You wanna wunga

You wanna wunga

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i'm not sure

I wanna wunga im my chunga IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

Dee wonna wygo

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I wanna big chungus in my wungus if you catch my drift

This guy was called Swoke Swokes.

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Goddammit I didn't believe you until I looked it up.
>He appears in all of the prequels

>oakie dokes
bravo Lucas

This fuck made it to Coruscant but Amidala couldn't come up with anything?

this piece of shit has a job and i can’t get out of bed until 6pm what the fuck why

no, Rosie O'donnell.

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Based EU

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>an artist

Unironically a better design than Disney aliens.

unironically a better design than anything in the sequels

unironically a better post than the preceding post




Get off my ship.

Because you’re a lazy fucking cunt. Swokey swokes is a fucking entrepreneur. You’re a welfare whore.

it’s true. i can only aspire to swokey swoke’s intuitive business sense and work ethic.

how less terrifying is that creature because he is in broad daylight.

he’s not meant to be terrifying. he’s a humble artist spreading lgbt friendly pamphlets in his time off.