......wait, what?

......wait, what?

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You shit heeled twerp

his wife was haunting him as punishment for killing so many zipper heads during the war
read pizzas insta

>read pizzas insta
no thanks

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>read pizzas insta

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No wife, no children, just me and my dogs out here

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I wish they had added in the deleted scene where he re-visits the “shit heeled twerp” in his modern timeline but his dementia mistakes him for a gook soldier and he shoots him dead and then they plant evidence to pin the abduction on him to justify the killing. Shame they removed that.

Scientists now theorize an infinite number of dimensions outside our own.
Einstein said past, present, and future are all a stubbornly persistent illusion.
And are you waking up to that illusion?
Now while things fall apart are you starting to see them clearly?
And at the end of all things, are you awakening to what you withheld?
Did you confuse reacting with feeling?
Did you mistake compulsion for freedom?
And even so... did you harden your heart against what loved you most?
Oh sweetheart. Did you think you could just go on and never once have to look back?

Someone give me a rundown on this season, I don’t watch tv anymore



Haysposting is a low effort meme

Dang it, someone always beats me to it.

What kind of fucking hack sets up evidence for a huge conspiratorial pedophile ring just to cop out hard in the last episode and have it be 3 jackoffs running the whole thing because a crazy lady didn't want to legally adopt? Episode 8 was seriously Rian Johnson levels of "subverting expectations" by shitting on everyone's investment.

The best part are the Pizzaboys acting like this show's terrible writing when it came to relationships and personal issues becomes kino highbrow drama just because it *wasn't* about a conspiracy.

dem keedz

Worst season

>3000000000 minutes of black nigger talkign with nigger wife

Oh god i wish that were me.

Based tier = vinceposting
Good tier = lawnposting
Meh tier = haysposting

Huff huff?

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>mfw I realize I will become like him

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Not everything its about you

What's wrong with that? Seriously

I want to have kids but I cant stand womans crazyness


which episode has the guy playing with the girl's feet?

pizzagate isn't evidence for anything, its a gigantic fucking joke.

>mfw imalready like him at age 33

Then why does it make me giggle

Where on his Insta does he say this? Or did I just fall for something.

I'll stick with Buzz Aldrin's


He didnt mention pizzagate. Do you think pedo rings are not real?

There was one scene where I rewinded several times trying to figure out what he was saying and ended up giving up. I always thought it was a big problem with season 1 that I could understand all these people in Louisiana, so at least they improved that

>past a certain age, a man without a family can be a really bad thing

so this must have been the age Marty was talking about right guys?

I'm beginning to think this is what my future really holds, friendless, gfless just like him already.