Kino commercials?
Kino commercials?
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Come find meeeeeeeeee
not even the best one in the commercial
Whenever I watch asian commercials like this I feel like they are parroting what they think it would be like to have emotions but are actually incapable of feeling things
do people still use this gimmick?
this is my kind of thread!
what's with Asians and ending shit with a swerve?
designer mutts in ads is hilarious
I know what you mean. It's like they have uncanny valley emotions, almost human but different enough to seem weird
iPhone + mutt = ???
Take it back. I'm not gonna tell you again.
How could you forget mai waifu Yea Forums??
harland williams is a pedophile?
how could you plebs forget the classic
Why are Thais so good at emotional manipulation?
Likes to "travel"
That's why I'm asking a kid that just finished off a box of Tide pods if I should marry her.
She's so hot
Foreign commercials with blatant racism are kino.
they don rikey brack peepole
lmao that's a classic
if he had the ability to make a realistic human suit, why wouldn't he make one to look like a kid? silly rabbit
>all the asian actors and actresses in the commercial have caucasoid eyesm brow ridges, and nostrils.
Why do Asians hate themselves so much and why are white Americans gods?
this one gets me too
blacks do have a very... particular... smell to them
Those are Filipinos
jesus christ
>Kino commercials?
Found the American wallowing in his consumer dystopia like a fat pig happily living in it's own excrement.
One of my favorite commercials ever was for Coke Zero. One of the Coke guys finds out that his partner was secretly drinking Coke Zero behind his back. But I've never been able to find the video. Can anyone help me out
Had a based black housemate in my latter two years of college. No smell, but he himself brought up that it's the black diet that does it. His family was pretty well off (no smell, healthy diet I guess), but his extended wasn't, and he said on Christmas it would stink to high heaven.
Found the jealous poster from a country not even worth mentioning due to its irrelevance.
Perhaps the greatest fast food commercial
>it's the black diet
Dem spices tho
They don't work well together.
had these dudes in it. but the specific one i'm talking about had the guy with glasses seeing the other dude sneaking a Coke Zero at his cubicle
I'm guessing he meant whatever goes in. Probably the spices though.
wow thats really interesting, i gotta be honest i dont really know what blacks eat but they must gravitate to whatever it is worldwide
Lint licker
I wonder why....
Is that fucking Elliot Rodger
Cootie queen
Pure comfy kino
Like this video, which the animal who did the chasing posted to twitter to prove that the tiny Asian woman he terrorized was racist:
Lemme guess this is him trying to prove how racist they are even though he's acting completely obnoxious and creepy around strangers in public.
>left hover hand + pinched fingers combo
>right hand struggling to push her away
dat one-two
the uncontrollable cringe reaction is just the icing
That was my first thought, which reminded me of:
Screaming in the middle of night and chasing someone down an alley is really going to show them. You can't make this shit up kek. What's going to be the next iteration? Same scenario, but he rips her clothes off, gets into the position to rape, and then says "See rayciss, you thought I was going to do it but I wasn't. Fuck whites and asians."
at the BEACH
>2 second cut to her at a beach
>it's the only beach shot
lmao my brother and I make fun of her all the time I'm glad it's not just us
Anyone who's been to Korea/Japan (and I'm assuming China + rest of modernized Asia) knows it's more reserved and formal than the west. What a dumbass.
Ya'll lost
>Floyd Mayweather disrespecting Jeremy Lin because he is Asian? Dude, come back when your people learn how to be human
Fucking based
Yes. You must go through a very formal courtship ritual and get her family's approval before you fill her vagina with live eels.
>I wonder why Asians don't like blacks
A different era indeed.
>that cringe
Fucking kek
>Groom wasn't white
what a waste of fucking time, delete this
You guys know this commercial was just made to bait incels into getting into a rage about "interracial dating" at the beginning of the ad and then switching on them, right?
Alright thanks for fucking me up, OP
The real shame is that Floyd couldn't read it.
the kinoest of all:
kek, though I meant commonalities in public smartass
Blacks do have a "unique" smell
...did they not make the nigger's mouth move digitally? oops.
No, idiot faggot. This commercial was made unironically in China and was subject to mass criticism in the western media.
>that woman assumed i was a scary creature just because i was big and black...ILL SHOW HER BY CHASING HER AND GROWLING!!!!
the logic is sound here.
Don't worry about commercials: reality is on your side.
>missing the point
At the start of the ad, you are meant to be enraged, shocked and disgusted by seeing a black man about to kiss an asian woman. And then she throws him into the washing machine and he becomes asian and you think "ah, everything went better than expected"
It's literally designed to play on your sense of outrage.
Come Home, White Man.
"volkswagen: for chicks and betas"
how could you forget Rachel?
>go to Asian country
>act like a large aggressive ape
>why do they hate us so?
Come Home White Man
literally one google search will show that this was made ironically
bro i'm fucking fried right now and this fucked me up
what message is this commercial trying to send?
Can /fit/ get me to these levels?
No, dispshit. You're missing the point. Just look up the story of the ad and you'll see that your moronic theory is just you talking out your ass. There was no underlying message in this ad other than black people=dirty.
Looks like Tyler the Creator. He's probably just fucking around, because he likes to fuck around. You guys are assuming way too much.
I wish we could go back
I'm not white you fucking cumskin, there ain't no home for me to come to
haha nah
all he literally says is
>guess where im from
>guess where im from
>guess where im from
So? Don't be niggerish in public full stop.
>still missing the point
None of anything that you said contradicts my theory.
>It's like deciding to amputate a limb from gangrene. It has to be done, the patient will feel better afterwards
Maybe you should do a second search, idiot:
It isn't an unknown fact that Asians in general have aversions to particular races and countries.
could she be any more based? no. none more based.
chill its Tyler the creator
he hates niggers too
C'mon, there's a place for everyone, user.
That's really obviously not Tyler
Your theory is 100% wrong, you lazy cunt.
More power to them, wish the west was like that.
>that ending
Oh wow
Point is, you're trying to add this extra layer or "blacks are always complaining" or "blacks acting like they always have something to prove". Like, Tyler is just weird guy, that likes to be weird.
It really does look like him. Even has his colorful style. If it's not him, then who is it?
why does anyone act like this kind of shit is even remotely acceptable or comforting?
How could you all forget?
Okay, then don't go to countries that are know to be conservative and conscious of public face and act like a nigger.
>tfw no qt3.14 korean gf
I don't know there's like 2 billion niggers
None of anything that's posted in that article contradicts my theory either. The ad is targeted to Chinese audiences, who will naturally be disgusted by interracial relationships. So at the start of the ad, it shows a black person about the kiss a Chinese woman, which will naturally fill the audience with disgust. Then she throws him in the washing machine and out comes a Chinese man. The audience is relieved and their perception of the company is improved.
You are only thinking of the ad one way because you have the perception of a liberal westerner who has been taught that racism is evil. It's not targeted towards you, so your interpretation is going to be different than who it was intended for.
it was a joke dumbarse. do yourself a favor, don't get married.
I guess you were right, to think of it. thanks.
Go tweet that at Tyler. Why are you making it an everybody problem?
Dude, I literally just found it googling "tyler the creator japan". He's walking up to people asking "guess where I'm from?"
it actually is
>"You're my present this year."
oh god yes
What the fuck are you on about now? I was the one arguing that it's racist and you're the one saying no, it was done ironically.
Stop trying to Wabbit Season/Duck Season the argument, you brainlet.
But he's acting like the "inner city" stereotype, and then bitching that people treat him as such. It's a logical flaw to self fulfill a societal construction, and then say "just a joke" with the expectation that it will break the construction. I.e. it only reinforces the stereotype, even if it's just comedy.
I was only pretending to be retarded
Kill yourself, bong.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>I was the one arguing that it's racist and you're the one saying no, it was done ironically.
Please point out and link the post where I said it was done "ironically"
I will wait. You can't because I never said such a thing.
No sweat, user.
Sure, and then you'll say "oh that wasn't me".
Fuck you, retard. You clearly missed what I was saying either way if you think I wasn't arguing that the ad was 100% racist (and that's a good thing).
>But he's acting like the "inner city" stereotype, and then bitching that people treat him as such.
No he's not, you schizo. You just concocted that scenario in your brain. Are you mental?
He's doing essentially a Tom Green skit on his free time.
Lol that is a horrible, horrible commercial. Based Nastia still the goat
>ripping on black chicks singing
thats a step too far lady, black girls singing is fucking GOAT.
Oddly I can't find it on YouTube.
fucking rekt by underfed kids LMAO
He's saying you have a skewed perception of "racism" due to liberal bullshit. I.e. it's the reason insults at white people tend not to work, since I really don't give a shit and have a sense of humor. Try going to any Asian country and making fun of their eyes: they will laugh and say you have "fish eyes". This is all to say that the assertion goes the opposite direction - the chinese don't expect people to be such sensitive pussies when it comes to joke.
nice b8, it is him
>Sure, and then you'll say "oh that wasn't me". Fuck you, retard.
It's not my fault you are so low IQ that you can't differentiate writing styles and conflate everyone who disagrees with you as the same person. You can't point out the post where I said the ad was ironic because I simply never said that.
>You clearly missed what I was saying either way
Maybe if you are a poor communicator, your first instinct shouldn't be to immediately lash out at rage towards anyone who points something out and you have the mistake impression that they disagree with you.
>Walking around screaming in asian's faces
>just a skit
Go back and read . I clearly stated that irrelevant of whether it's a comedy skit or not, those people do not care: his behavior is just reinforcing stereotypes. It's his right to do it (I don't care either way), but it's just adding to the social construction.
Skit or not, the public isn't in on the 'joke' of yelling in random people's faces.
That's where the real bitterness comes from. She's mad that she'll never sing as soulfully as a black woman. Asian people are ants, and lack a real heart and soul, so they have nothing to reach for, when they sing. It's all just technical ability. No raw power. No force of emotion.
>tfw no 70iq qt3.14 korean gf
The jazzy part gets me every time.
I don't care what he's reinforcing. This scenario where he's "bitching that people treat him as such" didn't happen. You're lying. You're making up scenarios in your mind, and then getting mad at him about it. Fucking delusional shizo fuck.
That's what makes it funny. The fact that they're uncomfortable by his mere presence, is hilarious. He gets it. He's having fun. You're the one being a pissant about it.
No. Fuck off
I'm not pissed, I was more pointing to the fact that if you are wondering why there is a general negative sentiment against blacks in Asia, you don't even need to pull up crime rates - you can point to incompatible behaviors, on a macroscopic scale. I'm not saying whether it's good or bad, nor do I care about Tyler the creator, again, either positively or negatively
Here's a good one.
>"having fun"
>yelling in people's faces like a Neanderthal
I can't figure out why anyone wouldn't love that.
Literally the model of Nico in DMC5
please help me
Don't make me post brad pitt
She cute
>I was more pointing to the fact that if you are wondering why there is a general negative sentiment against blacks in Asia
Oh, now I'M wondering why Asians are adverse to blacks. You're fucking nuts. That was never the topic of my discussion. Now you're creating a strawman for me too. Get back on your meds, crazy.
The point isn't "Asians should find this hilarious too! They're in on the joke!" The point, is that Tyler isn't acting like a victim. He's making his own fun, and *probably* doesn't care what they think. This idea you guys tried to concoct, about a bitter black man being upset at Asians for being adverse to them, is completely made up. You just wanted something to feel smart about.
>thread is originally about good commercials
>thread derails into argument about the social graces of black people
Blacks live rent free in Yea Forums's head
she cute
fuck off incel
The /pol/ takeover is real. It's this bad in Yea Forums too. Every other thread, is arguing about blacks, or trannies, or feminists, or whatever group /pol/ disagrees with.
1877 Kars for Kids
K A R S Kars for Kids
1877 Kars for Kids
Donate your Kar Today
>and *probably* doesn't care what they think
Well he should, he's in their country.
I think we're disagreeing about 'black people playing the victims against Asians'. I never said that in this thread, nor am I seeing anyone else having said that by a quick scan of the thread (could still be in here somewhere though). I was merely saying to some other anons that's it's not a mystery why there is a general animosity from Asians.
Don't you ever get tired of wagging your finger?
I'm not here to argue what he should or shouldn't have done.
>social graces
Not my fault japs hate niggers
>before the "/pol/ takeover" Yea Forums was generally racist and would shit on blacks whenever they came up
>after the "/pol/ takeover" Yea Forums is still generally racist and shit on blacks whenever they come up, but now people try and argue against it when it happens
oy vey what a takeover.
t. /pol/ invader revisionist
Yea Forums was always racist for a while user, don't try to sugar coat it.
>he tries to prove a post saying blacks live rent-free in his head wrong by continuing to talk about black people
Did anyone post the incest coffee commercial?
The first three posts I responded to.
here here and here The first one was more vague. Maybe he doesn't believe into the whole playing victim thing. But certainly, the second and third posts are directly stating that blacks act obnoxious, and then in turn, play victim. That's the only thing I disagreed with. I don't care about whatever else.
>t. thinks browsing since 2015 qualifies him as an "oldfag"
You should go back to r*ddit desu.
>whatever group *rational people disagree with.
I don't think it's /pol/ boogeyman, nor do I think that political content should be on overwhelmingly on these boards. However, I do think it's a general response to the overwhelming amount of conspicuous propaganda found in western media nowadays. These conversations didn't happen before because there was little-to-no insidious propaganda in the past - the name of the game was entertainment. Not so much nowadays (thus why films and television tends to get worshiped on here when political content/virtue signaling is avoided in said show/film). I'm saying this as someone who doesn't go on /pol/ but is also is sick of the bullshit pushed by western studios, usually to deflect from how poor the content quality is nowdays (ex Captain Marvel has looked like shit since the first trailer, but Disney has deflected to "you hate women if you don't like this" to avoid that assertion).
The Japanese truly are creative with their shows.
i bet he have skin cancer...look at that california bimbo tier tan
>A fucking 2 minute commercial
nigga, make it 30 seconds max or get out.
I posted so makes sense after reading the latter two, albeit while I agree on the second, I think the third is the typical "why do they hate us" that comes up not just with asians, but every other race juxtaposed to blacks. Fair enough, though.
holy kek
No user. This is a thread about commercials. And then someone said Asian commercials are racist kino. And it snowballed from there. There's literally no reason to post stuff like this or this as it does not pertain to the thread.
Maybe you don't want to define it as /pol/(even though it's clearly the result of /pol/'s prolonged propaganda) But at the least, it's completely unwarranted, and disproportionate in many, many, TOO many cases.
I'm not even a footfag, and I'm loving it.
>ugly random white dude get this reaction
>skilled athlete cream of the crop average black gets this reaction
This happens in white countries too, it's just more subdued.
>b-but blacks seeing racism where there is none!
nice jaw shaving
>I think the third is the typical "why do they hate us" that comes up not just with asians, but every other race juxtaposed to blacks.
Maybe. But it still didn't apply to the situation. He just wanted to complain about black crying victimization, with the thinnest of premises to go on.
It was a magical time on Yea Forums
Well /pol/ is obsessed with asian women, because asian women love western men. Since /pol/ is full incels, asian women are their only option
Now this is cuckkino.
t. someone that's never had a good sock rasslin with the boys
>b-but blacks seeing racism where there is none!
Pic-related is gay but the same idea: are people not allowed to have sexual preference anymore?
how can you tell?
that's fair
Begone, Arby's hussy.
Everytime, like clockwork.
A racial sexual preference is literally just racism.
If you're not sexually attracted to X race, you're literally a racist. Even if you're not consciously aware of it, your instincts are saying that you believe that the genes of that race are a net detriment and ultimately you want their race to disappear.
You can't really control it so you can't be blamed but it's definitely racist.
Can we get back on topic, guys. How based is Japan?
because they all have the same fucking chin/jawline
So I can be sexually attracted to the color of their hair, eyes, lack of body hair, teeth/smile, size of lips, face (skull structure), ears, nose, body form, fitness, etc, etc,etc. But skin tone, I must turn a blind eye? Gotchya.
she's so fucking thirsty and he's so cringed out, this clip always cracks me up
Not him. But I think it's racist if you don't leave room for exceptions. Because everyone has preferences, and that's cool. But a preference isn't something that excludes all other options. It just means you favor some things over the other.
Excluding all other races, with no exception, is racist.
On a genetic level, lack of sexual attraction to someone of the opposite sex means that you think they are a net negative to the gene pool if you were to mate with them.
>But skin tone, I must turn a blind eye?
You're a retard and need to get over your victim complex. I literally said in that post that it's blameless. Fucking idiot.
I love how many plain japanese idols there are
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Especially about Filipinos, who are more American than some Americans.
See this is the fundamental difference with Western and Eastern thought on discrimination vs racism. Racism is a nonexistent concept in the east: i.e. it's not even to be concerned with because it was a term invented by the Bolsheviks to describe class structure and struggle for purposes of promoting Marxist doctrine. *Discrimination is abhorred and castigated. It's pretty sad to cry "raycis" because someone has no intention to fuck you out of their personal preference, and try to imply there's something wrong with them choosing to not fuck you. They literally can pick any reason under the sun, and it would still be respectably acceptable, except, of course, to the modern liberal like yourself. Very odd logic.
They're basic Filipinos. That's how some of them look. I dont understand your point here.
I don't think I've watched a single Filipinos commercial. And my dad married a Filipino woman, with all the foreign channels. What are they like?
you can be attracted to whoever you want, its the hatred part that makes something racist. if you find ____ girls more attractive than other girls, thats fine, but if you hate the other girls because they don't look like the ____ girls then you're a dick head.
It's actually worth it to watch the whole thing.
It's pretty sad that you're applying morality to racism and projecting that behavior on to me.
It's incomprehensible to you that someone can hold the belief that racial sexual preferences are literally racism but also that it's not something that morality can be prescribed to.
Quite literally: it is what it is.
Ask your mom.
How will be resolved with the latter of ? I'm thinking basedboys of all races will use to pressure women for sex, or else they are a
Hell, maybe women can use the excuse, too.
Guys, GUYS calm down! There's enough asian women and hapas to go around for everyone, gee whiz.
>they gave the marionette boob physics
how did i not notice this before
I agree with that interpretation, but I also agree with
>I'm thinking basedboys of all races will use (You) to pressure women for sex
I have no clue where you are getting that belief from, considering that all the look-ist type of moments (fat acceptance) are pretty much ran by women for womens benefit.
She's not my mom.
I get the joke. I just felt compelled to clarify.
Which do I choose? Tough call.
>asian bros getting on the latina train
do they know something we don't?
The left would never fuck you, because you look like the right.
And the right would never fuck you, because she can do better than a Yea Forums poster.
>so how will this help us sell burgers?
Wow, it's kind of like American dance, except more stilted, and with less hips. How fascinating.
Unironically, I think "asian women" are a tough market even for asian men. Notice the top left of the "Women responding to Men" or just go on that subreddit with asian men complaining about asian women for 5 minutes. I think unless you're the cream of the crop in Japan and Korea, you can have a tough time.
That expression and hover face on the second hug
C'mon user why you gotta be like that?
Now doesn't this just make you want to go out and buy Maltesers?
"Missed Opportunities" can be a hell of a burden. I almost feel bad for him, but he should have been able to see the signs from the start.
I don't even know. Something about your post irked me. Oh that's right. I come to Yea Forums, and it's a constant drone of the same talking points, and I'm sick of it all, and so I'm in the mood to be mean.
It's sincere and fun. Don't be so jaded. Asian girls just wanna have fun.
Having fun in the sun, on my new Dirt Racer!
Will posting more asian cutties cheer you up, senpai?
Everything asians do, is calculated. It's all about posturing. And knowing the right moves to make in order to gain the approval of others.
koreans are such faggots
why did maltesers do this?
I don't know if that's a critique of their sincerity, but rather I think it's a testament to their high IQ.
No. I'm in a shit mood. But if you give me nothing to talk about, then what can I say? Asian posting is just as vapid as the Asians being posted. There's really nothing of substance there. Which in its own way, is irritating. This site lacks real substance.
el oeste... esta terminado..
Why do they like white men so much?
tf is wrong with his skin?
she actually cute tho
I try to give some quality content. Why are you in a shit mood. I can try to help if you want some advice?
Too much body-building tanning.
Fuck you for posting this.
>when white girls do it?
slut, whore, bitch, first world feminist
>when attractive white girls do it?
>when black girls do it?
n/a because we'd assume she'd do it anyway
>when indian girls do it
mudslime, pooinloo insults about 'she must stink', or indian-girl fetishfags come out shadow to ask for source
>when chinks do it?
elegant, oh she mustve practised, HAHA her embarassed reaction after was so cute, ah waifu material
you gotta be honest, Yea Forums are just assholes when it comes to girls. they cant win.
It's a critique in their sincerity. The reason Korean pop is so similar to American Urban culture, is that it's all about posturing. Except when black Americans do it, it's a form of expression. The dances come out of them in a fury and explosion. Their bodies move in a way that's in flow to some unseen rhythmic force, that compels them.
And then Asians study that, decide which moves make them look the coolest among their peers, and practice it in a controls, studious fashion. The result being a stilted imitation. An uncanny expression, like what another user was saying earlier. I don't like it.
He's going to have skin cancer by his 40s
go back to /wsg/ please weeb
mmm larg boby
I take it your non-asian, and thus the expected jealous response?
How do I leave the site for good? All site blockers I've tried are easily disabled. Do you happen to know a version that would make it nigh impossible to return on my desktop.
tits or gtfo
I don't like either, but I'd gladly take kpop over american tribal dancing any day of the week.
indian-white, so your 50% correct.
Yeah, the recent stuff is getting to tribalistic for me too. It wasn't always like that. I want to rewind about 10 years, and try again from there.
mostly push up bra, partially no ass
do you have a keto version of that sandwich?
white isn't a race m8. slavs and anglos are completely different people.
I can say from someone nearing the end of medical school: it's not going to happen, albeit your time on it could decrease (I usually only go on ~once/week during exams). I'd work on some real life skills and hobbies. Also, try and go one whole week without Yea Forums - you will find it easier to avoid from that point forward (same goes for video games, television, etc).
I agree with the other user. If any other race was doing the same dance, you'd be disgusted, and talking about the degeneracy of western culture.
what the fuck, it's not even the same girl
Indians are like white women - mixed bag. You either get fun, wholesome, friendly women, or sjw, modern feminist types.
Because this guy gets it
Honest question, can you please give your definition of racism. Because I don't think it means what you think it means
I went without Yea Forums for a few consecutive months. It was pretty cool.
Problem is, my favorite hobby is on the PC, and Yea Forums is always a click away. I don't even have this place bookmarked. But that only means I've adapted to type the sign in the address bar more quickly.
>tfw haven't actually watched tv in over 10 years
>used to watch it every day
>but I still can't stop myself from playing video games all day
what gives? I have literally zero desire to watch television but the thought of life without video games is unappealing.
I agree. I could be wrong in saying this, but usually get the vibe that the majority of kpop dancing is fairly similar to early 2000's pop, in the sense of how degenerate it is. Like I want the sexiness and seductive hints, but I don't want the degenerate, overt pornography. Kills the vibe, imo.
Absolute kino
This was the most relatable commercial I have ever watched, fuck you OP. Not sure what I was trying to sell to me though
holy shit he's physically in pain
Flips are super overly emotional... but they’re not Asian... they’re island niggers
>t. femanon
You have to remember the majority of posters here are self loathing incels with masochistic tendencies who don't talk to females outside their family. Most are just happy you're giving them the time of day and see it as vindicating their fringe hierarchical dynamics. Also show tits or gtfo.
fuck you they have a fetish for us
I think racism is not only the hatred of other races, but also any unwarranted discrimination based on race.
Like I said, if you don't have at least an exception to the rule, then the only way that makes any sense, is if you either hate a race. Or you're simply applying an unwarranted filter on them. There's not one man who can say no to ALL of one race. That man simply hasn't come to terms with his hatred.
racism is a buzzword that doesn't exist. what racism actually is, is hatred coupled with ignorance. you can't reason with hatred and ignorance, which people don't like, so they came up with this non term called racism. BUT ANYWAYS
to me, "racism" is simply when you irrationally hate someone because of their physical appearance. the key word here being hate. you are allowed to like or dislike whoever the fuck you want, but if your reasoning for disliking or liking someone is only to do with their skin colour, then you're an idiot.
heres some further examples of what is "racist" or not "racist" in my eyes
>hey look at steve, what a black asshole he is
this isn't necessarily a racist statement, because steve might just be an asshole who happens to be black, therefor calling him a black asshole is warranted.
>hey its steve, fuck that nigger
this is clear racism and the person saying it obviously dislikes steve because he is black.
God I wish she'd hit me.
I did similar went I graduated undergrad and started medical school - told myself it was time to "grow up" and no more chins. I don't even watch television or barely any films (1-2 new per year) since the liberal bullshit and hollywood nonsense as basically forced me to avoid it. Most anything in moderation is acceptable, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself, unless you are wasting lots of valuable time on here.
Have you tried going a week without video games? I promise, if you can make it just one week, you will come to the conclusion for yourself - one week is usually ~enough time to partially reset one's dopaminergic reward circuit from particular external simulators (i.e. not drugs, but external input output). Give it a go - you can do it, user. I believe in you.
Why are yellow fever faggots so obnoxious? I came for a nice commercial thread and instead I have to put up with your retarded raceplay bullshit.
I don't know what you would call overt pornography. Unless you're talking about twerking. When I thinking of tribal dances, I'm not thinking of a sexy image. I'm thinking of these very base motions, that just have a very primal sense to them. Like the stuff Childish Gambino does. Is some straight African tribe shit.
Literally the opposite here, how the fuck do I get through all of these games?
*found the roastie
>prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Sexual behavior is the most telling of someones beliefs. Sexual instinct is literally you subconsciously saying: "I want more people like that to exist". If you interpret it fully, the lack of attraction also means "I want less people like that to exist" i.e. that persons genes are superior/inferior and worth/not worth reproducing.
Racism doesn't have anything to do with hatred or ignorance. It's just preferences. People have cultural, religious, and sexual preferences. Race is a component of those things.
its because girls are the ones doing the dancing user, 90% of women don't even try and do anything beyond "look at me and how sexy I am". and the funniest part about it is they don't do any of this to piss off or even attract men, they do it 100% to make other women feel bad about themselves.
>unless you are wasting lots of valuable time on here.
Lots and lots and lots. This place is a skinner box. And I'm weak.
So many gross roasties in this thread - very, very disrespectful.
racism is literally hatred and ignorance. what else could it possibly be? you are racist because you "hate" someone, you "hate" them because you are "ignorant" of who they are.
Honestly, that looks delicious. Kind of hard to insult someone by making their pussy look delectable.
>they do it 100% to make other women feel bad about themselves.
The old "women don't dress for men; they dress for other women" comment. I agree.
They're no different than niggers going "we stealing yo wimminz"
get out of here with your pleb philosophy.
You can think someone is inferior and want less of their kind around without hating them.
its the truth. i'd be willing bet money that half people trash talking brie larson right now are just other jealous roasties. like I didn't even know who the fuck she was until I saw 50 articles a day about her posted here, and even now I could give a fuck less who she is. you can't. if you think someone is inferior or less than you, then you are an ignorant twat. you aren't "racist" per se, but you are ignorant and full of hate.
Remember when Floyd challenged Fifty Cent to a fight and Fifty told him only if he agreed to a reading contest first? Fucking kek.
C'mon, I believe in you user. You're probably a smart guy, sound like a little bit of a doomer, which I once was. I still get down on myself, too, but I won't/can't afford to fall back into old habits again. Think about what's at stake, and forget the past; it's good to have regrets, but don't linger on it, since that's probably the most self-destructive thing you could do (ex "Why did I waste so much time in the past? I could have been finished with X, Y, and X"). You're gonna make it user. Just make a final commitment. I'm going to say a prayer for you whether you like it or not.
>muh ignorance
>muh hate
yeah not trusting an unknown random black person because you know the 11% does 50% of the crime meme isn't hatred. It's acting reasonably with known information.
Bruh, I remember you posting this about a year ago. Just call for the sauce on her already
I had a boss who married a Filipino woman while he was in the army and she was the first Filipino army wife I've ever seen that wasn't like an A. Wyatt Man's cartoon about Asian wives. Their kids were super cute.
your reasoning is literal textbook ignorance though. lets say for example, that only 1 colour of human existed on earth. people like you would still be stupid, ignorant, hateful, and most likely fat pieces of shit. people like you would still come up with arbitrary bullshit reasons to hate others, you'd say shit like "oh people with brown eyes statistically commit more crime blah blah blah". you aren't racist user, you're just a fucking idiot.
But what about the 50% statistic? That's not a bullshit reason anin, and I think you know it isn't bullshit because you didn't respond to it.
Prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism are all active, not passive. You could argue I guess that discrimination could be used in the sense if being discriminating when it comes to choosing apples without bruises at the grocery store. But just because I want my children to look like me, and I want my partner to look like me, doesn't mean I want fewer blacks or Asians or whatever in the world. I'll concede and say I am being "discriminatory" in my choosing a mate - but this isn't based on any belief that my race or skin color is any better or superior to another. You're mind reading dude.
That video doesn't really speak to me. Well, except the loneliness.
I'm not thinking about the past any more. I'm been very present in the moment as of recent. I just can't escape this fucking vortex. I wish there was a kill switch for some websites. Maybe if I install some kind of parental lock, and use a randomly generated password, I won't be able to undo it.
But it will require a lock that's embedded in the system. Not some weak browser extension.
Not that user, but I think you have a complete lack of understanding about how statistics can work. The important point about the crime statistic is that it's a significant number. If we take the scenario you presented, the strong assumption would be that crime across the board would have some numerical differences depending on the measurement tests, but the numbers would be tested to be "insignificant" and therefore no real difference. We laugh at your types because you have basically zero understanding of basic stem, and yet try to cite your causes in a scientific basis.
it literally is a bullshit reason you fucking moron. yes I don't deny that its a very real statistic, but even at 50% that means you should be able to logically and reasonably trust half the black people you meet right? if you were in a room with 10 black guys, statistically speaking 5 of them would try to kill you right? well what about the other 5? what if they wanted to help you but you called them all niggers so the 5 good ones said fuck it and let the 5 niggers shank you?
Just force yourself for one week - it will partially reset the NT release in your reward center. By day 5, you will not see the point of coming back anymore. I know you're going to do it.
I think we know which half we're talking to also
sauce me senpai
>doesn't mean I want fewer blacks or Asians or whatever in the world
I am arguing that on a genetic level that is exactly what it means.
Survival of the fittest is a zero sum game. And you, on some level, have judged that "people that look like you" are more fit to survive than people that don't. Looking at it from another view, the people that aren't like you, -aren't- fit to survive.
That is incredibly forward.
I'm a giant game of thrones fan, and the final season begins next month. Even if I escaped for a week, there's no way I could resist the massive GoT shitpost fest.
And I have been trying to leave. Kinda... It takes a certain fortitude that I don't have right now. I envy people who can just decided something and do it.
Youre telling me if you were walking down a street at night and up ahead there were 7 jacked africans chillin on either side of the sidewalk, that you would feel not even a twinge of alarm or caution?
We humans have teriffic pattern recognition, and it's like you're doing everything you can to undo eons of evolution in the name of wokeness.
I wish you well in the world, user. But I do hope you have a wake-up call. You can be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. No hate in that.
Limit yourself - 30 minutes after a GOT episode. 20 minutes every other night of the week. If you can't go cold turkey, which again I suggest is the best way from a neurochemical context, I say ration.
so are you trying to tell me that if those 7 jacked dudes were white, you'd be 100% at ease and not worrying about them jumping you? because that makes you a fuckin idiot user.
>You can be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove
well said
not that user but i'd feel much better if they were white yes.
I don't believe that humans really fit into survival of the fittest but that's another discussion.
Even if I judge that people that look like me are more fit to survive (I don't) then the "superiority" is hardly based in any sort of moral or ethical framework. Its evolutionary and completely without moral aspect at all. (Not talking about david duke types here). Because otherwise you'd have to start accusing every Bower bird and garden spider and every organism that selects by appearance of racism! What nonsense!
Such a lovely father/daughter moment.
you'd let your guard down? if you let your guard down because they were white, you're an idiot. if you don't let your guard down, then the first situation with them being black is irrelevant since your guard is up either way. just face the music user, you are an ignorant asshole.
Seek God.
I would tip my hat and say what's up my dudes. Of fucking course I would feel comfortable! My God your head is so far down in the sand it's incredible, unless you are baiting me in which case I tip my hat to YOU and say well done, my dude.
of course not, but i'd much prefer if they were white jacked guys than they were white.
than if they were black*