Is there anyone who could play Xena today?

Is there anyone who could play Xena today?

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Yeah and her name rhymes with Free Martian

is it Mrs. Free Martian

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Imagine having sex with her.

Not sure about Xena but I could see ScarJo playing Gabrielle.

Lucy Lawless

Gina Carano

Yeah but that won't happen

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Who could play best girl aka Callisto?

Gina Carano

Kristen Stewart

Based Jade, but she has an annoying voice and isn’t good at acting
VJuice, obviously

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Is it impossible for an animated adaptation? Maybe by the same peoples that animate Castlevania or Avatar Last Airbender?

Add xena to dota

>a new animated Xena movie featuring Lucy Lawless and Kevin Sorbo
Possibly the best idea I’ve ever seen posted on Yea Forums
Possibly the worst idea I’ve ever seen posted on 4channel

>Maybe by the same peoples that animate Castlevania
Fuck no! That show was a garbage, just like most Netflix shows.

ehhh maybe four or five years too late, but im sure she could still pull it off. Got the look and stunt credentials to make it kino..

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A younger reagen from Legend of the seeker and have the blonde play gabrielle or callisto, or both. And the show will be free of the tiny manlet.

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Antje Traue

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Nice, great minds think alike!

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never realized here eyes were so smol

>when your bitchboy asks if he really has to drink your pee

Lucy Lawless is a one of a kind.
Nobody can follow her perfomances up at all.

Herself. Have you seen her yoga videos? I shit you not, she looks like she hasn't even aged a god damn fucking day since Xena aired. Maybe she's put on a little weight...but holy fuck, I swear to christ ambrosia is a real thing and she's been chowing down on that shit for years.

This. More like Lucy Flawless.

She still looks good but not as good as her prime

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I kind of agree with this just because her range allowed her to be convincing while leading the athenians into battle but could also pull off beating bandits with fucking fishes from a river or playing some witch amazon assassin or Japanese samurai/god devil angel thing. The sheer amount of characters she tried out on one show was pretty amazing.

Nigga you're at the top of my Christmas card list.
No truer words have ever been written.

Anyone. It's not like they care if females are in shape nowadays anyway.


Michelle Ryan, of course.

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those blowjob eyes

Good so the series can stay in the late 90's/early 00's where it belongs.

They tried to reboot it about 6-7 years ago and they wanted full body armor like in Game of Thrones I shit you not

Yeah and it completely fell through because its a stupid fucking idea.

If only other stupid ideas also fell through

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It's not like her usually outfit was a that revealing or anything.

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She showed her thighs and wore alternative outfits all the time, not to mention all the scenes of her getting ready for bed in that sexy leather undersuit. There was plenty of fanservice and you know it if you watched the show

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do they cast hexes on developers and tech employees trying to gentrify their neighborhood?

Lucy Lawless is only 50
If the can bring back Harrison Ford for all his old roles they can bring back her.

I just wanna fuck a girl that looks like that bros ;_;

I have, every guy should experience what a 5'10 farm girl is like in bed.

Why would they go with medieval armor when Xena is donning a stylized leather version of a greek armor?

Was Xena's pusy exposed under that leather loincloth?

Xena couldn't even be made today without significant changes and covering her up

Jessica Biel maybe, not sure what cast to surround her with though

I miss the 90's with all it's unabashed camp and fan service. But nope can't have that anymore, soccer moms would object to the violence, lolcows to the fan service, and general people would complain that it's not formulaic and realistic at the same time.

There was only 1 good season of xena. And it wasn't even a full season, it was 10 episodes witha bunch of filler in between. And they wrote themselves into a corner so it ended in a musical episode in another dimension.

Fuck xena. I'd like to hehehe Gabi got worse and worse as the show went on. When she started showing her tummy she became a slut. The last season was trash too. Why are there so many episodes about bible characters? Also fuck ceasar and FUCK JAPAN. The show started off comfy and got bullshit.

You'd have to ask crew members on set for that answer
personally I think YES
they had no panties back then.

Maybe 7-10 years ago. She hit the wall hard

redpill me on what seasons/episodes to rewatch.
there was no twitter in the 90s
can't spell twitter without twit
they should simply be ignored

Evangaline Lilly would be pretty good.

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Meg was way better than Xena and Joxer got the best ending because he got his dopple waifu.

Not really? She looked great in Deadpool and I wish they showed actual titty but the implication of titty kinda turned me on more than seeing actual titty.

too cute
xena is a tough but hot woman at the same time

her screams were good too

Groundhog Day episode and the WhoDunit one it was Argo the horse. Just rewatch the whole show retard.

Reminder that Hercules literally ended on an episode about a kid making giant purple dragons that breathe bubbles and it was the most retarded finale episode ever because it got cancelled then they went to Xena.

I gotchu
>hercules movies
>marathon herc season 1
>take a break, jerk off a lot in the fortnight you're off
>go pure nofap/noporn/nogf
>once a week watch (1) episode of herc and (1) episode of xena on the same day
>do this until season 3 of herc and season 2 of xena is over
>watch the animated cartoon movie
>go back to one a week until season 6 of herc, marathon that
>finish up xena
>look at the poster for young hercules and laugh sadly to yourself and don't watch it

When you're done you'll be both BASED and redpilled enough to talk about these series.

What are some kinos with women wearing loincloths that leave their pusy completely exposed?

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Spartacus, it's also got nude Lucy Lawless making out with chicks


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She is a good actress and can pull off the tough female thing and she also gets in really good shape for her roles unlike most other actresses.

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Gina Carano or Ronda Rousey.
I'm not saying this because both had careers in MMA.
Or... Charlize Theron.

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>or Ronda Rousey.
The fact you just suggested this makes me surprisingly angry. I wish I could bop you once on the nose. You jerk.

dunno i need to see more of her body of work


Gal Gadot obviously!

Oh there was fanservice yes but by nineties TV broadcast standards. Apart from the odd memorable episodes she didn't go full Red Sonja style chainmail bikini is my main point.

The vast majority of the time she does dress in a highly stylized but relatively practically armour for the era. Definitely more so than pretty plate as mentioned

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Ronda is ugly and a terrible actress even by WWE standards.

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>bare abdomen
very practical lul

Have you never seen Lost?

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It wasn't always like that. Sometime around season 2 they realized their nice little family show was actually being watched by 90's incels who fapped to it and legbeard feminists who also fapped to it(but with their vaginas) so they started making it sexier

not enough

>suggesting someone watches kate episodes

oh man, why?

I love you both

Peyton List would be believable.

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Idris Elba.

Maddie Ziegler has the legit physicality to do this role.

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When I watch Xena and Herc on the same day, which do I watch first?

WAY too young, but she could be a great prequel to how she became Xena, so I'm on board.

The chick who played wonder woman

Aly Michalka

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It'd work if she doesn't fight through strength too much. I don't wanna see an old lady punching 240lb dudes into outer space. but she could beat her opponents through cunning or stealth. a theme of the show could be aging, and how a warrior copes with the physical deterioration that goes along with it.

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>a theme of the show could be aging, and how a warrior copes with the physical deterioration that goes along with it.
Xena. Logan style. As long as Lucy Lawless and most of the original cast return then I'm all for it. Make it a short series, 6-10 ep's. After that you could go TNG. They need to replace Kevin Smith as Ares though.

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Chloe Moretz

lucy lawless was such a good actress you forgot xena was a sexy woman and just believed she was a badass warrior.

any time they had the fan service episodes to remind you how hot she was, you were like.. ohh yeah, she is also really sexy, i keep forgetting.

I believe Lucy Lawless is suitable for the role.

Because sexism, it's 2019 goy and finding women attractive is so old hat

Huh? As I recall the Hercules finale was him fighting an Archangel that wanted to bring about the apocalypse

Carano would have been good maybe 10 years ago

I doubt that she would be able to pull off the warrior face. She'd make a good Gabrielle, who's a little taller then the original.

>watched Xena right when I hit puberty
I lost too many unborn children to her.

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This type of show and King Conan with an older Schwarzenegger, about how warriors age, are things I would definitely watch.

When I was in puberty I didn't know how to fap so I just suffered. Watching Xena, Charmed and Buffy I would pop a boner and just cry because I couldn't get relief. I remember trying to masturbate and it didn't work, had problems with hand dexterity and it was really awkward. I think I was 16 before I could finally jerk off, and until then shows like these were pure torture

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there is one...

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Nah just hire Aly Michalka and go back to her beating people up. Xena was about kung fu fighting not cunning shit

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bryce obv, imagine that brapper solving quests and shit

I believe (((they ))) would find the right actress who hates white men enough to pull it off

congratz on being retarded

I'm telling you I had hand problems, could not perform a lot of tasks, sucked at video games too

>Maybe by the same peoples that animate Castlevania

I see you like hot garbage then like a man of reddit.

Just find another dyke

i got my first boner watching the episode where the gabriel clones went around tearing peoples clothes off
or maybe that was xena+gabriel episode of hercules

Mommy Xena would be epic.

You're thinking of the episode where Aphrodite gives Gabrielle a piece of parchment where everything you write on it comes true, and Joxer uses it to create a group of naked dancing Gabrielles. They don't tear anyone's clothes off though

She's about the same age as Lucy though.

Maybe if she spent a year working hard and running tren

Of course

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Give me some Antje kino, bros. I've already seen MoS

man, that tutu is not fooling anyone.

Nah, Lucy lawless just had the perfect look, charisma and intensity. Too many soi girls today

Idris Elba

Jazz Jennings

dumb nigger poster

based ironic shitpost poster

Can’t fap or play vidya. How did you not kill yourself?

It was really terrible, got so built up that nocturnal emissions became a monthly occurrence. Got bad grades because all I could think about was sex sex sex. Eventually I started taking two pillows on top of each other and fucking them I was so desperate, while watching Wild On! E or Howard Stern Live

No she’s too weak looking and short.

Brie Larson

>Have you seen her yoga videos? I shit you not, she looks like she hasn't even aged a god damn fucking day since Xena aired
no i havent but now that you ve informed me of the existence of such a thing, i will.

didnt he die soon after the show was canceled?

He was at a wrap party for some movie he was filming in China, he was drinking and probably doing drugs. He decided it was a good idea to climb a prop tower on a movie set, fell and hit his head. RIP

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>tfw horny teenager watching xena to fap
>massive boner
>nearly ready
>xenas not been on screen for about 5 minutes
>fuck it
>cum over a horses vagina some character is riding

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She looks like a ghoul

She can fly because she's "Lawless"

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Posts like this remind me why Yea Forums is enjoyable occasionally

Typical kiwi girl. They also tend to have fridge bodies and horse faces usually.
She is on the higher end of the scale for new Zealand.


I loved it when them being lesbos was just a running joke, when in canon they were clearly straight and just open with each other. Then they had to fucking ruin it by making their relationship canon in season 5

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Jesus christ her face looks like a literal decomposed skull. I don't know how to describe it. Am I alone here?

Phoenix Marie

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you sound like a massive cringlord

Isn't that a porn star?

I was drunk when I made that post, leave me alone

>playing a warrior princess
>has long hooker nails
Ruined it for me, also Phoenix is and always has been a butterface, terrible Xena

someone post the webm of her jumping onto Tony Todd's ship, my computer crashed and I lost all of my webms

Lucy flawless? More like Juicy Flawless p

Jaimie Alexander

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We know who would play Gabrielle

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She was a perfect Gabby but Phoenix was awful and ruined it. It's a shame too, a porn parody has a lot of potential. I will say I love how she wore Gabrielle's skirt outfit just minus any underwear, and the director's creep shots of her ass. It's hotter than any of the actual sex scenes

I've got this on my hard drive. Don't know who it is but a possible candidate for Xena.

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Marvel hired a woman that looks slightly Asian. Look at her massive cheek bones. Her jaw length is weak. Maybe it's because she's getting older. In some shots, she looks more white.

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She looks like Cameron Diaz as a fitness model, nice

>a brony is born

Don't know who this is either but she could do it.

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