.

why doesnt this faggot dig him up and start beating on his corpse then? im not defending jackson i have no clue if hes a chomo nor do i care.

show me any credible claim that a tape even exists

>reddit spacing
>twitter posting
Go back you fucking femme brain who believes everything she hears.

not surprised

He's pulling the ol' fool me once game. Can't defend Jackson now

This is the 3rd time I've seen this same exact shitty post with the pic and all. Who exactly is shilling this shit?

Wtf has louis actuslly defenfed saville?

The only reason michael was a pedo was from getting dicked himself at a young age.

Louis Theroux is a fucking idiot,

so hearsay and no proof?

If jackson was a pedo, why would his parents allow their kids to sleep naked in his bed?


>can't identify pedophile rapist Jimmy Saville after spending entire weeks with him
>Can identify Michael Jackson as a pedo after a film drops about him
Louis Theroux confirming MJ's innocence

You keep posting this claiming that there is "so so so much more", but you can't bother to add that so so so much more while you shill? I'm curious what level of faggotry you're on

the parents were scumbags anyway, who cares if he actually did it or not

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Low IQ Louis.

> both described--
It's almost like they compared notes, then cried on cue for the camera. Have you never seen 20/20?

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>has louis actually defended saville
No, and Louis Theroux made a follow-up documentary in the wake of the Jimmy Saville's disgrace, interviewing people close to him, seeing how they rationalised the truth and the role they played in allowing abuse

No but he did a peice on him before all that shut got confirmed and he felt like an idiot getting suckered by Saville so he had to do another peice of him after he died. Watch them back to back for some Louie kino.

fuck this coward faggot. his scientology flick was garbage

Woowie needs to shut up and so do you. Go start a club or something

He's not jewish you fucking retard

The only reason Louis is making of fool himself is because he ignored the rumors of abuse with Saville, then did a doc on him that ignored the claims. He had to do another where he covered the real Saville, and his rep has never really recovered. He's trying to get his rep back

OF COURSE the MJ controversy would come back towards the end of the #metoo movement. Rats will always come out of the woodwork if there is money to be made.


MJ is unironically innocent

he asked him about the rumours to his face

>James Safechuck

Someone redpill me why pedowood is constantly throwing MJ under the bus?

He asked him one softball question

>They did not even waited 10 years after MJ death to try to erase him of history
Disgusting, if they really think that a cheap mockumentary will damage the legacy of the king, they're pretty wrong.

didn't this faggot make the anti-Afrikaner docs also?


Did he at least mention the genocidal nigger communists in that one?

They need to prove that "things are, like, really really happening" with sex abuse now that everyone knows the industry is rife with sex abuse and blowies in exchange for film careers. Weinstein is slowly worming his way out of the court case, and they need to show that REALLY REALLY WE CARE, LIKE, BY, LIKE, NOT PLAYING MJ ANY MORE.

>when someone makes a harry potter comparison

Michael Jackson was investigated and acquitted but people wouldn't leave him alone until he died and now that he's dead, the boys who are known to have lied about various parts of their testimonies are coming back after his family.

MJ called Jews leeches

> after his family
Actually no, the estate isn't run by anyone with the last name Jackson. HBO is trying to put a spin on some money grubbing from proven liars. And said liars know they can just keep bitching until "the estate" pays them off, knowing the longer they complain, the less Sony's making off MJ's corpse.

Never before has someone that I respected so much been completely dropped with one single statement.
Disappointed in you Louis.

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Show Louis The Greatest Story Never Told.

Yes, yes, we all know MJ showed those boys his toys but at least they never had to sit through one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises! Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though


The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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who gives a fuck they guy has been dead for like 10 years

released years after the start of MJ's controversy

He's not Jewish, but he certainly looks like he could be, more so than many other Jews. That's what makes his interaction with the neo-nazis accusing him of being Jewish even funnier. The white trash girlfriend said she could tell just by looking at someone, yet said he didn't look Jewish to her.

Only reason that "documentary" was even made is that there is no way in US law to protect dead people from slander or libel. They can make up any lies they want without anyone being able to sue them.

>Be an adult, say someone never molested you after collecting mad amounts of money.
>Go broke and need new money, return to the well of saying someone molested you.
>Cash out before anyone realizes you're the Jussie Smolletts/Jackie for Michael Jackson.

As someone who fully believes MJ did it, fuck this soiboi. People should be allowed to reach their own conclusions.

You have no way of knowing if their claims are true, op. You're just taking their word for it.

The kikes won't stop until everything MJ related is scrubbed. Entirely.



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To distract from Harvey Weinstein and his upcoming trial. And the jews in general have been trying to destroy Michael for years; even his corpse isn't safe.

You must have some decent parents. A ton of people don't. Just go watch Abducted in Plain Sight.


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I think the fact that the documentary still does so much damage to MJ really confirms that we are still in the "feels over reals" era

Most people do. You really can't fathom how retarded and trusting that couple was, do you?

MJ was a victim of Monarch programing.

>we are still in the "feels over reals" era
It'll never end, because we've all been programmed to handle this information with "I MUST GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING RIGHT AWAY TO SHOW I MYSELF AM A GOOD PERSON"

Take this, for example. They didn't need to say a word. They might have answered in interviews, "We're sticking by the product because pretending we didn't make it is tantamount to saying MJ never existed. He does and you can deal with that as you want."


So what if he was a pedo?

MJ wouldn't have survived if the 2004-2005 trial happened during these times despite the facts.