How accurate a representation of British schools is this show?

How accurate a representation of British schools is this show?

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What the fuck I have starting watching this on youtube only today and now there is a thread.

Anyway it's pretty accurate i'm from the UK so.

somewhat accurate but this was the most dogshit fucking programme
the only good one was when the entire school got motored by a lorry or something

Yeah well they just started uploading them on YouTube some months ago so I was reminded of its existence. Watched some of season 1 (never watched it that early) and found the behaviour of the characters completely bizarre. Every single scene it's like they'd forgotten the previous scene (and what they said, their ego, progression, relations with another character). Bizarre in the way of entirely unconvincing and unrealistic human behaviour. Don't remember the later seasons being quite like this.

There was one episode where girls went into the boys showers and took pictures of them naked and the only punishment they got was the female teacher saying "I'm very disappointed"

Sounds like most teenagers to be fair. I know what you mean though alot of the time the writing is shit but their have been some good story lines and funny moments. I used to watch it with my mum when it first started.

Actually, I'm talking more about the teachers, seeing as the first season seems to be much more focused on them. Most of the students are typical caricatures of what a boomer would think secondary school students are like. The teachers however... I'm talking for example one of them has an abortion without telling her husband, and when he finds out he's like "my baby has been murdered" and tells his friend who knew about it without telling him or stopping her that he never wants to talk to her again. Then a scene later they're best mates. Another one is with this old milf woman who's all over the head teacher, threatens him serious false sexual harassment charges if fires her, then an episode later they're best mates. It goes on and on.

I can't argue with that most of the writing is very subpar it's just some shitty enjoyment. I'd say season 2 was pretty good though can't really remember the rest might give it a re-watch for old times sake.

Though ti does really make me want to get into teaching.

more like pooinloo road

This shit is much better and much more realistic.

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only character i really remember by name was finn sharkey who was the school madlad

That'd be the reaction nowadays too.
Now if the sexes were reversed...

nah mate the true madlad was lewis bedson cos he tried to rape the half nigger teacher

>more realistic
top KEK

fuck off m8 skins is well good

Dunno, where I went to school a lot of Skins was pretty realistic.

did you go to school in fuckin gomorrah

But like, what part don't you think was realistic?

too many drugs and orgies t b h

yeah but he was a deformed retard thug from early season where nigh every student was special needs school material whereas finn had a high charisma stat

I think watching Skins was the first realization that i was a loser, because my adolescence was nothing like this

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Were you that kid, Yea Forums?

I mean Skins is obviously exaggerated, and obviously every character has everything happen to them at once, as part of the story. Like, no one's life is like Tony's, or Sid's, etc.
But little bits here and little bits there I could name loads of people that it related to. People doing a load of drugs and going to raves and shit isn't uncommon.

wtf is this, is this waterloo road? why is the teacher such a cunt?

Grantley has always been the cunt.

I was that weird awkward cunt Philip in season 4.

he bullies the dumb vulnerable kids in front of the class and gets away with it

What are all you britanons doing up?

Wishing I had a GF, job and money.

I have a universal credit appointment at 10 and I need to stay up or I won't get up. sleep pattern is fucked.

anyway I started rewatching this a couple of years ago. I dont remember too much, except I was slightly gutted when tom died. And Gabriella was hot as fuck
I think a lot of us had one of those teachers desu

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>appointment at 10 and I need to stay up or I won't get up. sleep pattern is fucked.

I have a UC meeting at 5 past 11 a phone one though for some reason which is news to me. Also she's fit.

the later you stay awake the longer away having to wake up for work is
it's like getting free time

Lewis wasnt nearly as bad as Earl kelly in that regard. He was nice to that autistic girl at least

This is my first one for this claim. I've been putting it off way too long. The bennies system is fucking soul destroying. I'm now very behind on rent so hoping to fuck I can get an advance. I remember it being a surprisingly simple process a few years ago

Yeah it's not so bad if you do it right, they make you do a job search every day in some journal online but I only do one job and it takes less than 30 seconds and every month you get £250 for nothing.
Do not get sanctioned though it's such a pain in the ass.

Earl was a lad for murdering that Roastie Maxine.