Remember when this came out and Yea Forums liked it and then 6 months later claimed to absolutely hate it in order to...

Remember when this came out and Yea Forums liked it and then 6 months later claimed to absolutely hate it in order to be as contrarian as possible?

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Other urls found in this thread:


coz i realized the movie is just a gimmick.

I bet you think Yea Forums liked the avengers 1, tdkr, fury road, star wars 7, flavor of the week capeshit #23, etc too


>there are people browsing this board right now that don't know anons only post negative things about movies for (You)'s and nothing more

>i was only pretending to like those things for shitposting h-haha!
post-irony was a mistake

it became overrated then anons will shit on it.

Fuck you i like it

>Yea Forums is a hive mind

Except I recall months of skepticism given a) it's a sequel that didn't need to be made, and b) Ford's promo pictures made it look like a dumpster fire. And it turned out to be warranted, all of it. Even all the supposed miniatures used on set turned out to be a marketing gimmick and lie.

Attached: Blade_Runner_2049_VFX Breakdown_DNEG_2.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

I bet you think Yea Forums likes alita too

Yea Forums convinced me to see it and I instantly hated it

I thought it was a boring, confused mess.
The fact that so many obvious underage newfags praised it as the best film of the 21st century didn't help ("omg le based goose i just watched drive ama" etc)
All it did was convince me that Dulleneuve's Dune is going to be an atrocious lump of tedious dogshit

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>Remember when this came out and Yea Forums liked it
>then 6 months later claimed to absolutely hate it in order to be as contrarian as possible?
no. some people got sick of the fat virgins here calling it the best movie ever and a few shit posters went full autism with the "dishonest" bait threads. its still widely liked by most of Yea Forums and its the patron film of this board

>Yea Forums ISN'T a hivemind

It's objectively shit though

Don't think that was true, BR2049 was one of the few movie that was almost unanimous liked here. It's always 3-5 autists who throw together a wall of text, fixate on a couple of bait talking points and paste it into every thread. I remember one of them would constantly link his video essay and another one would open his thread by labeling it "dishonest film making".
I also think it's a sign that you've been on a board too long when you start to recognize and pick out anonymous writing styles and talking points.

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OP is a dumb faggot

>for months before release people expected it to be a steaming pile of shit, didn't want it to be made, didn't want it to tarnish the original
>In the days surrounding release Yea Forums actually really likes it
>As days pass it achieves Alita levels of adoration, at any one time there would be at least 9 active blade runner threads at all times of day
>The most beloved movie on Yea Forums since Drive, everyone watches it multiple times, the love for the movie is not the least but ironic for once, everyone actually loves it and all threads are dense with genuine discussion, everyone feels privileged to have seen it on the big screen knowing years from now kids will lament never having had the opportunity
>As it becomes clear it's a box office failure in the US and China, there is sadness but also joy that Hollywood won't rape the movie with an unnecessary sequel
>Weeks go by and genuine discussion runs dry, threads become mostly about waifus and memes
>The films run finally ends, discussion mostly stops but still with many threads popping up every week
>By this point posters have long since start meming that the film is dishonest, this meme doesn't really stick, ironic blade runner hate threads are more annoying and memes need to be funny and joyous to thrive and have real longevity
>The hate threads die down, eventually the horny and lonely meme comes to fruition and gains steam, blade runner becomes inducted into the core Yea Forums meme culture, everyone knows that it's a fantastic film, some claim it is overrated, they are wrong
This is how it really went down

what a dishonest dance routine

Some people like stuff, some people don’t? I’ve really never seen a movie mentioned on here that was universally appreciated by every user on this board. Off the top of my head.... The Monster Squad? I’ve never seen people shit talk The Monster Squad but believe me, those people exist and if there was an addict Monster Squad thread they would come in to shit on it. What movie does everyone actually like? Back to the Future?

Back to the Future is reddit.

>movie comes out
>only people who like movies enough to pay for them watched it and liked it
>torrent comes out
>enter the rabid pleb hordes


Pretty good summary.

Do you think that if you bought two JOIs that you could network them together and have them make out and stuff?

you missed out the minority of Yea Forums patricians who actually found the film to be a pretentious snoozefest - a boring, overhyped, soulless hackjob that should have never left the drawing board

>fury road
Yea Forums liked Fury Road.

>Someone refers to themselves as "patrician" without realizing that that's only a term that other people can give you
opinion discarded every time

What is it about barefoot girls? Are shoes and socks inherently slutty?

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It was just a few literal redditors spamming their albeit hilarious, incoherent contrarian pastas. The survey from February proves that BR2049 is still loved by this site. It got the most votes by a wide margin.

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has anyone got the original? I want to see how the tastes of this board have changed over the years

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Paulson linked the survey on reddit and across the site for some reason that year so people don't count it as this board

Attached: survey-2011-1-general-overview-large1.jpg (1760x2567, 1.99M)

This ^ one or that one?

The 2011 one

You mean this one?

Attached: top-films-of-all-time.jpg (1852x1882, 2.67M)

I remember one autist getting so butthurt he kept spamming threads faking it.
Yea Forums still loves the movie.

What else is new?

Attached: the tv cycle.png (850x600, 107K)

based retard

Imagine being this guy.

yeah that's the one, thanks
>from generic ass IMDB top 10 in 2011 to our own unique set of favorites in 2019
Surprisingly noice progression, you're alright sometimes teevee

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Was it loved, though? I recall a mostly even split, with 30% calling it a masterpiece, 30% calling it absolute shit and 40% mostly ambivalent on it. That's kind of what caused me to remember it, that it was one of the few times when Yea Forums wasn't unanimous on something being absolute shit or absolute kino. And after a couple of weeks, most people only cared about the memes and the holo-waifu.

I still like it

It was an unnecessary sequel. But then it became something beautiful. It's one of my favorite movies of the 2000/2010s. I'm glad it was made.

>I recall a mostly even split, with 30% calling it a masterpiece, 30% calling it absolute shit and 40% mostly ambivalent on it
Not really. There was a vocal minority. I remember few reasonable people, few spergs, and of course THAT guys.
Most of Yea Forums liked it - albeit the reasons went from a deep analysis of themes and references to le ebin waifu.

The Werewolves vs Vampires ending sealed the deal on this mess.

this unironically. can't believe they included the harrison ford shit too. i would respect the film a little bit more if it stood on its own
>dabs on your Blade Runner Blues

>this unironically

>that reddit tier top 10
Christ and these people vote

take your pills user

>Let's show off this beautiful miniature that we've put countless hours by putting a bunch of fog all over with CG!

That poster is atrocious. I mean, I like this movie but come on.

>I would appreciate a Bladerunner movie more if it had less to do with the original Bladerunner
Talk about dishonesty.

Harrison was one of the best parts of the movie, and redeemed himself by actually acting for the first time in decades
>woah dude I can't believe the protagonist of the first film was in the sequel. What gives!???

Yea Forums is as retarded and hypocritical as Yea Forums

I thought it was very dishonest and the script was hacky. The very beginning where Sapper says to K, "because you've never seen a mirror, K" didn't make any sense. They didn't have mirrors in 2049? The curved windows in Joshi's office were very dishonest.

Yeah something like that

>inducted into the core Yea Forums meme culture
You facebook spics from IMOGENsfavoritepage aren't Yea Forums no matter how hard that paki makes you think you are desu

>you aren't Yea Forums because i said so
imagine actaully trying to gatekeep a Alexa top 1000 website where literally anybody with a JS-enabled browser can post.. imagine trying to pretend such a website has an exclusivity to it at all

think about how bad this guys life must've been to get to this point lads

>literally happened

>nu Star Wars has soured people so much on the series that A New Hope has dropped from 10th in 2011 to 31st in 2019

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this literally explains everything about Yea Forums

thank you for posting it

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It was boring as fuck. So easy to identify plebs who like this shit.

I don't remember that second part, no.

This is obviously from reddit and edited to say Yea Forums.

So we can cut out the Blade Runner films, Drive, and TDKR as they are obviously just meme votes for TEH EPIC LULZ

>Batman V Superman

I.... what? Is this just which movies had the best memes on Yea Forums?

And they were right. Even the effects aren't going to stand the test of time.

everybody who liked the movie just ignored the BR bashing threads