hey whuts up
>locked up with loons and retards for being an intellectual and eloquent black gentleman
How is this fair?
When will John Xavier be recognized for his talent?
wyyaaayyrah huhu
sort of want
Yea Forums meetup
Absolute mad lads
Which was the one who screamed?
Louis devoting an entire documentary to male accused rapists and telling their “truths” without hearing the alleged victims’ sides. Fucking disgraceful. I never thought he would stoop this low. Fuck him and fuck the BBC for allowing this to happen.
It's already out and he interviews that mattress girl who made a career out of getting raped and hears her out. He wanted to interview the "victim" of that pajeet, but she refused. The pajeet also comes out of it looking at least sketchy.
You can't do political bait with Louis because he's not an overtly editorializing Michael Moore type.
Sounds based to me. Louis is truly and undeniably /ourguy/.
I'm pretty sure I'm more retarded than he is. He at least made something and uploaded it.
>tfw I sometimes wonder if I'm just so retarded I'm not even aware of it
>Hi etsubatsu.
He greets the whole room. Thing is, what you're seeing as autistic is actually him setting the dominance hierarchy in order. This towering person descended from the stairs while everyone else was on the ground, holding a object similar to a golden chalice. Donned in nothing else but small undergarments, he is conveying to the people that he is the emperor with his new clothes. Etsubatsu is critical here, because in its core, it's just everybody. He disregards the intimate side of greeting, and just says "everybody". That is enough to address that he has acknowledged the room, while not forfeiting his dominant position by giving unnecessary pleasantries. Louie does not understand this, and in a lapse of judgement tries to regain the "God's" favour, by pointing at himself and redundantly repeating his name, as if it's something that a God should be bothered with. Joey understands that subjects must be kept content, so he immediately commands "Patience!" and then addresses Louie personally.
This is the furthest thing from an autistic simpleton, he has in that small allotted time shown the people he is the one in charge. Furthermore, when he shows his volatile side by exploding in a maelstrom of carnage, this is him showing the people that he is capable of warding off danger. Pulverizing his head in a flurry of hits, he says that even he isn't exempt from the woes of man and if need be, will destroy himself if the situation ever came to such a critical point. This man is a God.
Lose some weight John
>I follow JXC on Instagram
Would you guys be able to tolerate him or would you be forced to give him away?
Imagine what would happen if that walking vegetable's brain were to ever spark up and connect to his cock and give him the urge to fuck. There's nothing his weary old mother could do to stop him.
happens all the time, got friends who work at a mental hospital and she says family dont come visit the tards because they are all incestuous rapists.
I imagine there's very little that could be done to stop an enormous borderline braindead autist in a full blown tard rage who is hellbent on getting at the pussy once he gets a whiff of a broad's cunt.
the worst retards never are, thats how i know im not at the absolute bottom of the barrel
Fat Autism Beaner, always funny.
underrated post
Serious ChrisChan competitor here.
Gih gih gih gih
Except for JXC is awesome while Chris is a fucking retard fag
I have a lot of respect for her patience. Poor woman has probably never taken a vacation since having this tard.
Wish he didn't delete his channel. Wonder what he's up to.
We had a neighbor like this growing up. But not fat. He favorite thing was to ride around on his massive tricycle nude, when he could escape the house. He was about 17 then. Built like a linebacker, too, and strong as fuck. He was never violent, but living near them was like living near a zoo, in the middle of the night, in the summer, with the windows open, you could hear him hooting to the moon in the language of his people.
chris was driven mad by just being the man for the job, found at the right time in the right place for incessant internet harassment. it could've just as well have been another internet autist like uli or justinrpg or this guy
Chris is awesome, in his own special lolcow way. And that fat fuck who cuts milk jugs with his katana to be ready for booglurs.
But going on a Girlfriend Quest, that's Chris' territory.
More autism, and about 500 lbs?
Not really that simple, Uli wasn't anywhere near as delusional and un-self-aware as CWC
This is her fault.
Truly a fascinating creature
phoneposters shouldn't ask "what should be done with tards?"
You are correct about this Uli and JRPG are both autists with different levels of exposure and strange behaviors. Uli though has shown that while he is an autist, he is capable of some things Chris could not. JRPG is slightly closer to Chris Chan in a sense but with much less self documentation which is what really jump started CWC's internet stardom. JXC has a lot of videos besides the book of love that are honestly awesome youtu.be