Tell me one good reason not to kill you

>Tell me one good reason not to kill you

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>If you kill me you'll never know the truth!

>If you kill me I win

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>where not so different you and i

>I had to do it. They have my son.


>If you kill him, you're just as bad as him

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You wouldn't kill me would you? *bats eyelashes*

>I have none, I'm kind of a piece of shit!

>If you kill them they win

>a man's footage do what a man's gotta do

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>You're not a killer

>In the morning I'm making waffles

>he's behind me isn't he?

Please kill me. Let it all end now!

>Murder is a sin

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If you let me live, I could save you 15% or more on your car insurance.

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The world will end on March 23, 2019.

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