he had a pretty good run
I wish he'd b in more stuff. I actually enjoy him.
Everyone from GOT
oi oi mate
This faggot is handsome as fuck it's not fair
did he do/say something dumb?
He and Jai Courtney should just be each other's backup man
Probably rejected a sexual advance from an exec like Fraser
the too close together eyes and asymmetrical jaw make him look like a negative IQ caveman
I guess women really dig low IQ cavemen
a lot of them will dig whatever is presented to them in favourable light
Reed Richards? Or is he too dumb?
Can't be Gambit. That was my one guy. I choose a young Harry Conick Jr.
photoshop user from the pruned thread?
Unironically wrong
Avatar 2 will save his career
Remember when Gambit, starring Channing Tatum, was going to come out in 2016? lmao
yes hi
Totally false lmao
He was good in fighting. Its a good movie too.
Funny in 21 jump street, other that that I haven't seen him in any decent roles
nice you turned him into a twink
That movie with him and Adam Driver was underrated af
Based af. I want you to photoshop me but I don't want Yea Forums to know what I look like. what do??
he was just in Hacksaw Ridge and did a good job
fat fuck
basically over for her
its been so long that they could really just recast the role and not too many people would notice or care
>disappointing breasts
Its not fair, we waited so long
Apart from Mad Men, he never had a leading role. There was that Tag movie but he's always been a supporting character
don't feed phil
he's on food commercials in Canada. I'm inclined to agree with you
Logan Lucky was very good.
I didn't even realize it was him for 15 minutes
Funny how Sam easily transitions.
lmao post link
dudes head is breathing.
he could never work again and he would still have had an impressive career. not many people get to be in one of the defining tv series of all time.
I'd chalk that up to his struggles with alcoholism
You think Peter Dink's career is over?
So do men
They’re annoying as fuck. I think they’re for skip the dishes
think it'll be about the same as before game of thrones, only one who's going to get roles for a bit is Sophie Turner despite her being one of the worst actors on the show
>Here's your James Bond bro.
based quads of truth Logan Lucky was fantastic
Jon Hamm's not British though. He's got the look of a secret spy but not the accent.
Cave-women are a high IQ fetish though.
he's the voice of mercedes benz
Only 2/6 Bonds have actually been English, and Americans have been considered for the role before. Hamm is too old though.
Whose the girl?
how can someone so cute be such a massive thot
Geez he looks like the biggest faggot in the world. Why are his lips puckered up like he's ready to suck dick?
>that thankfully-brief period of time when Russell Brand was considered a viable lead actor
tfw hes younger than Tom Cruise
No they aren't, you just want to breed Grugina and call yourself smart at the same time
He was on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and he made fun of D****h. He's doing fine
Oi, Upgrade was a pretty good movie.
Ouch, user.
Who is this?
my name jeff
Shes a nun who dedicated her life to Christ.
I have a feelings he's going to end up JUST'd within the next couple of years.
Kek I’m your best friend now
My wife.
Why does he look like a generic action videogame NPC
the guy from From Paris With Love
He is box office poison, almost everything he did after Mad Men bombed, only Baby Driver and Tag made decent profit
Maybe not generic but you’re onto something. I’d say he looks like he’s about to fight roided out subterranean lepers with his equally swole friends