Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
Previous Thread:
Sneed's Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck's
Planning to see Alita for the 9th time tomorrow
Give us your obligatory Alita posts.
thread blessed by Alita's number
Wow, same number as me. Going to go in the morning.
Reminder that Rosa is four years older than Brie.
Could non cgi Alita/Rosa still work? I personally think it could.
can anyone convince me to watch the movie for a second time tomorrow by myself
>watch it for the first time
Cool movie.
>second time
Next day cry like a child.
>third time
>pic related
Any relatable stories?
dubs and the sequel's confirmed
all right, if you say so man. we get it, you're trying to be Hugo here refusing the heart.
Fuck I want to see this movie again
I've only seen it 6 times
Jesus, really? Rosa aged nicely, Brie looks like a fucking hag with no character.
reroll for you
You do not deserve such mercy.
Not stopping until we get that sequel.
deep down you know the answer to that question
not this good.
we probably wouldn't have had a general
wanted to add, that out of the other 7 people all loved it. I loved it probably even a little more, but someone else who never bought a manga before bought the alita manga because of it.
Okay, trips and we get a cinematic universe.
Probably not. That's /alita/ for you though. They care anyway.
it will happen
I like seeing others feel the same joy I feel.
This pic is unfairly adorable
I'm gonna have a day that Alita would be proud of
>tfw you were born in a hispanic shithole, but will never date a mestiza like her.
Why live?
I don't even think Brie is necessarily 'unattractive' but Rosa just seems so much better as a person. Plus she's smol.
me too user.
but the movie is out of my country since tuesday.
cm was released wednesday
We try to be good people here. It's honestly a refreshing change from the shitposting on the rest of the board
One more time, if I roll a 6, we get a trilogy.
I wish I were Hugo, or at least as close to Alita as he was.
have something even cuter
what do you guys expect to be in the next film? alita character development or a bunch of motorball?
>ywn hold a robowaifus antimatter-powered super-heart in your hands as she encourages you to sell it and chase your dreams
Standee user here, I finally put this fuck-huge thing together, and it crashed into my fan, breaking part of the fan. Standee is OK.
They're one-and-the-same user.
Fucking epic user, I love it.
those unshaven pits
99/10 good job user i'm proud of you
Not giving up!
Clean your room ... ah I see you're in progress
Nice standee! But please clean your room lad
didn't read the manga (actually read the 1st volume but already forgot) but i'm guessing cortana rogue ai type shit
Fucking gangsta tearing it up. This is great
Both and we learn Nova's secret.
this is gold kek
This one's even better
I'm dead.
We have our next general OP
someone post this shit on Yea Forums
Now get to work on the power battles one
What if they actually make a motorball game?!
Don't you worry that Standee Alita might accidentally kill you one day user?
Good lord.
She's gonna go full berserk and kill a bunch of men before realizing that her constant desire for conflict leads to really poor decisions and she has to learn to control her strength
She went from child to young adult in the first movie now she has to mature even further into being a responsible adult
>Leave Your Family Behind And Go to Zalen! (I promise!)
>One Ball. One Final Champion. No Rules Tuesday
Good fuck, been laughing at this for 5 minutes.
Alita no, don't do it. You madwoman.
I assumed her lust for battle was because her memories and old personality were resurfacing and her currently tuned body was pushing her mind in that direction.
I really wonder if the follow up can be as good as this film, but that they already have the scripts and ideas for film 2 and 3 done from cameron, i don't see how this can be bad
also its going to happen
Way better than my original 5 minute MS paint hackjob.
You fucking crushed it. I feel like how Jim must have felt after watching Robert's movie. Better than I could have ever hoped.
Tonight was the last showing of Alita in my town. There were three people in the cinema, including myself. I sneaked into a showing of Captain Marvel, and there were nearly two hundred people in that theater, there were very few empty seats. I left within 20 seconds, I did not want my Alitalove to be corrupted. It was clear though, that CM is going to greatly outperform Alita financially. That doesn't make it a BETTER movie, just more normie friendly.
The mouse will always defeat niche markets like ours. Sad but true.
Haven't read the manga so this is pure speculation:
Fallen Angel will start where Battle Angel ended, with the Champion's League of Motorball. She won't win, so there will be quite a bit of motorball.
Might conclude the Nova story, or they might keep him around for Avenging Angel, assuming they'll film them back to back like Avatar 2&3.
One can only dream it does. No better way to go out.
I really want Junkie XL to return to do the music, but I want him to go balls out crazy on the score. Follow like what Shiro Sagisu does and incorporate vocals into the songs.
Requesting Alita tipping a fedora
Well I'm still not going.
done. keep it alive.
*tense music starts*
*motorball track starts*
First half will be Alita vs Jashugan in Motorball, 2nd half will be Alita reaching Zalem and meeting Figure Four
Watch the drop-off. Remember that a franchise film mostly is carried by people who are in for the next installment. Many of those people have purposely avoided any spoilers or media about the movie, but their word of mouth carries weight.
I still think Captain Marvel will make more than Alita, but I'm not sure it will be as profitable.
>Alita vs Jashugan
That'll be hype as fuark.
Ido explained that it's her training that makes her seek conflict, and when he refused to unite her with her berserker body, the next scene she was registering to be a HW and starting shit in the bar
>that Jashugan though.
They picked the most uncharismatic ginger they could get.
Blessed, healed and Alitapilled OP
Yeah, but, the manga alludes that he got that part wrong. It also doesn't point out the cyborg's body has an effect on their mind.
I love that this happened and I was here to wittness it all in the span of an afternoon. It goes back to Peaches and some other user talking about pod racing, then another user came up with the basic idea of alita tie-in games circa 1999 and did a crappy edit and now we have this.
CM will make a bunch domestically, but I'm wondering how much foreign markets will really take it. I actually think Alita will outdo CM in China, in total that is.
I will hurt you.
The boatman bowls to now one. He will fund the sequel himself if it comes to it.
kek based nippon woman
I saw it my tenth time tonight, and it will not be playing in my town anymore. I feel a sense of loss, user.
did you ask for it? ive always wanted a standee
Literally just ask, they throw them out if you don't.
It's still in my city until Wednesday at least, though it's down to a single screen now. Which is sad in itself.
oh shit i have to buy this for my mom
Yeah, they were throwing it out for Captain Marvel stuff so I asked if I could have it.
Jordan Peterson should enjoy Alita, I suppose
- Pinocchio
- The hero's journey
- Rescuing your father from the underworld
- Don't bother kids when they're motorballing
- Pet a dog when you encounter one on the street
- The over-protective parent
- All those biblical archetypes, from the fall of Eden, to the Tower of Babel, to the fallen angels and nephilim, baptising of the berserker, Alita as a Christ figure
- Telling the truth
- The embodied spirit
>Yeah, they were throwing it out for Captain Marvel stuff so I asked if I could have it.
That breaks my heart.
>spent $20 for Alita in IMAX 3D
>spend $20 on a lyft to another theater with IMAX to watch How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World on IMAX for another $20
That’s enough IMAX for the rest of the year for my ass. Captain Bitchface seems to ruin everything, especially now that there’s no 3D screenings for both Alita and The Hidden World.
Americans just weren't ready to embrace Alita, but they will be... next time.
>Her movie wasn't even shot in 3D
>She's superceeding two real 3D movies just because she's Marvel
twitter memes
I'm dumb, i always wondered why people keep posting that pic
laser projection? $15 here but just 2k
These threads are all ironic, right?
There's some rumors they may kill off CM because of Brie or recast her entirely. But that's just rumors.
count me in
No, this movie is amazing.
Based Jimbo.
There is no irony, only sincerity with Alita.
your life is ironic lmao
Yeah. All ironic. Nobody really likes this movie haha
she worked so hard to get to us
I think my town still has some Alita screenings thorough the week. However they are all 2D or dubbed. And I fucking hate the dub. By the way, the only 3D screening is not IMAX and is dubbed.
For fuck's sake.
I have a question. How is it that IMAX in America is that expensive? Here, when I saw it Tuesday it was 5,40 aprox., and when I saw it with my mother in the weekend it was 10,80 each ticket.
Why is it cheaper here?
pretty lame
Like did you stop them at the dumpster or what
we are tired of being ironic all the time, these threads are sincere
i just hope they dont sacrifice her character development and her personal journey for action that might appeal to a larger audience in hopes of avoiding poor box officeresults. But seeing as this seems to be camerons passion project i dont think hed do that
Where are you?
If they did they'd be missing the point why it got such high audience reviews.
Alita's growth IS the reason we like it.
You should change that sega logo to something else desu. Then it'll be perfect.
He owns the rights, Fox wouldn't be calling the shots. Cameron would go either all in or nothing.
Right when I finished watching Alita I saw them move it from it's place, and they had some new Captain Marvel stuff that I assumed they were going to put in it's place. I asked if I could have it, and I just got a direct "sure". Took it right there.
Bogotá, Colombia.
The food store was a theft though. How is it over there?
>9000 COP for a coke.
Saw it again with my buds, just to spite Captain Marvel's opening fellow alita anons
Is there anyone more Chad than Figure Four? I think not!
These replies are all ironic, right?
300 lbs.
You too can be /healed/ if you choose
I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. She's read the original and even Last Order. She printed out every page from the first volume and colored them because she wanted to spend more time with Alita.
You know, I was thinking the same thing. BRB looking for fonts.
If I said yes would you sleep better at night?
>The answer is no.
You're doing god's work, user.
*licking screen profusely*
>Tube spike ring: countless multiple viewings.
What did it cost?
probably priced relative to regular non-imax tickets in each region
I need all your Alita reaction images please
seeing gangsta with a lightsaber is funnier than it should be
All of them!
I haven't been to the theater.
How do shitty memes like this hurt the eyes? Its painful to look at like that two panel elevator scene pic the gets posted in every thread. So obnoxious it hurts to look at.
Had some free time so I whipped this up
Sequel now!!
I'd pay attention to your article user but Rosa's red carpet look there is gorgeous
kinda cute I guess but our podracing edits vastly outweight it
Excellent addition to the Yea Forums alita collection user
yep, we're just that dedicated you found us out user
just for you
I don't use social media so I don't really have a way to share what I do. If anyone wants to post my stuff, go ahead.
>Alita: Battle Angle
Playing her own waifu on screen. She truly is /ourgirl/
i'm sorry user.
see ya
Shit, that's fucking cool. That actually looks like a SNES cover design too, very fitting.
>Atila: Babble Angle
15,000 pesos Colombianos minimo, rolo.
this one still doesn't make sense to me but now the corndog just makes me laugh because it was one user's odd request to see her with a hot dog
will only be my 6th time soon, but I still love how happy she is when riding with Hugo for the first time
Requesting that pic of the roastie reviewer
Half the time, these fucking outlets ask these questions that push these celebrities into a corner. It's like when someone asked the writer of Solo if Lando could be pansexual. Well what the hell are you going to say? No? Of course not, then you have a huge media backlash. Someone probably asked her about Trump and she just had to say something like this.
I expect the best fight in the entire series and to see Alita go from being beloved to despised by all. And despite all of that, she still fights to save them
legit looks like real cover art. Very nicely done.
i got you, faam
I think this is one of my more favorite ones so far. It's just so perfect.
Disney is really desperate to make us hate her.
I read that apparently most of the main Avengers cast hated working with her, especially the other women
she's a big girl
Good, she's not a cuck like other Latinas who would betray their raza for anons on a Indonesian foot fetish board.
>that puc would make any real man hate her
Cropped it just now.
I could actually imagine a SNES Alita game, like the Star Wars games. Those were tough as fuck
>Go to theater
>Buy tickets for IMAX 3D
>Enter screening room
>Fewer than normal seats with a regular screen
Well, at least the 3D was good. WTF AMC?
Why do you fat shills keep bringing politics into this?
Unlike your shitty fungus man, Alita can stand on her own. Her actors' leftist politics are completely irrelevant to the film.
hi retard!
Cuál rolo, malparido. Onions el alita user pastuso que vive en esta mierda de ciudad, esta mierda es horrible; sáqueme de acá cogeburra/paisa bámbaro.
Not only that even though Rosa is liberal she's not in our faces about it.
Here you go - replaced the SEGA logo
Alla: Bittle Angle
Sup bros. I don't know if anyone remembers me from two threads ago but I was desperate to find a 3D screening near me. Well, I found one in 4DX, the only issue is that today is the last day and it's in fucking Mexico. So here I am, alone in a country that I've never been to before trying to get around with my broken Spanish. Driving to get here was like the motorbowl and I accidentally drove into a lane that was only meant for busses but the cop let me go. Alita is worth it though. I made it, anons.
if i wouldn't have to go back to work in two days i probably would have done an alita romhack of some game
Fuck you I want my sides back.
Amazing! You did it!
Okay gentleman. I'm about to dive into Last Order. Wish me luck!
The way back is going to be fucking hell bro but I wish you the best!
Jesus Christ user, that's brilliant.
McTeague and pupper; why is it so funny
dang lucky
The dog fought with another dog. So I am today to the veterinarians and not to Alita.
Shit... the first few pages and someone is bullying baby Alita.
This general wouldnt exist if Captain Marvel didn't release around the same time. It would just have normal threads like any other movie. This shit is forced cringe
Stop I can only get so erect
Get your shit normiebook memes out of here.
>CM shills are trying to take credit for Alita and straight up ignore the audience reviews.
Wtf is this canon?!
this one
Captain Marvel released a month after Alita. You haven't been healed by Alita, you don't understand the threads.
Why is this is so fucking hot?
Skip to 2:15:
These are great thank you
btw anyone have the full size of the last pic of her here? with the lens flare eyes
shut up discord faggot
This is all I got.
now Captain marvel has been released and it is shit. i'm gonna go watch this movie again.
erogenous zone
another one
and another
We'll convert you yet.
desu I thought it was going to be Shazam vs. Captain Marvel for the next month.
>tfw dipping orange chocolate sticks in orange vanilla coke while watching alita for the 9th time
I saw this today with my brother, it's actually really good. I thought it was just a meme, but no great movie. I'll trust Yea Forumss recommendations now
wait aren't we supposed to read from right to left? this one only make sense left to right
have a blast
Yeah, the original series is left to right. Last Order is right to left.
The old translation was left to right
You can tell because of the hand-lettering and blurry low-rez scans
madman!! Enjoy Alita's movie one more time :)
he is a troll and he is probably going to say later that we post this kind of garbage in this thread
glad you liked it!
Good luck brother
Back in the day when comic publishers tried bringing over Manga they thought readers would be incapable of breaking the habit of reading left to right, so they'd painstakingly flip and rearrange all the planes and then rewrite all the sound effects and and text by hand. Then Viz published Dragon Ball Z in the original Right-to-Left format with a little goku at the top of the page telling the reading direction without doing any of that hard shit and it sold fine and everyone resized they were wasting their goddamn time like idiots.
a broken clock is right twice a day.
watch out user
>Cuntain Marvel’s 3D is fake3D
these memes are getting way too advanced
That's the power of /alita/!
Well, I'll continue the dub and post the remaining script lines, but here's just a little preview.
kek thats a great story, i never read any manga so Alita would be my first, where can I find it online from right to left? I plan i buying physical copies later
That's weird, didn't crosspost for some reason. Oh well, here's a link to the .webm.
What did Peaches mean by this?
the mirror and room scenes were the best 3d scenes for me
I wish I had an Alita doll. I wouldn't even be lewd with her, I'd just cuddle and hug her.
Holy shit we need to complete this.
Any more from this artist?
I hope you lads got your -limited edition- cans
Where can you buy them?
>tfw /HealedbyAlita/
idk, someone posted this in one of the general a couple of days ago
Liquor stores, gas stations, or closeout stores like Big Lots or Dollar Tree. I got one for 75 cents at Big Lots
it's a good feel to be blessed.
millions of people
Glory to the Spanish Empire!
come on, nothing about doll-Alita is sexual.
try this, i know it doesn't work in the us though
Did I do the right thing?
I mean, I'm with her. Latinos are like 18% of population, even more if you add illegals, but they barely get any represenation in media, while niggers and jews are everywhere, and niggers have the gall to whine that it's not enough despite being massively overrepresented. That said, we need that wall but we're not getting one from MIGA Trump.
That look she gives her like "You fucking cunt"
>ruins your chance of watching Alita in the superior 3D / IMAX3D format
Here’s hoping HTTYD3 still has 3D showings
>that flat ass in 3d
what a waste of 3D technologies
To be fair, Alita doesn’t have an ass either
imagine if she turned around to look at you like that and then she smiled and said, "Just kidding," and threw her arms around you and gave you a kiss on the cheek ha ha that would be perverted and sick but just think on it
>To be fair, Alita doesn’t have an ass either
That's our daughter you sick fuck
glad i got in today
Yeah, have to admit. Despite hating hair on women, especially pits or legs, that pic is strangely arousing.
oh I'm convinced that's 90% of the emotion in that look. "Don't look at my butt you dickhead."
ha ha that is gross user wow but I am thinking about it now :S
Damn some lucky fans tonight got to meet Rosa after the screening of Alita at the Hollywood Cinerama Dome
It works! Thank you!
Checked. double dubs.
Maybe, or maybe we just have to strive for it, which is the moral of the story.
So, in that theme, REROLL:
A final roll from me
Stop calling to Kek.
Shut up. It’s all subtle ass shots from when she starts wearing black leather suit.
Which one trained the hardest?
good job user
Just face it, none of us are getting dubs.
you got it chief!
Interesting post.
Nice work user! It may happen now.
Oh god this is literally the first time EVER that I unironically want to bury my face in an ass.
The stars shine the brightest in the darkest night.
Welcome to the fold, brother.
Based Jashugan digits
I laughed. Thanks guys. Going to sleep now. Have fun!
What to do? Read alita thread again.
And again
and again
and again...
Threadly reminder to report this shit seeing asit's pure spam and nobody even talks about the movie. If that wasn't enough, it's also clear shilling for yet another Hollywood dystopian sci-fi future "you are the chosen one, oh badass female MC" sequel bait. If you want Alita just go read the source material, it's a million times better than anything Cameron can shit out.
I hope it wasn't empty.
Go play with you dolls, fag.
Couldn't tell since it was dark and all, but from her insta story, it looks like she went to another theater to watch it again too
How many times did you watch it?
8 times here, the theater staff even gave me the poster without even asking if I wanted it.
this is honestly the limit of how much a pit hair a girl could have without it looking like she just doesn't give a shit
we have no hubris and this user gets it. hence, the dubs
3 times, which is really enough for me, honestly, but I will see it one final time, mostly because I want to ask the theater staff if I can take home a poster, which I really want.
A-Anonzinho brasileiro, é você?
first time? what are you gay?
Kek. I bet she's a huge alitafag.
Should I make the next general?
Just picked up the current issue of Cinefex with Alita on the cover. If you're into making-of shit, hurry up and get this. They don't often last long.
11 times today. This time was a theatre half full middle aged dads. I am 28 but felt right at home.
Reminder to be nice to Deckman. They've had a hard life.
Dr Ido, I'm URM
You're a big girl.
Use the Nova version please
>Cannot even provide a counter argument because they know it's true
You fags are so burnt out your threads are nothing but "I watched it x times" and "if x happens we get a sequel!". It's so sad I'm inclined to think it's literal programed shilling/spamming.
Please do.
you sure showed me. i've been blown the h*ck out forever. I guess I'll leave now for sure...
You can't tell us what to like.
Sim... sou eu, quem é voce? O anão que disse ficar um pouco triste com o filme?
I don't give a flying fuck about what you like, I just don't want the same 80 fags spamming the board with endless threads about this for absolutely no reason. This is only slightly above pedo and sneed threads, and that is not saying much.