What if phil just faded or died after so many loops?

what if phil just faded or died after so many loops?

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It would have been too merciful.

for you

>you like boats but not the ocean

How many days would you spend watching Kino with Rita?

I would never stop the loop until I'd assimilated all information I could. I would become a god among men


I don’t get why that bitch was so hard to get that he only ever got her in the last loop.

>I don’t get why that bitch was so hard to get that he only ever got her in the last loop.
It's always the last place you look, am I right?

prude """women"""

I would be with other girls besides her for as long as I could gathering information about each

>You like Boats but not the Ocean's Eight

Attached: boyfriend movies.jpg (587x403, 34K)

but life would drastically change. It would be years or centuries since you were a normal human
Is it truly worth it?

To be god is to forget to be man

This is somewhat right. to be a demi, possibly
but not a full god

they didn't have the internet man. it would be hard to get access to a good variety of kinos

you wouldn't know that you could stop the loop in the first place. however, if you grew, as he did, to believe there was no way out, you may still come to the conclusion to learn non-stop

Full god would require omniscience, which would entail the dissolution of self. Demi-god is where it's at

I contend Phil would have eventually developed an understanding of physics sufficient to design a machine to escape the loop


I guess. to be reply to your other response,
He would probably have been wasting time for the first couple of months/years
and then he finally started learning things. First for personal gain like when he learned about that lady to bang her

>to be reply
but to reply*

why even break the loop?

he could have a nice life with no responsibilities, no aging and sickness, in a comfy town and with a qtpi girl

it seems like heaven, why ruin that

Andi is the only true 10/10 to ever live

>twice divorced

i dunno user

That was probably what he was going for
But then the loop ended

There has to be a loop (or whole periods) where Phil did far more violent things than shown. How many times do you think Rita got raped and/or murdered by Phil?

The creators said he didn't

they weren't there. he could have raped the entire village

i think the heist, the dress up movie date, the suicides, the reckless train chicken match,

were the catalysts for the audience to think about what possibilities Phil could have done

the movie would have been ruined if they showed him raping/killing people

i don't think it was in phils character either to take it that far

i like to think i wouldn't bring myself to do such despicable acts if given the situation

i think most of us would at minimum have done the things illustrated in the movie

we all know we had thoughts of what else woudl you do given repeating immortality

but that kind of character is not who phil is

What if the loop never ended? what would Phil end up doing?

Even if I had looped for years and years, I still wouldn't have done anything that crazy, because I'd always think 'what if this time, it doesn't loop?'

so much this

i might not have even gone as far as stealing from the armored truck desu senpai

Thanks for forever destroying my time looping dreams.

Why didn't he actually learn math and science and use the infinite amount of time available to him to push humanity a thousand years into the future?

As you can tell by the re-used sets, they didn't have the budget for that.

we live in a perpetual time loop and you heya faggots still hvent done anything worthwhile
aside from sneedpost of course

I would never stop the loop until I'd raped every woman within a day's drive of that town.

what if he only got 3 retries and died after the third