
The Orville begins in less than one (1) hour.

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>Will Seth canoodle a Krill?

Place your bets!

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Hasn’t this shit been cancelled yet?

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No one watches anything on network tv anymore except the masked fuckin singer

Add another nazi frog to the filter

>Fake big boss's beard
>Not his tash

post-ironic STD falseflagposters are my favorite posters

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Stopped watching after the 3rd bortus is gay episode

Enjoy your STDs

Quality original banter Orshills, enjoy your dated, tired, cheap ripoff.


Two of the few things I watch, and they had to put Brooklyn Nine-Nine opposite Orville. Good thing for DVRs.

Will do.

Anyone else feel bad for the crews of all the other ships that got destroyed. Especially the scenes where their bridges got targeted. That must be terrifying to see the ceiling explode and you either get vaporized by the heat, pulverized by the blast, or die in the vacuum of space.

I did too, but Yea Forums said that the two-parter was kino so I gave it a second chance. Glad that I did, "Identity" was indeed very good (and featured no faggotry whatsoever)

I tried to watch B99 after the NBC buy and just couldn't enjoy it.
Maybe it was just me but I hope it hasn't changed too much.

Kino bump

Pre-kino bump


The fact that we are getting Orville calenders for 2020 gives me great hope for S3


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Anyone else hoping that best girl will be joining the crew?

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Thanks, bro.

I hate waiting through this trash called Gotham for The Orville

Punished Bort

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>limited commercials
yea right


Based Yaphit getting a medal of honor

So will Bortus do some gay shit tonight or just some homo shit?

Gotham had potential in the first season but there were some red flags like Jada Pinkett Smith.

>Krill episode

Congrats Yaphit

I never tire of punished Bortus.
You guys ready for this ep?

>it’s a chubby krill housewives episode

I hope Isaac acts 100% normal like nothing happened.

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Gotham is one of the best shows on tv.

Norm getting promoted.
Shows how the show has payoff for introducing Yaphit all the way back in season 1.

based Norm

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You wouldn't

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Krill alliance!
INB4 Krill are being tricky.

I can only see Ted Danson as Michael from The Good Place.

that wasn't a promotion, it was a medal

Most knowledgeable person on the subject: Whaat? Why pick us for this??
I hate when they do this shit

>Bortus in the OP
You disgust me.

>The Orville is Seth's Good Place

What's Krill pusy like?

How is he supposed to know there isn't someone else with more contact?

How can this not be a ruse? Didn't something almost exactly like this happen already or am I misremembering

What, you wanted to put one of those degenerate heteros there?


Who's Orrin?


The Orville's hangar design seems so awful.

>let's make you dodge and weave every time you need to dock or depart

dammit I always miss the beginning

first live thread since season 1
good to be back lads

Orville trading cards too.

No, I'd wait until she woke up.

Where's Isaac?

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>gordon episode

where's the moclan porn
that gangbang simulation was hot af

Captains are supposed to be up to date on what's going on. Unless it's something really covert he should know about most of the major dealings with the krill.

Shills leave.

I know. Triggers me everytime there's a docking scene.

the fuck you talking about, there's been one for every episode in season 2

Luke Skywalker ripoff

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Welcome aboard!

>Mike Henry

Yo is that Kaz Miller as the Krill captain?

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Robin Atkin Downes and John Fleck as guests, holy shit.

Is the doctor a fucking baby lol wha not. Wha happan

Suck my cock nigger gotham is cool

>Best friends
Gordon wasn't best friends with Seth?

Discount Agent Coulson

Same here.

Ayo gurl was yo problem??

I'll bet a fiver on it

Not Talia going to cause an international incident

What do moclans do for urine samples

lol butts

Ight bet

What the FUCK is wrong with you, NotAlara?

D-Do you like me yet, /orville/? Even a little?

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We /maquis/ now?

I kind of side with the Krill right now.

eat the cup

How come it's not playable on fox's webiste yet?

Gordon really cucked this shit up for Ed.
Just hand Orin over.

>torture a guy and his family in prison for years
>he escapes and goes on a rampage
>grr how could he do this you humans are terrible

>It's another Bortus gay joke episode

This is good acting

Do I have to wait until 10 to stream this or something? wth

The acknowledgement that there has been wrongdoing on both sides.
I have no real idea where this episode is going though.

No, that's ridiculous. There's no extradition agreement with the Krill, like Ed said. What's great about this scenario is that it puts a possible peace treaty in the hardest possible scenario.


>during a ceasefire

Too bad, he is also an obvious liar. He is willing to throw peace away for his petty as fuck vengeance.

Wait...isn’t this the plot to Star Trek: Beyond?

I have no idea idea where this is going.

Is this episode a metaphor for mobile gaming addiction?

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What the hell did that mean?

>Patriotism is only for people with large families


I was sucked into it. Wasn't even thinking about it until you mentioned it.

>You'll get laid now
It was that alien

Patriotism is only for people with large families?????

Back to the writers desk, Seth.


just a kalimba with a projector on it

Looks like the Orville takes place in the same continuity as Futurama

well the nation is an extended family


Based Orrin
Redpilled Orrin
Patriot. Orrin

Only if you do bikini scenes

He did it and his daughter is the weapon

I was just about to say this.

is it wrong to want to fug the spooky girl?

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Punished Orrin

The weapon is in her cooch and it’s gonna explode on a helicopter...I mean shuttle

why else would river tam exist?

That's alien accent was great.


That's code for dying for your country. And he's right, if you have a small family you can't afford much dying.

We all agree that this is the worst character on the show and it has nothing to do with his skin color, right?

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Not-Alara does Alara better than Alara.

Talla > Alara

FACT: Every single one of Talla's scenes would be improved if played by Alara instead.

Because she’s tough and that’s her job. I could never take the cute girl seriously...she never exuded toughness

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wtf spoilers

He pisses me off every time he's on screen. Lt. Plank of Wood

Can't they just ask the Krill for the evidence?

She's never been on Earth, Gordon. She doesn't know what the Statue of Liberty is.

Wow, another great FOX-owned movie!

Tala isn't written like Alara, so no. They cast an older actress and she plays a much more confident, less quirky character.

He just has nothing to do, he has no story potential at all.

why are they still watching pan n scan movies in the future?

nu-alara is alara with no personality

They just don't give him enough to do, even when they focus on him.

Too bad she doesn't have much of a personality besides being tough and angry.

>showing Planet of the Apes to a mentally traumatized person

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Calling it now, the daughter's some kind of psychic

>has nothing to do with his skin color
yea right.
Nothing wrong with him other than he is under used

Where is this ep going?

He’s literally token. Not funny, no personality except he’s black...that’s his thing.

god, I hate when people in shows set in the future only watches 20th century films

because the classics can't be beat

Wow Gordon is being a child. Again.


I think Gordon went to "you're jealous" as a defense mechanism because he doesn't want to believe Mercer or the Union would willingly sell his friend down the river.

>"We shouldn't even be talking with these butchering fundamentalists"

Theme of the episode. It's good. This is DS9 level.

Darth Vader is Luke's father

You’re right, but for her position she fits better. Was it really that hard to find a chick who’s good looking and tough and has personality ? Someone like a younger Lucy Lawless for instance.


>nothing wrong with him
You don't really believe this do you


That's when all the best movies were made
It's like how the best music is from the 16th century

Not him, I am a black guy. But he really hasn't shown to have much in the way of potential stories. He did the one thing he could go and switched to engineering and since then, nothing. He isn't funny and he is pushed as the "cool" guy when he comes off as just lame. Really nothing to do with him being black, just a pointless "main" character.

He's not doing that too well.

Alright scumbag, hand over that fiver.

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>I am a black guy.
I believe you

Wish they could clone Idris and just put him into every black man role on tv.

You know, there's no winning there. Either they do that or make some hokey hard to believe fake movie with seemingly no cultural significance to a modern audience.

The Blasto stuff from Mass Effect works because it's a parody of action films of a particular period on Earth and because it's a big stupid jellyfish, just as an example.

The only other alternative is Holodecks referencing high minded literature to elevate the culture.

Also whatever the fuck was up with Tom Paris and the 40's movie serials.

I think it's the actor, he isn't very good at delivering comedy lines.

You said the same thing to me last week.

But there are legit good black men actors, hell this guy would be good if he had something to do.

Well, I guess it's true in a sense. It's well known that the actor is a friend of Seth, and not a trained actor. He is useful for Seth in 2 ways:
1) He ticks a diversity box (which is NOT a bad thing in my opinion) without warranting a serious actor's salary,
2) This role could lead to a bigger career for him
My point was, if this guy was white and written/directed/acted the same way, he'd be just as bad.

Wasn't there an episode of Trek with O'Brien and a Cardassian Killin' Captain?

did you guys not recall when he was basically the love guru for half the ship?

He's not even an actor he's one of Seth's "good friends" that got a part in the show.


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black engineer is basically crusher in the tng movies at this point

I don't think they give him any good material to work with. I don't think he is a good actor but at the same time, he really has nothing to work with.

Like I said, they try to push him as "cool" but he comes off as lame. He can't even give a funny delivery when given the chance.

Who wants to bet this is all a ruse to find out how he does it, but then Orrin is able to still get out of the trap Seth sets for him. And it ends with the Orrvile destroying the shuttle Orrin is in and it actually jump starts the peace talks with the Krill.

But that’s the thing, you say they don’t give him any material, yet the material they do give him lands flat because he’s just not that good at delivery.

new allara is better because you could take her seriously...

old alara was too pretty to the point that it was distracting

The Orville really enjoys not letting you know how the episode is going to resolve until the very last moment.

>3 consecutive shots to the chest

So Red is Security, Orange is Operations, Blue is Command, and Green is Sciences?

There he finally is


To be honest I'm glad they toned down his wacky persona (the jokes, him humping a statue, etc.), I like the character as he is now but yeah I wish he would have more stuff to do.

Suddenly Isaac

Cmon this is a predictable set up. Mercer had no idea how to find out the plan, so this is a plan.

Isn't that a good thing?

And the reveal as soon as I posted this lol

Now THAT'S a twist

green is medical

>we won't see Teleya this week

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The disease is the weapon. Once again the girl being the weapon was predictable too.

According to this, he got moved because they felt like having him and Gordon doing the same thing was pointless, and redundant since the characters were so similar. So they just took the old characterization and replaced it with nothing.

>second twist
even nicer

The krill said they destroyed the ships. A bioweapon wouldn't do that.

green is also science, krillfu was their dark matter cartographer and she wore green

The material they give him is shit. He gets very little to do and the stuff they have him do is shit. He tries to act cool but it comes off as lame, he tries to say something funny but it falls flat. They need to go in another direction with him.

They just need to stop pushing him as cool and suave and it will be great. His character isn't bad per say but he really doesn't have much to do.

It's a Krill weapon; the Krill are behind it all.
There will be no peace.

You don’t think a biochemical weapon can wipe out hundreds of people quickly?


so basically shes that one kazon to blew up in voyager

Suck it faggot, the blood was a bomb


A bomb from Blood is a biochemical weapon u dumb fuck


>captain found my piss bottles

Its kind of obvious, Gordon had other traits though and he can actually be funny. They need to give him something else to fill the void of his personality.

That's mechanical.

>trackers haven't added the show yet
>last episode was up last week + 45 minutes ago

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>it’s a complex moral dilemma about the horrors of war episode
I thought this was a comedy?

But le black man is super smart...and apparently great with chicks


So was M.A.S.H.

still airing you retard

Like acting lessons


oof, another budget blaster


Nazi frog posters BTFO

Sound in space.

Cringe. I miss firefly bros...

Not him but apparently they get torrents out before the episode even airs. Someone posted one last week before the show started.

He can stay super smart, he is on a fucking union ship and half the people on the ship have some talent despite being goofy.

He would still need some material that isn't shit.

Yes, very kino.

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Wtf...now they’re friends just like that? After an immediate conflict?

This show has the fastest resolutions ever.

>the captain enters your personal quarters with his vest unzipped and asks to talk
What do?

the bad guy died
that typically resolves the conflict, yes

Firefly is one of the worst "sci-fi" shows out there
basically science fantasy or historical fiction

Male soldiers be like that

Oil myself up

It's a thematic choice you gotta commit to. But I do wonder if there would be a sound from an explosion's impact on a space suit

Depends, is the Captain a hot chick?

You make it sound like Male friendships are fragile glass

They always save the big final scene for the last couple minutes so they have to show the resolutions fast

I meant the treaty with the Krill.

>its a Gordon falls in love with a hologram episode

that was one of the most captain-level things Ed Mercer has ever done.

nigga can't act.

what happened to the fire blood girl??

Holodeck GF

Oh god, Gordon's pullin' a Barclay, isn't he...

>two weeks for next ep


>in 2 weeks
What the fuck

Definitely a holodeck gf

some say she’s still locked in that room to this day

No longer relevant to the story.
Probably still locked in that room.

Is there a holiday I missed that’s coming up?

Well they got justice for the dead Krill, their killer died which is what they were gonna do to him anyway.

Big sportsball event next Thursday

wonder what episode they'll rerun next week

Well, they figured out he was guilty and he was dead. Even in the Krill claimed they were lying, They could show footage of everything and the wreckage of the shuttle while handing over the alien girl.

The Krill's big hook was to see Orrin dead, Orrin was killed, so they got want Avis wanted.


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Well to get the Krill to believe what happened and sign without that guy's body, they would've had to at least explain what weapon he used

That would make her an accomplice and she probably got extradited

nah, it's a space ghost
yes, there will be a Space Ghost reference next episode
hopefully it's a Coast to Coast reference

Bortus gay porn simulator

Man, fuck sportsball.

according to guide on box: iHeartRadio Music Awards

She's in custody of the Union.

Going to be handed over to the Krill to be tenderly loved, and when I say that i mean tortured and executed. Not a Union crewman so they don't give a fuck about her.

yea, not to mention she threatened talla with a knife

my dad just preemptively walked out

I like that Talla got to be a badass and didn't just job like Worf always did

Their real big hook was to know how Orrin destroyed all those ships.

>Gayloniggers: biologicals are primitive. They only seek to expand and destroy. They cannot live in live in peace with others.
>Also Gayloniggers: lol let's expand and destroy all biologicals. We cannot live in peace with the others.

Day of the wrench when.

2 weeks for next episode. How do i cope?

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So now they’ll just weaponize it for themselves, rip nukebloods

I really can't imagine Alara being half as appealing in this episode than Talla was.

Talla > Alara.

The porn-stache doesn't really do it, but no homo the beard works for him.

>half as appealing
even if she got another sweaty weightlifting scene?

I agree. Talla is confident and clever. Alara seemed too much like a kid.

>Meet enemies to initiate a cease fire
>They won't hand over an asshole fugitive
>Asshole fugitive dies, mystery solved
>sign cease fire

>no homo

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It's a western with spaceships instead of horses.

Talla works as a different type if chief of security.
Alara would have never had that episode where she dates that Maclon engineer.
But it works better for Talla.
I still rather have Alara return though.

Alara was a retard, remember? That's why she was so naive.

>I like the character as he is now but yeah I wish he would have more stuff to do.

Nah he just sucks at acting and has no charisma. 99% of fall in this category.

Another good episode lads, maybe if they had less Bortus Gay episodes in the first 7 someone else besides Yea Forums would still be watching

This, Talla's the person who's been the job for years and knows how things work. Alara's still has doubts since she's knew.

>Lol me and my goofy holophone I'm such a virgin haha
*unsheathes plasma gun*
Nope, not buying it, Talla.

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I guess but she's so conventional.

The point of this character slot was the juxtaposition between extreme strength and a light girly personality. It's really boring with a gruff smoker's voice lady.

well, now the point of the character is to get shot in the chest every week

Talla is the best!

Alara is retarded for her species, probably bookstupid, but she's not retarded at security.

We all know they did no re-writing when they replaced hayden. That's why we still have a virtually identical character.


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This bitch is dumber than Alara lmao

>The Orville s2e11 "Lasting Impressions"
>The Orville crew members open a time capsule from 2015

That sounds boring af. "What's this? A fidget spinner? What the fuck?"

inb4 the fidget spinner is the model of the Discovery.



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What's the count now?

>time capsule
>it's full of cat memes

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Head of Security is a tough post

Also how many security officers died under Talla's command? Alara didn't have anyone die.
Why can't the invest in body armor when they need to defend the shift or set up a boarding party?

To be fair those officers would have died had Alara been in command because no one expects the Kaylon inquisition.

>Talla gets hit in the chest
>You now realize that if that was Alara the shot would have blown her midget head off

Watch STD and masturbate to Tiddy.

> "Friend"


i stopped on the first one rofl, not watching more homo propaganda from hollywood. It's a trash show anyway but I'm not spending time to brainwash myself while fully aware of it

Didn't her room explode?

No, they removed all the nitrogen from it before she blew

Ahh, I just rewatched it, I thought that when the forcefield came on it was containing an explosion in the room but it wasn't.

That Laura chick is probably a walking time capsule or something

Well, it was to contain an explosion if it happened, but it was a backup in case they couldn't disarm the girl. I actually like it, was a nice addition that added some thought to the writing

Talla went on a literal thot patrol when she took out Splosion Girl


>I do miss the pickle jar lines though
I don't. It was a dumb line and I'm glad it ended with her giving him a jar of pickles that were never to be seen again.

It does ask the question given how much more resilient her species is, would a knife even cause much damage or would she just be able to tense her muscles enough to minimize the cut?

dumb phoneposter

Well I just scratched deep into my asshole and smelled my scratching fingers so there

Desktop forever newfag.

>obvious autocorrect
>no, I'm just a retard!
yes, keep digging

Well they've been shot on screen twice and lived with medical attention

Humans have survived being shot zero times

This shot was just a stun though (commented as such in the dialogue).

Jokes on you, I AM retarded like Alria.

she's average in human terms. you're retarded like a retard.

And apologetically so. Durrrr

Did your dad walk out?

he was a little uneasy about the POW guy’s relationship with his “daughter” but I told him it was a plot episode so he stayed

Well, thanks to the ebin twist it wouldn’t have even been incest

Newlara sucks until we get a workout scene.

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sci and med are both green but have different badges

>everyone thought the orville was star trek with jokes
>it was actually m.a.s.h. in space
Bravo, Seth. Bravo.

Should have resigned from the Union and then gone on his one man rampage.

Maquis plot when