>be dead Stan Lee
>the tribute to your life's work is the intro of a shitty feminist propaganda movie
>Your Twitter account is used to promote said movie
Be dead Stan Lee
jesus christ no one cares about this fucking comic book shit go the fuck away
Imagine giving a shit a about this
Imagine having a 2 inch willy.
Is that a one time only intro?
Grow up dude. How nerdy do you have to be to even think or know about this? Stop following kids' shit.
He would be honored, Stan loved women, ask his nurses
Go home to Reddit you 2 inch cuckhold.
Trashy, just like everything else Disney does, anymore.
Unlike you all I can do is imagine
But just a few months ago you were spamming threads praising his death
why do you love jews now, twitter tranny
But you're on 4channel, this is a childish site for immature manchildren or underage kids posing as adults.
The main "jokes" here are pictures of frogs or cartoon man making wacky faces, referencing a stupid Simpsons gag and repeating dialogue from DKR.
>stop jewing my jew!
fuck off op
I know because even at full errection you barely reach the length of a raisen.
wait, are they really using his twitter account to post from beyond the grave?
What the hell has go wrong in a person's life that leads to them considering the logo for a comic book company to be an important issue?
Jesus Christ, go talk to a therapist.
Is this thread real? what the heck is happening. these are facebook or youtube tier arguments.
was just thinking
what a legend
we're into mature things, too, fag
Go back home to Reddit, Spencer.
Should've saved it for Endgame, not Captain fucking Marvel. Not with the shit reception it's been getting because no one will rein in the lead. Oh well.
Yes... they did it today.
thats what he gets for being a misogynist rapist that was molesting his nurses
>>be dead Stan Lee
>>the tribute to your life's work is the intro of a shitty feminist propaganda movie
>>Your Twitter account is used to promote said movie
what a legend
1. Its a tribute/memorial acct
2. Disney owns the rights to his social media and image/likeness in perpetuity
3. Get fucked retard
>Fuck Marvel, like they know what Stan would be thinking I KNOW WHAT STAN WOULD BE THINKING
>Disney owns the rights to his social media and image/likeness in perpetuity
Disney owns yada yada yada.
Disney acts like a shit.
>be Stanley Lee
>be rotting
>your shittiest movies still wildly better than DC's best
>be not spinning in grave
For some reason my brain tells me that's stan lees corpse in a casket being paraded? What the fuck am I looking at.
Why is there stitching on that bitches leg? Is she a fucking creature in a human suit or something?
has to be fake
You laugh, but look at how Harlan Sanders has been exploited beyond the grave for decades.
Remember when 6 months ago just before he died they were trying to defame him as a rapist but now they can puppet him around doing anything they want.
>not knowing what stocking seams are
Imagine being this much of an underage pleb.
Man you guys bitch about everything
Personally, I think its cool, I had dreamed of this exact thing and thrilled that they did it and might shed a single tear. I love Stan Lee.
Not a brapfag but damn
thats how it starts user
Have sex, femcel
Yep! They were trying to MeToo the crap out of him. They love him now, of course...